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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member

Nah I'm good thanks.

Far more people have died from this shitty virus outside of America than in it and you don't see the rest of the world screeching "Act of War!!11!". That's not how it works, this virus doesn't target, nor does it discriminate.

The whole world is suffering, the global economy is destabilised and you want to talk about bullshit like war? Get a grip.



edit: not surprising considering people like me, friends, my dad etc all likely got it, never consulted doctor, hospital, etc. canada currently at 1% only at confirmed cases which is biased towards severe cases - likely death rate much lower I think. it still has a strong age bias and high infection rate could still lead to surge at hospitals without isolation measures but I think in time we will see there is a "wartime" hysteria aspect to this that in retrospect will lead to different plans for the next pandemic
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mango drank

Masks are coming to the USA. The way Trump answered the question you can tell. First he wants to get production up and health care providers supplied. Then everyone in USA will be wearing masks probably until there is a vaccine.

I found this shot on Wikipedia, with the caption: "During the 1918 flu pandemic, a street car conductor in Seattle, US, refuses a person who attempts to board without wearing a mask." I didn't know they'd instituted a mask policy 100 years ago. I wonder also why the practice didn't stick around, and why it didn't become an accepted cultural thing like it is in Asia. Probably won't play out differently this time either.



Fingerlickin' Good!
I found this shot on Wikipedia, with the caption: "During the 1918 flu pandemic, a street car conductor in Seattle, US, refuses a person who attempts to board without wearing a mask." I didn't know they'd instituted a mask policy 100 years ago. I wonder also why the practice didn't stick around, and why it didn't become an accepted cultural thing like it is in Asia. Probably won't play out differently this time either.

Maskless guy: ’it’s just the flu, bro’


I found this shot on Wikipedia, with the caption: "During the 1918 flu pandemic, a street car conductor in Seattle, US, refuses a person who attempts to board without wearing a mask." I didn't know they'd instituted a mask policy 100 years ago. I wonder also why the practice didn't stick around, and why it didn't become an accepted cultural thing like it is in Asia. Probably won't play out differently this time either.

The guy with no mask looks like a mannequin #conspiracy #weliveinasimulation


Gold Member
They are awesome pillows actually. I grabbed some at Costco a few months back, and I swear the guy that was there was there selling them was the guy on the podium.

We have 4, they are pretty damn good. Get the at bed bath and beyond with a 20% off coupon.


Unconfirmed Member

Beware China’s masked diplomacy

ow do you deal toughly with your banker?' This was the not quite rhetorical question that Hillary Clinton asked Australia’s then-prime minister Kevin Rudd at a lunch back in 2010. In the prophylactic language of the diplomat she was then, Clinton was asking how the world should deal with an ever more aggressive China, and she was prescient. Ten years on, Beijing is ascendant. It holds over a trillion dollars of US debt (banker indeed); as of writing, one of its major companies is set to control Britain’s 5G network; and it has spent years hoovering up Africa’s resources with little care for the (admittedly scant) international condemnation it receives or the human rights it violates so egregiously along the way.

Now, through a mixture of quixotic dietary regulations and systematic evasion, it has helped to unleash Covid-19 on the world. We sit imprisoned indoors while the economy withers; every day thousands die from a disease that likely originated in one of the Chinese city of Wuhan’s ‘wet’ markets, those notorious graveyards of food hygiene. On discovering they were facing an epidemic (it was then not quite yet a pandemic) the ruling Communist Party chiefs covered it up; and then imprisoned, gagged and persecuted anyone who dared speak up about what they knew was coming to us all.

From Confucius to confusing us: disinformation with a Chinese twist
And that was just the beginning. As the weeks have rolled on and Beijing has begun to get the virus under control (after imposing the kind of total lockdowns only possible with the vertiginously autocratic powers it has at its disposal) the focus has turned to something else: spin. If you thought Russia was good at muddying its crimes with state-sponsored lies and diversionary tactics meet Beijing in the age of the coronavirus.
China is in full propagandist mode – by both word and deed. Eager to distract from its own culpability, it now sends millions of face masks to Europe alongside doctors and medical experts of varying stripes, especially the desperately needed epidemiologists. Companies like Huawei are suddenly major crisis donors. President Xi Jinping recently told Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte that he hopes to create a 'health silk road' from China to Europe. Beijing has become a whirr of philanthropy. But this 'mask diplomacy' is bogus. For a start, what they send often just causes problems. Spain and the Czech Republic are throwing out thousands of testing kits sent by China that don’t work properly. Turkey claims their Chinese-made kits are yielding inaccurate results while Holland says almost half the kits it has received are faulty.

And alongside Chinese 'aid' comes the unuttered but clear propagandist rebuke: we have to step in because you won’t. Unsurprisingly, this makes the Europeans furious. 'France just sent a million masks to Italy. As many as China did. Time to stop EU-bashing' said a Macron aide recently. Germany, accused by fellow EU states of ignoring their suffering, now sends ventilators to Italy and takes in patients from overstretched hospitals in Alsace – while making sure everyone knows what it’s doing of course. In the midst of the greatest health crisis of the modern age, the #Corona wars are playing out, in our hearts and minds and on our (donated) ventilators.

Then there are the flat out lies, which come on an industrial scale and from the highest levels and daily. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian now regularly claims that the US military engineered the coronavirus to infect Chinese citizens – a narrative several embassy Twitter accounts have picked up and peddled. This is the Kremlification of Beijing’s messaging. This is the Chinese Communist Party state in the contemporary moment. From Confucius to confusing us: disinformation with a Chinese twist.

True, we must shoulder some responsibility ourselves. We were due a plague. 'There is a very real threat of a rapidly moving, highly lethal pandemic of a respiratory pathogen killing 50 to 80 million people,' said the first annual report of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (an independent panel of experts convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organization) - in 2019. We were warned – repeatedly, and we failed to listen. True also, we have not acted quite as we should since things began. We most likely should have gone into isolation sooner; we should have hunkered down faster. The government’s reluctance to force us into our homes is to its credit (an act that especially sits ill with the Prime Minister’s liberal instincts) but it was probably a mistake.

Nevertheless, we are here because of China. Against this fact, there can be no retreat. The Mail on Sunday reports that No.10 is now rethinking the Huawei 5G contract and plans a diplomatic 'deep freeze' with Beijing until it reforms. The world is angry. But will it stay that way? Will the desire for a reckoning remain six months or a year down the line once the crisis has passed and thoughts naturally turn to renewal? I think it must. I think it is both a political and a moral imperative to make sure that it does, because by then I think it will be a question of national self-determination. If we really want to understand how robust our politics is, and if we really want to understand where the global balance of power truly lies, it will become clear when all this ends.

We ignored China’s threats over 5G. We ignored its imprisonment of over a million Uighurs. In truth, we have ignored pretty much every crime it commits. We cannot ignore its role in Covid-19. If we do, it will be an unequivocal admission that the West will not now or ever stand up to China. And if this happens, then, 25 years into the digital revolution, we will have finally come to understand the true cost of virality.


advanced basic bitch
My local grocery stores are finally getting to the point to be able to keep some stock on the shelves. Tp is becoming more available again. Hopefully, this signals the slowdown of panic buying and hoarding. How's it going supply wise in your neck of the woods?


Unconfirmed Member
My local grocery stores are finally getting to the point to be able to keep some stock on the shelves. Tp is becoming more available again. Hopefully, this signals the slowdown of panic buying and hoarding. How's it going supply wise in your neck of the woods?

Same here (UK) - the panic buying phase seems to be done, I presume because people have reached a point of having enough stuff.


...lacks reading comprehension.
More because of realizing they can still go to the supermarket. Fear of a Wuhan style lockdown where even that wasn't possible anymore is what fueled the panic purchases.

edit: not surprising considering people like me, friends, my dad etc all likely got it, never consulted doctor, hospital, etc. canada currently at 1% only at confirmed cases which is biased towards severe cases - likely death rate much lower I think. it still has a strong age bias and high infection rate could still lead to surge at hospitals without isolation measures but I think in time we will see there is a "wartime" hysteria aspect to this that in retrospect will lead to different plans for the next pandemic

The initial death rate estimates were based on underestimated total case numbers.
Just like the reason for Germany's low death rate was the high numbers of tests.

The fact that so many people are asymptomatic and very unlikely to get tested means that the total case numbers are probably significantly higher than the recorded case numbers, meaning the death rate is significantly lower.

The death rate skyrockets when medical care is insufficient, though. So making sure the healthcare system doesn't go over capacity should be the highest priority.
But either way, this will cost more lives than most wars in history.
The victim count in the US will probably be higher than the US victim count in WW1, but not quite as high as in WW2.
But at this point, it's still entirely possible that more Americans die from Corona than died in WW2.

This is a war. But the enemy is tiny protein string with a fatty layer around it and the battlefields and frontlines are the hospitals and labs.
That doesn't mean it will be any less devastating than a fight against the Nazis or the Russians.

It took many countries a long time to realize how serious this is. But by now I think they all got it.


Unconfirmed Member
More because of realizing they can still go to the supermarket. Fear of a Wuhan style lockdown where even that wasn't possible anymore is what fueled the panic purchases.

I'd say the fear was that supply lines wouldn't hold up. Certainly I had concerns that there would be gaps in the supply chain and indeed I still do if the virus takes hold and reduces our capacity for creating and delivering food - for this reason I made use of the local cash and carry and got a couple of big sacks of rice and some frozen chicken to get me through whatever may come our way. Didn't stock up on bogroll though because I'm not a fucking idiot.


Gold Member
Nah I'm good thanks.

Far more people have died from this shitty virus outside of America than in it and you don't see the rest of the world screeching "Act of War!!11!". That's not how it works, this virus doesn't target, nor does it discriminate.

The whole world is suffering, the global economy is destabilised and you want to talk about bullshit like war? Get a grip.

Waste of your time GHG GHG . Guys post history is basically racist trolling in coronavirus threads since he has joined,


So, don't you guys think we'll have a second wave after they lift the quarantine?

edit: not surprising considering people like me, friends, my dad etc all likely got it, never consulted doctor, hospital, etc. canada currently at 1% only at confirmed cases which is biased towards severe cases - likely death rate much lower I think. it still has a strong age bias and high infection rate could still lead to surge at hospitals without isolation measures but I think in time we will see there is a "wartime" hysteria aspect to this that in retrospect will lead to different plans for the next pandemic

Death rate is pretty low. As you said, a lot of people will get it and we will never know. If we accounted for these people we would have the real number,
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...lacks reading comprehension.
German curve continues to flatten:
That data is skewed because RKI has little data over the weekends. If you look at your chart you'll find the curve flattening on the 14th and on the 22nd because of that effect. Plus RKI is notoriously underreporting cases. We were at almost 67.000 yesterday. Which as you can see yourself, is the opposite of a flatter curve. Growth is only around 10 % on average though, so that's good.

Here is a better source for case numbers:

That data is skewed because RKI has little data over the weekends.
Yeah, until yesterday I was still skeptical because of that, but by now its way to significant of a downturn to be caused by fewer tests. Also, it previously never l beyond the weekend, but now the flattening continues into the week.

Plus RKI is notoriously underreporting cases.
I'm pretty sure this is fake news.
When Germany reported low death rates some people struggled to find an explanation and claimed that Germany is counting deaths differently than other countries. Several newspapers picked this up, but its simply not true.
The RKI has already confirmed that they are counting every death of a positive patient as a Corona death, even when the direct cause of death was something else, and they are obviously testing posthumously.

RKI is double-checking its numbers and accounting for delays, meaning they not always have the highest numbers, but their trends should be very accurate.

The same trend is also visible in the Johns Hopkins numbers.

We were at almost 67.000 yesterday. Which as you can see yourself, is the opposite of a flatter curve. Growth is only around 10 % on average though, so that's good.
Growth dropped from above 20% two weeks ago to below 10% now.
That's a flattening curve.


Gold Member
So, I’ve been checking all over. Amazon. Ebay. Shit, I even went to my local library and I’ll be fucked if I can find this novel, Coronavirus.


I hear hospitals are currently overstocked with them and are giving them away for free so maybe try there?

If you manage to get through it within 2-3 weeks then you don't even need to return with it.


That data is skewed because RKI has little data over the weekends. If you look at your chart you'll find the curve flattening on the 14th and on the 22nd because of that effect. Plus RKI is notoriously underreporting cases. We were at almost 67.000 yesterday. Which as you can see yourself, is the opposite of a flatter curve. Growth is only around 10 % on average though, so that's good.

Here is a better source for case numbers:

Even your link shows that the curve becomes flatter. The case numbers are of course still similar to the last days, but in case of a pandemic or epidemic it is never about the absolute daily case numbers, but about the growth factor. This has already decreased and will turn negative in the next 1-2 weeks.

Here are the current doubling times of individual countries (the higher the better):
Turkey: 4 days
US: 5 days
UK: 5 days
Canada: 5 days
Belgium: 5 days
Netherlands: 6 days
Brazil: 6 days
Poland: 6 days
Spain: 6 days
Australia: 6 days
Germany: 7 days
France: 7 days
Switzerland: 8 days
Finland: 8 days
Italy: 10 days
Denmark: 10 days
South Korea: 28 days

Reading the list from the bottom up, you can roughly say which countries are more likely to be able to lift restrictions again and which are further ahead in terms of containment.
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Neo Member
Taking things a bit too far here. We can all have a bit more empathy for each other since this impacts us all.
These people are batshit insane. Pun intended.
Honestly, New York gets what it deserves. If Cuomo is so focused on taking it to trump at the expense to his own people, with his people supporting him, I say “good”. If they all wanna actually die on this hill, let em. Stop sending aid to them altogether and hang them to dry. We need a population check anyway and New Yorkers breed like rabbits.


Gold Member
This kind of shit really activates the almonds,

Remember the lab raid in Boston with the CCP connection MSM memory holed?

I think there is much more to this than first glance.
Honestly, New York gets what it deserves. If Cuomo is so focused on taking it to trump at the expense to his own people, with his people supporting him, I say “good”. If they all wanna actually die on this hill, let em. Stop sending aid to them altogether and hang them to dry. We need a population check anyway and New Yorkers breed like rabbits.
Accelerationist much?

Let's not stoop to the level of political ideologues who wish harm on others because of the idiots they vote for.


Neo Member
Accelerationist much?

Let's not stoop to the level of political ideologues who wish harm on others because of the idiots they vote for.
It’s not about voting. It’s about how they are actively declining necessary measures at the cost of everyone’s safety. I’d say the same thing if it were Hillary and the person opposing her was denying needed measures for their political hill.
Accelerationist much?

Let's not stoop to the level of political ideologues who wish harm on others because of the idiots they vote for.

It's also not like the rest of the US will have a grand ol' time when New York hits the curb.
You don't want one of your economic centers to be a virus hotspot for extended periods of time just because you want to teach them a lesson.
It’s not about voting. It’s about how they are actively declining necessary measures at the cost of everyone’s safety. I’d say the same thing if it were Hillary and the person opposing her was denying needed measures for their political hill.
And if it was Hillary and the person opposing her was denying needed measures, it would still be unnecessary and accelerationist to pin their voters to the wall for it.

This isn't a Both Sides™ issue. It's a bad side to take in any context.

It's also not like the rest of the US will have a grand ol' time when New York hits the curb.
You don't want one of your economic centers to be a virus hotspot for extended periods of time just because you want to teach them a lesson.
Megacities will learn their lesson anyway. The lesson of decentralization was already in progress. Another lesson for another day, however, since the focus right now should be saving American lives whether they live in flyover country or in the megacities.
Megacities will learn their lesson anyway. The lesson of decentralization was already in progress. Another lesson for another day, however, since the focus right now should be saving American lives whether they live in flyover country or in the megacities.

I don't think megacities will change. The benefit of megacities is huge and the effort to properly prepare for such events is relatively low compared to that.

They will simply prepare better for next time and in some cases probably not even that.


Honestly, New York gets what it deserves. If Cuomo is so focused on taking it to trump at the expense to his own people, with his people supporting him, I say “good”. If they all wanna actually die on this hill, let em. Stop sending aid to them altogether and hang them to dry. We need a population check anyway and New Yorkers breed like rabbits.

Did you mean to log into resetera and hit the wrong bookmark? That’s a pretty terrible post you made.


Neo Member
Did you mean to log into resetera and hit the wrong bookmark? That’s a pretty terrible post you made.
Meh. I own up to it. Got a bit flustered when I see someone chooses their petulant political shit over the safety of his people. Realized I made an error in rash posting. Not gonna delete it though because I don’t erase my mistakes lol.


Doctor shares the biggest lie about COVID-19

This guy has easily been the most level-headed doctor posting about this subject, and again, he succinctly addresses the myth that only old, infirm people are being killed by this virus.


It looks like the women's march in Spain was in a big part responsible for their situation now.


And so the marches went ahead, as did Vox’s huge meeting in Madrid and countless sporting fixtures. Three Spanish cabinet ministers – all of whom marched that Sunday – have contracted the virus, as has Begoña Gómez, wife of the Spanish prime minister. Vox’s leader and its secretary general also tested positive.

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