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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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Audioboxer got a bullshit month-long ban on ResetERA and he subsequently asked for his account to be deleted.
Month long

month long bans become a perma with the next "infraction" anyway. Dead man walking, might as well wait it out and suicide calling out thier pedo coverup. Then ask for the deletion.

What did he get banned for? He was one of a handful of regular posters who had actual logic in his statements and arguments. Was a great poster here and over there. I give him major props for having the energy to hold down his side of the fort in multiple hot threads. I noticed he had slowed his participation overtime and likely started to avoid the typical toxic thread. Figured after a while, you just get to a point that it's no longer worth the effort or energy.


What did he get banned for? He was one of a handful of regular posters who had actual logic in his statements and arguments. Was a great poster here and over there. I give him major props for having the energy to hold down his side of the fort in multiple hot threads. I noticed he had slowed his participation overtime and likely started to avoid the typical toxic thread. Figured after a while, you just get to a point that it's no longer worth the effort or energy.
This thread:

Audioboxer is

Deleted member 888
User requested account closure

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Gold Member
Post #163

That was enough to not only silence the poster but to decide that they couldn't post on the entire site :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_grinning_sweat: I mean.....


That is precisely the bottled up resentment of internet assumptions/accusations and going from 0 to 100 that quite clearly has Mike Pondsmith's jimmies rustled and has agitated a few in here. On Resetera it is banning or excluding people from being able to post, elsewhere on Twitter or wherever else it is accusing of the worst intent possible in order for accusations to go viral and people to be left upset and distressed. Whether its staff, creators or whoever it is.

All shapes and forms of what I see as internet radicalization. Many people aren't looking to talk or be challenged, or have to read/listen or maybe hold off on fearing the worst. They just seek confirmation bias and failing that, getting those who dared challenge them banned, smeared, accused and sent packing.

Listening to feedback and being questioned is part of the creative process, but some of the accusations and absolutism is hardly done in a way which can be taken in good faith. You're painted as evil from the start and then have to spend more time trying to clear your name than actually addressing concerns.
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This thread has it all. If there was ever a thread that summed up the current shitshow that is resetera in one go then this is it. Ridiculous bans, faux outrage, "tired" posters (its currently missing someone saying they need to "lie down"), calls for people to be banned for "wrong-think", the thread being locked only to be reopened again after mass banning, "read staff post" in the thread title, etc, etc.

Just incredible stuff. It's one for the ages.

Also, Mike Pondsmith is my fucking hero:


Fucking nailed it.
Based Pondsmith


This thread:

Audioboxer is

Deleted member 888
User requested account closure

I am not sure which would be the worst part to me of that thread being closed. The fact that apparently people are reporting each other, meaning that people are quite literally feeling that shook that they need to go phone it in to the gestapo or that they would blame it on "reports" to to cover up that the mods feel that their echo chamber is being compromised.


Unconfirmed Member
I am not sure which would be the worst part to me of that thread being closed. The fact that apparently people are reporting each other, meaning that people are quite literally feeling that shook that they need to go phone it in to the gestapo or that they would blame it on "reports" to to cover up that the mods feel that their echo chamber is being compromised.
The worst part of any thread closure on ClownWorld is that the display of stupidity and hypocrisy is ended.
But there is always another one on the way.


What did he get banned for? He was one of a handful of regular posters who had actual logic in his statements and arguments. Was a great poster here and over there. I give him major props for having the energy to hold down his side of the fort in multiple hot threads. I noticed he had slowed his participation overtime and likely started to avoid the typical toxic thread. Figured after a while, you just get to a point that it's no longer worth the effort or energy.

This thread:

Audioboxer is

Deleted member 888
User requested account closure


I kinda miss Audioboxer. It was sad to see him go with the flow when the Great Divide happened. He was one of the rare level-headed posters here ever when things were full on crazy. Good to see he has apparently continued being level-headed on Reset too. I hope he gets back here now that he's gone from Reset.


Reddit seems to be taking down anything related to it. Their mods ban anyone for "malicious trolling" when bringing it up, and ZhugeEX and his cronies are blocking anyone who dares ask about it on twitter.

They are desperately trying to cover up something that they seem to claim to not have an issue with.
Rats are panicking.


Here I sit still trying to figure out how REEE and their partners in progressive regression Rock Paper Shotgun could come up with "Transphobia" in the Cyberpunk 2077 advertising. Was it because the cock was so large? Or was it because the figure in question was not presented as a waif like anime doll? I genuinely do not understand.
I am not even going to get into the new wave of bluster over subtitles being too ethnic.

Fox Mulder

Here I sit still trying to figure out how REEE and their partners in progressive regression Rock Paper Shotgun could come up with "Transphobia" in the Cyberpunk 2077 advertising. Was it because the cock was so large? Or was it because the figure in question was not presented as a waif like anime doll? I genuinely do not understand.
I am not even going to get into the new wave of bluster over subtitles being too ethnic.

CDPR hasn't paid enough for their original offense. Nothing they do will be good enough.
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While Era deals with a pedo controversy, they decide to ban more games, this time two Gacha games

Might as well just ban anime altogether if friggin Kancolle doesn't pass the smell test.
Month long

month long bans become a perma with the next "infraction" anyway. Dead man walking, might as well wait it out and suicide calling out thier pedo coverup. Then ask for the deletion.

How many users will get banned there before Cerium notices his ad revenues dropping and changes course?



This thread has it all. If there was ever a thread that summed up the current shitshow that is resetera in one go then this is it. Ridiculous bans, faux outrage, "tired" posters (its currently missing someone saying they need to "lie down"), calls for people to be banned for "wrong-think", the thread being locked only to be reopened again after mass banning, "read staff post" in the thread title, etc, etc.

Just incredible stuff. It's one for the ages.

Also, Mike Pondsmith is my fucking hero:


Fucking nailed it.

He gets one thing wrong: they're not well meaning; they're doing it to feed their egos. It is an inherently selfish act.


Post #163

That was enough to not only silence the poster but to decide that they couldn't post on the entire site :messenger_grinning_sweat::messenger_grinning_sweat: I mean.....


The OFFICIAL STAFF COMMUNICATION gets me every time :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's just so lacking in self-awareness. These gender communists would've all been sent packing to the Gulags long ago by real communists.


The OFFICIAL STAFF COMMUNICATION gets me every time :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's just so lacking in self-awareness. These gender communists would've all been sent packing to the Gulags long ago by real communists.
"You are only allowed discussion within the perimeters that we allow, any deviation will cause your account to be reviewed" It is like Takeshi Kitano giving the kids a friendly reminder that the collar around their neck to be activated at any time.


Reddit seems to be taking down anything related to it. Their mods ban anyone for "malicious trolling" when bringing it up, and ZhugeEX and his cronies are blocking anyone who dares ask about it on twitter.

They are desperately trying to cover up something that they seem to claim to not have an issue with.

I'm usually one to thumb my nose at conspiracy theories but there are so many events over past ~6-7 years that tickle my tendies.
  • Aaron Swartz, reddit co-founder, supposedly killing himself.
  • One of the other reddit founders, Alexis Ohanian, marrying one of the most outspoken social justice brats in sports, Serena Williams.
  • Ellen "Chairman" Pao being installed as reddit CEO and forcing TwoXChromosomes to be a default sub.
  • Anti-identity politics subs like KotakuInAction having their mod teams replaced by social justice warriors.
  • The complete and utter devolution of reddit in general into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of games journalism into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of news and entertainment media into far left identity politics.
  • The hostile takeover of GAF by the militant far left identity politics faction.
These are just the ones off the top of my head. These lying, manipulative cockroaches infest every form of power possible so that they can silence dissent and continue pushing their regressive pseudo-religion onto us proles. They target the institutions that control the way people think (academia -> news and entertainment media + internet -> mainstream culture) because they know that it is the critical weak point of democracy.


I'm usually one to thumb my nose at conspiracy theories but there are so many events over past ~6-7 years that tickle my tendies.
  • Aaron Swartz, reddit co-founder, supposedly killing himself.
  • One of the other reddit founders, Alexis Ohanian, marrying one of the most outspoken social justice brats in sports, Serena Williams.
  • Ellen "Chairman" Pao being installed as reddit CEO and forcing TwoXChromosomes to be a default sub.
  • Anti-identity politics subs like KotakuInAction having their mod teams replaced by social justice warriors.
  • The complete and utter devolution of reddit in general into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of games journalism into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of news and entertainment media into far left identity politics.
  • The hostile takeover of GAF by the militant far left identity politics faction.
These are just the ones off the top of my head. These lying, manipulative cockroaches infest every form of power possible so that they can silence dissent and continue pushing their regressive pseudo-religion onto us proles. They target the institutions that control the way people think (academia -> news and entertainment media + internet -> mainstream culture) because they know that it is the critical weak point of democracy.
Think about what would happen for a moment, if after all the hellfire and brimstone....hmm ok let's go a different road. Think about what would happen if after all the blustering and stupidity as well as hostility expressed during the exodus toward EviLore as well as to countless other figures in various communities if one of the main core of Reee were somehow found to be caught up in something unseemly. The chaos would be delicious.

Xaero Gravity

Lmao for the loco bandito shit?
Yeah. What set them off was him "taking credit for AVGN" in a tweet which isn't accurate. He was referring to the fact that he was literally the one that set up and ran the YouTube channel, but those idiots are too stupid and blind to realize it.

Davey Cakes

Just got banned for a second time. Likely because of my post in the Mike Matei thread but I can’t tell since the Bot site hasn’t updated yet. Three days. Whatever.

I almost expected it, but I don’t know why. I agree that Mike’s racist comics are shitty but I’m not willing to drop Cinemassacre because of it and I’m not willing to act like Mike’s success (along with the success of James Rolfe and everyone else involved with the channel) is illegitimate because of it.

Sorry, world.

A warning might have been more appropriate. I wasn’t trying to cause a stir. I was just being honest.

If enough people find me wrong shoot me down I’d be happy with THAT embarrassment. It’d be a learning experience. It’d help me grow with the community.

An outright ban is just...discouraging.
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Boss Mog

"Era, please tell me how I can hate myself more for being white" the thread:


I feel you. I had my account deleted over there yesterday after just not being able to take their extremism and hostility anymore. Sadly it was the second account I had deleted as I left the first time after their reaction to James Gunn’s firing and seeing a bunch of “liberals”cheering the results of actions by alt right trolls. I eventually went back as it’s just hard to find a forum with good gaming news coverage and active game OTs. News mostly gets posted here too now, but game OT activity is low outside of major AAA releases. Hopefully that will continue to improve as activity as a whole increases.

But yeah, I just realized that despite being very far left in my views, never voting for a candidate on the right in my two+ decades of voting etc. that I just don’t fit in over there. Their views are just too extremist and I’m not going to apologize for making good money, owning a nice house and caring about what’s best for me and my wife above and beyond everything else, all while voting left and supporting liberal causes.

That place is just a magnet for people with severe mental illness, people who’ve failed at life (be it their own fault or bad luck or both) and struggle to get by and so on. Hence all the suicidal posts, and people being angry and bitter and resentful toward anyone who’s doing even ok, much less those of us doing well for ourselves.

Fuck that noise. I feel sorry for people struggling, but life’s too short to be around a bunch of miserable fucks trying to pull everyone down like crabs in a bucket to wallow in their misery. I vote against my own fiscal interests as a liberal voter with a $200k+ household income, pay $4,500+ in property tax, and pay a lot of sales tax as we spend a lot due to not having kids or caring about retiring early (we love our jobs and save plenty to retire in our 60s and live well). That’s the most help unfortunate people are getting from me. I’m not a people person and it’s not my fault that many poor vote against their self interests for social issue reasons or that the government blows our tax dollars on defense spending instead of helping its citizenry.

Thst sucks, but I’m not going to drive myself mentally ill over it, nor hang out with the angry, bitter nutjobs in the looney bin even if I share most of their views. Yes, I hate Trump and what he stands for and the policies he’s enacted, but it’s had zero actual impact on my quality of life. Thus I’m not going to let it make me miserable or crazy. Instead of being a deranged keyboard warrior I write/call my representatives, donate to environmental causes etc., all while continuing to enjoy my life and the fruits of my labor. I will also keep voting for liberal candidates who will hopefully change government spending in ways that help the unfortunate. The extremists who want/expect more than that can go fuck themselves.
It's crazy. And they push this anti-work mentality, too, which I'm also not on board with. I'll be the first to admit that the work culture in America has its problems but I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to work and earn money or dare I say working a little harder to try and make more money. You just need to be careful to not be taken advantage of.

The idea that we should all want to work as little as possible seems weird to me. I'm a believer in the mantra "if you love your job, then it's not really work". Granted, we're not all so lucky to do what we love but working pays the bills and makes the world go round. In all honesty, I have no desire to wander the Earth aimlessly for the "experience" (no offense to anyone that likes to travel). As a millennial, I firmly believe my own generation gets the words "experience" and "expense" mixed up.


"Era, please tell me how I can hate myself more for being white" the thread:

Fuck me.
I can't even begin to comprehend how the hell these morons go about living a normal life.


I'm usually one to thumb my nose at conspiracy theories but there are so many events over past ~6-7 years that tickle my tendies.
  • Aaron Swartz, reddit co-founder, supposedly killing himself.
  • One of the other reddit founders, Alexis Ohanian, marrying one of the most outspoken social justice brats in sports, Serena Williams.
  • Ellen "Chairman" Pao being installed as reddit CEO and forcing TwoXChromosomes to be a default sub.
  • Anti-identity politics subs like KotakuInAction having their mod teams replaced by social justice warriors.
  • The complete and utter devolution of reddit in general into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of games journalism into far left identity politics.
  • The complete and utter devolution of news and entertainment media into far left identity politics.
  • The hostile takeover of GAF by the militant far left identity politics faction.
These are just the ones off the top of my head. These lying, manipulative cockroaches infest every form of power possible so that they can silence dissent and continue pushing their regressive pseudo-religion onto us proles. They target the institutions that control the way people think (academia -> news and entertainment media + internet -> mainstream culture) because they know that it is the critical weak point of democracy.
They're Gramiscists, Matt.


That thread summarizes it all.

Run to the hills
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It's crazy. And they push this anti-work mentality, too, which I'm also not on board with. I'll be the first to admit that the work culture in America has its problems but I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to work and earn money or dare I say working a little harder to try and make more money. You just need to be careful to not be taken advantage of.

The idea that we should all want to work as little as possible seems weird to me. I'm a believer in the mantra "if you love your job, then it's not really work". Granted, we're not all so lucky to do what we love but working pays the bills and makes the world go round. In all honesty, I have no desire to wander the Earth aimlessly for the "experience" (no offense to anyone that likes to travel). As a millennial, I firmly believe my own generation gets the words "experience" and "expense" mixed up.

Same. I bickered with them on that type of thing as well. I’m all for livable wages, stronger workers rights and protections of them, more social supports and safety nets for the less fortunate and so on. But I’m not in favor of things like universal basic income. Able-bodied people should be working (and being paid a livable wage) and contributing something to others/society, nit just sitting in their asses and getting money each month.

I love travel, but I couldn’t do it all the time and get stir crazy if I take too much time off work. I like my job and I like to stay busy. There’s only so many days I can do stuff around the city, watch movies/tv, play video games etc. before getting bored AF. I’m a bit over a week out from surgery to repair a bicep tendon and already have cabin fever and will try and go into the office at last a couple days this week.


Same. I bickered with them on that type of thing as well. I’m all for livable wages, stronger workers rights and protections of them, more social supports and safety nets for the less fortunate and so on. But I’m not in favor of things like universal basic income. Able-bodied people should be working (and being paid a livable wage) and contributing something to others/society, nit just sitting in their asses and getting money each month.

I love travel, but I couldn’t do it all the time and get stir crazy if I take too much time off work. I like my job and I like to stay busy. There’s only so many days I can do stuff around the city, watch movies/tv, play video games etc. before getting bored AF. I’m a bit over a week out from surgery to repair a bicep tendon and already have cabin fever and will try and go into the office at last a couple days this week.
There is also a thing of personal dignity and usefulness that all humans have. We are a pack species. And it sucks not pulling your weight.

I do agree that many American companies and work cultures are exploitative. But if you want to see how integral meaningful work is to our psyches, visit a nursing home.

This doesn't necessarily mean working for the man until you die, but there is a need to contribute engrained in us.
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member

Not sure the controversy here. I could make it a long while. I’m introverted and mostly dislike people and grew up the in the country so I know how to garden and can and hunt and fish and prepare meat. For power you could just crash houses with solar power until that stopped working. Ideally in temperate climates to minimize heating/cooling needs so you could mostly use it for refrigeration and gaming etc. Water would mean finding a solar powered house with a good well system.

I’d rather society stick around as it’s way easier to just buy food and I made life/career choices the fleet my required socialization to a level I can handle.
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Lol everyone concerned about the electrical grids. Guess society collapses and there are people in here estimating they would still have power and internet access lol. Cos yes he people running power plants would still go to work, even when society collapses. “You would have an infinite supply of canned goods” these people really live in fantasy of their own making

Nobody is even thinking about how to grow food. It’s “just go loot food from the supermarket!” wow yes I’m sure nobody else would have thought to do the same, certainly nobody with guns, they would leave enough there for everyone to loot. Know what would really happen? By the time you wake up all stores around you have been looted by 2nd amendment fanatics and you starve to death staring at a grocery store’s empty shelves

Lol just clueless fucking entitlement these people can’t imagine a future where they are inconvenienced
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It's been locked again:


A civil war is breaking out in that thread.

They can’t even have a fucking thread open?????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


They'll probably reopen the thread and implement rules on what you are allowed to say and not say similar to how they handled the news about Jessica Price getting fired from ArenaNet.

If that still doesn't send a wake-up call to the rest of the "normal" people there, nothing will.


Fuck me.
I can't even begin to comprehend how the hell these morons go about living a normal life.

They don't, they mostly stay in their homes, fearing everything outside. When they are outside, they are paranoid of everyone and everything. They already assumed the worst and ready themselves for things that aren't going to happen. They are unaware of how to interact with people they haven't already interviewed as non-toxic.


"Era, please tell me how I can hate myself more for being white" the thread:
Somebody with gif editing skills who can replace the cross for REEEE logo?



Fuck me.
I can't even begin to comprehend how the hell these morons go about living a normal life.
I'm convinced that they don't. No one who goes into a job every day and supports themselves would use up all their precious free time thinking of ways to be offended or to blame themselves for slavery. There's just no time or energy for that if you're a normal person.
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