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Physical games all the way

Physical or Digital

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RRP in the UK for new games is a whopping £69.99, which is $87usd for the rest of you.

However, I managed to find a store selling FFXVI physically with free delivery for £51.85 vs £64.99 for the digital version.

So not only do digital games cost a lot more, but they take up limited HD space and you also can't resell the game if you wish (I don't intend to, but I could resell the game for £20-30 within a few months of release). Also the ability to lend the game to friends.

Plus the bonus of having the game case on your shelf to oggle at.

TLDR; digital games suck, physical for life.
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Gold Member
Physical due to price at release being cheaper than digital but having the convenience of all digital is great too. So ultimately we need cheaper digital pricing.


Here is the same, Physical games at launch are cheaper than the digital version, and even cheaper if pre-ordered. So i only buy games day 1 in physical format. Digital only for games very cheap during promos.


All digital with very few exceptions starting this generation. Not really going to be any “rare” physical games moving forward and the physical products themselves are more bare bones than ever with zero manuals and flimsier cases than ever.

Hell now that we’re firmly in the territory where you can’t even count on the entire game being on the disc, I don’t see the point.


I’m really sorry… I’m very lazy…
I remember several instances where I bought a game digitally that I already own on disc because it felt too much work to get up and go to the shelf to get the disc. It felt too much work in that very moment, but I knew that I would feel the same on the day after.

For long single player games that take me two or three months and that I don't want to replay, it is tolerable I guess.
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I don't even think the next gen consoles will have disc drives. You're gonna want to have a digital license over a disc going forward.
We've already heard this song before this gen arrived. Sony and MS would have to make an unofficial deal to phase off the drives, because otherwise the hardware without one will get all the hate during launch... and we all know how controversial decisions have affected launches for consoles like the Xbox One.


Getting cheap games is not a failure of digital it's a failure of Sony. Allowing 3rd party sellers for digital games allows for shopping around for deals such as for Steam.
The copium for wanting physical media to stay is real. Digital is the future whether you like it or not. Honestly, I used To be a collector and a fan of having stacks of boxes but as I got older I really don't have time anymore to stand there and go through the boxes to find the right game and then get up and put it on a console. Digital is just way to convenient and I cannot go back.

The only physical stuff I care for are like limited edition. Particularly Blizzard titles, their collector editions are very good. I also never open them and keep them sealed as a show piece.


Yeah I'm still mostly physical because of the price.

Although digital prices can be good if you buy PSN credit from places shopto/cdkeys which usually give a deceent discount on the credit. If your signed up to ps stars program then every digital purchase gives you points which you can redeem psn credit with. Overall giving a decent overall discount on digital purchases.
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Physical is king, only problem is I mostly play on my pc now. I try and double dip physical on anything really good.


Gold Member
Physical. I buy/resell or rent games as much as possible. My Steam library is filled with games I'll never play again. Sucks physical is limited to consoles (for the most part).

The copium for wanting physical media to stay is real. Digital is the future whether you like it or not.

Maybe, maybe not. Some are saying streaming is the future. Not sure whose crystal ball to believe. Either way, right now, you've still got a substantial percentage of physical games being sold right now. Is this "copium" for hoping physical will soon disappear?
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No thanks. Rather have the ability to swap games on the fly without changing disks.

Not interested in collecting a pile of games I'll only play once and never again, it's very very rare I'll replay through a game multiple times.


Right now i'm going all in with collecting for Switch but honestly, this might be the last console I go full physical for.

I loved collecting back in the day with cardboard boxes and all, partially because they were big and featured nice artwork to look at, and partly because they went up in value later on, meaning your collection actually had some value. Disc boxes just don't have either of those qualities. Except for GameCube and maybe the original PSX, pretty much any disc based system is worthless to collect for. That being said, I will probably still buy beautiful Collector's Editions for future consoles as they look gorgeous on shelves.

As for the eternal physical vs digital discussion. I don't really care, I just don't understand all the idiots rooting for an all digital future. Once physical is completely gone, game prices will rise like crazy without any competition. Right now people are foaming at the mouth because of €70 games. Once publishers have gotten rid of physical, I'm a 100% certain we'll be looking at €100 games within 3 years, and we're left with no option to revert back.


Where I'm from physical is much, much more expensive than digital. Meanwhile you can purchase that same game instantly through your console, and there are 75% deals all the time (that can even be tracked), and your user experience will be significantly better, since you will not have to jerk around with a disc every time you want to play. It's impossible for me not to feel retarded when purchasing physical games in this day and age.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Does physical even exist anymore? Pretty sure discs just give you permission to download the digital version.

The vast majority of games are on disk with no downloads required to play the game. Most Day 1 patches just fix a few minor glitches/bugs that aren't even gamebreaking or noticeable for 99.9% of players.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The copium for wanting physical media to stay is real. Digital is the future whether you like it or not. Honestly, I used To be a collector and a fan of having stacks of boxes but as I got older I really don't have time anymore to stand there and go through the boxes to find the right game and then get up and put it on a console. Digital is just way to convenient and I cannot go back.

The only physical stuff I care for are like limited edition. Particularly Blizzard titles, their collector editions are very good. I also never open them and keep them sealed as a show piece.

The copium for wanting physical media to die is real. Keep supporting anti-consumer practices and I hope you have some cream for the butt-hurt.


One doesn't have to replace the other by the way, just because digital will be dominant doesn't mean there wont be a market for the physical guys. CDs wont be going anywhere in our lifetime. DVDs and Vinyls still exist.
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Gold Member
Physical is great. It shows the history of the game being sent off for print and the original packaging adds to the experience. It was fun to shop for games before the search feature on the internet took over. I’d still like to walk inside a thrift store and find a rare game. It never happens. With new stuff, it’s a lot of clutter. I hate saying that because I like gaming memorabilia and statues. You still have to store those not so hot games somewhere. If you’re a collector you’re storing 20 years of Madden or Call of Duty somewhere. If it’s an online only game you’re not storing much.

What do you get with a game now a days? Just the TOS slip of paper, a reversible cover, maybe some DLC promotional flyer. That’s not a lot if you ask me. I buy 95% digital games and I’m fine with that. I was heading that way during the PS3/360 gen. Amazon’s old prime discount use to be the most appealing feature. Plus buying physical can make selling your games a lot more alluring. You buy a game, finish it, and you could sell it. If you buy it digital you can just uninstall it until you want to replay it or there’s DLC. Also, if I have 100 Switch games digitally and 1-2 physical games I’m more than likely going to sell the Switch game and buy it digitally later on if I want to play it again. I have to find room or a case to store all my games in. It’s a pain. Most recently I bought Tears of the Kingdom digitally even when I had a $60 physical copy locked in at Amazon. The reason was I didn’t want to carry around a physical copy and most of my other games on Switch are digital. It works for me.

I sold some stuff that I’ll never touch. The reason I sold it was because I had already finished it and I had more modern games I wanted to play. I’ve gone back to digital games after I uninstalled the first time or some I didn’t play at first. It was a pretty good feeling. Selling the physical game was actually harder. I’ve got some digital titles I have no plans to play, but that’s the reality of the situation. Game sales, free games, and bundles over the course of a decade or longer does that. A big thing is. I would rather shop online than go into a physical store for games. Digital makes the experience even better with preloads and unlocks. Both are good in their own ways.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

So I guess digital.

And also im quite patient for sales either which way.

For MP and Live Service games Digital all the way, cuz I know im probably gonna put an hour into this game everyday.....aint nobody got time to keep swapping dem disks.

Physical. I like to own what I buy.
Without the internet how many games do you think youll actually be able to own by end of gen?

Sony has been better with making sure games are fully playable even without the day one patch.....but its creeping in with games being unplayable without an Internet connection.

Otherwise mate, you dont own shit, you are still at the mercy of the servers.
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