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Would I like the Witcher 3 if I don't like the fantasy genre?


I am a big fan of open world games like RDR2 and the first one and the GTA games. I also love Horizon Zero Dawn and Days gone but those are all in genres that I enjoy. Stuff like Game of Thrones and things like that just is not my cup of tea. Nothing against it but just is not my thing. Cyberpunk 2077 is day one for me and I know that CDPR are talented devs. Is the game good enough to sort of transcend it's genre?
As much as I adore the game, I have to say no.

Probably my game of the gen, though.

Well, how cheap is the game at this point? I mean, if you can get it dirt cheap, why not go for it? It's probably as close to a must play game this gen as there is, imo. At least must try. The politics of the world and the backstory can be brushed up on pretty quickly if you do a little research
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As said above, probably not. It’s high fantasy through and through. And honesrly, as much as I love the game the combat etc. is mediocre and it’s really the setting setting, story and characters that made the game for me. If you hate fantasy it won’t have that impact and the gameplay is unlikely to offset that IMO.
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Lord of Edge.
I wasn't a fan of Fantasy. I had just one goal. Have sex with as many NPC characters in the game and I succeded.

Worth it


I've really enjoyed it, but I don't play many RPGs, so I don't understand the levelling/crafting very well. I've still put 100+ hours into it, so definitely got value for money out of it. I just felt it was one of those games that I should have a go at. I won't likely finish it, but very glad I tried it.


Never had much interest in playing it until it went up on gamepass. I'm playing it right now and its pretty fun, but with that said i am a fan of the fantasy genre so I bought into the story/characters early on.

The game is as fantasy as it gets though, so if you dont like that kind of thing, you'll probably be turned off. Fantasy tropes are ingrained into everything, even the combat itself. You're expected to actively use different combinations of magic, potions, bombs, and oils along with swords and crossbows to fight different enemies in the game. Each enemy has their own quirk to them, and you'll have to plan and adjust your tactics accordingly. The combat system is quite in depth, and I found myself getting very frustrated for the first 6 hours of playing.

Gathering crafting materials,crafting potions and gear, repairing gear, and upgrading gear with special stats via runes are also important parts of the game.

Oh yeah, and there is a lot of talking. A lot. And you should be ready to pay attention to most of it.

It's pretty intense.
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I don't think you would friend. Check Yen and Triss and see if your desire to bone them is strong enough to carry you on a pretty standard fantasy setting. On the other hand, this is easily one of the best games this gen, so maybe give it a shot to see what the fuss is about.


You basically do all the same things in The Witcher and those games you mentioned, riding horses, slaying monsters, fighting baddies. The real dealbreaker for you here is the user interface, which could be overwhelming for some, but if you can get pass that, it’s one hell of an experience that awaits you.


Depends what you mean by "Game of Thrones", your primary example for the fantasy genre. Do you mean the Game of Thrones that was tailored by HBO in the later seasons to draw the most popular appeal, infested with idiotic zombie shit and Instagram popularity contests. Or do you mean actual fantasy, what GoT was based on in the early seasons and when it only existed in novel form?
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I honestly never really watched the show but I am not into wizards, orcs and magic and all that stuff. I am more into more realistic kind of worlds or sci fi stuff.


I say you would like it for sure , its a great game the combat its a bit on the easy side even on the death march difficulty.

Kagey K

I would suggest trying Assassins Creed Odyssey instead. If you get through that and decide you can handle more with worse combat, then look at Witcher 3.

While it’s not as bad as 2 W3 combat is the worst part of the game, and I wish they could have updated it better.


sounds like you won't but give it a try. i wasn't sure either when i was thinking of buying it. i remember thinking "a game about witches? dragons and magic? eww" but i'm glad i got it.


I am somebody who actually had no problem with the gameplay and controls of RDR2 and prefered them to a more arcadey game so I am sure the TW3 would be right up my alley when it comes to that.


I loveeee fantasy and dropped Witcher 3 after skelige as the ballerina combat was off imo and too much dialogue for my taste. I got really bored.

It's all subjective. Just try it, you never know. If combat doesn't hit for me idc what genre or how good your story is I just won't like it. Code Vein had the same problem for me, it felt like I wasnt really hitting enemies, no weight to the combat and I couldn't stand it.
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The game is story-based in a big way. That story is steeped in fantasy (and a bit of fantasy politics and slice-of-life storytelling), so, as others have said, this probably wouldn’t be your game.

If Cyberpunk lives up to Witcher 3, and carries the same appeal, maybe that’ll be the one you should check out. : )


I'm not a fan of fantasy. I still played the game, but probably didn't enjoy it as much as other people.

Kingdom Come might be a great choice for you, it's also a great rpg, but it doesn't have any fantasy genre bits.


Neo Member
TW3 is an amazing single player experience. If you can appreciate RDR2 for all its glory, then most likely you'll enjoy TW3 (regardless of it's setting).


Just want to jump in and make the case that if you don’t like fantasy then your tastes are that of a slobbering beast; thrust in front of us for public ridicule.

What ill mind drove you to post such a topic, for a sane man would simply watch any of the thousands of opinion pieces already existing and then make an assessment.

“Nay, I will post a contradiction and receive the lashings of strange unfamiliar tongues. Gaze upon thine tastes and wither, fans! I do not like a thing that is generally liked!” - Thou


I don't know, but I've heard many people not really into fantasy liked this game a lot. For example, my wife. She is playing for the second time at the moment.

It is fantasy, but with real world problems one could say... I'd give it a try, the game is super cheap at the moment.


I’m not a big fantasy fan and I quite liked the Witcher game but I never finished it.

The game is at least more gritty than many fantasy games. But the main story and stuff was kinda boring for me - I hate having to learn new terms and locations for a backstory. Luckily with The Witcher the side quests tended to be quite interesting stories that were self contained in a fairly short block of play. I could almost play it like Red Dead Redemption 2 by just doing smaller quests and messing around in the open world.

If that’s your problem with fantasy games too - the bloated back story - maybe look at dark souls. About a 3 min intro video and away you go.

The gameplay feels better than Witcher too.


I am a big fan of open world games like RDR2 and the first one and the GTA games. I also love Horizon Zero Dawn and Days gone but those are all in genres that I enjoy. Stuff like Game of Thrones and things like that just is not my cup of tea. Nothing against it but just is not my thing. Cyberpunk 2077 is day one for me and I know that CDPR are talented devs. Is the game good enough to sort of transcend it's genre?

I don't really like fantasy that much either... honestly, I kind of see medieval fantasy like a "creative shortcut": when you can't be arsed with a better setting, just put some orcs and call it a day. I also don't really like Game of Thrones, but I liked Lord of the Rings very much (mainly despite its setting).

I said that to give you some context: I really liked The Witcher 3. I have almost 250 hours in it.
But there are caveats:
  1. The game starts interesting and then falls off a cliff. Most of Velen (the game world) it's a dirty and depressing dump, and the game is a slog until you reach Novigrad (around the 15-20 hours mark). From there, it picks up much better.
  2. If you go for the platinum, you'll have to play at max difficulty, which breaks the combat a fair bit
  3. Controls and camera are never good, except on horse
  4. UI is crap
Despite that, the game is still worth your time, because the high points manage to compensate for all the (many) shortcomings. The story is always worth it, all characters are fleshed out and interesting (faces are honestly amazing) and, once you get in the mentality of being a "monster-slayer detective", it all makes sense much more nicely.

Be sure to pick up the GOTY, though, because the DLCs are even better than the real game.

EDIT: Be sure to check the previous games' story, it's difficult to pick up without context.
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Jelly Belly
Not a fantasy fan either but I enjoyed the game more for its politics and writing. Just like Game of Thrones I didnt like the setting but loved the politics and writing in it


I also don't like fantasy and that's probably why I didn't care for anything that was going on in Witcher 3. Played it for like 5 hours when it came out; nothing in the game interested me. Another thing that nobody mentioned in this thread is Geralt, the main character. He's probably the most boring protagonist ever for me. He talks like Batman and never shows any emotions at all (from what I understood, that's intentional, but that doesn't really make it any better). It's like the polar opposite of Commander Shepard.
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Get it on steam and if u don't like the first 2 hours you can refund. Not your type of game for sure but you never know until you try it. I never in my life would've ever liked something like Persona 5 and I ended up enjoying it.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
You won't like it. The fantasy setting, the characters and the story are what make the game great. The actual gameplay is mediocre.


You won't like it. The fantasy setting, the characters and the story are what make the game great. The actual gameplay is mediocre.
I don't agree, the game is still fairly interesting despite its setting. The high production values do wonders in these cases.
He'll probably not love it, though.


No. The stories, characters and setting are a big part of what makes the game great.

If you'll dislike all of that and you'll just play it for the gameplay you won't have a good time
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Yes, it's definitely worth a try, it's one of the greatest games ever made and it does transcend its genre. If you enjoyed the gameplay in RDR2, or in GTA, or in any other open - world role playing games, then you will enjoy the gameplay is The Witcher 3, because the combat is fun and the gameplay is generally polished.

I highly recommend the GOTY Edition (PC Version) because it comes bundled with its expansions which are quintessential to get the complete story and experience.
I am a big fan of open world games like RDR2 and the first one and the GTA games. I also love Horizon Zero Dawn and Days gone but those are all in genres that I enjoy. Stuff like Game of Thrones and things like that just is not my cup of tea. Nothing against it but just is not my thing. Cyberpunk 2077 is day one for me and I know that CDPR are talented devs. Is the game good enough to sort of transcend it's genre?

The following is subjective and based on what little I know about your opinions, along with some assumptions.

+ Massive open world
+ Great writing
+ True choice and consequences without many superficial "good guy" or "bad guy" choices.
+ Lots of sword combat, if you don't mind that.
+ A detailed skill-tree system that should allow you to fight without using a lot of magic. You can just concentrate on upgrading sword skills and other abilities.
+ Most enemies don't use magic, and instead are just monsters or humans.
+ Many side quests and secondary quests don't focus on magic.
+ A fair amount of original monster designs.
+ You'll get an idea of the developer's work before Cyberpunk.
+ The game is really cheap now, so you can get 100 hours of gameplay for 15 or 20 dollars. It's a great deal, and wouldn't cost too much to see for yourself.

- Not using at least some magic might make the game harder.
- Magic is featured heavily at points in the main story.
- All the other things you already know about the game.

Overall, I'd say that if you don't really like fantasy, other aspects of the game might be enough for you to enjoy the experience. If you actively dislike fantasy as a theme to the point where it goes beyond preference, then maybe the quality won't be enough.

Generally speaking what is it about fantasy that you don't like? If you have an issue with magic not being based on science, how do you feel about the Biotic abilities of Mass Effect, or the Force in Star Wars, or the super powers in Marvel movies? Or perhaps it's the time period? If it's orcs and elves, there aren't a lot of traditional fantasy races in the game, although you will see some. I prefer Sci-fi myself, but I don't mind Fantasy, and I loved The Witcher, personally.

If you decide to try it, I hope you enjoy it. If you decide to pass, well, there's plenty of other games out there.


It's extremely slavic/european fantasy. Not really much like Lord of the rings for example. Kinda raw but that's what makes it so good.
It;s worth playing even on easy for characters and graphics alone
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I'm not into fantasy stuff, hate the Elder Scroll games etc but I loved the Witcher 3. It's different from western fantasy genre so you might find it more appealing.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The Witcher 3 has a pretty generic fantasy setting, but its gameplay transcends that and is boring regardless of whether or not you like the genre.
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