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Horizon Forbidden West: First hands-on preview IGN


Gold Member
Petra was never skinny dude lol




Feel like I’m being a negative Nancy of recent, but I’m just not seeing it with this one.

Then again, I see the original as overrated and aren’t a fan personally.
I felt similarly to the first game. For me it’s usually the open world games setting that dont grab you. I thought Death Stranding was amazing though and some people don’t or felt that was overrated or boring. That’s why I try to space them out the best I can and play something that compliments around it. This game does look incredible and will probably be a graphical and performance showpiece so it will be worth playing no matter what.
There's something up with the visuals and i can't shake it. its way too soft, less vivid and has too many dark regions like it has significantly less GI bounce going on.

Went back to the Announcement Trailer and first Gameplay trailer and to my shock. There's significant pullback in the visual and graphical fidelity. Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

Its so unfortunate and disappointing tbh.



Yes your right. Its a popular and opinionated topic.
But on the flip side, the switch is more popular then ever and some of the most popular games (like fortnite, Minecraft,roblox etc) are not graphical powerhouses.

Graphics are important, they make a game a more plesent place to be in, but it is a shallow aspect of a game, they are not the reason why people continue to play a game. For me personally I find xbox 1X to be good enough visually, and while I appreciate the visual advances that are happening I know after a few hours im going to be thinking about the visuals significantly less.

Its not so much that I dont think visuals should improve its just that other aspects of a game are not improving at the same rate.

I mean when was the last time a games design surprised you? There design a lot of the time has become formulacic.

This varries with different genres though.
I think the latest game to really blow my mind was It Takes Two, a subtly gorgeous game and super effective... Sigh what a game...


There's something up with the visuals and i can't shake it. its way too soft, less vivid and has too many dark regions like it has significantly less GI bounce going on.

Went back to the Announcement Trailer and first Gameplay trailer and to my shock. There's significant pullback in the visual and graphical fidelity. Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

Its so unfortunate and disappointing tbh.

Might look different because it's set in a different zone?

Horizon ZD has the same deal, different areas just naturally lend themselves to the engine's strengths more than others, overgrown City/jungle > desert


Not too impressed by the new Horizon Forbidden West footage, the game seems to generally lack dynamism.

Also, what's with IGN being the only outlet with hands on previews?


That really sucks, I hope some devs have less visuals but more interactivity.

Yeah I just wanna be able to do simple stuff like pick up rocks or use my items on the world itself, one of the reasons BoTW was great, made the world feel real while this world just looks pretty and fake. I don't need every NPC to have a perfect sensible life, I just wanna be able to actuall touch and hold the world rather than just kill things with a nice backdrop.

Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

I don't see it what about the light is "pulled back" what does pullback really mean here?

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Looks fantastic and Guerilla seems to have improved everything from the first one, especially traversal and combat. Another banger from SIE. Can't wait to dive in.
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Report me if I continue to console war
Yeah I just wanna be able to do simple stuff like pick up rocks or use my items on the world itself, one of the reasons BoTW was great, made the world feel real while this world just looks pretty and fake. I don't need every NPC to have a perfect sensible life, I just wanna be able to actuall touch and hold the world rather than just kill things with a nice backdrop.

I don't see it what about the light is "pulled back" what does pullback really mean here?

Yeah, i find it funny that you can go to a village and jump on people and act crazy in open world games and the NPC"s do practically nothing.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I never got to play the first one. I owned it, but I let my ex keep it in the split. I bought it for PC not that long ago, I should start it this week.

New footage looks very impressive, Guerilla have always been wizards at pushing the hardware.


There's something up with the visuals and i can't shake it. its way too soft, less vivid and has too many dark regions like it has significantly less GI bounce going on.

Went back to the Announcement Trailer and first Gameplay trailer and to my shock. There's significant pullback in the visual and graphical fidelity. Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

Its so unfortunate and disappointing tbh.

but in the first trailer aloy doesn't interact with foliage :p


Flashless at the Golden Globes
There's something up with the visuals and i can't shake it. its way too soft, less vivid and has too many dark regions like it has significantly less GI bounce going on.

Went back to the Announcement Trailer and first Gameplay trailer and to my shock. There's significant pullback in the visual and graphical fidelity. Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

Its so unfortunate and disappointing tbh.

It's frustrating to see a cross gen game get this treatment since the PS5 should have enough horsepower to run the reveal trailer visuals.


I don't think it's been downgraded but I'm still slightly disappointed with the graphics. I think it looks like a good cross gen game, Forza Horizon 5 sort of level. Which of course is exactly what it is.

The areas they showed today simply aren't as impressive as the beach/jungle area they showed back in June. I think that much is obvious.

Also, would it have killed them to widen the FOV?? What's the point of all these amazingly dramatic vistas if you effectively have to look at them through a telescope? Isn't a wider FOV exactly the sort of thing you could accomplish with a cross gen game??


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I don't think it's been downgraded but I'm still slightly disappointed with the graphics. I think it looks like a good cross gen game, Forza Horizon 5 sort of level. Which of course is exactly what it is.

The areas they showed today simply aren't as impressive as the beach/jungle area they showed back in June. I think that much is obvious.

Also, would it have killed them to widen the FOV?? What's the point of all these amazingly dramatic vistas if you effectively have to look at them through a telescope? Isn't a wider FOV exactly the sort of thing you could accomplish with a cross gen game??
Played on PC recently, and man the wider FOV adds so much to the visuals. This shouldve been an option on the PS5. Id rather have that than native 4k.

BF1 had FOV sliders on the Pro.


For some reason I wasn't super excited for this game. Which is weird, because I loved zero dawn. This preview 100% switched that. Holy shit, this looks beautiful and extremely fun


Played on PC recently, and man the wider FOV adds so much to the visuals. This shouldve been an option on the PS5. Id rather have that than native 4k.

BF1 had FOV sliders on the Pro.

Yeah it's bizarre.1800p with a nice FOV would be way better.

I'm not usually that bother by FOV tbh - what you typically get on console is usually ok for me - but I found it really bad in the first Horizon. It doesn't work in a huge open (literally open countryside) world like that.
There's something up with the visuals and i can't shake it. its way too soft, less vivid and has too many dark regions like it has significantly less GI bounce going on.

Went back to the Announcement Trailer and first Gameplay trailer and to my shock. There's significant pullback in the visual and graphical fidelity. Even the hero light has been pulled back significantly.

Its so unfortunate and disappointing tbh.

This footage has only a couple of weeks and in the same area it look like the first gameplay trailer.



Gold Member
Ehh , looks like foreshortening and half of the animation being obscured more than bad animation.. I've had a bicycle accident once and it was pretty quick and ugly :p
It must be something related to how framey the gif is because i refuse to believe that a game like this has that hilariously bad animation cycle...

The more fidelity you have on screen, the more silly animations stand out, i sincerely hope this isn't the case but i have a bad feeling.


Gold Member
Petra was never "nice and slim". She was bigger than Alloy
Yeah i have to admit that from that angle she looks fatter, i never used the photomode in that game so i always saw her from the talking-camera viewpoint, my bad.

But she looks also pretty different in the face, like fatter and older maybe? She was one of the few decent looking woman faces in horizon and now she looks pretty uglier.


Gold Member
You may be able to handle a lot more objects CPU wise but if you have more dynamic individual objects your render pipeline has to work with those, too.
A lot of the render budget saving scrubbers, even Epic`s Nanite, don`t work with those. And the moment stuff becomes dynamic you also have to consider picture coherence which requires lighting and shadows for deformations to be in order etc. etc. And maybe you want all of that to be physically accurate including particles and debris? Then, depending on the complexity of the physics the GPU might have to take over for that and the list just goes on.

This chain gets reeeeeeally long and really expensive really fast.
And don`t forget that we had that 4k jump and the 60fps target this gen which already ate a lot of the hardware jump.

Dude, RDR2 and interaction? It has snow and mud, some reactive foliage and not much more. It´s all very small scope "fake" interactivity. And, yes, ofc it`s about priorities, and that`s because we don`t have enough hardware budget for everything...again :)
But there`s always "next gen" amiright?
Yes rdr2 and interaction, you can't destroy much in that game but everythings reacts to your passage, every single piece of vegetation, no matter how small, the water reacts nicely, same for snow and best mud simulation in the business.

People was asking for this when they criticized aloy not interacting with the scenery.

I watched the demo and it is uneven (also yt compression doesn't help when you have to notice micro-movements and interactions), it seems to have mud and sand interaction but the low water barely makes any splash, i think that we need a video with much better iq to judge some things.


Gold Member
lol, just stop being a weirdo
Calm your tits dude, i don't care neither, petra was less than a tertiary character in the first game and you probably only meet her briefly in the sequel, it's just to pass time and laugh a bit, no need to call names.
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I'd be more interested if GG made a sci-fi action RPG or even a new FPS series.

I don't want them to revive Killzone as they had their chance with that but something new and fresh would be awesome.

Sony's first party titles are saturated with open world RPG experiences - Days Gone, Ghost of Tushima, God Of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Wolverine etc.
You better get used to open world RPGs. I see a lot more of those coming thru and not only from the Playstation side. It seems to be the way to "flex" that next gen power... and who can blame them 🤷‍♂️ Look how impressed and amazed consumer are with them. Look how many ppl complain when a game isn't "open world"... "oh, why not just make it open world" "would have been better if it was open world" "This would have been great as open world game" Hell games can't even be as impressive graphically now if it ISN'T open world. If a game looks good and it's not open world it gets down played because its NOT open world. They often get compared to open world games, like.. game A is MORE impressive because it's open world... game B should look even better cause it's not :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Long story long lol... they're here to stay.


Yeah i have to admit that from that angle she looks fatter, i never used the photomode in that game so i always saw her from the talking-camera viewpoint, my bad.

But she looks also pretty different in the face, like fatter and older maybe? She was one of the few decent looking woman faces in horizon and now she looks pretty uglier.
Her face was never chiseled, to begin with. She had softer features even compared to Aloy. And lighting can play a big role in how someone appears in a scene. I would not categorize her look as "ugly" though.

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Gold Member
Cutscenes look amazing, gameplay looks very good... but there's something that bugs me about how it looks, like the image is oversharpened and a bit "harsh" to look at. I also wonder what the compromises to get 60fps will be. Hopefully not much more than a drop in resolution.

I also don't really see a world that invites exploration, which was one of my big problems with the original. The world was pretty, but utterly uninteresting. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like there's just a lot of "stuff" but few interesting landmarks etc. I compare it to BotW which, while obviously looking far worse on a technical level, has a world design that constantly made me want to go explore everything I saw in the distance.

Combat looks alright, but still not as fluid as I would have liked. Here I would compare it with Ghost of Tsushima, where everything flows so nicely and feels very responsive. This looks a bit more "clunky", for lack a better word, and the same applies to stuff like grappling to perches. I would like that to be more zippy, with a less involved animation. That might make it look a bit less realistic, but it would feel better.
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Gold Member
Some stuff they mention there:
-Blown away with the visuals
-Verticality and climbing not only improved, doesn't has the stamina issues of BotW
-Explosions and flames look way better too
-Vegetation density mixed with all the particles, detail and big amount of moving elements makes it overwhelming
-Better camera work in cutscenes, not limited to plane, against plane, plane against plane etc. as happened in HZD
-Melee combat highly improved, new weapons and upgrades are very cool
-Grappling hook and new focus features obviosly improve, expand and make more cool climbing and combat
-Only saw the PS5 version

They also mention that many details in animations are very cool:
-Aloy passing the spear from the left to the right hand behind the back during combat
-Dying mech animation doesn't feel so canned, now die with inertia maybe raising a paw following the direction of the final blow combined with speed they had while running
-Insane level of small details in environments like pollen floating in the air, leaves blown away by the wind
I love this, in the first one machines kinda stopped in place when killed or they just looked a bit unnatural\awkward, i'm happy that they fixed this.

Did he said something about the human animations at some point?!


Gold Member
Her face was never chiseled, to begin with. She had softer features even compared to Aloy. And lighting can play a big role in how someone appears in a scene. I would not categorize her look as "ugly" though.

I said the opposite, with aloy she was one of the few nice female faces in the whole game, and one of the most realistic detail wise, i always showed petra during npc details talks in this forum.

She can pass for a main protagonist in 99% of other open world game.

When i say older and uglier i was talking about the new model in FW.
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