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I'm playing on easy


Please people, stop saying you don't have Time. That's the shittiest excuse I've ever heard, everybody is fucking using it to justify not going to the gym, not reading etc.. you do have time,stop lying to yourself, it's just not a priority for you.
And you do realize that you can play the same game for months before completing it, right? What does it have to do with difficulty?
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No, Im normal.


I've played on easy for at least a decade now. I've never had that competitive itch, gaming is 100% a form of relaxation for me, and work is what I challenge myself in. When I'm playing a game, I want peak cozy and to feel like I'm a god.


I play most my games on normal. During the week, I'm normally pretty drained after-work, so I just play easier games, like vampire survivors, or powerwash simulator.


50 years here, it is true that time is my worst enemy.....( I wish 1 day was 30h) but still starting & playing all games on hard, becose I like to train my focus & reflexes.
Starting games on easy is just boring for me....no challenge at all.


i go normal and then if i get bored i use a trainer and that shit becomes much more enjoyable. hogwarts legacy with a trainer is so much more fun than without it, such a slog of a game.


Usually I don't drop the difficulty unless it makes the game tedious or frustrating to the point where I get the urge to throw shit around or start screaming at the TV. No game is worth that kind of stress.

But otherwise if the game's too easy then it becomes boring to play and I'd rather be dealing with a healthy challenge.
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Im 37- Been doing this over a year now.
Not enough time and I play more for enjoyment these days rather than frustration and repetition. Is what it is, gotta do what caters to me- not anyone else.


I finished Nioh, but for Horizon Zero Dawn I turned down difficulty to easy, because oh I hate modern AAA Crossbow mechanics. In Nioh and NG Sigma they had more in common with true hunting, than how it's done in Horizon and Tomb Raider. All comes down to preference...
The older I get the less time I have to play.
So lately when I feel like it's taking me a long time to finish a game, I just flip that to easy mode and fly through it.
I used to enjoy hard games, I'm a huge fan of the Dark Souls franchise, I just don't have the time for any of that anymore.
Am I cheating not only the game but also myself and life?
Are any other 30-40 y.o. gamers going through the same?
Do it dude don't be afraid. The amount of times I've played through Uncharted 1 through 3 on easy with one shot kills and infinite ammo is countless at this point. I think it's the superior way to play them.
I got the Plat on Sekiro, I got the Plat on Bloodborne, I got the Plat on RE2 Remake, I got the 1000/1000 on Dead Rising where you gotta risk your Xbox 360 melting by keeping it on for like 16 hours straight. I've proven my time as a "gamer".

First through I'll still do Normal but if I can't be fucked and I can I'm switching to Easy to get through a game. We have limited time on this planet. Once you hit 30 it hits you hard.
I just turned 40 this year and, no, I have never played on easy/story and still don't. Easy/story difficulties, in my experience, are overly simple to where they become boring to engage with. To me, if there's no risk of loss in a game, then there's no reason to play.

That being said, if someone else prefers easy/story, that's their prerogative. BUT, if a game developer, let's say Fromsoft for example, decides to not include lower difficulties in their games, that is their decision as the designer and they are not required to include them for gamers who want an easier time.

Using myself as an example, I don't like bullet hell shooters or character action games, like Ninja Gaiden, because I find them overly difficult and don't find the mechanics needed to be successful fun to engage with. Rather than bitch and moan online about being excluded from those games, I just don't play them and move on with my life, with the exception of Doom Eternal. I have major issues with that game, not because it's hard, but because it's called Doom and the changes to the mechanics make it play almost nothing like it's predecessors. Doom 2016 was a nice 90s FPS throwback. Doom Eternal turned it into a 3D character action game, which as I mentioned above, is not my steez.
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Usually I don't drop the difficulty unless it makes the game tedious or frustrating to the point where I get the urge to throw shit around or start screaming at the TV. No game is worth that kind of stress.

But otherwise if the game's too easy then it becomes boring to play and I'd rather be dealing with a healthy challenge.

Sounds reasonable.

For me it depends on the game's mechanics in the context of a certain scenario. If the gameplay (mechanics) are good then i know with some more practice i can overcome X scenario. If not fuck and I'll lower de difficulty (temporarily???)

I bet Fart Knight Fart Knight plays Halo on easy with coop.

Michael Scott Wink GIF
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Sounds reasonable.

For me it depends on the game's mechanics in the context of a certain scenario. If the gameplay (mechanics) are good then i know with some more practice i can overcome X scenario. If not fuck and I'll lower de difficulty (temporarily???)

I bet Fart Knight Fart Knight plays Halo on easy with coop.

Michael Scott Wink GIF
Yeah, actually that's a good point because there are plenty of games where challenge is practically non-existent for me but I still have fun with them because there's just something really satisfying about them. Just like popping a bubble wrap, lol.

So to specify, there are games where dropping the difficulty makes them too trivial to play and I just start to zone out. Mostly happens with racing games for me.
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38-39 this year. I do it too from time to time. Especially if I want to burn through the story. I’ll still stay competitive in MP games though so it’s a good balance. 😂


Yeah, actually that's a good point because there are plenty of games where challenge is practically non-existent for me but I still have fun with them because there's just something really satisfying about them. Just like popping a bubble wrap, lol.

So to specify, there are games where dropping the difficulty makes them too trivial to play and I just start to zone out. Mostly happens with racing games for me.

Racing games you say, curious...

I play Gran Turismo 7 and every decision and input counts. It's so focus based. Restart; the game

But if it's not your thing, fair enough; understandable!

Regarding your first paragraph; i look at games like i do at movies etc. Some many genres. Sometimes you want something and lay down and just chill. Other times you're in the mood for some hardcore intense focus stuff. Right?
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Racing games you say, curious...

I play Gran Turismo 7 and every decision and input counts. It's so focus based. Restart; the game

But if it's not your thing, fair enough; understandable!

Regarding your first paragraph; i look at games like i do at movies etc. Some many genres. Sometimes you want something and lay down and just chill. Other times you're in the mood for some hardcore intense focus stuff. Right?
No, no, I do love racing games, I just don't like it when they get too easy. If I'm like 30 seconds ahead and winning races is effortless then I will start zoning out of the race and it will feel like going through the motions. Maybe that's why I'm such a bad driver overall, lol. I can't keep focus on the road if there's nothing interesting going on around me.

Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Sounds reasonable.

For me it depends on the game's mechanics in the context of a certain scenario. If the gameplay (mechanics) are good then i know with some more practice i can overcome X scenario. If not fuck and I'll lower de difficulty (temporarily???)

I bet Fart Knight Fart Knight plays Halo on easy with coop.

Michael Scott Wink GIF

I wish

Sometimes I ask myself which country some Gaffers are from because you guys always says no sense like if with 30 years you can't play games properly anymore.

Maybe is the water in your country that is destroying your neurons dude... Because I still bring my A game to several games and I'm 36.

I'm still playing rithym action games... I'm still playing fighting games, started playing fast tetris games last month(puyo puyo tetris and tetr.io) and I'm improving really fast.

I don't have as much time to play but I also don't have any difficulty whatever playing any sort of game.


No, no, I do love racing games, I just don't like it when they get too easy. If I'm like 30 seconds ahead and winning races is effortless then I will start zoning out of the race and it will feel like going through the motions. Maybe that's why I'm such a bad driver overall, lol. I can't keep focus on the road if there's nothing interesting going on around me.

That's common. Your mind starts wandering and you drift off literary and figuratively.


King Snowflake
You are cheating yourself.

But seriously, why not just pick more games that are inherently easy, and take more time with games that are more challenging?
Devs put in easy mode because they want to let people decide how to play. In no way is the OP cheating himself for flipping a toggle. Playing a game that requires you to spend hours just getting good is cheating yourself out of hours that could be spent having better experiences instead of more hours in the same game.


Devs put in easy mode because they want to let people decide how to play. In no way is the OP cheating himself for flipping a toggle. Playing a game that requires you to spend hours just getting good is cheating yourself out of hours that could be spent having better experiences instead of more hours in the same game.
Calm down lol.

I have very strong opinions about games having multiple difficulties, but this is neither the topic nor what the OP is asking. The fact of the matter is that the OP feels troubled, or at least bothered, that he now needs to dumb down the game he plays in order to finish them. Otherwise he wouldn't make a topic about it, or discuss about it at all. All I gave are viable options to continue gaming in the experience he is accostumed to, while still finishing the games.

If that wasn't his point, and all he wanted to do was state something he felt saying, then my opinion goes out to the ones that are on a similar situation and are struggling with it.
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47, i almost play everything on easy now.
Age, medication, family life , work , Union work .Hobbies are a luxury now so i play just play on easy to go faster.


Gold Member
I mainly play games that don't have difficulty modes. I like games that are balanced by the developers. On games I do play with difficulty settings, I will start on normal, but if it's something like Xenoblade 3 where it just prolongs the boring battles, I will put it on easy to make things move along more quickly.


Somehow I feel you bro.

The last time I played a game was in February this year. And I don't have too much time to play now.
Everyone should play whatever difficulty is the most fun. That being said, people shouldn't try to force devs who make hard games to put in an "easy mode".

It's disheartening to see classic games like Cuphead get criticized because some whiners want more "accessibility options". Not every game is designed with all types of gamers in mind.


Calm down lol.

I have very strong opinions about games having multiple difficulties, but this is neither the topic nor what the OP is asking. The fact of the matter is that the OP feels troubled, or at least bothered, that he now needs to dumb down the game he plays in order to finish them. Otherwise he wouldn't make a topic about it, or discuss about it at all. All I gave are viable options to continue gaming in the experience he is accostumed to, while still finishing the games.

If that wasn't his point, and all he wanted to do was state something he felt saying, then my opinion goes out to the ones that are on a similar situation and are struggling with it.

Yes, I need either hugs and comforting from fellow gamers or the sweet embrace of death to come and take me.


Gold Member
In a way, I wish more games had dynamic difficulty options like some sports games do (looks at MLB The Show) where the game adapts various elements to your skill as you reach a plateau over gradually increasing difficulty settings. Say, for instance, you're playing an action game like Jedi Survivor and you're great at blocking and dodging but shit at parrying -- a dynamic difficulty setting would adjust each one individually and give you a challenge based on your skill ability as determined through gameplay.

I dunno, it's one of the things I've always liked with MLB The Show. Sure, it initially starts braindead easy, but as you establish your baseline skill it becomes a much more enjoyable experience, and promotes actually getting better more than a static difficulty level does.
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In a way, I wish more games had dynamic difficulty options like some sports games do (looks at MLB The Show) where the game adapts various elements to your difficulty as you reach a plateau in your skills. Say, for instance, you're playing an action game like Jedi Survivor and you're great at blocking and dodging but shit at parrying -- a dynamic difficulty setting would adjust each one individually and give you a challenge based on your skill ability as determined through gameplay.

I dunno, it's one of the things I've always liked with MLB The Show. Sure, it initially starts braindead easy, but as you establish your baseline skill it becomes a much more enjoyable experience, and promotes actually getting better more than a static difficulty level does.
It would be fun if that was the caracteristic of a enemy or type of enemy. A kind of hive mind enemy which transmits battle data to all its brethen when defeated, so that the next enemy of the same kind acts differently, to better respond to the play style the player had when fighting the first enemy.

But something global, that tones the difficulty down just because I am having a bit more difficulty in a certain type of boss?

My answer to the second suggestion is:

Rainbow Bridge GIF
Nah, I'm getting up there in the years but I still play on hardest difficulty, or normal at worst. I just can't stand breezing through a game, it won't keep me interested.


For me it depends on the AI of the enemies if they’re just dumb damage sponges I’ll ratchet down the difficulty but for games like the original Bungie Halos smarter take cover and flank a lot more on harder difficulties and kinda just stand there by comparison on easy so it’s actually less fun.
I'm 52 and play most stuff on the easier end of the difficulty spectrum these days. I enjoy the games more because they are less frustrating, I get through more of my backlog, and my time is respected more (less time spent on bullet sponges for same result).

Give people a range of choices, because there is no correct answer here - whatever difficulty you choose to play a game on is the right difficulty.
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Neo Member
I'm almost 48, with 3 kids. Only play games as long I have fun. I tend to complete them, but if necessary I often switch to easy mode when the fun is shaming. Still 160 hours on elden Ring and now playing Demon Soul on ps5, and having the time of my life :)


I'm just sticking to normal. The balance is always the best, plus it means I can skip most of the boring grind, crafting/min maxing no longer needed. And I know I won't get stuck on some overtuned bs.

Makes most builds viable, and it allows me to do stupid stuff I wouldn't be able to do on harder difficulty.

Like wearing weak armor, because I like the vibe. Fighting in a pair of non legendary sandals etc.
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