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Polygon -Sony’s silence on PS5 has done wonders for the next-gen Xbox

When will Xfans realize that MS is focusing on the wrong things, time and time again....The whole of this gen MS has been underwhelming with their exclusives, they are so jittered by hardware, that having 99% inferior multiplats for 4 years straight must have hurt....They brought in XBONEX and it was losing in the framerate department because they are always pushing something too far to show how powerful their box is......

MS bought several studios, but they are mostly indie/AA, how will they compete with Santa Monica, Guerilla, Sucker Punch, PD, San Diego etc...…..and rumor has it that Sony is buying another big Studio or even more....

So after a heavy drought of quality games, they are still focusing on hardware, being the most powerful, when they are only most powerful because Sony has not announced their specs...…Meanwhile, how do XBONES and XBONEX owners feel,? where XBONEX owners had to justify all that touted power with BC as an example (I can play Ninja Gaiden in 4K, is that why you really bought a $500 box?).....So the guy who bought an XBONEX for $500 and seeing it discounted 2 weeks later, how does he feel right now, what has MS given him in the last three years to show the XBONEX's power and to give him confidence going into the next gen? MS has just neglected him and moved on to the next box and are now hyping Series X prematurely, just as they did XBONEX....

So in essence, where are the games in the last three years to give XBOX fans the drive to purchase Series X? What will they launch with? Halo Infinite, will be on PC gamepass day 1, are you that confident based on 343's history with the franchise? Halo5 was hyped through the roof too.....What are we really looking forward to, another Forza? Forza 8, Horizon 5
and from the other studios, what can we expect? SOD3, We Happy Few 2, Crackdown 4, SOT 2, Gears 6......Is that what people should be hyped for? We know The Initiative is much too small to compete with Sony on an AAA project yet, their game most probably won't be ready till 2023 and I even fear some of these smaller/Other studios might not be ready yet either, if we consider how long it took them to release crackdown, SOT, SOD etc......That's why MS is trying to drown everything with Series X specs and fellatio pieces from the gaming media.....And releasing nothing substantial for the current userbase, who have been well nigh abandoned for more than a minute.....MS has already abandoned this gen and this is bad for current owners...or prospective XBOX owners..

At this point, MS is speaking like Series X is already released and has sold 10 million and Sony is languishing behind, when do these consoles release again? so what momentum is the press talking about......People were more interested in seeing a Sony logo than an entire MS box, it just shows that people are not fooled by hype and they know what they want.....At this point, Sony is doing what they do best, give us great games. Who is going to purchase PS5 you say?, mostly the 110 million + PS4 owners by the time of PS5's release.....What has Sony done for them all gen? What are they doing for PS4 owners now? Giving them great games, whilst Phil talks about specs yet again, when just recently he was talking specs for XBONEX, very little talk on games...….Just hype trains and spec talk every few years...

Sony's marketing is the best in this industry, their marketing this year is to give PS4 owners LOU2, FF7, Tsushima, Dreams, something for everybody, seal them....You don't buy a console just to look at the spec sheet, you buy a console to see the hardware worked and that's what SWWS is great at, the best studios in the business...….At the end of this gen, they're giving the best graphics we've ever seen, they've never stopped setting the bar higher......That's what is selling PS5 right now, not fake hype...So when you see the logo numbers you can't be surprised, because that's reality vs forum hype and Forbes articles.....

Remember, 110 million PS4's vs 41 million XBOX's......Sony knows what they are doing, they are the king of this industry for a reason and based on MS's approach leading into next gen, they still don't have a clue......

Yikes... it isn't that serious. Having a really powerful console has ALWAYS been a focus of Microsoft's since they entered the console business. Period. Why does it seem to bother you so much that they're getting back to what they've always done? Next, you're assuming an awful, awful lot about Microsoft's studios you know so very little about. They're all growing, some have already grown by leaps and bounds with many hires. What a studio started out as based on your assumptions when they were bought is irrelevant to any comparison with sony's studios because we clearly have no idea what will become of them yet under Microsoft's backing.

Also, which part of Playgrounds strikes you an indie/aa dev? They are one of the most talent stacked studios out there and they grew to the point where they have a whole separate RPG team. The most recent gears is one of the best xbox studios titles of all time. This last SP campaign put it up there with Uncharted in quality for me.

Obsidian has just finished making the best fallout style RPGs in years. Obsidian has an amazing track record, a AAA one in fact. Hellblade 2 will obviously be more ambitious than the first one ever was. Ninja Theory has shown what they can do with a budget, and have shown what they can do with very little budget and resources. I'd wait and see what they can do with Microsoft's full backing before jumping to conclusions. Any smaller titles such as what ninja theory and obsidian were working were already in development when microsoft acquired them. There are bigger projects still.

Long story short, it isn't just Sony's studios that know how to design games. Microsoft's issue was one of simply not investing in many at a certain stage in the xbox one's life. That time has clearly now passed. There's only so long you can ride the Crackdown 3 train my dude.


Becaude People were making fun of that, because it was so pathetic and showed how out of touch Sony is. People were making fun of Sony.
Actually the log reveal was big success.
Just because the site author has difference opinion didn’t changed it love hype with fans and non-hardcore gamers.

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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
The two consoles are absolutely not identical. Do they share a roughly similar or "generic" GPU and CPU architecture from the same provider? They do, but that's where it ends. Microsoft has made absolutely clear that these two consoles are NOT the same.

In fact, David Prien, Direct of HW at Xbox, went out of his way to make this clear in a podcast about a month ago? The emphasis on them absolutely not being the same was clear. He suggested that they've made a great deal of specific customizations that sounded like he believes quite a few will be unique to their console. He specifically cites a lot of the software and firmware work they do in conjunction with AMD.

Even specifically on the SSD side, he stated that the way Microsoft is going to use their SSD is different from the way Sony is using theirs. Suggests they used a different vendor while also their implementation is different on the SSD front. Do keep in mind, he makes clear that these customizations or differences aren't always because you get more performance or more features, but just due to the fact that their games are built differently, or their home and dash is different, or because they get better power consumption.

He says something along the lines of they are far more custom and non off the shelf than people might otherwise think. He was careful to make this statement in regards to how consoles like the new xbox compare to cell phones and PCs, but earlier in his comments he clearly cited Switch, Sony consoles and the fact that AMD provides hardware to both they as well as Sony, but went out of his way to stress they are not the same with a pretty noticeable chuckle. From this video here.

This sounds a lot like the talk we were hearing about the customized work done to the Xbox One along with DX12 and the cloud...


Yeah, the world worried about Corona virus, toilet paper, canceling entertainment events left and right... It would be a great time for Sony to create some buzz on a video game. GJ polygon.

Polygon just forgot that Sony marketing focus with PS brand was always on "mass" market/ entertainment and not tech / niche game website that xbox x is getting now.

And even there, a fair share of users still more interested in ghost of tsushima, los2 and FF7.

Sony is waiting and seeing just like they did last gen. When Ms put all their chips on the table, they will react.


...lacks reading comprehension.
I rewrote the headline:
MSFTs inability to deliver quality games has made PS5 and Switch only options for next gen.
Ok, Spencer has been hyping up E3 for a long time now, it will be all about games. They have 15 first party studios with 20 teams. What happens if by E3 Sony still hasn't announced PS and Microsoft shows an actually great lineup of games (I am certain they will, it's the third piece of the puzzle to reclaim their market position, Spencer did not go for performance and price but ignored games). Would that kill PS5?

Sure, you can assume that Xbox will continue to not have decent games (which is wrong in itself) - but the reality will be very different because Spencer is working on not making the same mistakes again. That's basically all he has been doing so far and he will continue to do it until they have success.
Actually the log reveal was big success.
Just because the site author has difference opinion didn’t changed it love hype with fans and non-hardcore gamers.

Sony need to come out with some news for you Sony guys ASAP. Holding on to that logo reveal for dear life, so lame.
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Gold Member
Ya know, CyberPanda CyberPanda , You shouldn't have posted that article and I admit I shouldn't have an opinion that could possibly be construed as praising Xbox and/or questioning anything about Playstation. It's kind of like the SJW garbage over at the asylum, there is an accepted narrative and you shouldn't say, think or post anything to the contrary. Thank God for the Mods here, at least we don't get banned for posting an opinion that goes against the accepted narrative.

You have a TON of Sony fans howling at Sony for their silence in the NextGen Spec thread, but in this thread you've got a ton of Sony fans in full damage control, criticizing everything about Xbox while making excuses and defending Sony's silence.

BTW: Sony fans in case you weren't aware, the PS5 is said to be BC with the PS4 games so the games they are releasing can be bought and played on the PS4 now and also later on the PS5 maybe even with free upgrades like MS & CDPR are doing for the XsX so that excuse seems a little weak.

CyberPanda CyberPanda knows what he’s doing with stoking the flames of console wars.

You’d be living in a total bubble of ignorance if you think it’s done on neutral and “good faith” ground.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't know, not knowing what your competitors plans are as you get closer and closer to the point of no return is kinda unsettling.
I mean they can come out and announce a bunch of shit and it not be thing to worry about.
But they announce stuff you're not prepared for and they was because you've been very vocal about yours.
I don't see that being good at all.
It's like a Rocky match
You think you've got that upper hand and out of nowhere

There is always a plan.
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Or won it because of 5 million IG likes ? .. IG likes !! Yeah sounds ridiculous huh.

You probably didn't understand when i said that just a PS5 logo gained more net traction than whole XSX reveal at TGA. That means outside views and likes. But regarding likes on IG, some celebrities with more than 50 millions of followers barely got that number of likes per photo like PS5 logo.
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Ok, Spencer has been hyping up E3 for a long time now, it will be all about games. They have 15 first party studios with 20 teams. What happens if by E3 Sony still hasn't announced PS and Microsoft shows an actually great lineup of games (I am certain they will, it's the third piece of the puzzle to reclaim their market position, Spencer did not go for performance and price but ignored games). Would that kill PS5?

Sure, you can assume that Xbox will continue to not have decent games (which is wrong in itself) - but the reality will be very different because Spencer is working on not making the same mistakes again. That's basically all he has been doing so far and he will continue to do it until they have success.
Come back when those games are released.
Phil "hot air" Spence has been flatulating promises, and you clearly enjoy the smells.

He hyped the amount of games last E3 and all that was a wet fart. You buy into that hype, so feel free to get another scoop.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
CyberPanda CyberPanda knows what he’s doing with stoking the flames of console wars.

You’d be living in a total bubble of ignorance if you think it’s done on neutral and “good faith” ground.

You know I luvs ya DeepEnigma DeepEnigma - after all you single-handedly defined the genre of NextGen Xbox games as music videos :messenger_winking:

My fellow Xbots war in claiming the PS5 does NOT have RDNA2 is console war bait.
BUT if posting a lot of positive Xbox articles is stoking the flames of console wars, I think you and your Sony brethren need to grow thicker skin.


Gold Member
You know I luvs ya DeepEnigma DeepEnigma - after all you single-handedly defined the genre of NextGen Xbox games as music videos :messenger_winking:

My fellow Xbots war in claiming the PS5 does NOT have RDNA2 is console war bait.
BUT if posting a lot of positive Xbox articles is stoking the flames of console wars, I think you and your Sony brethren need to grow thicker skin.

My point is, it’s a console war bait article. The very headline is done to garner those clicks.

It has nothing to do with thicker skin, I’m not even melting down in this thread at all compared to others. Just calling it like I see it.
Oh yes, great rebuttal. gOt eM!!11one!!

Considering that most of them are saying they have plenty of software to play, and they can wait from what I’m seeing.


Come on man... Who doesn't have plenty of software to play no matter what your console is?

I think Sony's silence regarding next gen doesn't smell good, especially when you take into account top execs jumping ship (or being fired). The fact that they actually revealed the console all the way in April 2019 and have just gone radio silent since also doesn't give the impression that they have their sh!t together.

You choose to see that as a power move or whatever. Cool, we'll find out soon enough.


Actually the log reveal was big success.
Just because the site author has difference opinion didn’t changed it love hype with fans and non-hardcore gamers.

because people were making fun of the logo:



Gold Member
Come on man... Who doesn't have plenty of software to play no matter what your console is?

I think Sony's silence regarding next gen doesn't smell good, especially when you take into account top execs jumping ship (or being fired). The fact that they actually revealed the console all the way in April 2019 and have just gone radio silent since also doesn't give the impression that they have their sh!t together.

You choose to see that as a power move or whatever. Cool, we'll find out soon enough.

I choose to see it is not cannibalizing your first party heavy hitters coming out. They still want to sell PS4s along side them.

MS doesn’t have that first party luxury currently. They want to leave this gen behind ASAP.
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because people were making fun of the logo:


Most posts were about hype.
Of course Xbox fans, but these are pretty few hardcore, made fun of it.

To you understand the size of the thing... most non-hardcore gamers in US have no ideia PS5 was reveled in April 2019.
Common newspaper posted for the first time the logo.

The logo reveal in January 2020 was the first contact of vast parcel of consoles gamers with PS5.
These have no ideia IGN exists for example.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
My point is, it’s a console war bait article. The very headline is done to garner those clicks.

It has nothing to do with thicker skin, I’m not even melting down in this thread at all compared to others. Just calling it like I see it.

Fair enough, while it's obvious you're a hardcore Sony fan, I don't feel you're a console warrior or a fanboy and I respect your opinion, but on this we'll just have to agree to disagree.


Gold Member
huh? There is exactly a single first party game coming out, last of us part II. The others are third party.

MLB The Show soon
FF7 for a year exclusive April
TLoU2 May
Ghost of Tsushima June

I expect a heavy blowout after for the PS5 going into June since its E3 season. I also think they will drop some tidbits soon as well, since they just announced the final PS4 AAA release date in Ghost.


Gold Member
Fair enough, while it's obvious you're a hardcore Sony fan, I don't feel you're a console warrior or a fanboy and I respect your opinion, but on this we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I prefer their exclusives on consoles, everything else for MS, etc, on the PC. I get the best of all words that way, personally.


MLB The Show soon
FF7 for a year exclusive April
TLoU2 May
Ghost of Tsushima June
Not first party. Expect tlou
MLB will also go multiplatform. Already confirmed.
And... so what? They had plenty of time in January and February. But they were quiet. They even started all the talk back in October.
There is something cooking and it’s not going to be good for you, bruh.


Sony need to come out with some news for you Sony guys ASAP. Holding on to that logo reveal for dear life, so lame.
IMO they can hold to reveal it for after Ghost release... some weeks after... July or August.

Even September is acceptable for a November release.

They will have record pre-orders ever for a console.
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Hype was crazy high.
It is the power of the brand something Xbox doesn’t have and never will.

But you seems salty by the logo reveal success.

nah. Not really. No hype at all. Only lots of people on reddit making funny memese to laugh at Sony.
I choose to see it is not cannibalizing your first party heavy hitters coming out. They still want to sell PS4s along side them.

MS doesn’t have that first party luxury currently. They want to leave this gen behind ASAP.

Then why did they reveal the PS5 in the 1st place in April 2019? Do you believe games like Days Gone or Death Stranding would have sold more if Sony hadn't done that Wired article?

Also how did the PS4 reveal last gen cannibilze PS3 software sales in any shape or form?

Do you have any past evidence that sharing info about next gen impacts sales of current gen games?

Sorry I don't buy that argument one single bit.
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nah. Not really. No hype at all. Only lots of people on reddit making funny memese to laugh at Sony.

Same crap people making fun of XSX fridge.
Making fun of it or not PS5 logo gained more impact. If they reveal just a Dualshock 5, it would gain more traction than XSX specs recently.
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nah. Not really. No hype at all. Only lots of people on reddit making funny memese to laugh at Sony.
Reality is something Xbox fans are hard to believe.


It was crazy the hype and success of the reveled logo.
Non-hardcore games knows now that PS5 is coming.

Simple PS5 logo >>>>>>>>>>> Anything Xbox done until now
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Gold Member
Then why did they reveal the PS5 in the 1st place in April 2019? Do you believe games like Days Gone or Death Stranding would have sold more is Don't hadn't done that Wife's article?

Also how did the PS4 reveal last gen cannibilze PS3 software sales in any shape or form?

Do you have any past evidence that sharing info about next gen impacts sales of current gen games?

Sorry I don't buy that argument one single bit.

Probably because they weren’t attending E3 and they wanted to have a heavy hitting headline at that time. What’s heavier than announcing the PS5 core features in a Wired article literally days leading up E3?

That’s all everyone could talk about at that time, and it still is talking about. It didn’t help that MS had a ho hum E3 when they had the stage to themselves.
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JFK, the mental gymnastics 🤸‍♀️ people are doing here are insane.
But we will see if/when slowny will reveal PS5 how it will go.


Then why did they reveal the PS5 in the 1st place in April 2019? Do you believe games like Days Gone or Death Stranding would have sold more if Sony hadn't done that Wired article?

Also how did the PS4 reveal last gen cannibilze PS3 software sales in any shape or form?

Do you have any past evidence that sharing info about next gen impacts sales of current gen games?

Sorry I don't buy that argument one single bit.

A proper reveal is through games and they did not show any PS5 games in April 2019. Thus no cannibalization effect took place.
Probably because they weren’t attending E3 and they wanted to have a heavy hitting headline at that time. What’s heavier than announcing the PS5 core features in a Wired article literally days leading up E3?

That’s all everyone could talk about at that time, and it still is talking about. It didn’t help that MS had a ho hum E3 when they had the stage to themselves.

You ignored my other questions about a reveal impacting sales in any shape or form. What evidence makes you think that's it's such a huge factor all off a sudden?

People are still "talking" about that Wired article not because it's soooo hype till this day like you're insinuating. They mention it because nobody wants to talk about a measly logo reveal. If you want to talk about the PS5 that's all you have.


You ignored my other questions about a reveal impacting sales in any shape or form. What evidence makes you think that's it's such a huge factor all off a sudden?

People are still "talking" about that Wired article not because it's soooo hype till this day like you're insinuating. They mention it because nobody wants to talk about a measly logo reveal. If you want to talk about the PS5 that's all you have.
PS fans are too busy playing games.
That what they talk mostly of time.

BTW revealing a product like Apple (one week reveal next week launch) or a year before release has no impact in sales at all.

In fact there is theories that Apple like reveals are the beat to gather hype and sales.

Sony promised to do Apple like reveals but they never reached that small period reveal-launch.
Pro was like 4 months between reveal-launch.

That says more about why PS5 was not fully reveled yet.... if they do a Pro like reveal we will have to wait until August.
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Just shows how clueless you are, GoT is 3rd party? DREAMS is 3rd party?
Must be really hard for your gang, the drought is affecting your way of thinking
Huh? GoT is a large game? Wut. Are you seriously comparing that to last of us? Haha WTF
This game will flop. We haven’t seen unscripted gameplay at all, only a small scripted Gameplay 2 years ago. This is a MAJOR redflag, but we will see how it will turn out.
And dreams is already out and I don’t think a reveal of the PS5 could steal away from their thunder:

I guess, It can’t get really lower than that.
This sounds a lot like the talk we were hearing about the customized work done to the Xbox One along with DX12 and the cloud...

What makes you think it isn't true for Series X or wasn't true for Xbox One? People always shot it down because they felt it was people's way of saying xbox would surpass playstation or close the gap, but it was just a way for them to get more out of the console itself, which has proven true. The cloud part was obviously nonsense, but not the DX12 part. Look at the clear DX12 releases on xbox compared to other games. Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4 etc. They look and perform at a level beyond many other titles. It's just not all devs are doing that. It's likely to become more common this upcoming gen.


PS fans are too busy playing games.
That what they talk mostly of time.

well I’ve hundreds of games on gamepass for $1 and ori is coming soon. Doom Eternal, cyberpunk etc. Can’t wait.
Exclusive titles are only a handful and I bet you, I can beat TLOU II, FF VII and GOT in a single week. 😉
FF VII easily in an afternoon. It’s only the first episode.
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