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Out Of Shadows - A free documentary that got 8+million views in a week.



Begin to peek behind the curtain of your reality.

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
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Low effort first post. What's it about? Why should I watch it?

"The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. "

Why do you believe the things you believe?


Why do you believe the things you believe?

I think this is a really important point and it's something that for most of my life, I never really paid that much attention to.

For me, that changed a lot when I watched a Christopher Hitchens video where he talked about "establishing first principles", so, for example, if a flat Earther tells you that the Earth is flat, how do you actually know that they are wrong? What evidence do you have? It's easy to say "well, obviously the Earth is not flat", but if you had to actually argue your case against someone who believed it was, how good a job could you really do?

Some people have misinterpreted that in various ways, but it basically means that if you have a strong position on any particular stance, you should be able to back it up, and you should feel confident in the sources you're using to do so.


I think this is a really important point and it's something that for most of my life, I never really paid that much attention to.

For me, that changed a lot when I watched a Christopher Hitchens video where he talked about "establishing first principles", so, for example, if a flat Earther tells you that the Earth is flat, how do you actually know that they are wrong? What evidence do you have? It's easy to say "well, obviously the Earth is not flat", but if you had to actually argue your case against someone who believed it was, how good a job could you really do?

Some people have misinterpreted that in various ways, but it basically means that if you have a strong position on any particular stance, you should be able to back it up, and you should feel confident in the sources you're using to do so.

'what i cannot create, i do not understand'


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

Begin to peek behind the curtain of your reality.

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

I remember hearing on C2CAM how the CIA rewrote/revised/added content to Tom Clancy novels.


I think this is a really important point and it's something that for most of my life, I never really paid that much attention to.

For me, that changed a lot when I watched a Christopher Hitchens video where he talked about "establishing first principles", so, for example, if a flat Earther tells you that the Earth is flat, how do you actually know that they are wrong? What evidence do you have? It's easy to say "well, obviously the Earth is not flat", but if you had to actually argue your case against someone who believed it was, how good a job could you really do?

Some people have misinterpreted that in various ways, but it basically means that if you have a strong position on any particular stance, you should be able to back it up, and you should feel confident in the sources you're using to do so.
This is not wrong, but for the most part people submit to a deference of knowledge, this is open to manipulation.
I do not believe the earth is flat, but I can see the logical pathway someone can arrive to that conclusion when they are presented with evidence that NASA continuously lies about its endeavors in space, that NASA in hebrew means "to deceive" and that NASA alongside the CIA were started by nazis after WW2.

Apply what you said just now to Coronavirus, how can YOU verify that the reason why you are restricted in freedoms is based on truth? How can you verify that the institutions reporting cases and deaths are not being manipulated by a select group of people behind the scenes with a lot of power and influence to push their agenda?

You have a good head, I hope you watch the documentary and get something out of it.


Apply what you said just now to Coronavirus, how can YOU verify that the reason why you are restricted in freedoms is based on truth? How can you verify that the institutions reporting cases and deaths are not being manipulated by a select group of people behind the scenes with a lot of power and influence to push their agenda?

In any cases where I'm not an expert myself, which is 99.99% of cases, I can only defer to what actual experts are saying.

If I arrive at a bridge and there's 100 bridge experts there, and 98 of them say "if you drive over that bridge, it's gonna collapse", but the other 2 guys say "no, it'll be fine", I'm going with the 98.

Some people would go with the 2 and imply that the 98 are part of some sinister conspiracy, and that's when their argument always collapses.

I can't prove any negative. I can't prove that the universe wasn't magicked up out of nowhere by a turtle called Dave, but I have absolutely no reason to believe it was.

You have to state your case and, most importantly, state the evidence that backs it up, cos otherwise you're just another ten a penny conspiracy theorist who I laugh at on the internet.
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In any cases where I'm not an expert myself, which is 99.99% of cases, I can only defer to what actual experts are saying.

If I arrive at a bridge and there's 100 bridge experts there, and 98 of them say "if you drive over that bridge, it's gonna collapse", but the other 2 guys say "no, it'll be fine", I'm going with the 98.

Some people would go with the 2 and imply that the 98 are part of some sinister conspiracy, and that's when their argument always collapses.

I can't prove any negative. I can't prove that the universe wasn't magicked up out of nowhere by a turtle called Dave, but I have absolutely no reason to believe it was.

You have to state your case and, most importantly, state the evidence that backs it up, cos otherwise you're just another ten a penny conspiracy theorist who I laugh at on the internet.
Looking forward to your views on this documentary.


Gold Member
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

Unlike that opaque crucifix in the thumbnail image...

I watched 35 mins and stopped.

In that time we've got a stunt guy who was injured and found God, realized that at parties and various homes of celebrities he saw statues and artwork that looked like it belonged in a Satanist cult.

Mega-corporations are present in entertainment.

The CIA has a long history of injecting itself into American entertainment to "advise" directors and writers on how to accurately portray them. Here's their website by the way where all this "elusive" information is freely available.

A disgruntled CIA agent whose family got sick from living in a government owned mold contaminated home and who was later fired for misusing his government issued credit card made various claims about the corruption within the CIA.

Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra were glossed over as some kind of shady government programs. I don't get the spooky music and flashing images, I learned about both of these in high school.

"People think that research people are crazy for talking about MK-Ultra." ????????????????

Zoolanders wasn't a comedy but propaganda.

And before I ended there was a semantic breakdown on the words "program" - programming you, "entertainment" - to bind an audience's attention, ""Hollywood" - holly tree when ancient druids used the wood to make wands to cast spells.

You know it's funny how some of these people almost start to sound like leftists when they talk about the unconstitutional power that government departments wield, how mega-corporations dominate most markets in America but instead of aiming their sights at using their political power to deconstruct institutions, take money out of politics (lobbying) and vote out the swamp creatures they'd rather push this sort of trite instead.


I watched about half an hour of it too. This stunt mans "research" involved him watching Youtube videos?
The "documentary" is trying to create this great conspiracy theory but everything it talks about so far is information available to the public.
Iiiii didn't really get anything out of this video.

Missionaries push lies too. If one wants someone unimpeachable to talk about this stuff one should look up Noam Chomsky. Careful though he may make one regret voting for Trump, if one did.
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"What do we have in houses? We have these black boxes. What are they called? TVs. But if you stop and say the word: Tell-a-vision. Tell a vision! And when you turn on that 'tell a vision' what do you get? What's the first thing that pops up? A list of channels. And when you turn on those channels, what's on those channels? Programming. They are programming you!"

Why do you believe the things you believe?

If I don't believe what I'm meant to believe, then I'm in trouble. Fear keeps me believing. You wanna be happy, believe in fear.

Will watch. Needed a good NWO doc to get me through this time.
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I think this is a really important point and it's something that for most of my life, I never really paid that much attention to.

For me, that changed a lot when I watched a Christopher Hitchens video where he talked about "establishing first principles", so, for example, if a flat Earther tells you that the Earth is flat, how do you actually know that they are wrong? What evidence do you have? It's easy to say "well, obviously the Earth is not flat", but if you had to actually argue your case against someone who believed it was, how good a job could you really do?

Some people have misinterpreted that in various ways, but it basically means that if you have a strong position on any particular stance, you should be able to back it up, and you should feel confident in the sources you're using to do so.
You can see the curvature of the earth with your own eyes.
Some people would go with the 2 and imply that the 98 are part of some sinister conspiracy, and that's when their argument always collapses.

This is, I think, the common misconception towards conspiracy theories.

A healthy mindset, similar to your earlier post, quote "if you have a strong position on any particular stance, you should be able to back it up", is to ask the 98 bridge builders why they have come to that conclusion, as an extension of asking yourself why you should believe the majority.

You can do this by many means, as the main option isn't possible, I suppose, as it's not realistically possible to ask them, person-to-person, if you are outside of their professional circle or under their hierarchical position in society.

Therefore one is open to influence by too many factors. Which is why the Buddha said, don't believe just because the majority believe, follow what you believe to be true in your heart and test it for itself. One has to find faith within themselves to navigate these tides.

Which ironically viewed from the other, leaves the individual open to attack as being a mindless follower of religion. Faith cannot be proved, it must be found.

I think, therefore, that conspiracies should be viewed as any other science, and taken to be true or false only by those who have the time and energy to investigate.
"the only thing we consume more of than content is air"

I mean I agree with the general message and will probably enjoy this but goddamn that's a dumb sentence. The dramatic was he says it is even worse

edit: LOL this is nuts. Yes media is propaganda and elites are often evil. But not because of demons
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This is not wrong, but for the most part people submit to a deference of knowledge, this is open to manipulation.
I do not believe the earth is flat, but I can see the logical pathway someone can arrive to that conclusion when they are presented with evidence that NASA continuously lies about its endeavors in space, that NASA in hebrew means "to deceive" and that NASA alongside the CIA were started by nazis after WW2.

Apply what you said just now to Coronavirus, how can YOU verify that the reason why you are restricted in freedoms is based on truth? How can you verify that the institutions reporting cases and deaths are not being manipulated by a select group of people behind the scenes with a lot of power and influence to push their agenda?

You have a good head, I hope you watch the documentary and get something out of it.
This kind of questioning eventually leads to solipsism though which is a dead end of a philosophy. There is a chapter in the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy which demonstrates how solipsism devolves into absurdity. We have to use information that we can't personally verify or observe, otherwise we are stuck with a miniscule world view, which is even more flawed than someone who believes everything they are told without question.
I will give the documentary a watch, but I will be going in with these reservations.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That was what made you bail out?

Absolutely. I've never been a fan of Christian moral posturing. Same kind of bullshit we heard for decades about how video games are rotting our brains and turning kids into trained killers.

I can enjoy a good dumb conspiracy theory, but I'll pass on the sanctimonious preaching.
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The trend these days is to turn Christians into anti-Eyes Wide Shut pedo cult people, it seems those behind the scenes are trying to induce a civil war in America.
I believe in the underlying Oneness of all religions and spiritual traditions and all genders and categorizations, love all people underage and overage. lol



The trend these days is to turn Christians into anti-Eyes Wide Shut pedo cult people, it seems those behind the scenes are trying to induce a civil war in America.
I believe in the underlying Oneness of all religions and spiritual traditions and all genders and categorizations, love all people underage and overage. lol


fuck that

scientology can burn


Lil’ Gobbie
I deserve some sort of award for watching that in its entirety. It starts to go full retard with the lady gaga and katy kerry satanic shit though. But ultimately my favorite part is the plot twist at the end where these guys reveal that what they are doing is critical thinking. 10/10 Would watch again
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Thank you very much for providing this documentary. I do believe in most of what the documentary is telling, about mind control over general population and their pre-war programs. This is what these people want from us/for us and is perfect for our present day world. Probably they have a really low emotional intelligence or none at all, which is problematic, knowing that they are the ones who are in control and yes, they are trying to show themselves in public with no remorse, using any form of presentation to you. Probably, again, they don't realize that, by the lack of emotional intelligence.

I was expecting something like this to surface about Hollywood few years back, in the same manner that happened with Harvey Weinstein but not in this way, with all those meetings of pretending to eat human beings, body parts, drinking synthetic blood and other things at dinner tables, as if some sort of childish amusement imagination that nothing bad will come out of it in time, psychological, social and cultural. Is like negating the true meaning on the importance of the human body vessel has, by spiting on it and that means children too. I respect and love the notion of human body and blood, because they are doing all the effort to sustain me, to keep me alive, to enjoy life and hold memories before I pass way. I don't even know how he does work by keeping me alive, in the first place. I'm in no control with most of my organs or body fluids. I don't want to make funny jokes about the body. I would prefer to pray to my body and thank him rather than to any religious god. I will never act by expressing myself to such disgrace, the way they do in public, over the notion of human body or blood, not even as an insignificant joke made random into a dialog with somebody or even with myself.

I had a sense that something in the air changed, in the last 10 or maybe 15 years. So, because of that, I cut short, long time ago, with most of what the general media was trying to shove any form of products (movies, tv series, music, etc) through an odd eerie atmosphere message into my gut and brain. I did not found it comfortable with my way of living. For example, when I'm watching movies now, I'm very selective. I don't listen at all to new music. I can't believe how music end up these days, telling a message within lyrics by using forms of body-parts dismemberment, occultism and other things, compare to old songs, where all you had need it, was a stage, a voice, a microphone, one stage light, and the singer standing still for 5 minutes to make your heart melt. That was art, and the context inside the message was pure. TV series of the 70' 80' 90 was sending context with positive aspects through the message even sometimes they were expressed with some sort of medium violence, with no blood. Today, I see negative context expressed through a message, in order for me to understand the content of the message.

I have a 35-40 years old book of Charlie Chaplin. In the book, he is telling some really horrifying stuff happening behind the world of Hollywood at those early times. No deep details of names, places, but his comments is terrifying.

No wonder Chris Rock is playing and producing the next Saw movie. I saw him in one of the pictures.
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The way they are framing the conspiracy theorists helps the elites keep control, if shit hits the fan (ie. mini-civil war) they can just blame it on the promotion of conspiracies and then lockdown on freedom of speech even more with justification. Alex Jones and pizzagate shooting is all a part of this mixing fact with fiction in order to keep things covered and for the luls.


Gold Member
I read once, in a book, maybe it was a Chuck Klosterman one, to close your eyes and picture the Old West. What you will inevitably do is think of scenes from movies you watched, or TV shows. It's all constructed by people who were selling this stuff to us, and it became real in our heads. I don't think the human brain can handle mass media.

I think this is a really important point and it's something that for most of my life, I never really paid that much attention to.

For me, that changed a lot when I watched a Christopher Hitchens video where he talked about "establishing first principles", so, for example, if a flat Earther tells you that the Earth is flat, how do you actually know that they are wrong? What evidence do you have? It's easy to say "well, obviously the Earth is not flat", but if you had to actually argue your case against someone who believed it was, how good a job could you really do?

These days, what we think of as "science" is just a different religion. See climate change, the first thing any CC proponent will point to is the fact that a lot of scientists signed a piece of paper saying it is happening. The scientists are the priest class of modern liberalism. Greta is Joan of Arc.

Note: I am not saying CC is true one way or the other.

The way they are framing the conspiracy theorists helps the elites keep control, if shit hits the fan (ie. mini-civil war) they can just blame it on the promotion of conspiracies and then lockdown on freedom of speech even more with justification. Alex Jones and pizzagate shooting is all a part of this mixing fact with fiction in order to keep things covered and for the luls.

Hey, look what is happening now, people who dare question the unlimited power of governors are being branded as public enemies by the media. If the governors arrested those people protesting, I have no doubt a significant chunk of people will approve.
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These days, what we think of as "science" is just a different religion. See climate change, the first thing any CC proponent will point to is the fact that a lot of scientists signed a piece of paper saying it is happening. The scientists are the priest class of modern liberalism. Greta is Joan of Arc.

Note: I am not saying CC is true one way or the other.

WTF are some of you nutjobs talking about in this thread? lol. Please stop quoting me and replying with utter fucking gibberish.
Hey, look what is happening now, people who dare question the unlimited power of governors are being branded as public enemies by the media. If the governors arrested those people protesting, I have no doubt a significant chunk of people will approve.

Dividing the people against each other using 'us vs them' so that they cannot work together to fix the real problem.
They find parts of 'that other group' that is 'not good' and intensify the perception of this in order to increase the random bantering.
But I am afraid it does work very well...


Gold Member
WTF are some of you nutjobs talking about in this thread? lol. Please stop quoting me and replying with utter fucking gibberish.

The point is that people CANNOT become experts in CC, or the shape of the earth, so they revert to trusting authorities blindly and taking a side.


The point is that people CANNOT become experts in CC, or the shape of the earth, so they revert to trusting authorities blindly and taking a side.

Did I not just say to stop quoting me and replying with bullshit?

Of course we can't all become experts in everything. That's why we often refer to the expertise of others. Of course some experts might be charlatans or frauds, or maybe they've genuinely made a mistake and are wrong, but that's the best system we have. Nobody is saying it's perfect, but to degrade science to being "just another religion" is fucking laughable.

Science will eventually give us a solution to coronavirus. A bunch of fat white blokes with goatee beards driving their gas-guzzling retard-mobiles into city centres and standing around in black sunglasses holding shotguns while protesting what the science tells us is the best thing to do cos "only god decides when my time is up" really isn't helping. I'm sure when we have a vaccine, they'll be the same mongs spreading "it turns frogs gay and gives kids autism!" scaremongering shite to fellow members of their low IQ Facebook groups, but that's what happens when your ability to think critically has been destroyed by overdosing on Alex Jones "BIG BRAIN GENIUS PILLS".
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