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WIRED has given Hogwarts Legacy a 1/10 review score


Gold Member

A journalist from Wired has given Hogwarts Legacy a score of 1/10 to deliberately thwart its success and hamper it's score on Metacritic/Opencritic. It's very likely other game media outlets will follow.

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To be honest, I actually expected a lot more of this from games media. I thought we were going to see these along with no scores at all, but it seems like the major outlets probably got the idea that if they were to do that WB probably wouldn't give access anymore.

I hope WB never ever sends anyone who woke reviewed this game review copies of any of their upcoming games.


Gold Member
Further proof that "games journalism" is dead in some cases, and dying in others. Which is a great thing, IMO. Especially if journalists can't separate their personal beliefs and a video game they're reviewing.

This article is so stupid, and the sad part is people are going to give them clicks. Which is exactly what they want.
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Resident Crybaby
This shit has become so absurd.

I'm all for trans rights but I also understand that buying a fucking videogame doesn't matter one way or the other.

It's been said ad nauseam but these same people that are boycotting the game are using their child-labor built phones to Tweet about it on Elon Musk's social media platform to link to their articles on an AWS hosted website, owned by Amazon who's notorious for union-busting and extremely poor labor conditions. All while playing other games on Steam, Xbox, and Playstation, all of whom are promoting and/or have promotional deals to make money off of Hogwarts Legacy themselves.

It's all performative bullshit. These same people had no issue when all the big review publications reviewed Top Gun Maverick or Mission:Impossible despite Tom Cruise being the leader of a violent cult that's covered up sexual abuse, blackmailed members from speaking out, and continues to protect violent and sexual abusers to this day. Where was the big boycott then?

It's completely hypocritical and frankly exhausting. And it's created this weird make-believe divide where if you don't buy Hogwarts you care about trans people, and if you do buy Hogwarts, you must be a transphobic bigot.


I support trans rights AND I love Harry Potter and purchased Hogwarts Legacy. And you can fuck right off if you think you're better than me because of that.
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