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Phil Spencer feels it's counter productive to lock people away from games by making them device exclusive, prefers to scale games across ecosystem


Gold Member
Has being on xbox and pc generated more sales than a ps exclusive yet?

Genuine question, surely forza has, or halo?


If you really want to know how Xbone will limit the potential of SeX, just research Jaguar cpu. Then research multithreaded Zen 2 processors.

Its an OCEAN of difference. And that's just one part of the dev puzzle. SSD and RAM could be as much or more affected.

Development of software that runs on both hardware will have to be limited in scope from the very outset of process to make it work.

This is of course how cross gen always works. But the way Phil is talking, it seems they want software running on Xbone for the long haul. THAT will impede software development in a major way.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Calm down Panjev, your hate boner frenzy in this thread can actually cause you a heart attack or something.

I know you would die happy doing the thing you love the most, but still.

I guess that Get a Second Job pushed a button there? The mental gymnastic you are playing to both justify anything Phil is saying now about their cross generation approach for first party titles and not completely look like a fool in 8-14 months when they start announcing their own first party XSX exclusives is mind boggling and so entertaining.

As a bonus, you get some truly wow worthy moments when you get people tying it to Xbox One not holding XSX back by saying that as long as the game runs at all on Xbox One no matter how shitty it looks or runs then MS has fulfilled their promise and is not having the minimum common denominator of the Xbox One holding things back for the XSX vision (games are ported down afterwards/XSX is the lead and target platform) or burning R&D budget at all.
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If I understand Phils reasoning correct, to focus on and let the player play the game where and how they enjoy rather than locking them in on a specific hardware. Doesn't it stand to reason they should make Halo and Forza available on Playstation as well, how would I other wise be able to play those games to my liking, just sayin. It's obvious it's mostly PR talk/strategy. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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That argument again... Apparently game developers are idiots that don't know what they are doing even though they have developed for PC for decades

I don't know from where you get this idea, not everything is scalable, especially game design. If you have to design your game to have gameplay mechanics that can be easily ripped out for performance, it puts handcuffs on the designers on what they can do.

MS is just putting out a PR spin on how they don't have any next gen games ready for the next couple of years. Hence all of this 120 FPS and "we want everyone to play no matter the platform" bs going around.


Glad for it to have strong BC support, but BC and generationless / cross generation releases and BC are orthogonal concepts. If you have BC, why cannot you also have exclusive titles making full optimal use of the new HW? How does it impact your older titles?
Since you buy into the theory that the older console is holding the newer console back (despite us hearing that they design for new hardware and port down)

How exactly do you know these titles aren't making full optimal use of the hardware? Please explain


Since you buy into the theory that the older console is holding the newer console back (despite us hearing that they design for new hardware and port down)

How exactly do you know these titles aren't making full optimal use of the hardware? Please explain

You cant port down 4 x CPU power difference - what do you do, cut the enemies and animations and physics in half ?

I guess they could do 60 to 30 FPS, that accounts for 2 x at least.

If Halo inf runs at 60 FPS on Xbone, what will the zen2 be doing ? Maybe there will be 120 FPS modes to account for Jaguar ?


i answered your question just fine. anyone who has followed gaming these past few generations would and should know the jumps we get when going up a generation. you want me to spell it out for you? fine.

The CPU in the XSX is roughly 8x more powerful. This after a gen where we saw a 0x jump in cpu power. Destiny was famously left at 30 fps on current gen consoles because the lack of a meaningful jump in the CPU meant that their A.I simply took up all the CPU horsepower leaving nothing for 60 fps or destruction or whatever else they might have planned for a truly next gen version of destiny.

There wont be a Destiny 3, but they said you will get a 60 fps destiny 2. Great! But what about everything else? This 8x more powerful cpu will only get us a 2x increase in framerate. We simply cannot get better A.I, better destruction, better simulations, more NPCs, more weather effects that are governed by the more powerful CPU because the devs still have to support Destiny 2 on the base xbox one. Is 60 fps the best they can do with this 8x more powerful cpu? of course not. but thats all you will get.

you compare MGSV on the PS3 to MGS3 on PS2 and you will see how kojima went from a wide linear game to a fully open world game with even better A.I, dynamic weather systems, huge levels with A.I routines involving tanks, jeeps, and helicopters. you really think that wouldve been possible on the ps2?

lets go back one more gen. forget the graphics. just compare the A.I in MGS1 to MGS2. its a completely different ball game. and thats just the CPU. Add in GPU and RAM bandwidth in the picture, and you start getting games like Uncharted 4 and the last of us 2 which used to be corridor shooters and now feature massive wide linear levels with several open world levels. you aren't getting that in uncharted 1 to 3 or the last of us without gddr5 and the ps4 gpu. compare arkham city to arkham knight on ps4. see if you can get anthem to run on the ps3 or even the 360. And next gen is going to be an even bigger leap because instead of just the gpu and ram getting an upgrade, the cpu and ssd are getting a massive upgrade too.

Some games will only be possible on next gen hardware. Very few of those games will appear in 2021. The XSX will have plenty of those. UE5 is not even releasing before end of 2021.

lastly, you literally have the medium dev going on twitter saying the ssd makes the game completely incompatible with last gen consoles. thats coming straight from the horses mouth. what more do you want?

There's a difference between prohibiting next gen only games and saying our first party will not release them in the first 2 years as a sign of loyalty to our installed base. The Medium dev said what he said and he is releasing on Xbox only. I'm not sure why that doesn't show you how nuanced MS's approach is.

And that gamepass theory makes no sense because xbox series x is already backwards compatible. you could own an xsx and still have access to your entire gamepass library. no one is getting left behind. him releasing next gen games has fuck all to do with gamepass. third party devs will continue to make cross gen games. put that on the gamepass for everyone to play. its his job as the first party studio boss to get next gen games ready for his next gen hardware and he has failed at that. he waited too long to acquire studios. he spent $3 billion on minecraft in 2014 and then spent 4 years dicking around before finally starting to buy studios. by then it was too late to get anything ready for a 2020 launch. his vision was shortsighted and now he's out there on the press junket just making excuses which you guys seem to be buying.

You missed my point. The people who would have been left behind are Xbox One owners that would have missed out on Halo Infinite and would have had a significant reason to stop subscribing to GP until they can upgrade. MS is keeping those in the fold although I doubt that too many AAA 1st party games other than Halo will be cross gen. You may think that they don't matter but you're not running a global gaming manufacturer. You have the luxury of thinking only about yourself.

make no mistake, making next gen games for his next gen console is his ONE job.
The general consensus is that he's been terrific as Xbox's CEO so far. Time will tell if that changes but your vision of his mandate may be a bit over simplistic.
Question for those that imply that because a game is artificially locked to a “next gen” platform that it will be better than one that runs on multiple devices across generations... explain Bugsnax to me. Where is the next generation leap that makes it worth being locked to a new platform only?

I’ll wait.
I agree a lot with this, ecosystems is huge, look at Apple and Android, Xbox is just trying to do it really early and its paying off in my eyes, multiple of my friends and moved to Xbox for XCloud, GamePass and Gamepass PC.

PlayStation 4 has sold over 110 million units, that’s a real ecosystem.


I'll raise your post by stating that in reality there are only two console manufactures left. This is the last consoles MS' would ever produce, since they think that after this gen. everyone is gaming on a second screen anyways. That being a PC, mobile or a temperature gage, MS won't care.

I think they might release a mid gen upgrade. But your right lol


Gold Member
Why do Xbox make a habit of overcomplicating things for themselves of late?

The formula is simple: make great games, release them on your console, STFU.

They did it with the 360 and to a lesser extent with the OG Xbox, so why move away from that?

If you want to do this "pro consumer" and "consumer choice" charade then put your money where your mouth is and also release all your games on PlayStation, Switch and even Stadia. He must think people are stupid.


Question for those that imply that because a game is artificially locked to a “next gen” platform that it will be better than one that runs on multiple devices across generations... explain Bugsnax to me. Where is the next generation leap that makes it worth being locked to a new platform only?

I’ll wait.
Exclusives are primarily meant to push sales and in case of a new gen, to push next-gen adoption.

The only reason Spencer says the things he's saying, is because their main titles, apart from Halo (a crossgen title), won't arrive until the end of 2021 earliest.

You need to say something when your direct competitor does actually have next-gen exclusives available day 1.
Now we're even arguing about "leaps", which is basically moving goalposts.

(Btw, talking about 1st party)
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Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know from where you get this idea, not everything is scalable, especially game design. If you have to design your game to have gameplay mechanics that can be easily ripped out for performance, it puts handcuffs on the designers on what they can do.

MS is just putting out a PR spin on how they don't have any next gen games ready for the next couple of years. Hence all of this 120 FPS and "we want everyone to play no matter the platform" bs going around.
In the same interview he discusses this to.

"Frankly, held back is a meme that gets created by people who are too caught up in device competition," says Microsoft's executive vice president of gaming, and Xbox chief, Phil Spencer. "I just look at Windows. It's almost certain if the developer is building a Windows version of their game, then the most powerful and highest fidelity version is the PC version. You can even see that with some of our first-party console games going to PC, even from our competitors, that the richest version is the PC version. Yet the PC ecosystem is the most diverse when it comes to hardware, when you think about the CPUs and GPUs from years ago that are there.

"Yes, every developer is going to find a line and say that this is the hardware that I am going to support, but the diversity of hardware choice in PC has not held back the highest fidelity PC games on the market. The highest fidelity PC games rival anything that anybody has ever seen in video games. So this idea that developers don't know how to build games, or game engines, or ecosystems, that work across a set of hardware... there's a proof point in PC that shows that's not the case.

He's completely right here.


If you want to do this "pro consumer" and "consumer choice" charade then put your money where your mouth is and also release all your games on PlayStation, Switch and even Stadia. He must think people are stupid.
I see this argument a lot and it makes no sense. He is clearly speaking within the realm of the Xbox ecosystem. He works for Xbox remember?
If he goes to run Playstation next and starts promoting Next gen exclusives within the first year then it will be more than fair to call him out.



I dont see how sales equate to an ecosystem, you literally sound like a petulant sony fanboy.
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I'll raise your post by stating that in reality there are only two console manufactures left. This is the last consoles MS' would ever produce, since they think that after this gen. everyone is gaming on a second screen anyways. That being a PC, mobile or a temperature gage, MS won't care.

Thats what everyone said when the current gen was releasing in 2013. 110 million PS4s later everyone was proved wrong. MS fucked up this gen because Phil didn’t invest in exclusives. It’s hard for Sony to justify GamePass when TLOU2 generated $240 million in 3 days.


I see this argument a lot and it makes no sense. He is clearly speaking within the realm of the Xbox ecosystem. He works for Xbox remember?
If he goes to run Playstation next and starts promoting Next gen exclusives within the first year then it will be more than fair to call him out.

Seriously don't get how people don't see this, he is pointing out the Xbox Ecosystem is on PC, Xbox consoles and now mobile / cloud, your not limiting yourself to just one piece of hardware, everyone gets to enjoy the games.


Gold Member
He's completely right here.

And yet even on PC there are cut off points, some of which have even been defined by Microsoft themselves.

I don't feel like I really had a choice when I had to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Why doesn't DX12 work on Windows 7 for all games? Why can't I access gamepass games on Windows 7?

Why does VRS not work on the DX11 GPU from my previous build? Should I screech at Nvidia and call them anti-consumer?

Why do I need to do a major upgrade my PC every 5 years or so? Why doesn't my hardware from 2007 still work with modern games?

I guess stagnation is now a good thing because Phil Spencer told us so.


Gold Member
Wonderful, so if someone cares about his policy you have a way to weasel out of it by calling it platform bias, if someone calls BS on it you can weasel your way out of it by calling it concern trolling and not liking XSX and Phil... let's keep it generic so it is easier eh shall we ;)?
These hardcore Xbox fans are so fuckin hypocritical. They have no problem giving their negative opinions on other platforms, but when posters call out obvious pr bullshit, it somehow Microsoft hate and platform bias. Newsflash for you Xbox footsoldiers: Phil and Microsoft is not above reproach, in fact the reason he is criticized more is because he talks out of both sides of his mouth. I never seen an executive talk so much without saying anything.
Lol yep, I think their show will be great but this messaging doesn't sound well for their next generation as a whole. They'll need a lot of exclusives to take on the PS5
Are exclusives gonna be enough for them? I get the console being stronger thing and them having more studios but there is a huge number of people with a huge digital library of games who will just move to ps5 from ps4. Not only do they have to do everything right, the have to kinda pray for Sony to fuck up as well. Otherwise I just don’t see Xbox taking on ps5

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
And yet even on PC there are cut off points, some of which have even been defined by Microsoft themselves.

I don't feel like I really had a choice when I had to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Why doesn't DX12 work on Windows 7 for all games? Why can't I access gamepass games on Windows 7?

Why does VRS not work on the DX11 GPU from my previous build? Should I screech at Nvidia and call them anti-consumer?

Why do I need to do a major upgrade my PC every 5 years or so? Why doesn't my hardware from 2007 still work with modern games?

I guess stagnation is now a good thing because Phil Spencer told us so.
3rd party developers make these choices for their own games, and Spencer is purely saying that for Microsoft they won't leave gamers behind if they just bought an Xbox. How people try to spin this into a bad thing when developers have no issue with this is beyond me.


I am struggling to understand why Microsoft is in the console business. This kind of talk shows a complete misunderstanding of console gaming and generations. We are in the 8th generation. Console gamers know that to get better games you need to buy into the new generation. I was born after the first atari game, I have literally been conditioned to accept that one day my console will be useless. It's all I have known. How does Phil not know this?

It seems they want to be a third party publisher. They want their games available everywhere then release on Sony and Nintendo consoles, why dont you? Why stop at support for Xbox one. Let's mandate every exclusive runs on the Switch. Switch will end this gen as the best selling console. Surely it would be pro-consumer to support it for the rest of eternity. 0.19 tflops baseline for all first party MS games, let's do this.

Everything he has said here is misguided. PC gaming IS held back by bad hardware. Xbox One was a bad hardware and it has held back every single PC game since. And Xbox One WILL hold back Xbox Series X games that could've been built around a console with almost 10x more tflops, 8x more CPU power and 40x more SSD speeds.

No one is this clueless. I think he's just fucking with us, and is preparing to unleash half a dozen games that look like Hellblade 2 on July 23rd.

As a Microsoft gamer I love their consumer first strategy and this falls in line perfectly with what they have done for a number of years now.

Gamers should not be left behind or forced to buy a new console. Most of my friends will not have a new console day one so I am glad that I will still have the option to play with them.

People want to trash every move Xbox makes but what are we going to say if the new first party games look better than PS5 games? I expect the games on XsX to look better, which is going to make this argument very weird for Sony fans.


3rd party developers make these choices for their own games, and Spencer is purely saying that for Microsoft they won't leave gamers behind if they just bought an Xbox. How people try to spin this into a bad thing when developers have no issue with this is beyond me.

Because xbox, that is genuinely the only reason. If Sony decided to make the same exact move it would be praised.


This is Xbox' vision for gaming and has been before PS5 was announced. It's juvenile to sowhow link it to PS5. If Sony went for the same route as Xbox in terms of cross gen, that wouldn't change the statement.

Airbus Jr

If you dont have any exclusive the console youre selling wil be less compelling to customer

As i am also going to pass on PS5 if sony keep porting their game to PC and stick with Nintendo as the only console i buy

Diehard xbox fanboys can sugarcoat and argue with me but take a look at this

Numbers dont lie
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Gold Member
3rd party developers make these choices for their own games, and Spencer is purely saying that for Microsoft they won't leave gamers behind if they just bought an Xbox. How people try to spin this into a bad thing when developers have no issue with this is beyond me.

This whole "being left behind" thing is total and utter bollox.

If someone buys a current gen Xbox now then they have 6+ years worth of games to play and enjoy, that's the deal they are getting, there is no promise of what's to come beyond games already announced for the system.

The same goes for someone buys an old Nvidia GPU, they can play older games and maybe a few newer games if they scale down to their hardware. But they are not being "left behind" if a developer decides to not support their old arse GPU that Nvidia themselves don't even support anymore and no longer release new drivers for.

What's funny is in a year or twos time once their get their shit into gear and start focusing on next gen games they will then suddenly "leave behind" millions of gamers on older hardware. What's the messaging going to be then? "We have a product for those people who have Internet, it's called Xcloud"?

They are digging their own hole on this one with the messaging. All they have to do is say something like "we are doing cross-gen for a while because it suits us and it will help game sales (and subscriptions) due to larger install bases etc". Not this bullshit of "anti consumer" this, "pro consumer ", "locked away" this, "inclusive" that.

Just fucking say the strategy suits you at the moment and be done with it, spare us the bullshit.


I do feel that video games need to become more "open" akin to smartphones or even just a simple Bluray player. It's no longer about the content that's available on the platform, it's about the value for money you get from the product itself. Making all games accessible across every platform means cross-platform online multiplayer can be pushed harder. Your favorite online titles will maintain longevity as people across PlayStation, Xbox and PC come together. Your friends are no longer bound by a single system if everybody wants to have a good time.


And yet even on PC there are cut off points, some of which have even been defined by Microsoft themselves.

I don't feel like I really had a choice when I had to move from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Why doesn't DX12 work on Windows 7 for all games? Why can't I access gamepass games on Windows 7?

Why does VRS not work on the DX11 GPU from my previous build? Should I screech at Nvidia and call them anti-consumer?

Why do I need to do a major upgrade my PC every 5 years or so? Why doesn't my hardware from 2007 still work with modern games?

I guess stagnation is now a good thing because Phil Spencer told us so.
It's not stagnation to design the most advanced console ever made. You are missing Microsoft's point and may be that says a bit about how they are communicating. Or may be a lot of gamers have been too conditioned to ever accept things working differently. .
The simplest way of putting it is for Microsoft, consoles are now PCs . Phil's references are clearly PC references. The architectures are close enough to keep some compatibility for a few years without the games fundamentally suffering. It's also why everything on Game Pass will work day one on the XSX and most them with instant enhancements whether or not the developer spent time on a patch.
Everything has pros and cons. We will have to see if Halo Infinite feels held back compared to an XSX launch exclusive like the Medium. I suspect that regardless of the facts, some will continue to argue that it could have been even more amazing than it is now if it was not running on any other hardware.
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If I understand Phils reasoning correct, to focus on and let the player play the game where and how they enjoy rather than locking them in on a specific hardware. Doesn't it stand to reason they should make Halo and Forza available on Playstation as well, how would I other wise be able to play those games to my liking, just sayin. It's obvious it's mostly PR talk/strategy. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

People are joking about this but I'd be willing to bet GamePass would be on Sony and Nintendo platforms today if they allowed it.

Would that be a bad thing? It'd be amazing to load up Halo on my Switch. I hope Microsoft is pushing to do just that. I am still hoping that we see Master Chief in Smash Bros.
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1) The moment each company decided they would go the x86 route is the moment generations died altogether. The x86 architecture IS "GENERATIONLESS" and ridiculously scalable, allowing devs and enthusiasts experiment with hardware to no end. Strictly speaking, the "9th generation" isn't a generational leap, but an upgrade in specs and processing power. Nothing more, nothing less.
This is wrong. It's the case that dev work is less (sometimes even only for engine developers and not the game dev). However gameplay is still limited by specs. It is still about generations. Otherwise you would all just be playing all your games on a mobile. What prevents you from doing that?
People are joking about this but I'd be willing to bet GamePass would be on Sony and Nintendo platforms today if they allowed it.

Would that be a bad thing? It'd be amazing to load up Halo on my Switch. I hope Microsoft is pushing to do just that. I am still hoping that we see Master Chief in Smash Bros.
You keep forgetting that Third Parties would not want to get fleeced, because to have Gamepass on Playstation means that Microsoft has to pay Sony 30%. So unless Microsoft is giving up its own share and run Gamepass as a Charity, it would cut Third Parties in Gamepass from the money they had before.

Basically, the only way for Gamepass to be a third party service, it could only host Microsoft games. This detail had been mentioned many times but it seems it is being ignored up to now, why is that?

Do you think MS would be able to get Gamepass on Playstation without paying 30% like everyone else?


You keep forgetting that Third Parties would not want to get fleeced, because to have Gamepass on Playstation means that Microsoft has to pay Sony 30%. So unless Microsoft is giving up its own share and run Gamepass as a Charity, it would cut Third Parties in Gamepass from the money they had before.

Basically, the only way for Gamepass to be a third party service, it could only host Microsoft games. This detail had been mentioned many times but it seems it is being ignored up to now, why is that?

Do you think MS would be able to get Gamepass on Playstation without paying 30% like everyone else?

How do you know they wouldn't be willing? Don't they already have to pay a similar fee for games like Ori, Cuphead and Minecraft?
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You cant port down 4 x CPU power difference - what do you do, cut the enemies and animations and physics in half ?

I guess they could do 60 to 30 FPS, that accounts for 2 x at least.

If Halo inf runs at 60 FPS on Xbone, what will the zen2 be doing ? Maybe there will be 120 FPS modes to account for Jaguar ?

You actually can port down from a more powerful cpu. Watch a video on youtube where 343 and turn 10 talk about optimizing their games on the original xbox one for 60fps an you will get a idea of what is really scalable. (If u want it to be, nearly everything can scale)
How do you know they wouldn't be willing? Don't they already have to pay a similar fee for games like Ori, Cuphead and Minecraft?
Because putting it on Playstation means third party games in Gamepass would have its profit split three ways rather than two. Surely you are not blind to that simple math? And Playstation being the platform holder would demand the full 30% REVINUE, and whatever left is then split between third party studios and Microsoft.
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They are digging their own hole on this one with the messaging. All they have to do is say something like "we are doing cross-gen for a while because it suits us and it will help game sales (and subscriptions) due to larger install bases etc". Not this bullshit of "anti consumer" this, "pro consumer ", "locked away" this, "inclusive" that.

Just fucking say the strategy suits you at the moment and be done with it, spare us the bullshit.
They will just PR the shit out of the situation they are in at that time and people will lap it up. Years ago Phil was singing a different tune about exclusives as was already posted by someone here. MS was singing a different tune about sales, MS was singing a different tune about cross-play, etc.

Now it suits them to say they don't need exclusives because they need the install base to have the software they are selling do well. They need the sales from the past gen, they need cross-play. They will do all that by putting on the PR spin that this is all for you, all pro-consumer.
If in 5 years time they do better the tune will change again and it will still have the same spin of how the opposite is now good for you.
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You actually can port down from a more powerful cpu. Watch a video on youtube where 343 and turn 10 talk about optimizing their games on the original xbox one for 60fps an you will get a idea of what is really scalable. (If u want it to be, nearly everything can scale)

Scaling after the fact you decided to build a game for both XB1 and Series X is not the issue. Under these conditions, of course it will be possible. But the problem is the types of games devs are making from the beginning when they are shackled to netbook CPUs and HDDs. Say hypothetically you have two dev teams at 343i:

- One is asked to make a Perfect Dark FPS where the baseline is a 12tflop system with 2.5gb SSD and 16gb system memory
- The other is asked to make a Perfect Dark FPS where the baseline is a 1.3tflop system with a ridiculously slow HDD

What you would end up with would be very different. This right here is my problem with it. The issue is not whether scaling after the fact is possible. It's the scope and ambition of the exclusive games from their inception being impacted by having to be cross gen with an 8 year old piece of tech.

I swear by Street Jesus (good luck tonight Jorge) that if this was Sony doing it I would voice my absolute displeasure. It's holding back the hobby because of greed (wanting as large an install base as possible for their exclusives).


You actually can port down from a more powerful cpu. Watch a video on youtube where 343 and turn 10 talk about optimizing their games on the original xbox one for 60fps an you will get a idea of what is really scalable. (If u want it to be, nearly everything can scale)

That was a game written for Jaguar. Thats the whole point, Zen2 is well over 4 x Jaguar.

Go watch any Destiny game with 6 enemies spawning in with same animations. Thats what it means by holding back.

We will see soon enough, Halo infinite if 10 different enemies spawn and all move and animate different = zen2 baby.

If 10 enemies spawn and all look and animate similar with the same limited intelligence, Jaguar baby.

Does not mean wont be fun to play either way, but it does limit the SCOPE.
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