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What improvements you want to see in Metal Gear Solid 3 remake?


I hope the dream sequence is back for both the remake and new remaster.

I honestly struggle to think of the things from the original that could benefit from some improvements. The only change that I would personally welcome is a different control scheme that's more in line with MGSV's scheme and gameplay. Maybe they could also add some AI improvements and new gimmicks to enemy behavior in order to bring the challenge to a new level and make the gameplay feel more believable. Those old games could really surprise you sometimes by having the AI do certain things that you've never seen in any other game at the time, so if they would take that design philosophy and simply bring it to a whole new level - fantastic.

But as far as the story, boss encounters, cutscenes, specific sections of the game - everything was pretty much perfect in the original. Like, for comparison, RE4 remake made a smart choice of trimming the final act of the game because that section in the original was very commonly criticized for ruining the game's overall pacing. But I can't recall any sections in MGS 3 that would be an equivalent to that and should be changed.

Also this. Please, do that.
I think new players might find the jungle too linear. It felt like that in 2004 so it would be even more noticeable with modern graphics. I haven't played RE4 remake yet but does it change the level design?
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I think new players might find the jungle too linear. It felt like that in 2004 so it would be even more noticeable with modern graphics. I haven't played RE4 remake yet but does it change the level design?
Some of the areas are a bit streamlined, particularly during the island section. Some specific sections such as the truck ride or U-3 boss fight are missing, although the general feel and intent of the game were left intact. The stuff that was trimmed down mostly consisted of those dull-grey corridors and arenas that weren't really that interesting in the first place and only served to pad out the game. In my opinion, it works well because it improves the overall pacing, plus the remake adds several new and interesting things in the village and castle chapters to balance it out. Like, for example, both Krauser fights and the mining trolley ride are so much better now.

Interestingly, the entire campaign still took me a couple of hours longer to complete than what it usually takes me to complete the original.


Upgraded visuals
Controls to speed up to modern times(FPS)

Dont go adding modern garbage like open world blah blah. The game is fine.


What you want to see added for the remake? I think the screenshots look great visually but the level design seems to be exactly the same as before. They are remastering the original game too so I think they should make more changes. It should be different. They should make the jungle enviroments larger and add more guards.

Would be great to explore the whole Groznyj Grad and with no loading screens between the areas. There are areas you can't go to. The game doesn't need to be open-world like MGSV but they could make this part of the game like it.

Exactly why Im not hyped at all, Twin Snakes is a perfect example of gameplay mechanics being added into old maps that werent made to accommodate said mechanics.
Now MGS3 would fare better sure but even Subsistence adding true third person trivialised aspects of the game.
So the ‘remake’ needs bigger maps, hell rebalance the survival and injury mechanics, more side paths and alternate routes through the jungle, more enemy outposts and facilities so the espionage mechanics can really shine.
But it looks like 1:1 maps so meh, seriously dreading the possibility that The Boss’ fight will be QTEs…


Gold Member
Personally I was hoping they would re-imagine the story a little but the official website says "same gripping story"

Note: mgs3 story is amazing. One of the best ever in a video game but if you are offering the original remastered, then shortly after the remake, shouldn't the remake set up something different. Shouldn't it be a slightly different take?

Like when it comes to the mgs movie (if it ever gets released) they will tweak the story a little.

I dunno. Maybe I am rambling. Just wouldn't mind having the OG mgs games being what they are and the remake offers something differently.

Yeah, I definitely trust Konami to change the story *HEAVY SARCASM*


Golden Boy
- Bigger areas. It doesn't need to be open world, but they should allow more openness and ways to approach a situation. It would be a shame if they threw away the advanced gameplay possibilities of MGSV.
- More weapons, equipment and skins. Fill the game with unlockables that keep me occupied for s long time.
- Enhanced Eva jiggle physics. I like my digital females properly sexualized.
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Considering they are using the old voice acting I dont think they will add anything new, so there Goes most of my wishes.

If they arent added more areas and gameplay, then I say. Just keep it damn accurate, focus on the Kojima feel and fix the aiming to be over the should. Just make it right.
Is it going to be a more modern third person perspective within a fully realised 3d environment, like MGS5, or is it just keeping the same perspective as the original MGS3 but with a facelift?

Bit like how Resident Evil 2 remake dropped the original static camera and tank controls for the more recognisable over the shoulder perspective common in modern games?


Gold Member
They need to make it so snake gains weight like GTA San Andrea's, so if you eat enough of the wild life, you become the true Big Boss.

Secret ending if you consome literally every animal in which you are dropped out of a plane onto metal gear and crush it.
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They need to make it so snake gains weight like GTA San Andrea's, so if you eat enough of the wild life, you become the true Big Boss.

Secret ending if you consome literally every animal in which you are dropped out of a plane onto metal gear and crush it.
That’s Fatphobic. I like it.


- Improve the CQC abilities

- Make the survival aspects better/more meaningful and more realistic (without being tedious)

- Bring back the ability to crouch walk from the 3DS version

- Add some new surprises/elements esp to some of the boss fights (don't make a 100% copy and paste)

- If you re-record lines bring back the Original Cast, ESPECIALLY David Hayter.

Something tells me though this will indeed be a near 100% shot-for-shot remake. Basically they will do what the Pachinko game did.

Edit: Doesn't Konami own the Fox Engine? They could basically take the controls and feel of MGSV and use that as a foundation for the player movement.
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Neo Member
The game itself was perfect, I just want the same game with ultra-fidelity graphics that PS5 can offer, I don't need an open world, or changes in the story, not even in the gameplay or the controls, MGS3 could be played perfect back then with the original camera and today I think you can also enjoy it in the same way, I mean, if you're bad at playing it's not a problem with the game, the problem is the one who plays.


The game itself was perfect, I just want the same game with ultra-fidelity graphics that PS5 can offer, I don't need an open world, or changes in the story, not even in the gameplay or the controls, MGS3 could be played perfect back then with the original camera and today I think you can also enjoy it in the same way, I mean, if you're bad at playing it's not a problem with the game, the problem is the one who plays.

Sounds like you just want to play MGS3 from the upcoming MGS Collection vol 1.

What's the point of doing a Remake if it's litterally the exact same?
sheeeiiitt, been a while.

ultra graphics
object-based surround sound
larger areas
better/more thorough/more dynamic ai
dynamic weather
more sneaky sneaky (make it so i cant brute force my way through everything like i could in mgs4/5)
mix up the boss fights
PC version (if that hasnt already been announced)
more open world.
more unlocks.
day night cycle.
real time random events maybe?

Basically im hoping it to play like MGS V but of course in a smaller scale.

But this was made by virtours and kojima not involved, so i keep my expectation in check.
God no, mgs 3 was a very curated deliberate experience in its design and pacing. I want to experiencr that upgraded. But that doesnt mean turn it into more of a less focused, open world game. Our geberation is getting wrecked by those ideas. Mgs5 was the most soulless metal gear because of open ended design tbh.
Sounds like you just want to play MGS3 from the upcoming MGS Collection vol 1.

What's the point of doing a Remake if it's litterally the exact same?
I want somewhat updated controls, subsistence camera (which im sure it'll have)and A.i. and graphics. But the pacing and direction I want untouched. This is very much a curated masterpiece. Open world would cheapen it. People need to realize they've been playing games that need to learn something from mgs3.

Shitty games rely on open world to guve the gamer something to do. You dont need that here.
I really hope it's not a 1:1 adaptation when it comes to game areas. Make them twice as big, or bigger even. With more patrols and more gameplay possibilities. No more going into pause menus to change camouflage, either. And just remove the backpack system. Don't make sneaking a massive stamina drain that moves barely faster than a regularly walking enemy.

It would be neat if they took some basic control and gameplay mechanics from Phantom Pain.
So you didnt kike mgs3 then lol

And remove backpack completely?
Wouldnt that mean no food management?


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
God no, mgs 3 was a very curated deliberate experience in its design and pacing. I want to experiencr that upgraded. But that doesnt mean turn it into more of a less focused, open world game. Our geberation is getting wrecked by those ideas. Mgs5 was the most soulless metal gear because of open ended design tbh.
not open world, a bigger semi zone?
original mgs3 is too linear

Assuming the devs goes for mgs4 camera angle, i think linear would be too short for mgs3
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not open world, a bigger semi zone?
original mgs3 is too linear

Assuming the devs goes for mgs4 camera angle, i think linear would be too short for mgs3
Subsistence already existed for mgs3. So they already did the behind the shoulder camera angle for mgs3 before mgs4. And it was GLORIOUS. it was better and did not need to be expanded. I actually feel sorry for people who didnt play subsistence.

If they dont do the subsistence camera option then I will be...unhappy.
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Use ps2 original light (or 3ds), much better than hd ps3/360 version

4k native, 60 fps, dualsense support

and easy trophies compared to original hd remasters (I never got platinum)


Not needing to use the d-pad to sneak up on enemies would be first on the list.

MGS GZ/V gameplay - fuckin' copy & paste it, I don't care, it's the best MGS gameplay ever. The rest is already there it looks like:

Not a fan of the desaturated, washed out color palette.


they should just use MGS 3D as the basisy and improve the graphics from there... that's it...

MGS 3D revamped the controls to be more in line with MGS4, sadly it ran like pure shit on 3DS...
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Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Is it going to be a more modern third person perspective within a fully realised 3d environment, like MGS5, or is it just keeping the same perspective as the original MGS3 but with a facelift?

Bit like how Resident Evil 2 remake dropped the original static camera and tank controls for the more recognisable over the shoulder perspective common in modern games?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. MGS3: Subsistence gave players control over the camera, and it was a kind of over-the-shoulder perspective


I want huge fire effects, like a roaring blaze when fighting The Fury.
I think the fire effects are still very good. Can't wait to see The Fury fight with modern graphics.

sheeeiiitt, been a while.

ultra graphics
object-based surround sound
larger areas
better/more thorough/more dynamic ai
dynamic weather
more sneaky sneaky (make it so i cant brute force my way through everything like i could in mgs4/5)
mix up the boss fights
PC version (if that hasnt already been announced)
Steam version has been announced.
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In the HD Collection the camera felt a lot of like MGS4.
I didn't see it, but it sounds like it's an improvement.

I did play MGS4, and while it did offer freedom in a more realised world it still wasn't as robust and interactive as MGS5, if you get what I mean?

You could move the camera around the player model but it wasn't a completely realised, fully formed 3D game world.


Unfortunately I'm afraid it's gonna suck but if I could make things better I'd definitely put in the buttery controls of MGS5, that game may be the worst mainline metal Gear but it sure controls like it isn't.

Besides that I honestly have no clue.


Much larger environments that are much more complex.

not needing to spend so much time changing camouflage in the menus

no “areas” with a black screen for loading.

At least MGS5 abilities and AI (minus Fulton extractions)
Improve NPC AI and animal AI

Deeper medical care system, I remember pausing in the middle of an early boss fight only to find that the Fear had made a pincushion of Snake with his Arrows. I had to pick them out one by one. Hilarious. More moments like that.

Hunting. Instead of stabbing a snake to eat it, make a trap to catch it. Make man traps too.

Food. Add salt so things rot slower, dry stuff in the sun, etc.

Weapon maintenance. Let players clean and modify weapons, cannibalize parts from NPC's.

More bossfight cutscenes. The weird villains are what make this series special but imo mgs3 has the weirdest. I want to get more of that doomy, supernatural, cyberpunk vibe. I want a level like the Hospital level in MGS5 but with the MGS3 characters.
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