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EA staff threaten walkout over lack of statements during Pride Month (Up: cancelled as EA confirm they wont change logo for pride)


Whatever that law is, isnt what we are talking about. Could careless about the politics since Im not gay nor someone that drools over conservative bait feed.

The Florida gov threw a hissy fit because Disney threw a useless statement of support. Gov tried to punish Disney, but it ultimately punishes the taxpayer. Disney ends up fine.
Then you go summarizing. I suggest you read what Boss Mog posted (as quoted below). He summarized it better than either of us could.
Florida passed a law preventing teachers from discussing things of a sexual nature with students under the age of 8. A law that seems to be common sense but that these days needed to be on the books. For some reason the LGBT lobby decided that law was anti-LGBT because it wouldn't allow them to groom, indoctrinate and confuse little kids anymore so they started calling the bill the "don't say gay" bill even though the word gay isn't even in the bill. The lobby then went to Disney, a so called "ally" and a huge company in Florida to campaign against it. At first Disney said, we're staying out of this, lawmaking isn't what we do. But then the lobby and Disney LGBT employees raised a fuss on social media and Disney backtracked and grovelled in apology before the mob and started actively campaigning against the bill; a bill that the vast majority of Florida voters supported. So basically they were opposing democracy. This pissed off Florida's governor who decided to revoke Disney's special rights in Florida. Basically Disney was operating as its own independent nation within the state, they had total self-governance on their land, they could build what they wanted, do what they wanted and paid no state taxes. This was an old agreement dating back 60 years and it was very advantageous for Disney, but now they lost it because of their undemocratic activism.


Note to EA execs and their level headed employees,

Hold firm.

Dont let the manchildren you hire take over the company. Do what every company (including yours) has done in the past. Ignore intercompany political issues. Just be neutral. Once you get political it becomes a sliding scope of idiocy.

Tell those weirdos to keep their politics at home. Just as nobody wants bosses to nag them to do work during off hours, tell those assholes dont bring your home life to work during company hours. And if not, fire them.

you mean "cis-het-male-turf-fairykin zim"? right?


Yeah that would be good. That also means that there is no need to critize, jugde or hate people for their sexuality too. Gay couples get a lot of hate for just living their life and holding hands in public. Thats a sad fact, but it is a fact.

maybe people would stop demanding acceptance when there is no more hate for just being who you are.
I agree that hatred is wrong. Most people just oppose the radicals pushing the woke stuff. It’s important to see the difference.

To your last point; I demand conservative acceptance and need you to help speak out, be an ally, and raise awareness that conservative bodies are being disproportionately attacked for just being themselves.

It’s a foolproof plan that will surely change college campuses and media outlets as soon as the demands are met.


I really dont get a lot of comments in here.
Usually im quite happy to be on GAF because the hyper sensitive woke movement in other parts of the gaming community is sometimes unbearable, but some of the comments in here......

...its either pure ignorance, hatred or plain stupidity.

I get why it is weird to demand a pride flag from your employer, but in generell the movement is a good step in the right direction. Just because there are bigger problems in the world doesnt mean you cant try to change the smaller problems. :)

Totally see you on this. I think there is some animosity being misdirected at lbgt folk, when really there's a whole lot of straight people pushing this woke stuff.



What say you GAF? Personally, I find it sad that we live in a world like this.

Whats werid and funny about this, is its GAF that even states how WOKE EA even is.

If staff are saying this shit, maybe they believe...like what, they not WOKE enough? lol

How woke is TOO woke, story at 11.


Gold Member
I really dont get a lot of comments in here.
Usually im quite happy to be on GAF because the hyper sensitive woke movement in other parts of the gaming community is sometimes unbearable, but some of the comments in here......

...its either pure ignorance, hatred or plain stupidity.

Some people are so desperate to virtue signal that they are anti-woke (oh the irony) they end up sounding bigoted as fuck.

Try to ignore it. It’s the same mentality as what you get at Era from the other side of the equation. The majority here arent like it.


Some people are so desperate to virtue signal that they are anti-woke (oh the irony) they end up sounding bigoted as fuck.

Try to ignore it. It’s the same mentality as what you get at Era from the other side of the equation. The majority here arent like it.

This 10000x.

I never understand that shit. Do they think saying the same shit suddenly means they are better or not like the side they are talking about?
I really dont get a lot of comments in here.
Usually im quite happy to be on GAF because the hyper sensitive woke movement in other parts of the gaming community is sometimes unbearable, but some of the comments in here......

...its either pure ignorance, hatred or plain stupidity.

I get why it is weird to demand a pride flag from your employer, but in generell the movement is a good step in the right direction. Just because there are bigger problems in the world doesnt mean you cant try to change the smaller problems. :)

Like this?



Gold Member
This 10000x.

I never understand that shit. Do they think saying the same shit suddenly means they are better or not like the side they are talking about?

It’s the permanent us vs them mentality. ‘Their’ side must be brought as far down as possible, even if it means saying some truly nasty shit. And there’s zero consequences, because these are anonymous online gaming forums.

But then I don’t believe half the commentary is genuine anyway. It’s more like stuff gets said just to lob another verbal grenade at the enemy.

The irony being the enemy isn't watching or listening. They’re too busy spouting their own nasty shit in their own silo.


Like this?

It's interesting how oil talks. I would imagine homosexuality is a crime in practically all of the (oil-producing) gulf states punishable by varying levels of (obviously) unjustified and cruel punishment and yet governments turn a blind eye so that they can get that sweet sweet oil.

I get that their hands are tied in some ways, but really we (ie normal Western countries with relatively good freedoms) should be politically and economically ostracizing all countries where they do stuff like make being gay a crime. Same goes for LGBT plus all the other letters. I might not agree with stuff the idea of being legally compelled to use the "right" pronouns for someone, but on the other end of the spectrum I would never dream of supporting making their very existence illegal and punishable by the state.

I could be wrong and looking at this from the wrong angle but surely the vast majority of LGBT and (womens') rights activists should be focusing way more of their time/money/attention on those countries where it really is terrible.


Gold Member
Like this?

I have to be honest here....

...i really dont have words for stuff like this. There is a lot of woke-washing (for the lack of a better word) when it comes big companies. I get the anger and frustation (and resignation) from all sides of the woke argument. Maybe we just lash out in anger in here because some things out there are out of our control and just plain frustrating.
I dont know maybe we are all a bit hypersensitive at the moment - we live in weird times after all.


I really dont get a lot of comments in here.
Usually im quite happy to be on GAF because the hyper sensitive woke movement in other parts of the gaming community is sometimes unbearable, but some of the comments in here......

...its either pure ignorance, hatred or plain stupidity.

I get why it is weird to demand a pride flag from your employer, but in generell the movement is a good step in the right direction. Just because there are bigger problems in the world doesnt mean you cant try to change the smaller problems. :)
Some people here are just Jesus freaks anti-abortion gun loving neckbeards, but many other just hate the hypocrisy of an act that does absolutely nothing. There is no oppression of homosexuals in the liberal west, so this is just a way to win points with the woke mob who just keeps asking for more and more.
People are tired of corporations bending to what is a minority, because this doesn't end with a rainbow flag. They keep moving the fucking goalpost and there is no victory until they get everything they want, which means you get to use women spaces even with a beard and a dick.
It's hypocrisy because trans rights are human rights on Twitter, but then they do business with Saudi Arabia, China and so on. Muslims are oppressed and Europe needs to get them all and never criticize them or people get literally murdered in the street. China has concentration camps? Oh well, can't talk about it.
They're all gay until it's good for business. They're all against guns, pro LGBT, pro choice, pro muslim, anti Israel, anti Russia, as long as it's good for business.

They should shut the fuck up and be corporations.

Also, a couple of notes on the modern LGBTQ+ movement and the pride flag:

The flag used to be there to represent homosexuality/bisexuality, then they added trans people that were slightly different (sexual orientation vs gender identity) but most people were ok with it. What is it nowadays? It represents being queer, which is a political statement. Suddenly, the rainbow wasn't enough and they added the trans flag on top of a flag that already represented them. Then they added black and brown, cause I guess, Black Lives Matters. It's slowly becoming an "everything but white and straight" flag. No wonder a bunch of white kids call themselves nonbinary to avoid being persecuted. It was based in biology, in "this is who I am and there's nothing I can do about it", now it's all about identity and concepts that just hide narcissism and other mental illnesses.

I'm fine with people being gay, I love gay people. I don't mind if a guy loves to suck a cock or if a dude wants to dress as a woman. I don't care if a woman wants to date women (good luck with that, I've been doing it all my life). What I care about is a group of people creating a hierarchy of oppression where the most oppressed gets the most power and these people basically being EVERYWHERE.

At least we're seeing some people/companies fighting back. Elon Musk is still insanely popular with both the moderate left and the right. Netflix telling its employees they can go work somewhere else if they don't like the content. Basecamp banning politics from the company.

This has never been about gay rights. Ignore the right wing nuts who really hate the LGBT community. That's a red herring the woke left uses to frame it as a good vs evil thing. It's not, plenty of people on the left, including me, hate wokeness.


I have no problem with supporting gay people,and that's what the pride flag used to mean to me.Problem for me is the whole thing has been hijacked by a lot of mentally ill people who want to identify as Demons and Cake......I find waving a flag for these types to be in really bad taste and don't support the normalisation of mental illness.Gay people should split from these loons and let them have the flag.....create their own thing like the LGB alliance have done.


At least we're seeing some people/companies fighting back. Elon Musk is still insanely popular with both the moderate left and the right. Netflix telling its employees they can go work somewhere else if they don't like the content. Basecamp banning politics from the company.
I honestly expected Netflix to be more likely to fold on this stuff. Elon Musk smoked weed on the Joe Rogan podcast lol, was obvious he doesn't give a shit.

It's one of the reasons why it's interesting to hear what the mega-mega-rich think about stuff. JK Rowling is one of the very few outspoken celebrities saying "no come on... trans women are not the same as biological women" because she has "fuck-you" money.


I have no problem with supporting gay people,and that's what the pride flag used to mean to me.Problem for me is the whole thing has been hijacked by a lot of mentally ill people who want to identify as Demons and Cake......I find waving a flag for these types to be in really bad taste and don't support the normalisation of mental illness.Gay people should split from these loons and let them have the flag.....create their own thing like the LGB alliance have done.

Well I kinda lost it at LBGTQ+ABCDGDFGGHFWE

I just don't follow it anymore, and while they want unity, I see all kinds of different labels being created here.
What in the actual fuck is "rainbow washing"?!
Just rainbow the company logo on Twitter like everyone else.
This might be the funniest post of all of 2022; POTY.


Gold Member
Some people here are just Jesus freaks anti-abortion gun loving neckbeards, but many other just hate the hypocrisy of an act that does absolutely nothing. There is no oppression of homosexuals in the liberal west, so this is just a way to win points with the woke mob who just keeps asking for more and more.
People are tired of corporations bending to what is a minority, because this doesn't end with a rainbow flag. They keep moving the fucking goalpost and there is no victory until they get everything they want, which means you get to use women spaces even with a beard and a dick.
It's hypocrisy because trans rights are human rights on Twitter, but then they do business with Saudi Arabia, China and so on. Muslims are oppressed and Europe needs to get them all and never criticize them or people get literally murdered in the street. China has concentration camps? Oh well, can't talk about it.
They're all gay until it's good for business. They're all against guns, pro LGBT, pro choice, pro muslim, anti Israel, anti Russia, as long as it's good for business.

They should shut the fuck up and be corporations.

Also, a couple of notes on the modern LGBTQ+ movement and the pride flag:

The flag used to be there to represent homosexuality/bisexuality, then they added trans people that were slightly different (sexual orientation vs gender identity) but most people were ok with it. What is it nowadays? It represents being queer, which is a political statement. Suddenly, the rainbow wasn't enough and they added the trans flag on top of a flag that already represented them. Then they added black and brown, cause I guess, Black Lives Matters. It's slowly becoming an "everything but white and straight" flag. No wonder a bunch of white kids call themselves nonbinary to avoid being persecuted. It was based in biology, in "this is who I am and there's nothing I can do about it", now it's all about identity and concepts that just hide narcissism and other mental illnesses.

I'm fine with people being gay, I love gay people. I don't mind if a guy loves to suck a cock or if a dude wants to dress as a woman. I don't care if a woman wants to date women (good luck with that, I've been doing it all my life). What I care about is a group of people creating a hierarchy of oppression where the most oppressed gets the most power and these people basically being EVERYWHERE.

At least we're seeing some people/companies fighting back. Elon Musk is still insanely popular with both the moderate left and the right. Netflix telling its employees they can go work somewhere else if they don't like the content. Basecamp banning politics from the company.

This has never been about gay rights. Ignore the right wing nuts who really hate the LGBT community. That's a red herring the woke left uses to frame it as a good vs evil thing. It's not, plenty of people on the left, including me, hate wokeness.
You know, this is a pretty good argument to make and i think it is worthwhile to think about it carefully. Sadly (and maybe that is a genrell problem on the internet) this discsussions and arguments seldom come through on gaf, because you have to swim through a lot of anger, bigotry and negative emotions to really talk about what it is that peopple bother so much.

I can tell you from personal experience that the LGBTQ+ community is not a harmonious group of people. Anger and bigotry happens there too ( weh are all just people after all). Im, as a bisexual, hardly in a position talk for or even fully understand trans or queer people and what they are going through.

Not sure what i am trying to say here. I guess a have to think about your arguments a bit more....



Gold Member
This is what people outside the minority groups have been saying for years. And they were called bigots. They scoffed at how easily people were 'appeased' by something so stupid as a logo change. How it was performative, just another 'seasonal' sales market and the minority groups should demand more.

Well, full circle. Here we are. And when the gauntlet is thrown down to actually do more than just change a logo, hand out free cosmetics or RT quotes to these companies, they don't.

And now after being called bigots, non-allies and all the latest twitter trending insults, those people look on amused because they've been ostracised.

Ultimately the whole thing is about attention for these people. They just use the LGB community as a vehicle, just as the black community was used previously. They surf the crest of the latest outrage cycle and mobilise social media power to influence companies to do the bare minimum, then move on. I would have liked to seen it through to be honest. To see how many of these 13,000 employees walked out.
Lack of support here is disturbing. Here's something for representation.

cruel intentions GIF by IFC
What I always thought was most interesting about this scene, is not the obvious hot kiss itself, but how smg's character is supposed to be this bad bitch, but she's not into it at all, whereas selma's character is more timid and naive, but she's way more into it, shoving her tongue into smg's mouth; almost as if the characters are flipped personality wise because of how the actors felt about the scene.


King Snowflake
State of our country today:

- No walkout over actual concentration camps in China
- No walkout over forced slave labor in China
- No walkout over kids getting murdered in schools

- Walkouts over trans jokes
- Walkouts over abortion rights
- Walkouts over lack of virtue signaling
So your a bigot who hates Chinese people and those who don't accept your religious hatred and intolerance. But it is ok because everything is just evil virtue signaling.


You know, this is a pretty good argument to make and i think it is worthwhile to think about it carefully. Sadly (and maybe that is a genrell problem on the internet) this discsussions and arguments seldom come through on gaf, because you have to swim through a lot of anger, bigotry and negative emotions to really talk about what it is that peopple bother so much.

I can tell you from personal experience that the LGBTQ+ community is not a harmonious group of people. Anger and bigotry happens there too ( weh are all just people after all). Im, as a bisexual, hardly in a position talk for or even fully understand trans or queer people and what they are going through.

Not sure what i am trying to say here. I guess a have to think about your arguments a bit more....

I have several gay friends who don't feel like the LGBTQ+ community represents them anyway. I also think what happened to Contrapoints, a person I disagree with a lot but still respect, just for not following in line and a bunch of Gay/Trans people who are hated by the community for not agreeing with their message (Douglas Murray, Blaire White, Buck Angel etc)

Yes, those bigots exist, but framing every disagreement with the community as a symbol of hate and oppression is the same as trying to get any kind of mention of LGBT out of schools because the teachers are all podophiles. Two sides of the same coin.

The problem with the current mainstream narratives ON EITHER SIDE is that they keep focusing on the worst people on the other side instead of looking at the real issue. We should be pragmatic and get rid of the us vs them, good vs evil mentality, because in the long run it's harming the cause.

As a pro gay marriage, pro adoption, pro dress however you like, fuck whomever you want as long as they are fine with it and of age, I'm afraid the craziness of the left will just make people in the center think the only remedy to the madness is the worst kind of conservatism and you might see eventually the violent, bigoted right getting in power because they had no other option.

I honestly expected Netflix to be more likely to fold on this stuff. Elon Musk smoked weed on the Joe Rogan podcast lol, was obvious he doesn't give a shit.

It's one of the reasons why it's interesting to hear what the mega-mega-rich think about stuff. JK Rowling is one of the very few outspoken celebrities saying "no come on... trans women are not the same as biological women" because she has "fuck-you" money.
It's funny how JKR went from annoying one side by retconning with LGBT stuff to being hated by the other side because she doesn't believe men can be women. I think the whole Terfs vs TRA is just the beginning of what you create when your value is based on oppression. It's like Dave Chappelle vs Trans people, but you'll eventually see fat people vs disabled, "neurodivergent" vs Muslims and so on.

Eventually the dominant minority will stop getting support because the other minorities will realize they aren't getting a fair share. It will collapse on itself. The problem will be making it sure us and our institutions aren't under that roof as well.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
If you read the linked article (I know, I’m weird like that) the employee statement with their demands refers ONLY to trans people.

There seems to be some activists that co-opt every single cause and transform them to just be about themselves.


The best thing we can do about cases like this is just ignore them. They get far too much attention - even for silly stunts like this one. They're desperately seeking out attention and in the latter years, they're getting a ton of it because of the cancel pressure. So much attention that people are soon just gonna be sick of it all and we can start ignoring them and let them fight between themselves.


Damn, looks like EA isn't that nad after all. Or maybe the pride flag is just being sold as a 25$ DLC?
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Gold Member
I have just had to switch off for the last couple of years as it got more and more ridiculous.

LGB, sure all for it I have worked and work with many openly gay colleagues and the only thing they had in common is they liked the same sex, that's it they are literally like anyone else. Being none religious I never had any issue with people doing what they want to do, iv always felt if you feel attracted to someone it should not matter what sex they are, you are attracted to that person.

T, this one felt a little weird, but if they want to be called a woman or a man fine, if that's what makes them happy I have no issue with this, its like I have a relative who due to issues you have to be kinder too and put up with her shit otherwise she has a full blown melt down even when they are on their meds, I see it kind of like that, no skin off my back.

Q+, I am sorry but... I guess this is an extension of T... but you are REALLY pushing it. With T at least you essentially swapped one set of societies rules for another, that makes sense to me. However now you are just making shit up and demanding society rearranges its structure that an overwhelming majority of people still work with is turned on its head for the benefit of an extreme few. Like at least with T people have to go see a doctor and transition, that's a lot of work, medication and operations there is a commitment there. However Q+ is people on Tumblr making up fanfiction of reality and asking for people to run with it as if its normal.

As such I just have to put my hands up and walk away, the scary thing is that it feels like Q+ has slowly started to work backwards in recent years, like alot of people who would have been under Q+ are now demanding they are T, despite not going through any of the steps required to transition. So im starting to feel like I cant support T anymore because Q+ has started to infect that, same with LGB.... with all these quasi abisex furkins how long before you cant just be Gay, Lesbian or Bi?

when you dilute a message it becomes easier for people to find something they cant agree with, I feel sorry for the LGBT community who have slowly had to watch as the scale slides back in recent years through no fault of there own.
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You know what flag already includes LGBT? Every flag that has basic rights for LGBT communities. There's no reason to have an exclusive flag.


I have to be honest here....

...i really dont have words for stuff like this. There is a lot of woke-washing (for the lack of a better word) when it comes big companies. I get the anger and frustation (and resignation) from all sides of the woke argument. Maybe we just lash out in anger in here because some things out there are out of our control and just plain frustrating.
I dont know maybe we are all a bit hypersensitive at the moment - we live in weird times after all.
When agendas are forced on people, it’s normal to have blowback. Which is unfortunate, because it’s going to create hate where there wasn’t before.

I live in the woods and it’s slowly becoming fairy forest. I’m long past tired of this shit


Gold Member
I don't like Black History month, I don't like Pride month, I don't like Women's month. I don't like the idea of pandering to a subset of individuals for a month only to ignore their concerns the remaining 11 months of the year. Save that shit.

I'm looking forward to a day when these things won't be necessary because no one feels like they are on the outskirts of society and somehow need this kind of special treatment.

Companies can do what they want, I suppose the workers have the same choice in response. It's their right.

Morgan Freeman said it best:
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Gold Member
This is why their so-called pride is worth jack shit, it's just pandering and performative.
They never show pride and support genuinely marginalized and persecuted groups living in the places that it would count the most.
In some of those very places where LGBT people are literally murdered for being who they are. Crickets, from both these companies and part-time slacktivists.

I rather they did not do it at all, but if they're going to bother, then at least commit to it. What's the point of making a show of being virtuous only when it's convenient for you to do so?


there's 1000s out there who would happily take their job and EA i'm sure would have no problem paying their replacements less. crazy what people will do for "heady" ideals and standing up for others. they should be happy about having a cushy job at a game company.


Gold Member
This is why their so-called pride is worth jack shit, it's just pandering and performative.
They never show pride and support genuinely marginalized and persecuted groups living in the places that it would count the most.
In some of those very places where LGBT people are literally murdered for being who they are. Crickets, from both these companies and part-time slacktivists.

I rather they did not do it at all, but if they're going to bother, then at least commit to it. What's the point of making a show of being virtuous only when it's convenient for you to do so?
Corporations cant do anything about. Because just like Ozzy's FIFA's post above, they are too busy counting the money!


Gold Member
there's 1000s out there who would happily take their job and EA i'm sure would have no problem paying their replacements less. crazy what people will do for "heady" ideals and standing up for others. they should be happy about having a cushy job at a game company.

People should be blessed companies pay people good money because every day there's people sending in resumes. I get paid well and do a good job (if I didn't they would had fired me 10 years ago), but I'm sure out of all the people randomly applying for jobs there's going to be some better people with new ideas for cheaper.

So as much as I want what everyone wants (gimme some more money, bonus, and all you bosses leave me alone), sometimes people just got to sit back and respect and be appreciative having a job at a good company and not working for minimum wage getting nailed to the cross by a shit boss. When people are getting angry at political issues at a company making video games, people got issues.

If topics likes this are so engrained, they should change careers and be activists or politicians fighting the fight for humanity. And not making games with mtx.


Gold Member
Why do these assholes need some faceless corporation to offer platitudes about social issues?
Because tech companies are lax letting their workers bring their home life to work. And when that flood gate opens, many will make a corporate culture change from fun and money, to personal demon issues, which politician to elect, and how many tweets to publicly tell what's happening internally at the office.

Leave it to video game employees to bring in the baggage.

I'm pretty sure tech companies being lax was more about attracting workers with perks like free food, awesome PCs and desks and ping pong tables. Not be lax having every numbnut tell the floor what they think about sexuality or abortion.

But here we are. No wonder some tech companies are drawing the line lately to get things more structured and back to normal.
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Gold Member
Why do these assholes need some faceless corporation to offer platitudes about social issues?
To be fair, corporations have been pushing this "We're on your side, we're your friend" angle for the past 5 years at least. They just drank the koolaid.


Gold Member
Where is the bald month pride? I want to be represented!!!!
Fucking woke society.

The fuck are you, 10?

Totally fine and glad we have months in this country that represent different cultures and facets of American life. It's a cool country, and approach.

EA is a shit company and continues to do shitty things. It should come as no surprise to the employees that they'll actively ignore a national awareness month. They should quit, because it's totally legit to have your company to reflect so values you hold close.

The whole "fuck woke" is stupid, you end up sounding like a bigot.
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