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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Saw these shots on reddit posted on era.




I suppose Alex didn't see this... :messenger_kissing_smiling:
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RaZoR No1

Doesnt the native Kraken support on PS5 improve the IO speed too and not only the data size / read speed?
Could explain further, why XSX CPU is more struggeling - > bigger files, more time needed to process, regardless of RAM size and speed etc.

I mean PS5 needs only to process 30GB and not the whole 40+ like on Xbox
I'm fully aware of how basic economics works. I'm also fairly confident that the last indicator that economists would look to for "demand" would be eBay. Hell - let's include Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or whatever other latest hip app is used to offload used stuff...

I honestly could care less about which console sold more than the other - they're both selling as fast as they're made. However, you clearly do care for some odd reason???

The fact is - ALL of the consoles are currently in active demand. Sony, MS, and Nintendo can't make them fast enough to meet the supply.

We won't know actual demand until there's an overabundance of supply.

I find it rather silly that someone posts a tweet about how Xbox sold more than PS for a period of time, and immediately everyone jumps in to defend Sony because of... eBay pricing???

My point is - prices on eBay fluctuate like farts in the wind. Prices also fluctuate daily, or week to week. Primarily because some people are too "ignorant" and pay more than necessary...

Grow up and stop championing a plastic box.

Here's a hint - neither Sony or MS execs really care about the console "war" - it's not on their radar - they just want you to buy their shit...
Ignorant take really... the fact scalpers price is higher for one product than for the rival product means people are willing to pay more for one than for the other. Higher demand raises the prices, which is exactly the thing you were trying to deny. And ebay is probably the world's biggest 2nd hand marketplace, so it is an indicator of demand

But good thing you could care less, I didn't doubt it for a second :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I'm fully aware of how basic economics works. I'm also fairly confident that the last indicator that economists would look to for "demand" would be eBay. Hell - let's include Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or whatever other latest hip app is used to offload used stuff...

I honestly could care less about which console sold more than the other - they're both selling as fast as they're made. However, you clearly do care for some odd reason???

The fact is - ALL of the consoles are currently in active demand. Sony, MS, and Nintendo can't make them fast enough to meet the supply.

We won't know actual demand until there's an overabundance of supply.

I find it rather silly that someone posts a tweet about how Xbox sold more than PS for a period of time, and immediately everyone jumps in to defend Sony because of... eBay pricing???

My point is - prices on eBay fluctuate like farts in the wind. Prices also fluctuate daily, or week to week. Primarily because some people are too "ignorant" and pay more than necessary...

Grow up and stop championing a plastic box.

Here's a hint - neither Sony or MS execs really care about the console "war" - it's not on their radar - they just want you to buy their shit...
I usually get the whole "don't defend your favourite plastic box" but it's a useless accusation in this case. The demand for PS5 is far higher than Series X, it is what it is.

The eBay listings although a small indicator for demand are still an indicator, especially here in the U.K where eBay is extremely popular (I think around 25 million monthly users which is insane considering the population). The fact that people are willing to pay upwards of £900 and even more for the PS5 says a lot. A lot of the people reselling are also scalpers who bulk buy in the hundreds and even thousands and only target high demanding products. If the price is higher for the PS5 than it's likely the demand is higher too. It's not rocket science and stating it doesn't mean I'm necessarily defending or attacking a certain corporation, let's at least have some nuance here.



I’m starting to suspect that this might be real after all. 🤔

Some of that has to be true, it seems too widley rumored to be false.

These things seem guaranteed to be true:
- GTA 6 is years away
- Its set in Vice City in the 80s
- It'll be like GTA5 + RDR2 combined for graphics, AI, tech, design, etc
- It'll have a huge focus on GTA Online

This supposed leaker could just know a few things and is mostly just guessing/bullshitting.



Not related to RT this time, just (slight) graphical detail.
And this is why we need NXGamer on the case.

DF clearly not up to the task of providing any meaningful analysis.

Not once did I hear them say "How can Series X be performing considerably better in photo mode, and still have bigger and more sustained drops when actually playing the game."

This clearly indicates a fundamental issue with Series X. Maybe some of it's features aren't actually enabled at the moment, or maybe MS .........

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Well unless my eyes are lying something is certainly... different between the two versions.

I haven't had time to go back through the DF video to look for any of these differences in motion, but these screens posted lead me to believe it could be a matter of camera distance affecting LODs and reflection cutoffs.

I'm still giving Remedy the benefit of the doubt when they said the settings are identical, but surely you can see with your own eyes that something is off?
The settings are the same, but maybe how they are applied by the different APIs is causing the difference here. We all know PS5 won't be using DXR for example, so even though the games are like for like settings wise, this may not translate to producing the same result.
The settings are the same, but maybe how they are applied by the different APIs is causing the difference here. We all know PS5 won't be using DXR for example, so even though the games are like for like settings wise, this may not translate to producing the same result.
Well previously in pc gpu competitions I heard one of the vendors cut corners on their implementations to get higher benchmark scores. Same might be happening here.


Could be either VRS, or more likely SFS (Sampler Feedback Streaming) that is gimping the image quality.
IIRC in the XsX hotchips reveal the documents showed the XsX GPU having to choose between BVH for RT or texture mapping - unlike the RDNA2 info for AMD's new cards - so maybe these are scenes where they have to prioritize an additional texture layer or RT, but not both - because they are hitting their rendering limit with the current tools in the allocated frame-time, and the trade off is either drop frames, but with difficulty recovering quickly, or skipping a feature and avoid a prolonged section of dropped frames.

And I've just had a thought why their BVH units are probably setup this way. If BC is your main advantage - and those games don't have RT - wouldn't it be better for performance if all BVH units could be used for BC texturing? And, If you were trying to run 4 VM instances of Xbox one games using the XsX as a game cloud server, you wouldn't need BVH, and so wouldn't you rather have that silicon you are powering doing something useful?
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Ignorant take really... the fact scalpers price is higher for one product than for the rival product means people are willing to pay more for one than for the other. Higher demand raises the prices, which is exactly the thing you were trying to deny. And ebay is probably the world's biggest 2nd hand marketplace, so it is an indicator of demand

But good thing you could care less, I didn't doubt it for a second :messenger_tears_of_joy:


You know, I was reading the beyond3d forum and someone said something interesting about the whole Control photo mode test situation. If you remember when Cerny talked about the PS4 fan noise problem and the steps they took to resolve that in PS5; he talked about how the PS4 would get loud during non-gameplay scenes like map screens, cutscenes and main menus, situations where there is no CPU logic running and GPU would get fully saturated with a single task, and running at a fixed frequency, it would keep drawing more and more power and generate more heat. I myself noticed this plenty of times on PS4 Pro where it was loud on the map but then quieter during gameplay. Cerny then talked about how the variable frequencies of PS5 would better deal with these situations by downclocking the GPU when it doesn't need to be running at full frequency in such scenarios. So it's entirely possible that during scenes like in the Control photo mode, when the CPU is not doing anything and the frame-rate is uncapped, the PS5 GPU is automatically downclocking to prevent power spikes.
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I usually get the whole "don't defend your favourite plastic box" but it's a useless accusation in this case. The demand for PS5 is far higher than Series X, it is what it is.

The eBay listings although a small indicator for demand are still an indicator, especially here in the U.K where eBay is extremely popular (I think around 25 million monthly users which is insane considering the population). The fact that people are willing to pay upwards of £900 and even more for the PS5 says a lot. A lot of the people reselling are also scalpers who bulk buy in the hundreds and even thousands and only target high demanding products. If the price is higher for the PS5 than it's likely the demand is higher too. It's not rocket science and stating it doesn't mean I'm necessarily defending or attacking a certain corporation, let's at least have some nuance here.



Gold Member
Again, the analogy doesn't apply here because the games engine or the gpu isn't idle. You can see gpu usage in games when standing still and it still operates at 80-90%. The car engine doesn't do that when you are idle.

Regardless, this is just a cool little experiment that gives us a direct comparison between the two gpus. No one is claiming that this is in game performance. It's no different than the cutscene comparisons Alex did with cod and ac.

Right. The Xbox one actually outsold the ps4 in December 2013 a month after launch.
Wait a second..... Control is another BC title, isn't it, Slimy? Man man...you KNOW what I'm going to say. ;) I don't see how we can take those type of games as evidence of much at all. AT BEST, it shows one console running BC code and/or features better than the other. Without even having RDNA2 features enabled, how is that indicative of the power of either GPU? If this were native code, I'd expect BOTH consoles to be running at a minimum of 60fps at a higher resolution. Isn't that reasonable? Or am I way off base here?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
If this were native code, I'd expect BOTH consoles to be running at a minimum of 60fps at a higher resolution. Isn't that reasonable? Or am I way off base here?
Nah, my RTX 2080 has 46 CUs worth of shader processors, is over 11 tflops at peak clocks, has dedicated RT cores and was giving around 43-53 fps in combat scenarios using PS5 settings and resolution. 60 fps minimum is really hard in this game. I had to play at 960p and DLSS up to 1400p in order to hit a locked 60 fps experience with all RT settings enabled last year. Or was it a year before. played it at launch.

TBH, I dont know what native mode looks like for PS5 and XSX. No game seems to be using mesh shaders or the geometry engine. The only rdna 2 feature being utilized is RT which was always going to be taxing on AMD cards because of their half assed implementation. the 20 tflops 6800xt is performing just a little bit better than the 2060s. a gpu the 7.9 tflops 5700 is supposed to compete with. I think we will have to wait until UE5 is shipped to developers and then maybe another 2-3 years for them to take advantage of those features to see a valid next gen only comparison using these fancy RDNA features.

the reason why I find this comparison so fascinating is because it finally gives us that 16% average we all thought we were going to get when the specs were first announced. It also explains that there is indeed a bottleneck in the XSX somewhere since the GPU seems to be performing like it should. you've seen me try and figure out just what the hell is going on with the xsx tflops advantage not materializing well now we can cross the GPU off the list, and probably also the tools because this clearly showcases a hardware problem. tools are not going to fix their I/O and any ram bandwidth bottlenecks.
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