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NeoGAF Ban Review/Justice Project

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Unconfirmed Member
Eh the race IQ thing has been a permaban-able offense since I joined. (new neogaf) Since it aligns with actual supremacists views and twitter tisms (I think) I can see why Tyler is like fuck that.
@PhrixotrichusPostNov 25, 2020PermanentAnother console war comment. You were warned before. Take a break (Upgraded to perm for ban evasion alt)
@PhrixNov 25, 2020PermanentAlt of Phrixotrichus - console warring is a hobby fam
How original. Atleast better than @Bluewave and @Redwave.
@BluewavePostDec 14, 2019PermanentExcellent first post, comrade.
@RedwaveNov 1, 2020PermanentAlt of Bluewave. For such a shit forum, you sure are interested in posting here.

Just create an alt and make sure your name is recognizable.
SMH he didn't even name himself Dagothwave.


Happy Thanksgiving to the staff. We may not all always agree, but nobody would doubt how hard you work for us, and it is really, really appreciated.

A lot more people are here than just Evilore, but I sometimes recall this story he told about going to bat for us, when advertisers come calling for censorship, and how challenging that battle can be. That kind of opened my eyes to how much work running a site like this can be in all aspects, from the mundane to the big.

So, from El, to the people that make things work, to the mods, to Debbie in accounting. Even the likes of Soapy Wooder. :messenger_face_steam: Thanks, everyone.
II. Expected Behavior
NeoGAF is a forum for holding civil, evidence-based discussion. Do not post disingenuously, or in an inflammatory manner for the sole purpose of upsetting others. Negative commentary and minority opinions are not frowned upon, but members are expected to be able to substantiate their positions. At the same time, do not derail threads around yourself or attempt to respond to every single reaction among dozens after posting a comment that is reacted to severely en masse.

Most of the threads in politics are a shit-show at the moment. It's understandable that people are excitable with everything going on, but most threads are instantly derailed by a small group of the same members who offer nothing other than "nuh-uh" or "me smart, you dumb because X".

"Opinions are not frowned upon" but "Disingenuous or inflammatory" posting is. Derailing threads based on nothing and being able to back it up with nothing, in every thread on the same topic, is "attempt to respond to every single reaction".

Is gaf keeping people around because banning them would point an 'alt-right' sized target on the forums' back?
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My thread's are getting closed without justification, and if you notice - I am being singled out. I do not cuss, taunt users, call names or generally do anything than politely stand my ground however I am being singled out and have contacted you multiple times about this issue using the contact us feature to no avail. Meanwhile I see plenty of user's cuss, name call, berate women and act significantly worse than I ever have on this discussion board - as I in fact have been labeled something that I can only assume point's to the fact that I simply only ever politely stand my ground. So we live in a world where that incites the label of troll? Again, multiple user's here exist that act belligerent and barbaric compared to my own post's that - again, are only ever polite and steadfastly adhere to fact's even when other user's blatantly antagonize my post's and incite arguments. I remain polite through these instances, yet despite not cussing, name calling, causing trouble or anything else you somehow consider my post's trolling and lock my threads without justification.

Also, I have a feeling you may bring up Console Warring....??? as my primary issue or perhaps - flaming threads however for any of your claims to be true, I would of needed to speak in fact ill of the PS5, I have only ever cited factually that Xbox is my fave this gen and I believe it - as a Computer Scientist is the fastest of the two machines available, I have stated that I have never owned a Sony console but have never actually in fact spoke ill of any particular console - I have stated specifically the SeriesX is the more powerful machine - to my knowledge being a fan of a specific machine is not console warring, but in fact speaking ill of the opposing ecosystem would in fact be console flaming - console warring specifically adheres to the caveat that ill has been spoken of that specific platform in the realm of namecalling and in fact I have many times done the opposite and counter to your claim - have not in fact ever slandered the opposing ecosystems, or spoken ill/namecalled/trolled in any factual magnitude.
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You're an agenda poster who reads like an astro-turfer, not a three dimensional human being that cares about things beyond selling us on game streaming.
Yes this is exactly the type of name calling I do not abide by or adhere to. So it is in fact ok that it happen's, as long as I'm being singled out - and not ok for me to politely stand my ground without stooping so low?
Yes this is exactly the type of name calling I do not abide by or adhere to. So it is in fact ok that it happen's, as long as I'm being singled out - and not ok for me to politely stand my ground without stooping so low?

I don't speak for the moderators for all I know they're also clutching their pearls over the horrific things I've said to you. But hey, I could be right about why they've labelled you a troll and closed your threads, who knows, it'd take some self-reflection on your part to figure it out but for me it's pretty clear you're here to shove some annoying agenda down everyone's throats about the streaming future.
I don't speak for the moderators for all I know they're also clutching their pearls over the horrific things I've said to you. But hey, I could be right about why they've labelled you a troll and closed your threads, who knows, it'd take some self-reflection on your part to figure it out but for me it's pretty clear you're here to shove some annoying agenda down everyone's throats about the streaming future.
That's ridiculous, you're juxtaposing an entire narrative based on just my most recent posts?

Topical discussion that in fact is timely, accurate based on the most up to date discussion topics - from the last 24 hour's... somehow clearly singles me out as an Agenda poster? Whatever that is supposed to mean?

Meanwhile, streaming is an actual reality and that is somehow my Agenda here on Neogaf cuz I've spoken about it in now 3 threads, one which I created with news about a rumor - the other the rumor thread which was about a stick, while my thread was about an app within 1 year - and the other my thoughts on why MS suddenly hates fanboyism?

So if my thread were actually about SeriesX launches and my topical discussion in the last 24 hours were also on SeriesX - I could be singled out without proper justification as an Agenda poster because I'd been posting about that platform?

Are discussions/topical threads not everyone's agenda here at NeoGaf?
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That's ridiculous, you're juxtaposing an entire narrative based on just my most recent posts?

Topical discussion that in fact is timely, accurate based on the most up to date discussion topics - from the last 24 hour's... somehow clearly singles me out as an Agenda poster? Whatever that is supposed to mean?

Meanwhile, streaming is an actual reality and that is somehow my Agenda here on Neogaf cuz I've spoken about it in now 3 threads, one which I created with news about a rumor - the other the rumor thread which was about a stick, while my thread was about an app within 1 year - and the other my thoughts on why MS suddenly hates fanboyism?

So if my thread were actually about SeriesX launches and my topical discussion in the last 24 hours were also on SeriesX - I could be singled out without proper justification as an Agenda poster because I'd been posting about that platform?

Are discussions/topical threads not everyone's agenda here at NeoGaf?

Part of me wants to give you a spiel about how this is a community and you don't get along with anyone, just shout them down from up on your mountain or whatever but I dunno, I don't care. Usually I respond to people in this thread with the idea that maybe I can help them out but you're very annoying and tiresome so I don't really care.
Part of me wants to give you a spiel about how this is a community and you don't get along with anyone, just shout them down from up on your mountain or whatever but I dunno, I don't care. Usually I respond to people in this thread with the idea that maybe I can help them out but you're very annoying and tiresome so I don't really care.
This is why I am addressing the staff here, and not the user's - as this is specifically the exact type of nonsense I refrain from in my post's - however I have been singled out and made to look exactly ... noo... better... than that of many users that cuss and blatantly berate women in other examples - while politely discussing topical threads. I will ignore this particular user moving forward but as an example this is exactly the type of language I simply do not use in my posts. I will not reply again to this user but Staff you have not justified, beyond that specific moment that I typed in all caps - however typing in ALL caps is not disingenuously engaging with users/name calling - and you haven't produced any actual evidence that I am flamming threads/trolling beyond the moment where I joked that the mod's should just label me a troll for attempting to engage in genuine discussion. Yes I laughed at the title after I jokingly suggested you label me as such, but not so much when specifically having thread's shut down/expected not to hold a genuine polite stance - while being engaged with user's less than savory. Thank You.
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Perpetually Offended
That's ridiculous, you're juxtaposing an entire narrative based on just my most recent posts?

Topical discussion that in fact is timely, accurate based on the most up to date discussion topics - from the last 24 hour's... somehow clearly singles me out as an Agenda poster? Whatever that is supposed to mean?

Meanwhile, streaming is an actual reality and that is somehow my Agenda here on Neogaf cuz I've spoken about it in now 3 threads, one which I created with news about a rumor - the other the rumor thread which was about a stick, while my thread was about an app within 1 year - and the other my thoughts on why MS suddenly hates fanboyism?

So if my thread were actually about SeriesX launches and my topical discussion in the last 24 hours were also on SeriesX - I could be singled out without proper justification as an Agenda poster because I'd been posting about that platform?

Are discussions/topical threads not everyone's agenda here at NeoGaf?

I disagree with a lot of people here all the time... But I took the time to listen. Not every thought of mine needs to be said nor does it need to be defended where I'm "standing my ground". I can agree to disagree and get along fine with folks I disagree with (save for a couple).

Just go into other threads. You've made your points... Move on. There's more to gaming section than making threads about streaming ... Which is a hard sell around here.

You like it, that's great! No one can take that from you. Enjoy it! But don't think you can push it down anyone's throat and not get pushback. You're being a victim and that way you're going can lead to a ban... Temp or perm (I don't see your threads so I don't know how they go but if your posts here are any indication, you seriously need to chill).

Don't get worked up... This year been stressful for everybody. Go to offtopic section and peruse threads there. Relax bruh.
This is why I am addressing the staff here, and not the user's - as this is specifically the exact type of nonsense I refrain from in my post's - however I have been singled out and made to look exactly ... noo... better... than that of many users that cuss and blatantly berate women in other examples - while politely discussing topical threads. I will ignore this particular user moving forward but as an example this is exactly the type of language I simply do not use in my posts. I will not reply again to this user but Staff you have not justified, beyond that specific moment that I typed in all caps - however typing in ALL caps is not disingenuously engaging with users/name calling - and you haven't produced any actual evidence that I am flamming threads/trolling beyond the moment where I joked that the mod's should just label me a troll for attempting to engage in genuine discussion. Yes I laughed at the title after I jokingly suggested you label me as such, but not so much when specifically having thread's shut down/expected not to hold a genuine polite stance - while being engaged with user's less than savory. Thank You.

Hear me now, villain, you have done thine house an offense with such postings. I shall be asking you to cease and desist such fraudulent commentary post hence. If in a fortnight's time you have not abdicated your position of tumultuous discord then it shall be pistols at dawn. I have sealed the terms of this arrangement and have had 5 non-family witnesses attest to their contents and veracity. I shall not be addressing you again but if you wish to have a further discourse you may contact my surrogate, Tesseract Tesseract and through him we may seek a truce and bridge our differences but I hold not a fool's hope for such a day to come to pass for you have shown thyself to be of an argumentation ethos born of squalor and uncouth mannerisms.

My advocates asked me to insert an addendum in this correspondence to let you know that while there are no legal or doctrine-based requirements for the Lords, viscounts or Counts to explain their actions to peasantry it is upon you to summarize in clear verbiage your grievances with thyself or be mocked for your lack of decorum.
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1: Get over yourself. This is Gaf. We don’t fall apart because we get teased, confronted, or insulted. Identity politics has nothing to do with it — every single one of us has dealt it out, and taken it in return. And in the end, a lot of us tend to be a family and care about each other regardless.

2: Having to defend your ideas against adversity determines whether they’re good ideas at all, whether they need to be tossed, and if not, refines them and your debate skills.

3: Go enjoy Thanksgiving. You have better things to do with your time, and so does everyone else.
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I disagree with a lot of people here all the time... But I took the time to listen. Not every thought of mine needs to be said nor does it need to be defended where I'm "standing my ground". I can agree to disagree and get along fine with folks I disagree with (save for a couple).

Just go into other threads. You've made your points... Move on. There's more to gaming section than making threads about streaming ... Which is a hard sell around here.

You like it, that's great! No one can take that from you. Enjoy it! But don't think you can push it down anyone's throat and not get pushback. You're being a victim and that way you're going can lead to a ban... Temp or perm (I don't see your threads so I don't know how they go but if your posts here are any indication, you seriously need to chill).

Don't get worked up... This year been stressful for everybody. Go to offtopic section and peruse threads there. Relax bruh.

Yes being told Streaming threads are not a genuine topic for me to engage in is not a satisfactory resolution to an ongoing problem I have contacted staff here directly about multiple times.

And I will continue to stand by any thought's I do actually discuss as that is, as far as I know - how discussion boards work. I do not as you claim, shove anything down user's throat's - you are citing making
a newsworthy post - that actually does nothing but discuss timely news worthy on topic material is akin to shoving my preferences down user's throats.

So by that way of thinking, XCloud Streaming and this new announcement - the fact that Phil Spencer just went on record stating it will be available within the year - those are not points worth discussing and shame on me for posting in 1 single previous thread about that topic specifically.

My preference is neither pro or con streaming, I made a thread - shame on me for pushing an agenda?

I will ignore all user's on this issue moving forward, staff please contact me about this as this was only a small example of an ongoing problem that arose just recently.


BS, they told you streaming wasn’t a genuine topic. I’ve seen plenty of threads around them, even a glowing Stadia impressions one, where some Gaffers gave it a chance.

More than likely, looking at your conduct here, they told you how you were creating those threads was the problem.
Again, I still am unsure why my most recent thread was shut down - Game Streaming through Xcloud is a newsworthy on topic discussion point and I still am unsure why that thread no longer exists - aside from user's here attempting to explain it away in leu of that thread's closure.

And again that is not the primary reason I am posting but a mere example, please staff contact me and I will continue to ignore disingenuous replies here moving forward.


Perpetually Offended
Yes being told Streaming threads are not a genuine topic for me to engage in is not a satisfactory resolution to an ongoing problem I have contacted staff here directly about multiple times.

And I will continue to stand by any thought's I do actually discuss as that is, as far as I know - how discussion boards work. I do not as you claim, shove anything down user's throat's - you are citing making
a newsworthy post - that actually does nothing but discuss timely news worthy on topic material is akin to shoving my preferences down user's throats.

So by that way of thinking, XCloud Streaming and this new announcement - the fact that Phil Spencer just went on record stating it will be available within the year - those are not points worth discussing and shame on me for posting in 1 single previous thread about that topic specifically.

My preference is neither pro or con streaming, I made a thread - shame on me for pushing an agenda?

I will ignore all user's on this issue moving forward, staff please contact me about this as this was only a small example of an ongoing problem that arose just recently.

Dude... I was mad respectful to you. I gave you genuine advice. And I was going by your posts IN HERE.

You keep going on about how it's a newsworthy thing... Ok... but when you don't get traction and keep badgering folks like this, you are making yourself a target for banning.

But you don't want to listen to people actually giving you good advice ..

I tried.
My thread's are getting closed without justification, and if you notice - I am being singled out. I do not cuss, taunt users, call names or generally do anything than politely stand my ground however I am being singled out and have contacted you multiple times about this issue using the contact us feature to no avail. Meanwhile I see plenty of user's cuss, name call, berate women and act significantly worse than I ever have on this discussion board - as I in fact have been labeled something that I can only assume point's to the fact that I simply only ever politely stand my ground. So we live in a world where that incites the label of troll? Again, multiple user's here exist that act belligerent and barbaric compared to my own post's that - again, are only ever polite and steadfastly adhere to fact's even when other user's blatantly antagonize my post's and incite arguments. I remain polite through these instances, yet despite not cussing, name calling, causing trouble or anything else you somehow consider my post's trolling and lock my threads without justification.

Also, I have a feeling you may bring up Console Warring....??? as my primary issue or perhaps - flaming threads however for any of your claims to be true, I would of needed to speak in fact ill of the PS5, I have only ever cited factually that Xbox is my fave this gen and I believe it - as a Computer Scientist is the fastest of the two machines available, I have stated that I have never owned a Sony console but have never actually in fact spoke ill of any particular console - I have stated specifically the SeriesX is the more powerful machine - to my knowledge being a fan of a specific machine is not console warring, but in fact speaking ill of the opposing ecosystem would in fact be console flaming - console warring specifically adheres to the caveat that ill has been spoken of that specific platform in the realm of namecalling and in fact I have many times done the opposite and counter to your claim - have not in fact ever slandered the opposing ecosystems, or spoken ill/namecalled/trolled in any factual magnitude.
If I were you, I would have left it at this and just given the staff time to respond. Better yet, make your posts more concise and easier to read. You've already said you will ignore others replies and that's fine to only want to speak to the staff but you can also private message EviLore. Just be patient and relax.


Hear me now, villain, you have done thine house an offense with such postings. I shall be asking you to cease and desist such fraudulent commentary post hence. If in a fortnight's time you have not abdicated your position of tumultuous discord then it shall be pistols at dawn. I have sealed the terms of this arrangement and have had 5 non-family witnesses attest to their contents and veracity. I shall not be addressing you again but if you wish to have a further discourse you may contact my surrogate, Tesseract Tesseract and through him we may seek a truce and bridge our differences but I hold not a fool's hope for such a day to come to pass for you have shown thyself to be of an argumentation ethos born of squalor and uncouth mannerisms.

My advocates asked me to insert an addendum in this correspondence to let you know that while there are no legal or doctrine-based requirements for the Lords, viscounts or Counts to explain their actions to peasantry it is upon you to summarize in clear verbiage your grievances with thyself or be mocked for your lack of decorum.

“I don’t duel, boy. I kill as a soldier kills, which is as a butcher kills, as quickly, efficiently, and with as least risk to myself as I can arrange.”


Hear me now, villain, you have done thine house an offense with such postings. I shall be asking you to cease and desist such fraudulent commentary post hence. If in a fortnight's time you have not abdicated your position of tumultuous discord then it shall be pistols at dawn. I have sealed the terms of this arrangement and have had 5 non-family witnesses attest to their contents and veracity. I shall not be addressing you again but if you wish to have a further discourse you may contact my surrogate, Tesseract Tesseract and through him we may seek a truce and bridge our differences but I hold not a fool's hope for such a day to come to pass for you have shown thyself to be of an argumentation ethos born of squalor and uncouth mannerisms.

My advocates asked me to insert an addendum in this correspondence to let you know that while there are no legal or doctrine-based requirements for the Lords, viscounts or Counts to explain their actions to peasantry it is upon you to summarize in clear verbiage your grievances with thyself or be mocked for your lack of decorum.
I laughed for a good 5 minutes straight thanks


Hear me now, villain, you have done thine house an offense with such postings. I shall be asking you to cease and desist such fraudulent commentary post hence. If in a fortnight's time you have not abdicated your position of tumultuous discord then it shall be pistols at dawn. I have sealed the terms of this arrangement and have had 5 non-family witnesses attest to their contents and veracity. I shall not be addressing you again but if you wish to have a further discourse you may contact my surrogate, Tesseract Tesseract and through him we may seek a truce and bridge our differences but I hold not a fool's hope for such a day to come to pass for you have shown thyself to be of an argumentation ethos born of squalor and uncouth mannerisms.

My advocates asked me to insert an addendum in this correspondence to let you know that while there are no legal or doctrine-based requirements for the Lords, viscounts or Counts to explain their actions to peasantry it is upon you to summarize in clear verbiage your grievances with thyself or be mocked for your lack of decorum.

Holy fuck, this is great! :pie_roffles:


Unconfirmed Member
If there’s a country on the planet that deserves nuking it’s probably Israel.

Watched it last night, thought it was awesome. Not to the levels of the very best Marvel films like the first Avengers or Infinity war but a solid 8 from me. Can’t wait the see her in End Game.

Not sure what all the “OMG feminism” rage was all about by the perpetually outraged alt right types. Didn’t even register whilst watching the film nor were her statements note worthy.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Nah, this was a few days ago.

Am I finally too high or does this not make sense?

Any moderate positions, e.g. existing in reality as far as the election results are concerned, don't sit well with extremists.

Hey EviLore EviLore , would you be kind to explain why my post here was deleted? No big deal, its just that I didn't received any feedback about it.

If you didn't get a notification the post may have been moved to Meta-GAF or Virgin-GAF rather than being deleted, to keep this thread on-topic as a useful resource.


If you didn't get a notification the post may have been moved to Meta-GAF or Virgin-GAF rather than being deleted, to keep this thread on-topic as a useful resource.

I was sure the post was clearly following the topic, but no big deal. Thanks for the clarification 👍


Hold onto your panties
I was sure the post was clearly following the topic, but no big deal. Thanks for the clarification 👍
I had a post moved a couple months back that may have seemed relevant as it was about a banned user. However, I understood after reading my post through again why it wasn't appropriate to be posted here and could have derailed the thread. So, the mods know why they're moving posts and if it's not relevant to this thread - you can expect to see it in Meta GAF or Virgin GAF where it likely belongs.
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