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Nick Calandra of the Escapist calls out Jason Schreier as a "gatekeeper" and "toxic". :D



Unconfirmed Member
His name is Schreier OP.
That guy with an accent that talks fast dead network's boss vs Big tits = lolicons



I did like schreier in the past but it seems he's been brainwashed or radicalized over the years which makes him a tool.


I hate Jason Schrier's attitude. He started reporting bad things that happened in the industry and it was good, but now, he is just like waiting to throw a stone and hide, just to cause controversy.
This. And with his book(s), he appears to be disingenuous in the sense that he wants to "uncover" the shit not because genuinely cares about it but rather because he can sell the story later in his books and/or online.


Yeah, but as people say, anybody can claim anything. Did game informer has evidence on that? No.
People just want to jump on the hate Jason bandwagon to think they are smart. There isn't any evidence of polling that "majority of the devs actually opted for crunch", its an unsubstantiated claim made by Game Informer, but ppl suck it up because hating Jason is the woke thing now.
At least Jason back it up with the email of the director himself, even with APOLOGY from the head studio to the devs and partners in June.

Cdpr contacted Jason themselves, perhaps many of you would like to think you guys are smarter than cdpr and have more credibility than Jason. If Jason had lied, cdpr can just discredit him and show proof, but they didn't, because it was fact.

That tweet proves nothing, just another self praise to claim that he is the new credible guy. The whole problem stems from blowing things out of proportion and everybody thinking they are the expert on crunch now. One can claim that the news is much ado about nothing, but to say that Jason is lying is outright moronic.
You need to read a little more, friend. Game Informer have cited CD Projekt Red's own staff as their source for saying the crunch isn't being correctly represented. Shrier is saying other CD Projekt Red staff are saying the discussion of crunch at CD Projekt Red never took place. If you consider Jason's article to be factual due to his claimed sources, than Game Informer's comments cannot be dismissed due to their sources: they're both claiming the same source of anonymous employees of the same company. Welcome to the internet, where everything's made up and the re-tweets don't matter.
Anyway, Jason doesn't get bonus points for using the email as proof of his reporting: that CD Projekt Red is crunching for Cyberpunk isn't what's up for debate, and that's all the email confirms. CD Projekt Red have been open enough about crunch at their studio long before now. What's up for debate is the nature and degree of the crunch that's currently underway on Cyberpunk and Jason's representation of it in his reporting. We have two sides presenting different stories, claiming the same source. This isn't manufactured by social media - this is the official position of two journalist publications.

Moving beyong that, based on what's happening, it seems more than a few people, some journalists, are unhappy with Jason Shrier. Given the nature of his followers on twitter, hating on Jason isn't "woke", unless you're attempting to re-purpose the common usage of "woke" to mean "popular" - which doesn't make sense, so I'd suggest not doing that. Criticism of Jason is something that has been building due to perceived hypocrisy in Jason's reporting, in combination with his infamous habit of blocking his critics on twitter. Is there an element of tall poppy syndrome there on the part of other Journalists? Yeah, certainly. But, there's also truth to claims of hypocrisy on Shrier's part: Jason will report leaked information about in-development games at his convenience - such as revealing information about Fallout 4's plot and setting long before they were officially revealed - but then criticise other leaks that he wasn't involved in making public, such as the Last of Us 2.

There is valid criticism, and a valid discussion, to be had here. Shutting it down accomplishes nothing.


Gold Member
People just want to jump on the hate Jason bandwagon to think they are smart. There isn't any evidence of polling that "majority of the devs actually opted for crunch", its an unsubstantiated claim made by Game Informer, but ppl suck it up because hating Jason is the woke thing now.

You'll find in life that criticism is largely proportionate to the egotistical nature of the person. Jason's pieces aren't 'reporting'. Let me tell you what's missing that would validate his work:

Time sheets of employees/sign in times (crunch period, normal period)
Details of contracts
Evidence of employees starting and leaving work (photographs)
Employee status (contractor/salary), and differences in those contracts
Details of benefits, perks and vacation entitlement
Why ex-employees used as sources left (dispute, tribunal, advancement, career change)
What level and experience the complaints are coming from
Which of the sources had families and which did not
Where any of the interviewed going through personal stresses at the time
What quality of work did those complaining usually produce? Were they well respected and were they experienced in shipping games?
How was it received across all staff
Who is crunching (numbers, seniority) - we all remember the article about R* crunching which turned out to be a few writers for example ("Dan Houser described working “100-hour weeks” to get the game out the door. The following Monday, Houser said in an e-mailed statement to Kotaku that he was only referring to the writing team and only for a period of three weeks.")

That's just off the top of my head. The whole problem with the hit pieces are that they can easily be fabricated. Let me give you an example. In the UK we have an ambulance service, the people there are aamzing and spend a shitload of time with massive pressure, often late or doing extra hours because of things like traffic, floods, hanging round ED departments for someone at the hospital to sign off and 'accept' the arrival into stretcher triage areas.

  • Now I could go to a regional centre close to me and interview 9 people, 3 of them might bitch about conditions and explain all the above to me and give me some examples of particularly bad winter nights. Then I can write a blog post sharing that, fishing for sympathy.
  • The week after I could take the accounts of the other 6 who love their job, give examples of how they saved several lives, say that the nature of the job has certain expectations.

Until Jason starts representing balance in his articles he will never be taken seriosuly except for the extremists on the web, which is reflected by the direction he is taking. He is searching for accolades and a niche, so his current job is overblowing these issues as massive problems he is 'exposing', when all he is doing is parroting a few disgruntled employees complaints that we all have.

Put it this way, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees that crunch is normal and should be the norm. The part that is failing is getting empathy from the vast, vast majority of readers of his material, which is what his pieces are meant to evoke. So he is failing at what he is attempting (apart from the extremists), and he is failing because his pieces lack credibility and are getting worse. Because when people go looking for facts, or more detail under the hood there is none. Just a pattern of overblown complaints, misrepresented and out of context corporate emails (R*, CDPR), dead ends and an ever increasing number of alternate and contradictory viewpoints that were never even highlighted.

All of this isn't a way to simply slag him off, it's a challenge to say 'be better', you have to work to make me believe you. You have to bring more receipts than share an anonymous interview from a minute portion of an entire workforce. For the cynical among us, he is someone who hates the industry he is in and clearly wishes he was reporting on other actual important global events so he is living out his fantasy fabricating 'world exclusives'.


I remember Schrier and that Grubb cunt tweeting ACAB coz all cops are bastards and that’s that, think otherwise and your a nazi or something. I was thinking, mate if shit goes down you look like the first person who would need cop protection. Most feeble looking human I have lied eyes on, yet has this massive ego.


Is this the guy who blocked me for questioning his opinion? Forgot he existed. Now back to never thinking of him again!
I think everyone noticed how toxic and horrible Jason really was when he tried to cancel Jeff Cannata for comparing TLOU2 to Schindlers List. Neil Cuckman and Cory Balrog defended Jeff and shat on Jason. And so did others in the gaming media.


Gold Member
For the cynical among us, he is someone who hates the industry he is in and clearly wishes he was reporting on other actual important global events so he is living out his fantasy fabricating 'world exclusives'.

It's a really common thing for gaming "Journalists" that have passed their sell-by date and are stuck covering videogames way passed their 30s. It's a young mans job, you do it for a bit and have fun then move on. That meaning you have your own website/Youtube channel that's successful or like many have done, just used games writing as a stepping stone into a career with a bit more credibility movies/music/celebrities.

Becuse when you work in games no matter how old you are you'll still often get the response "So, you just play games all day?" and for these long in the tooth jurnos that fucking burns.
Yeah, but as people say, anybody can claim anything. Did game informer has evidence on that? No.

GameInformer is making the exact same claim Jason is. That sources told them so and so. Jason claims he's had 12 exchanges with devs. He did not provide any evidence of that and neither did GI. But let's grant him these 12 are all current CDPR developers working on Cyberpunk 2077.

This 2019 article puts the number of people working on CP2077 at 400 (source), but I reckon it has ramped up since. Still, granting everything one possibly can to Steelman his case, Jason has contacted 3% of the workforce.

A sample of 3%.

People just want to jump on the hate Jason bandwagon to think they are smart.

Appeal to Motive logical fallacy.

Additionally, where is the evidence for this deep insight into human psychology you claim to poses?

Can I claim with the exact same lack of evidence you're just a "CDPR hater"?
Why not?

There isn't any evidence of polling that "majority of the devs actually opted for crunch", its an unsubstantiated claim made by Game Informer,

Not just by GameInfomer. CP2077 Director and Head of Warsaw Studio Adam Badowski said in a tweet, quote, "The majority of the team understand the push" (source). You can dismiss him as an additional source corroborating GI's claims, but I can play that game as well and with just as much legitimacy and dismiss the entirety of Jason's allegations, citing motives like him wanting to get Bloomberg.com more traffic and propel his writing career.

I'm not doing that because, apparently, I have higher standards than you do.

If you're going to be serious about it, you will , like I do, simply admit that opinions likely vary and that different developers will likely have different takes on the matter. I don't ground my unequivocal support for crunch on popularity. I support it as a matter of principle. Management has the right to set and change the terms and conditions under which they'll employ people. Don't like it? Try to bargain, go on strike, or just quit.

but ppl suck it up because hating Jason is the woke thing now.

You're showing considerable difficulty in being precise with your wording and presenting evidence for your folkloric claims.

At least Jason back it up with the email of the director himself,

Which proves absolutely nothing other than he's sorry. That doesn't even begin to address the core of Jason's claims, which is the suggestion of widespread discomfort if not opposition to crunch.

even with APOLOGY from the head studio to the devs and partners in June.

Cdpr contacted Jason themselves, perhaps many of you would like to think you guys are smarter than cdpr and have more credibility than Jason.

Appeal to Authority logical fallacy.

If Jason had lied, cdpr can just discredit him and show proof, but they didn't, because it was fact.

Affirming the Consequent logical fallacy.

You're on a roll today.
It's one logical fallacy after the other!

That tweet proves nothing, just another self praise to claim that he is the new credible guy. The whole problem stems from blowing things out of proportion and everybody thinking they are the expert on crunch now.

Please apply that statement to yourself.,

One can claim that the news is much ado about nothing, but to say that Jason is lying is outright moronic.

I don't think he's lying.
He's tremendously wrong, though.
And so are you with all your logical fallacies.
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RSI Employee of the Year
This, everytime i see someone says jason its a good journo shows how bad its the state of gaming journalism

Actually, the state of journalism in general. Especially in America (but Europe isn't immune) Journalists have become more and more closest politicians interested exclusively in pushing their agenda to the detriment of accurate reporting.

Ideological agenda-pushing via anonymous sources isn't new and isn't new to gaming journalism. Unfortunately, some gaming journalists have adopted this as their go-to-method of trying to shape the industry how *they* want it, and since it usually involves controversial topics, it gets visibility, visibility brings money, and this generates more who imitate these shoddy methods.

There is plenty of gaming journalists who hustle all day (and often night, talk about crunch) to serve their readers with the best gaming news they can, informing them about games they don't know about and constructive information actually related to the gaming hobby. Late tonight we're gonna get news about the new Guilty Gear game. As one of the first fighting games landing on next-generation, you'd say that'd be pretty damn relevant, but you certainly won't see the likes of Schreier and his imitators staying up or not going out on Saturday evening to actually cover the gaming news. There isn't enough controversy there to bank on or agendas to push. But hey, they're the ones doing the "real journalism" haha. 😂

Most of those journos who focus on actual gaming news steer clear from tangentially-related drama (who has time for that?), so unfortunately they don't get as much visibility. It's up to the public to support those who work hard and work well, instead of flocking to the drama-mongers and enabling them every time they vomit their clickbait. Hate clicks are still clicks.
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Have you ever noticed how everybody is loving, tolerant, inclusive, caring, open minded, but god forbid someone point the finger at capitalism and even the wokest shill corporate bootlicking glorified marketer fellow starts recoiling?
Very few keep their stance, many sell out because corporations are your friends and everybody knows it.
It's the WWE effect: wrestlers won't unionize, they will let WWE steal their Twitch channels because they're "living their dream". Same deal.

This isn't about CDPR, it's a general argument, we've seen this happen many times recently.
Make no mistake, this is exactly why identity politics exist.

Not even the other forum, known to spread identity politics and ruin game series, can do anything. This is the one issue they can't do * about. As long as they whine about trivial non-issues it's fine, look at the elephant in the room, you'll get stomped.

The Alien

This guy's my new hero.

Schrier is a joke. He bans people by the dozen for slight disagreements. This way his opinion, and only his opinion, remains the opinion of record.

Fuck that turd.


Watch "Jason Schreier Debunks The Existence of a Journos Cabal...By Blocking Everyone Who Mentions It" on YouTube

When game journalists instigate censorship and blacklisting. | by Jasperge107 | Medium

John Day

They asked them to work one more day a week for a limited amount of time. That does not in any shape or form confirm the whole of Schreier's narrative.

But it's also your narrative, so you choose to believe it. That's all there is to it.

But nahhh, god damn CDPR. It’s funny how many choose to die on this dumb ass hill. 🤣🤣🤣


Company do force crunch... do you believe that is “good”?
Did you goto high school or college? Professors make students "crunch." Even in useless liberal arts programs. Is that good?

This mentality that a little hard work is terrible is astounding. But at the same time it has also made it really easy to get on the fast track when so many people don't ha e any drive. Easy to stand out and get noticed.


Did you goto high school or college? Professors make students "crunch." Even in useless liberal arts programs. Is that good?

This mentality that a little hard work is terrible is astounding. But at the same time it has also made it really easy to get on the fast track when so many people don't ha e any drive. Easy to stand out and get noticed.

.....and that is why you have Jason, Anita, etc going after easy targets like the comics and gaming industry. Minimal effort on twitter can give an easy paycheck and set your career.


Did you goto high school or college? Professors make students "crunch." Even in useless liberal arts programs. Is that good?

This mentality that a little hard work is terrible is astounding. But at the same time it has also made it really easy to get on the fast track when so many people don't ha e any drive. Easy to stand out and get noticed.
I believe we lived different school or college... I never had to crunch... I had the teacher time (5x 50min with intervals between them) and after the school the homework time about 1-2 hours... that was enough to do all the homework.

The rest of the time was up to you do what you want... I go out with others kids do funny activities.

Is it 5-6 hours of study per day (Saturday and Sunday are free day) with intervals considered crunch?
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More people need to call Schreier out. What's his beef with CDPR anyway? Crunch (overtime) happens at almost every company on the planet. Not saying it is right, but if he's calling out CDPR he needs to call out every other dev as well.


Is there any dirct financial incentive for people who post something popular on twitter? The way it is on youtube.
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RSI Employee of the Year
Late tonight we're gonna get news about the new Guilty Gear game. As one of the first fighting games landing on next-generation, you'd say that'd be pretty damn relevant, but you certainly won't see the likes of Schreier and his imitators staying up or not going out on Saturday evening to actually cover the gaming news. There isn't enough controversy there to bank on or agendas to push. But hey, they're the ones doing the "real journalism" haha. 😂

The very relevant Guilty Gear -Strive- News (release date, trailers, new characters, & more) has come and gone and Schreier was asleep at the wheel. I guess the news wasn't "real journalism-y" enough. 😂

Maybe he'll wake up when someone lets him know that in the game's story the president of the United States is a woman and the same goes for her strongest bodyguard.

He'll get all excited and ready to write some "real journalism" about it, then he'll find out that they're both sexy ladies and have a hissy fit. 😂


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.....and that is why you have Jason, Anita, etc going after easy targets like the comics and gaming industry. Minimal effort on twitter can give an easy paycheck and set your career.

I'd like game developers criticizing Schreiers and Anita's jobs. I am sure they'd be much more relevant via their experience than them criticising game developers.
If you buy a console or PC that's made with what is effectively slave labor I don't want to hear you crying about devs who are paid well working overtime, they are adults and they can stick up for themselves, if they refuse to do something about it that's on them.
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Crunch (overtime) happens at almost every company on the planet. Not saying it is right, but if he's calling out CDPR he needs to call out every other dev as well.

What are talking you about dude?
He was the guy who called out Naught Dog and others...

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Following some of the threads off of this tweet to see what sparked this, Schrier's CD Projekt Red's crunch article has a lot of doubt around it and seems to have been the catalyst for this "call out". There's comments from some of the folk at Game Informer that the majority of the developers on the game opted for the crunch period, rather than delay the game, and thanks to Schrier's reporting, they didn't want to celebrate the game going gold.
What's the big deal anyway. They've had years of no crunch and now have a few weeks of it where they'll get paid more to finish the game. Boo fucking hoo.




The very relevant Guilty Gear -Strive- News (release date, trailers, new characters, & more) has come and gone and Schreier was asleep at the wheel. I guess the news wasn't "real journalism-y" enough.

He does not seem to cover games so much anymore, focusing on workplace politics and the like. I don’t even bother to read - as someone who works in tech myself, I just find that stuff mind-numbingly boring.

Every once in a blue moon he puts outs an interview with a dev (like the one you did with Kono when AC7 came out - great article btw), but that’s the exception and not the rule.


The very relevant Guilty Gear -Strive- News (release date, trailers, new characters, & more) has come and gone and Schreier was asleep at the wheel. I guess the news wasn't "real journalism-y" enough. 😂

Maybe he'll wake up when someone lets him know that in the game's story the president of the United States is a woman and the same goes for her strongest bodyguard.

He'll get all excited and ready to write some "real journalism" about it, then he'll find out that they're both sexy ladies and have a hissy fit. 😂


To be fair to him, no one reading bloomberg cares about guilty gear


Gold Member
The problem isn't even that he's wrong. Everyone's wrong from time to time. But Jason blocks everyone with legitimate criticism on his work or behavior on Twitter which leaves him in a positive feedback bubble where nothing he does is wrong or bad. All that will remain are nods in agreement on his tweets, which comes off as borderline fetishistic on his part.


What's the big deal anyway. They've had years of no crunch and now have a few weeks of it where they'll get paid more to finish the game. Boo fucking hoo.
Well we don't know how much crunch they've had; typically, when a game is delayed, the studio moves into hard crunch mode. However, they also have to hard crunch prior to the delay to order to attempt to meet the original deadline. This means they could have been crunch hard for around a year already. But, as I said, we don't actually know.
There's no need for that.


True, but it seems he has some kind of vendetta against CDPR. Why focus on one dev in particular?

Is it CDPR in particular? I'm not too sure about that, because he has called out several devs and the AAA industry at large. ND and CDPR are among the biggest fishes around.
Also CDPR has officially announced to change their practices regarding crunch and they seem to have failed. That's worth mentioning in my opinion.
Is it CDPR in particular? I'm not too sure about that, because he has called out several devs and the AAA industry at large. ND and CDPR are among the biggest fishes around.
Also CDPR has officially announced to change their practices regarding crunch and they seem to have failed. That's worth mentioning in my opinion.

Absolutely. I agree.
The goal of journalism is to report facts and it is a fact worth reporting CDPR said they would try to do away with Crunch and did not.

Calls for unionization or further regulation of capitalism in general, heartfelt remarks about how inhumane crunch supposedly is, those would be commentary and commentary is not journalism.
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What I dont get is how does someone like Schreier get all these big scoops from top software houses about their internal workings, is it because the leaker feels if they confide as an anonymous source to any other "Games Journalist" that their story wont be taken seriously?

If so the gatekeeping accusation holds water, like why does Schreier get to break all these stories it's not like he has super powers that finds these stories, he just gets chinese whispers from disgruntled employees
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RSI Employee of the Year
To be fair to him, no one reading bloomberg cares about guilty gear

I'm fairly sure a lot of people reading Bloomberg do care about Guilty Gear (you can replace it with any other video game franchise really). A lot of different people read generalist websites like that and I'm positive it's fairly safe to assume there's plenty interested in fighting games.

A lot more would care if the journalists writing on Bloomberg actually did their job and covered games, introducing people to titles they don't know about, and not just to drama and controversy.
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Scotty W

Gold Member
Criticism of Jason is something that has been building due to perceived hypocrisy in Jason's reporting, in combination with his infamous habit of blocking his critics on twitter. Is there an element of tall poppy syndrome there on the part of other Journalists?

Kotaku in general painted a target on itself. I used to think it was a good site, but it became extremely toxic to the point that I cannot stand any of the editors. But Schreier is the only one who stays in the news. So in that sense, he is the tallest poppy.

However, given his role in the shocking decline of quality in gaming journalism, as well as his role as a gatekeeper perpetuating those same low standards, and his cancellations of people, and finally his smugness, he has earned every bit of dislike that has come his way.


GameInformer is making the exact same claim Jason is. That sources told them so and so. Jason claims he's had 12 exchanges with devs. He did not provide any evidence of that and neither did GI. But let's grant him these 12 are all current CDPR developers working on Cyberpunk 2077.

This 2019 article puts the number of people working on CP2077 at 400 (source), but I reckon it has ramped up since. Still, granting everything one possibly can to Steelman his case, Jason has contacted 3% of the workforce.
Absolute nonsense. Jason make the news by having the EMAIL cdpr employees provided to proof a mandatory crunch. Then another interview withe studio head himself making those claims, then another EMAIL of apology letter from the head for mandatory crunch.
When this was revealed, cdpr were not able to refute his claims at all.
What does GI provide, simply their own claim that they have interviewed some cdpr people, without any paper trail or evidence, all their own words.
GI claim that cdpr employees were asked whether they preferred crunch or delay and said a majority preferred crunch... based on what??
Jason then around to look for proof on whether there was a poll or question that asked them of this preference, but there was none, and GI were not able to provide any evidence of that too.
All you had was their words and only their words.
The prejudice that you have against this particular journalist is so obvious even in the face of evidence provided.
Can people think this is overblown? Perhaps, since it's subjective. But to claim Jason lied and GI is proving him wrong is absolute nonsense.


What I dont get is how does someone like Schreier get all these big scoops from top software houses about their internal workings, is it because the leaker feels if they confide as an anonymous source to any other "Games Journalist" that their story wont be taken seriously?

If so the gatekeeping accusation holds water, like why does Schreier get to break all these stories it's not like he has super powers that finds these stories, he just gets chinese whispers from disgruntled employees
Because he has a credible reputation over the years to report this stories with evidence, and none of them has been proven a lie. That's why developers have the confidence to confide to him. Don't forget it was cdpr boss himself that comes to Jason to make the promise of no mandatory crunch.
But the recent case involve gamers favourite that is cdpr, and so the prejudice against him rise up. And many other news outlet also jump on this bandwagon to gain clicks and views.


You'll find in life that criticism is largely proportionate to the egotistical nature of the person. Jason's pieces aren't 'reporting'. Let me tell you what's missing that would validate his work:

Time sheets of employees/sign in times (crunch period, normal period)
Details of contracts
Evidence of employees starting and leaving work (photographs)
Employee status (contractor/salary), and differences in those contracts
Details of benefits, perks and vacation entitlement
Why ex-employees used as sources left (dispute, tribunal, advancement, career change)
What level and experience the complaints are coming from
Which of the sources had families and which did not
Where any of the interviewed going through personal stresses at the time
What quality of work did those complaining usually produce? Were they well respected and were they experienced in shipping games?
How was it received across all staff
Who is crunching (numbers, seniority) - we all remember the article about R* crunching which turned out to be a few writers for example ("Dan Houser described working “100-hour weeks” to get the game out the door. The following Monday, Houser said in an e-mailed statement to Kotaku that he was only referring to the writing team and only for a period of three weeks.")

That's just off the top of my head. The whole problem with the hit pieces are that they can easily be fabricated. Let me give you an example. In the UK we have an ambulance service, the people there are aamzing and spend a shitload of time with massive pressure, often late or doing extra hours because of things like traffic, floods, hanging round ED departments for someone at the hospital to sign off and 'accept' the arrival into stretcher triage areas.

  • Now I could go to a regional centre close to me and interview 9 people, 3 of them might bitch about conditions and explain all the above to me and give me some examples of particularly bad winter nights. Then I can write a blog post sharing that, fishing for sympathy.
  • The week after I could take the accounts of the other 6 who love their job, give examples of how they saved several lives, say that the nature of the job has certain expectations.

Until Jason starts representing balance in his articles he will never be taken seriosuly except for the extremists on the web, which is reflected by the direction he is taking. He is searching for accolades and a niche, so his current job is overblowing these issues as massive problems he is 'exposing', when all he is doing is parroting a few disgruntled employees complaints that we all have.

Put it this way, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who agrees that crunch is normal and should be the norm. The part that is failing is getting empathy from the vast, vast majority of readers of his material, which is what his pieces are meant to evoke. So he is failing at what he is attempting (apart from the extremists), and he is failing because his pieces lack credibility and are getting worse. Because when people go looking for facts, or more detail under the hood there is none. Just a pattern of overblown complaints, misrepresented and out of context corporate emails (R*, CDPR), dead ends and an ever increasing number of alternate and contradictory viewpoints that were never even highlighted.

All of this isn't a way to simply slag him off, it's a challenge to say 'be better', you have to work to make me believe you. You have to bring more receipts than share an anonymous interview from a minute portion of an entire workforce. For the cynical among us, he is someone who hates the industry he is in and clearly wishes he was reporting on other actual important global events so he is living out his fantasy fabricating 'world exclusives'.
So much nonsense in this post.

Did cdpr boss came to him and make that promise of no mandatory crunch? Yes.

Did he has the letters of mandatory crunch and cdpr boss' apologies on mandatory crunch? Yes.

Did he report exactly those? Yes.

And you believe GI claims with 0 evidence? Your prejudice is so visible a mile away. GI claims that everyone was asked whether they prefer crunch over delay and majority chose crunch? Based on what? Nothing that's right, only their words.
Jason then went on to asked whther there was a poll or question that cdpr really did ask this but there was none. And GI provide none either.

Please then provide evidence from GI, and evidence of Jason's receipt of emails and letters are false.

But go on, stick with that woke prejudice because it's Jason and cdpr. By your own delusional criteria, there's no journalist that does any reporting.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
So much nonsense in this post.

Did cdpr boss came to him and make that promise of no mandatory crunch? Yes.

Did he has the letters of mandatory crunch and cdpr boss' apologies on mandatory crunch? Yes.

Did he report exactly those? Yes.

And you believe GI claims with 0 evidence? Your prejudice is so visible a mile away. GI claims that everyone was asked whether they prefer crunch over delay and majority chose crunch? Based on what? Nothing that's right, only their words.
Jason then went on to asked whther there was a poll or question that cdpr really did ask this but there was none. And GI provide none either.

Please then provide evidence from GI, and evidence of Jason's receipt of emails and letters are false.

But go on, stick with that woke prejudice because it's Jason and cdpr. By your own delusional criteria, there's no journalist that does any reporting.

Jason isn't going to sleep with you, mate. No need to try so hard to defend that cuck of a man.
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