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I miss being blown away by new-gen graphics....


Gold Member
You have to wait for the second wave of exclusives.

But Ratchet looks quite nice already, and even if horizon 2 is gonna be crossgen i expect some eyecandy from guerrilla as well.

But yeah, i still didn't had that KZ SF intro or infamous second son first gameplay wow factor from ps5 games.
(like i said, ratchet is great, but people like me is far more impressed by realistic artstyles, to me tlou2 looks more impressive than anything on ps5, demon's included)
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You have to wait for the second wave of exclusives.

But Ratchet looks quite nice already, and even if horizon 2 is gonna be crossgen i expect some eyecandy from guerrilla as well.

But yeah, i still didn't had that KZ SF intro or infamous second son first gameplay wow factor from ps5 games.
(like i said, ratchet is great, but people like me is far more impressed by realistic artstyles)
Yeah was going to say, you're not blown away by the Pixar-like quality of Ratchet?
Ah yes, how could I forget about Hellblade 2. When I saw that reveal trailer, I was absolutely stunned at the quality. However, I took it as a pre-rendered trailer and I wanna wait to see some gameplay to see if that's how it really looks. If so, I'm betting it won't be 60fps.
Yeah I'm not sure it was anything more than a target render, almost certainly wouldn't hit 60fps at that quality. Going back to 30fps will be jarring though, maybe a 30fps and 60fps option. Isn't Ratchet and Clank 30fps and 60fps?


Gold Member
Horizon looked better than shadowfall...all in all

Read dead 2 at launch looked better also

Uncharted 4 or tlou part 2 in many senses looked better than ryse.

If were talking pure just...visual fidelity. Are you speaking terms of tech?
Those games took years to come out

I am comparing like for like launch window games
Here's the thing Dust-by-Monday Dust-by-Monday

The bulk of what we've gotten thus far is cross gen, we've yet to see TRUE next gen capability...

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

The Medium


And of course the unreal 5 and Hellblade 2 demos are but a glimpse of what next gen can do...
Agreed, I just think people have been kinda spoiled from backwards compatibility that 30fps is going to hurt them a lot. They're gonna be all like "MY EYES! AAAAHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T DO IT! GAME IS GARBAGE!"

And I'm gonna be sitting back saying... welp, I told you so. Technology isn't new forever.
Yeah was going to say, you're not blown away by the Pixar-like quality of Ratchet?
I saw a video a month back claiming the new Ratchet had comparable visuals to Raya, it's not even close and is complete rubbish. That's not to say its not a beautiful game but let's stop with the hyperbole.


Gold Member
Yeah was going to say, you're not blown away by the Pixar-like quality of Ratchet?
Yes, i'm impressed, but just as a personal taste, i vastly prefer realistic or semi-realistic artstyles and i'm convinced that it is far more easy to make pixar style graphic than a life like one, it's easy to hide bland textures etc.

That's why nobody compares or critique a graphic flaw in a pixar movie or smaller cg movies but everyone laugh when a star wars movie with far bigger budget is incapable of doing a perfect human cg like it was for tarkin in rogue one.
Real life is harder to replicate in a videogame and that's why it is more impressive to me.

Kena has a very small studio behind and they easily achieved that pixar movie look in their first videogame attempt.
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We're just getting to a point of diminishing returns in terms of visuals alone. You'll need to learn to look for other things in games if you want to be blow away.

For example, VR often impresses people due to depth perception and the immersive factor.

For me, player-world interaction is the thing that i always drool over.
Burning down a house in Teardown was one of the most satisfying things i've done in a game for a long time.

Yup. Interactivity is the real next frontier. Better AI, more advanced physics, etc Something that was neglected last gen due to the shitty CPU.
Yes, i'm impressed, but just as a personal taste, i vastly prefer realistic or semi-realistic artstyles and i'm convinced that it is far more easy to make pixar style graphic than a life like one, it's easy to hide bland textures etc.

That's why nobody compares or critique a graphic flaw in a pixar movie or smaller cg movies but everyone laugh when a star wars movie with far bigger budget is incapable of doing a perfect human cg like it was for tarkin in rogue one.
Real life is harder to replicate in a videogame and that's why it is more impressive to me.

Kena has a very small studio behind and they easily achieved that pixar movie look in their first videogame attempt.
It's much easier to do a cartoon-y game because you don't have to make things look realistic (especially characters) and you can focus on making things look as detailed as possible without having to worry about skin quality and perfectly convincing human animations.


Yup. Interactivity is the real next frontier. Better AI, more advanced physics, etc Something that was neglected last gen due to the shitty CPU.
Teardown's fire dynamics still make me cry









I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.

Now-a-days though it's like... HEY IT LOOKS THE SAME AS A PS4 GAME BUT IT HAS 60FPS!!!! WOW 60FPS! SO NEXT GEN!

I'm so sick of it.

The last time I was blown away by something for the PS5, was when they showed off UE5. That's pretty much it. Everything else just looks like last gen stuff with some extra detail and 4K resolution.

I must confess though, I've stayed away from any videos or screenshots of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because I wanna go in with fresh eyes. Hopefully this is the game that really makes me think "Man, now this is what next gen can really do"

What are your thoughts? Is 60fps enough to call it "next gen" or do you really wanna see that graphical leap we've come to expect each new generation even if it has to be 30fps.

If a game looks as good as UE5 demo, I'll gladly play it at 30fps.
*pats OP on his back* Don't worry son, we havent seen a single true next-gen game yet. I promise you, you'll get your moment in due time:)


This is one of the reasons why Nintendo feels they can play the long game staying a generation behind Sony and Microsoft in power. They think the gap will matter less and less.

The flip side of that gamble is Nintendo might hit Moore's law faster than Sony or Microsoft.
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Can't post gifs from my mobile anymore (not sure why)

However THESE are early next gen games


Flight Simulator Airplane GIF by NVIDIA GeForce

Ps5 GIF by PlayStation

Xboxonex GIF by Xbox

Dark Souls Ps5 GIF by PlayStation

One could even argue that these could technically still be considered launch window titles as Covid complicated things...

These will easily be surpassed as the next gen continues, optimizations, next gen engines, faster tools (lol) etc

Very soon both Sony and MS fans will be posting that annoying "nother one" meme, but in a good way (I refuse to post Khalid on principal lol)


Unconfirmed Member
Just wait until devs decide they're done trying to appease the 60fps crowd and go back to 30fps to appease the graphics guys like yourself.
I'm glad graphics are plateauing, now it can all come down to the game or story or features instead of just a bullshit wow factor. Dedicating all the resources and power to graphics is too superficial. It's time we saw more investment in AI, unique game concepts, lowering dev for more indies, dynamic audio, VR, physics. simulation systems, quality control etc.

If you look at modern 1080p/4K 60fps and higher gaming these days and are disappointed by the visual quality alone you're part of the problem. Devs have processing and storage resources to spare these days, if they didn't push graphics so far they could optimise less for stable frame rates and focus more on quality content or concepts. It's a game development paradigm shift I highly welcome in fact.

I'll take more innovation with games like Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, Ratchet & Clank, Control, GTAIII & V, Mario 64, DOOM, Tetris OG & 99, Ori, Superhot, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Super Meat Boy, Fez, Rocket League, Metal Gear Solid, Guacamelee! 1 & 2, The Forest, Minecraft, Hades, Among Us, Cuphead, Destiny, Portal, Wii Sports, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2, Pac Man, Space Invaders, Super Mario Bros, Goldeneye, C&C, Tie Fighter, Sim City. You generally don't go wow these games continue to have best graphics 10 years later. It's the innovation, creativity and gameplay or interactions that keep these games as hall of fame classics and top shelf experiences to be shared for generations to come.
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This generation is more like PS3/360 than PS4/XB1. At the beginning of the 360 era there was some impressive stuff, but it was more of an extension of the prior gen. It wasn’t until near the end of that generation with deferred rendering and other more modern techniques that the hardware really reached its potential. Think Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3.

There’s a lot going on with the hardware this gen that will take a while to exploit. Between raytracing, huge I/O increases, and a lot of CPU overhead, these are very different animals. Something like Unreal 5 is where things are headed. It’s going to take at least a couple of years.
I don't really know what ppl's standards are when it comes to graphics. I constantly see streamers, like Maximillian Dood, playing video games and getting blown away by what they're seeing. Like these guys are playing on PC on monster rigs (dual setups and all that BS) and still getting awed by video games. Max just finished Returnal (PS5) and RE8 (PC) and he thought they both looked great.

I've been blown away by many games in the past year. CyberPunk on PC! Demon's Souls! Returnal, especially when my FOV is filled with particles aka death! Ratchet & Clank. UE Demo. The teaser trailer for HALO Infinite. I was also pretty impressed The Medium! IDK what ppl take into consideration when they think "graphics" I think it's also important to put things into perspective, like video games have never looked better... I'm blown away that when I was younger I used to see in game CGI movies and be like "WOW, imagine when game graphics are going to look like that :messenger_dizzy:" It's crazy cause I play games that look much better than those CGI in-game cinematics!


Overall is because at this point is no more about hardware, but more about the budget behind a game. That's why GTA V still looks amazing and because Last of Us 2 or Red Dead Redemption 2 still are miles better than basically everything "next-gen" shown by now (and will be for a long time). Maybe you can have better particular, highest res textures, rtx, better framerate, etc... but produce high quality assets and models, mind-blown animations, script huge scenes, interactivity, etc... are all related to how much time and people are involved in making a game, and not much devs have the same resources as Rockstar or Naughty Dog.

Anyway, last game that really blown me away from a graphical standpoint was Control, and not because rtx, but because of destruction and physic, never seen anything like that. Remedy never get enough credits, but are some of the best devs in the industry right now IMHO.
I’m thinking as long as cross generation games and multiplatform games keep going, it’s going to be a pretty long time before we see more genuine, take full advantage of hardware, generational gap next generation experiences materialize.

Ive predicted several times that we probably would not see a significant upgrade in visuals this generation unless maybe towards the middle or even the end of the generation. I’ve seen a few very nice looking games on PS5 so far, but I haven’t seen too many games make certain last gen titles like Gears 5, TLOU2, RDR2 and Ghost of Tsushima look obsolete yet. Guessing that will be awhile.
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I miss the days when a game released it was actually tested and confirmed to not be completely buggy requiring several game fixing patches. I miss the days when developers literally had no chance to fix a broken product after collecting $ for said product. I miss the days when video gaming content was included in 1 purchase and didn't try to bloat-sell with more DLC.

You miss graphics, I miss integrity.


6th gen games had both the best graphics and run at 60fps.

Especially in GameCube. Rogue Leader and Metroid Prime 1/2 run at 60fps and are considered some of the best looking GC games.
You could say the same about COD or Battlefield dueingt his gen

But these games are the exception, not the rule


Gold Member
I am pretty happy with the standardization of 60 FPS performance mode and the high speed SSD. Crazy graphics will come, GOW Ragnarok could be the first if it's next gen only.

Also for PS4 I wasn't truly blown by the graphics till The Order 1886, which was 2015 already.


I would be happy with current graphics and 60 fps on most games. It's so great to see and I'm not a PC gamer at all haven't had a gaming pc since 2013
I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.

Now-a-days though it's like... HEY IT LOOKS THE SAME AS A PS4 GAME BUT IT HAS 60FPS!!!! WOW 60FPS! SO NEXT GEN!

I'm so sick of it.

The last time I was blown away by something for the PS5, was when they showed off UE5. That's pretty much it. Everything else just looks like last gen stuff with some extra detail and 4K resolution.

I must confess though, I've stayed away from any videos or screenshots of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart because I wanna go in with fresh eyes. Hopefully this is the game that really makes me think "Man, now this is what next gen can really do"

What are your thoughts? Is 60fps enough to call it "next gen" or do you really wanna see that graphical leap we've come to expect each new generation even if it has to be 30fps.

If a game looks as good as UE5 demo, I'll gladly play it at 30fps.
I mean imo even PS4 lacked that initially compared to previous gens. The jumps have just gotten more smaller details than they were
Yes, i'm impressed, but just as a personal taste, i vastly prefer realistic or semi-realistic artstyles and i'm convinced that it is far more easy to make pixar style graphic than a life like one, it's easy to hide bland textures etc.

That's why nobody compares or critique a graphic flaw in a pixar movie or smaller cg movies but everyone laugh when a star wars movie with far bigger budget is incapable of doing a perfect human cg like it was for tarkin in rogue one.
Real life is harder to replicate in a videogame and that's why it is more impressive to me.

Kena has a very small studio behind and they easily achieved that pixar movie look in their first videogame attempt.
I also agree with this. Love ratchets visuals but I’m simply not like “blown away” by them. Maybe it’s because they’re cartoony? I dunno they look Pixar-ish but it seems like we’ve been close to that for awhile - Ratchet is certainly the best and I’ll be getting it due to that day one - but I just haven’t seen really anything that has been like “holy shit!” Yet.
This thread and most of the response are not going to age well. It might take a few years, but this generation’s visuals are going to feel very different than the last once things settle out.
I'm playing Ghost of tsushima on my Ps5 and well i'm holding myself back from taking screenshots, it just makes me wonder what they will do with Ghost of Tsushima 2 on Ps5....


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I haven't been blown away by next gen graphics since the Dreamcast. PS360 era didn't live up to the hype devs and publishers tried to make for it. PS4/XBone played catchup. Games have looked good for a while now. Realistic textures and high quality models have been the norm for a decade. Until we reach the uncanny valley, there's not really much "wow" to be had.
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Codes 208

I was wowed by Demon Souls 🤷‍♂️

not only a beautiful looking game but it runs at 1440p/60fps too
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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart does look impressive visually and then add to that the quick loading makes me think it will be a next-gen experience. It makes me want to see more AAA games with Pixar-like graphics with nice attention to detail that you wouldn't see on the PS4.
I miss the early days of PS4 when they showcased Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub, The Order 1886, Infamous Second Son, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, The Last of Us Part 2... etc.

Every time they showed something for the PS4, I was floored at how good it all looked.
Half of the games you listed weren’t even within the launch year of the PS4. The Last of Us Part II only released last year. If you want PS5 to wow you to the same extent, you might have to allow the same amount of time to pass by.
What a dumb thing to say.

The fact that you no longer get wowed or amazed by games so far is because you're expecting a huge leap on the first year of a new generation of gaming which - let's be honest - games are taking much longer to be made with a lot more resources required.

I'd say the fact that it no longer wows is a good thing, because it shows that you're now living your childhood dreams of playing 16 bit era games but imagining it with 4K graphics.

Dream has become reality.

Thats where we're at now.

If you're not impressed, and cant be wowed anymore, it's probably because you didnt grow up playing games when graphics were shit, and just lack of awareness to understand that what you want to feel with each new game requires time, money, and patience.

I suggest you go watch the new season of Death, Love & Robots and see what the future of gaming could look like in the future.

That to me, is my new dream and hope for the future of gaming graphics.


Gold Member
Keep in mind all the PS5 games were shown as non-bullshot, point in time titles that will continue to improve over the course of the development.
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