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Cyberpunk 2077 on PC. Safe to get now?


Some of the side quests can still break (like the Delamain quests), they haven't patched those yet, but other than those it's been rather smooth since launch on PC. won't hurt to wait until after the second major patch in February just to be sure.
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Here is another video. I do agree with this one too.
None of claims in both of these videos are false. They both just kinda state facts.
Sure they focus more on bad than good but that's a critique

No, Im sorry, that video from BeatEmUps guy is just terrible, every time he talks about game design its so laughable that its hard to take him seriously, like for example he shows car chase sequence from 2018 gameplay demo and then says it cannot happen in the actual game, because all car chase sequences are scripted. I mean WHAT THE FUCK, did this guy actually thought that sequence from 2018 demo was not scripted? Not to mention Delamain quest chain where you have to convince his cabs to drove back to Delamain, so obviously there is some AI for driving even though he claims there is none.

Some stuff in his video is true like static open world, but most of the time he just talks about things he very likely just read on reddit and took at face value without actually thinking about them.

I tried to watch the other video you posted, but once that guy mentioned that he will be discussing politics I had to close it.

If people want watch critical and informative video about Cyberpunk I would advise them to watch this:
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I will say one thing and that is what we saw in TLOU2 gameplay trailer in 2018 was much more true to the actual game than the 2018 Cyberpunk trailer.


All the side quests I've come across are basically the cyberphysco stuff (don't kill them but you can't really kill them anyway), and then what essentially amount to a bunch of fetch or rescue quests.

The side content in the Witcher 3 was better thought out and was of a much higher standard, and that's coming from the same studio.

Then there's the fact that there's a bunch of meaningless crappy copy paste side content that's been vomited all over the world map and you can't even filter the icons on the map.

It's a joke but people see what they want to see because hey, can't let those 7+ years of maximum hype go down the drain.
Or maybe those people played Cyberpunk more then you and as result have more things to say about it then you, did you think of that?

You mentioned Witcher 3 has much higher standard for side content yet you complain about copy pasta "vomited all over the world map" which is the same issue Witcher 3 has, in fact as a person who tried to clear all question marks in Skellige, I would say that Witcher 3 copy pasta content is actually MUCH worse.

Although I do agree that side content was better thought out in the Witcher 3, you get a lot of fairly interesting side stuff really early on, which just doesn't happen in Cyberpunk.
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It's been great on PC since launch, even on weaker hardware such as 1060 or a RX 580. Thoroughly recommend it.


Tons of bugs, nothing to do aside from main and side quests, horrible AI, memory leak issues, zero interactivity with the world itself. Wait until it's patched.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It's fine, but it is several months away from being in a good state. Right now it is serviceable on PC and still bloody awful on last gen base consoles. It's barely serviceable on current gen consoles.

Mikey Jr.

You've waited this long, I say wait for the first Jan patch at the least.

I haven't played the game at all despite owning it (preodered the game a long time ago from Amazon for a really good price), and personally, I'm waiting the the PS5 patch.

Fuck it. I RARELY replay games, especially 50 hour ones.

Might as well wait till I can play it at its best.


I was able to play through it to completion without and critical issues. Saw a few minor C and B bugs, but never got a crash or a freeze. Ran really well too.

At this point it's only gonna get better with time I'd imagine. At least I'd hope so, lol.
I finished the game. I played on 3700x and 3080. The game looks gorgeous at times but the city is dead, there is no interaction, no fun, no choices, everything is fake or meaningless.
Some quests had fun story but only that.
The game made me realize that Days gone have much better open world than this. Even fallout 4 world is better.
The game is fine but it's a bad rpg, bad shooter and bad open world. It just looks good and some story bits are cool.
There is no open world gameplay, there is no ai, no police, no dynamic encounters. Just go to quest 1 then got o quest 2, fake choices along the way... stats are broken...
AND THEN all the bugs on top of that which are way worse than any fallout. Fallout 4 might have shit story but open world was super fun to play


Edit: Before You comment on my playtime. I finished a lot of side quests too. If the game is shit by hour 54... it's not gonna get better.
I’m at 60 hours, and if you’ve completed the game in 50 hours, it’s safe to say that you saw about a third of the game, didn’t explore the more interesting aspects of the skill and perk tree and missed most of the incredibly written side content and interactions, not unlike most reviewers rushing their pieces outs. No offense here, but your comments suggest as much. The game is very thick with side content and “open world” activity driven by hustles, side jobs and gigs that flesh out the incredibly detailed and rich lore.


Darkness no more
I have a 2070. It’s not a bad card, but also not one of the fancy new cards. The game ran and played great for my 45 hours. It never crashed once. I think I had boxes get stuck on my UI 3 or 4 times. When that happens I just saved and reloaded and it was fixed. Other then that I would see an occasional goofy graphical glitch, but it wasn’t any worse then playing an Assassins Creed or other open world game at release. I’d say it runs well enough on PC to buy if you are interested.


What? It was always safe on pc...havent had any serious bugs, besides a few hilarious glitches. Game was made for pc in mind.
So far bugs have been more immersion breaking than game breaking.

I have an i7 8700k and RTX 3080 and performance is all over the place.


I am playing the Stadia version and it was "fine" for the most part. It's supposedly the most stable version to play, but even then I encountered many bugs. Most of them were just unintentionally funny moments, but I encountered one game-breaking bug where I couldn't progress any further unless I loaded up an older save. I had to sacrifice an hour of gameplay to get things back to normal, but overall, I've been glued to the game and I've put in about 70 hours so far.

In hindsight I kinda wish I pickup up the PC version instead though. The streaming quality has been very poor lately.


Finished main story and now working on getting 100% achievements, stability has been fine no crashes in 130+ hours but minor glitches are abound (some of them funny tbh) but nothing game breaking, only had to reload an earlier save once during a side mission due to a known progression bug which randomly occurs there, game is constantly auto saving (multiple auto saves not just overwriting the same one) so the chance of getting soft locked is pretty low, can also quicksave with F5.

I'm sure the game will get numerous quality of life improvements & fixes over time like Witcher 3 did, You could maybe wait until the 2 big patches are out (Patch 1 this month / Patch 2 in February).

I feel performance should be better but its mostly 60fps, just waiting for non scalp 3070 availability.

i7 8700K / RTX 2070 with mild OC / 1080P 144Hz / Steam version


I’m at 60 hours, and if you’ve completed the game in 50 hours, it’s safe to say that you saw about a third of the game, didn’t explore the more interesting aspects of the skill and perk tree and missed most of the incredibly written side content and interactions, not unlike most reviewers rushing their pieces outs. No offense here, but your comments suggest as much. The game is very thick with side content and “open world” activity driven by hustles, side jobs and gigs that flesh out the incredibly detailed and rich lore.
Excuse me? I played enough. Maybe it's you who struggle? I've not finished every side quest but some bigger ones. Don't care about doing every side gig obviously.
Wtf is going on? So I don't get to say on the game until I 100% it?! I finished the fucking thing and did quite a lot of side quests. 55h is more than enough.
The game is ok but it's an empty shell with a lot of talking. It's a fine game but not a 10 or 9. Not even 8 tbh.
I fail to see the incredible deep writing. Some stuff is good but nothing ground breaking. Maybe if someone never played a game like this before, then he drools over every side gig but cmon. It's detective work and fetch quests
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Gold Member
The game is just fine on PC. Just make sure to save like a Bethesda game just in case some quest flag breaks. I have 138 hours thus far and have only experienced 2 major quest bugs out of the dozens of quests I've completed due to flags not triggering. Saving and reloading will fix most graphical glitches.

The other major issues in the game is the result of poor programming or game design challenges CDPR couldn't overcome. (ex. AI pathing over complex geometry) so I don't really consider these bugs or expect much improvement. Ex. Car racing and boxing is terrible but it is what it is, which is a splashier Deus Ex game.

Its a great game on PC and the issues are more about CDPR not being able to avoid the growing pains Bethesda or Rockstar had to endure in designing mechanics that are more or less rock solid today.


I'd hold off, if anything I'd watch this review.

This game has so many fundamental problems, its fucking struggling to even meet GTA3 AI.


always chasing the next thrill
I'm 40 odd hours in, played from launch day, still exploring.

Game is absolutely amazing. Yes there's a few bugs here and there but nothing like a fallout/elder scrolls game.

Definitely recommend from me.
Drunk donkey go home man ur lost.
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It's alright


seriously though, there is jank, but I was able to complete every single mission/job in the game without issues. Had one crash in 162 hours, and it was caused by GPU overclock. Had to reload twice due to bug, lost about 10 minutes.

Still, there is a lot of stuff CDP should improve - all the jank like levitating NPCs and objects, streaming issues, some quality of live stuff. But overall it is still my GOTY and will only get better from here. I look forward to finishing the game tomorrow, and then a second playthrough in 2 years when it is complete.


Judging by my experience it is safe.

I had a lot of crashes initially, after recent hotfixes I didn't have any.

Not that all bugs and problems are solved, but the game is fantastic anyway. No game in recent years made me stay up until 4 am each day. And I have 4 ys old kid so it is not like I could sleep in the morning. No regrets.

Lefts you feeling empty after the end....

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How, no? There's certainly a lot more room to "role play." Definitely fewer dialogue sequences, but other than that, I'd say they are pretty comparable with Cyberpunk offering a decent degree more freedom in how you play the game.


I am convinced that an SSD makes a world of difference with this game. I am playing on my One X from an external SSD and my game runs very well compared to what a lot of other people are going through. Just for fun I tried it from the main hard drive and it runs noticeably worse. It might be a reason why next gen consoles run the game so much better. Something about an SSD is able to handle this game much better.


I finished the game. I played on 3700x and 3080. The game looks gorgeous at times but the city is dead, there is no interaction, no fun, no choices, everything is fake or meaningless.
Some quests had fun story but only that.
The game made me realize that Days gone have much better open world than this. Even fallout 4 world is better.
The game is fine but it's a bad rpg, bad shooter and bad open world. It just looks good and some story bits are cool.
There is no open world gameplay, there is no ai, no police, no dynamic encounters. Just go to quest 1 then got o quest 2, fake choices along the way... stats are broken...
AND THEN all the bugs on top of that which are way worse than any fallout. Fallout 4 might have shit story but open world was super fun to play


Edit: Before You comment on my playtime. I finished a lot of side quests too. If the game is shit by hour 54... it's not gonna get better.
excuse me WHAT? days gone has a better open world?
days gone open world is the 100th map filled with booring looking trees, its not even really open world because of that awful map design.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
excuse me WHAT? days gone has a better open world?
days gone open world is the 100th map filled with booring looking trees, its not even really open world because of that awful map design.

We don't gotta shit on Days Gone's open world to praise Cyberpunk's Night City. As someone from the Pacific Northwest, their rendition of Oregon was incredible in my opinion. I also really loved how many buildings you could go through. It really felt like an open world version of The Last of Us. Fantastic game.


We don't gotta shit on Days Gone's open world to praise Cyberpunk's Night City. As someone from the Pacific Northwest, their rendition of Oregon was incredible in my opinion. I also really loved how many buildings you could go through. It really felt like an open world version of The Last of Us. Fantastic game.
I think thats why I couldnt finish it. I completed Last of Us and tried to play Days Gone afterwards.


Same question but Xbox series x
Series X version is in good shape right now. Game looks great in both the Quality and Performance mode. Since the 1.04 update I have a hard time telling the two modes apart. In quality mode on Series X you do get higher density of pedestrians and AI cars driving around. But outside of that, I would need DF or NXGamer to say what differences there are between the two modes visually speaking. Quality is locked to 30fps, while Performance targets 60fps. I go back and forth...at times Quality seems to look better...but the visual impact and smoothness of 60fps is really good as well.

Regardless of which version, the game still has lot's of bugs. I also have a 208ti/i9-9900k PC and while it looks incredible on there, it shares the same bugs that i see on the console version.....it basically just look better while having the same bugs etc. The Series X version has yet to crash on me with about 30 hours...while the PC version I get a crash at least for every session.


Days Gone has a good open world but it is also barren and mostly wilderness and empty towns. Night City is a densely packed metropolis with many moving parts.


I finished the game. I played on 3700x and 3080. The game looks gorgeous at times but the city is dead, there is no interaction, no fun, no choices, everything is fake or meaningless.
Some quests had fun story but only that.
The game made me realize that Days gone have much better open world than this. Even fallout 4 world is better.
The game is fine but it's a bad rpg, bad shooter and bad open world. It just looks good and some story bits are cool.
There is no open world gameplay, there is no ai, no police, no dynamic encounters. Just go to quest 1 then got o quest 2, fake choices along the way... stats are broken...
AND THEN all the bugs on top of that which are way worse than any fallout. Fallout 4 might have shit story but open world was super fun to play


Edit: Before You comment on my playtime. I finished a lot of side quests too. If the game is shit by hour 54... it's not gonna get better.

LOL, you barely dipped your toe in.


Game is fine on PC Diatribe1974 Diatribe1974 . It's a little buggy in places, but nothing too earth-shattering but if you're worried I suggest you hold off for a couple of months as I dare say by the end of Feb things will be much improved.
You know what. If you're watching and agreeing with dumb reviews comparing this to GTA and want GTA. No, it's not good to play now and it will never be. You will not like this game.

If you're going in expecting a game with the same structure and style of world design of the Witcher 3 with better combat and so on then yes it's fine on PC.


The game basically dies and crumbles after you finish all story missions and side missions - which is where my biggest complaint lies in.
so, when you finish the game.. the game is finished?

that's... how it is supposed to work on a story driven game.


Depends on your PC.

If you have a high end PC with an RTX Nvidia graphics card then go for it.

Anything else then your milage may vary.

DLSS carries this game.
My core i5 4670k and GTX 1070 has had 0 crashes in 18 hours of gameplay and I’ve honestly noticed 0 bugs (I’m sure just by law of averages there’s been bugs.... but never noticed)
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