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PlayStation Vita Screenshots | OS Level Captures

I think if you had realistic expectations, Uncharted looks great. Sony ALWAYS heavily bullshot prior to a console's release, it's essentially in their code of operations, their constitution. If 3DS is a mix between Wii 0.7 (polys) and Wii 1.3 (shaders etc) then Vita is PS2.6. I'm not sure why anyone seriously believed they'd have a PS3 in their hands.

I'm still heavily considering a purchase if enough software is announced for the next year to make it worthwhile. It's there that the future looks a bit hazy to me at the moment, not on a technical level, where it's got ample grunt.


Huh, weird how jaggy the game looks in those screenshots. Game looks fantastic on the actual Vita screen.

I made the mistake of confusing the dpi on a computer monitor versus Vita's or something like an iPhone. It doesn't translate well to a computer screen. People reacting saying the graphics are terrible I don't think are aware of this.


Good Art™
JPG compression + viewing the picture oversized to 1080p + hype above the roof + haters.

WTF with the argument...
We're comparing those shots to other vita captures at the same rez.. And this "it looks bad on a computer screen" point is crap. I don't see why a 544p screen would look bad on a computer screen if no upscaled... if you see jaggies at 1 feet from your 40" screen, you'll see it on the 5" vita screen to...

More sadly you'll feel this "upscaled blurry" feel that is clearly visible on those shots. And it will look bad compared to actual games and pictures at real 544p on the same screen.
Uncharted? Did you play it? People in other GAF threads complained about in-game jaggienes after the US mall demos. But some of them had those avatars.

Yeah, I own the game. It looks great for a handheld. Really impressive. I'm personally more blown away by how bright and clean Blazblue looks, but Uncharted is certainly no slouch.


You want me to get real? Bullshots, CG, and pre-rendered demo reels are typically used by non-tech junkies to illustrate a systems power over another (due to ignorance). After release, denial and defaulting to the common denominator of 'Well, I'm glad I don't care about screenshots.. or it plays great anyway' are often the result of purchase justification and brand loyalty. See it works both ways.

Wtf is this shit? You think I'm some console warrior? Get this teenage Gamefaqs shit out of this thread. Grow up. Me saying people should know better =/= console warrior.


You guys do know thT with Uncharted on the PSP's OLED screen and crazy DPI, it will look better right or do we just have more haters here?

The same can be said of Infinity Blade II and that shit isn't even anywhere close to looking as good as Uncharted.


WTF with the argument...
We're comparing those shots to other vita captures at the same rez.. And this "it looks bad on a computer screen" point is crap. I don't see why a 544p screen would look bad on a computer screen if no upscaled... if you see jaggies at 1 feet from your 40" screen, you'll see it on the 5" vita screen to...

More sadly you'll feel this "upscaled blurry" feel that is clearly visible on those shots. And it will look bad compared to actual games and pictures at real 544p on the same screen.

Looking at them at about the same distance I'll play on the Vita, and zooming out the browser screen to make them look at more or less the size of Vita's screen, they're not bad. At all.

Though I know that zooming out with Chrome reduces aliasing, it's a safe bet to say that the game won't look as bad as those screens are implying to.


needs 2 extra inches
Vita has the unfortunate fate of being made by Sony, so it doesn't get a free pass.


Click for accuracy's sake.
For new page:
Beyond3D reckon Uncharted runs around 408p(not sure though):

Pretty disappointing TBH. The videos and screenshots they released all look like they ran at a higher res with 4xAA, wonder what caused the downgrade or whether they were just complete bullshots/bullvids.

....You realise this is on 5 inch screen right?

And really, guys. This is a game on a portable. Have you compared Uncharted vita to any 3DS games?

And yes, Infinity Blade 2 looks godly. Keep in mind though, that it took years for them to create an engine that could achieve that level of graphics on the iPhone.


WTF with the argument...
We're comparing those shots to other vita captures at the same rez.. And this "it looks bad on a computer screen" point is crap. I don't see why a 544p screen would look bad on a computer screen if no upscaled... if you see jaggies at 1 feet from your 40" screen, you'll see it on the 5" vita screen to...

More sadly you'll feel this "upscaled blurry" feel that is clearly visible on those shots. And it will look bad compared to actual games and pictures at real 544p on the same screen.

I made the same mistake. You'll want to understand what dpi means. On devices with small screens they pack the pixels in closer.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
My hype for the graphics sort of vanished after looking at these screens. IB2 looks better in stills.

IB2 also takes place in very small areas with no more than two characters on screen. Uncharted features much more complex scenarios with lots of enemies, physics, and effects in play. The visuals could be much more detailed if it were as limited as IB2. We've already seen Epic Citadel on Vita with lots of onscreen npcs walking around. Ib2 would be a cake walk for Vita.
Are you people not watching the RedSunGamer live stream right now? They're playing Uncharted and it looks amazing for a handheld.

Also, yes the Vita is for some reason judged on a higher standard then their competition. I'm not sure why that is the case.


Fafracer forever
Oichi said:
Random Lord of Apocalypse screenshot that I took just a few minutes ago.
Well at least that's clearly native res - bad jpg compression or not.

To be fair - a question that begs to be asked is how upscaling is done in Game->Screen, as opposed to how screen-capture utility does it.
Chances are they don't go through the same process (and screenshots look like plain bilinear upscale to me), so the results could differ from more then just DPI.


Good Art™
Are you people not watching the RedSunGamer live stream right now? They're playing Uncharted and it looks amazing for a handheld.

Also, yes the Vita is for some reason judged on a higher standard then their competition. I'm not sure why that is the case.

The Vita is a 250€ + a memory card GIANT portable console that puts everyone of this cards in its hi-tech features, playing the "it's so amazing compared to lame iphone gaming" card 100%.

And i can't see the stream, it doesn't work :(


hide your water-based mammals
Are you people not watching the RedSunGamer live stream right now? They're playing Uncharted and it looks amazing for a handheld.

Also, yes the Vita is for some reason judged on a higher standard then their competition. I'm not sure why that is the case.

Some would rather gauge overblown and compressed shots from here!

Like I said, downscale the images to Vita's actual screen size at least. Don't blown them up to the native res unless it's actual Vita native res.


That's precisely what i'm talking about yes...
But pixel density doesn't mean shit if the game isn't the resolution of the screen ...
5" is huge... You'll see it clearly if something is native and crisp or upscaled and blurry.

You can get an idea of how it would look on the vita as follows (I think this makes sense):
-Get a ruler and hold it at arms length (like you were holding a vita).
-Move away from your monitor until the diagonal of the screen shot matches 5" on the ruler you are holding out.
-Now the dpi should be similar to playing a vita.

You can still make out jaggies if you're actively looking, but overall it looks pretty great to me

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
The first Uncharted tore constantly though.

Having just played through the first one twice, I strongly disagree about "constantly". If I panned the camera quickly when I first loaded an area, maybe, but definitely not Heavenly Sword level. That's constantly.


The Vita is a 250€ + a memory card GIANT portable console that puts everyone of this cards in its hi-tech features, playing the "it's so amazing compared to lame iphone gaming" card 100%.

And i can't see the stream, it doesn't work :(

Sounds like you have a serious ax to grind when it comes to the Vita. I probably wouldn't waste money on it if you feel that way :p.


Having just played through the first one twice, I strongly disagree about "constantly". If I panned the camera quickly when I first loaded an area, maybe, but definitely not Heavenly Sword level. That's constantly.

I believe the tearing in Uncharted 1 was said to be reduced a lot with a much later patch (along with trophies, maybe?).


Junior Member
Sounds like you have a serious ax to grind when it comes to the Vita. I probably wouldn't waste money on it if you feel that way :p.

I agreed. Seem the resolution is important to orioto. I think go to with iPhone4 which it had higher.

I'm gamer, so I want more actions, more FXs, and smoother gameplay cos it does make it more fun.
I won't worry about the technical problem because I know it is powerful than iPad in same hardware therefore shouldn't no problem to port iOS game plus lower resolution on Vita make it easier too.
Uncharted does look amazing for a portable game.

But if it really runs at a sub-native resolution, it's a shame, since it doesn't completely take advantage of the incredible screen the Vita has.

We can start imagining how Uncharted Vita 2 will blow us away, though xD
I think if you had realistic expectations, Uncharted looks great. Sony ALWAYS heavily bullshot prior to a console's release, it's essentially in their code of operations, their constitution. If 3DS is a mix between Wii 0.7 (polys) and Wii 1.3 (shaders etc) then Vita is PS2.6. I'm not sure why anyone seriously believed they'd have a PS3 in their hands.

I'm still heavily considering a purchase if enough software is announced for the next year to make it worthwhile. It's there that the future looks a bit hazy to me at the moment, not on a technical level, where it's got ample grunt.

Realistic expectations would be for games to render at native resolution as they do on all other mobile gaming devices. Honestly, Sony shouldn't have allowed this to happen, its the one area developers should not be cutting back on the Vita. I don't care if Vita games have much simpler shaders, heck I expect it, but the immaculate image quality is one area that shouldn't be sacrificed.

This is different, and much worse than the "sub HD" situation on consoles. At least there, everything other than native 1080p games are always going to be scaled anyway due to the scarcity of native 720p displays that support 1:1 pixel mapping, so the difference isn't nearly as pronounced.


I can vouch for MrPliskin; he is not a console warrior.

I don't have a console preference one way or the other, but I do love me some Insomniac Games, that much I am guilty of. I just think people weren't being reasonable if they expected Vita to have PS3 visual quality. You'd think that after almost two decades of media hype gamers would learn to temper their expectations a bit more.


Just been watching Redsuns live feed of Uncharted. He was at the level
with the fire in the building

People are seriously complaining about the visuals? It looks amazing!


The Vita is a 250€ + a memory card GIANT portable console that puts everyone of this cards in its hi-tech features, playing the "it's so amazing compared to lame iphone gaming" card 100%.
..... Uncharted looks amazing and it's a release title.


GAF's Bob Woodward
WTF with the argument...
We're comparing those shots to other vita captures at the same rez.. And this "it looks bad on a computer screen" point is crap. I don't see why a 544p screen would look bad on a computer screen if no upscaled... if you see jaggies at 1 feet from your 40" screen, you'll see it on the 5" vita screen to...

They will be much, much smaller on a 5" screen. You're basically looking at a magnification of the image vs its 'native' conditions and obviously that's not going to be flattering wrt its flaws. Not withstanding issues around non-native res, this output is not designed to be viewed on anything more than a 5". I was looking at these shots on a 10" tablet earlier and even that made a big difference vs what I'm seeing now on my monitor. I'm sure it'll look different again on an actual Vita - if you expect you'll have the same apparent IQ and such on your Vita as on your monitor now, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


I think it's normal that both Vita, 3DS and iOS screenshots look better in these devices than in a PC. Just because they are displayed in a smaller screen displayed at a certain screen.

And obviously, even more in cases like Vita or Retina displays because as portable gaming devices they have a great dpi. Considering that, you can use there PS3 games with lower res textures, smaller poly count and game render resolution and still get the same feel. This is what they refering when talking about a "PS3 like" graphical quality. Obviously if you display a Vita game screenshot in a PC it won't look as a PS3 screenshot even if it has been take as a lossless PNG.

And in case of 3DS, the 3D obviusly helps to see it better (added depth, reduces jaggies).

To the people who is trolling Vita comparing these screenshots vs Infinity Blade 2, please remember Epic's Vita tech demo. It was obviously better than the iOS version. It's really dumb to question Vita's graphical qualities.
I think it's normal that both Vita, 3DS and iOS screenshots look better in these devices than in a PC. Just because they are displayed in a smaller screen displayed at a certain screen.

And obviously, even more in cases like Vita or Retina displays because as portable gaming devices they have a great dpi. And in case of 3DS, the 3D obviusly helps to see it better (added depth, reduces jaggies).

Yeah. I remembered thinking what was the fuss about the 3DS after seeing some shots of the games on websites. Then played the new Mario game on the console itself. I was quite blown away.


Good Art™
Sounds like you have a serious ax to grind when it comes to the Vita. I probably wouldn't waste money on it if you feel that way :p.

Of course in a simple gaf world i'm being critical and demanding so i'm a hater.

I just saw the redseungamer feed on youtube and LOL.
It's clear people are crazy to judge the iq with direct feed capture when it's so more clear on a blurry compressed 15 fps video... People i swear...

Now, i realize i look like obsessed about this but not really actually, i'm just answering people being unrealistic. The truth about those kind of thread is that you have two kind of people. The ones wanting to protect their hype no matter what and the others, discussing freely and objectively something they could or not buy...

Yes Uncharted is probably the best graphics on a portable, yes the vita has many great features, the two analogs and such...
And Yes Sony did lie on the look it has. Again it's not a problem of resolution that much, but having a damn fine 544p oled screen to display an upscaled sur-rez blurry game is just lame, and a big problem on a portable as was saying brain_stew. Selling a 544p portable where the main game isn't 544p is just lying to people cause the rez is part of what you buy, contrary to a home console where you don't buy a hdtv with it.
Realistic expectations would be for games to render at native resolution as they do on all other mobile gaming devices. Honestly, Sony shouldn't have allowed this to happen, its the one area developers should not be cutting back on the Vita. I don't care if Vita games have much simpler shaders, heck I expect it, but the immaculate image quality is one area that shouldn't be sacrificed.

This is different, and much worse than the "sub HD" situation on consoles. At least there, everything other than native 1080p games are always going to be scaled anyway due to the scarcity of native 720p displays that support 1:1 pixel mapping, so the difference isn't nearly as pronounced.

I maintain what I say (I tempered expectations about its power given Sony's history) but I can't disagree that it is a bit disappointing that we have sub HD games. I don't think anyone could argue that a lower res screen would have been a better choice if this becomes commonplace. We shall see.


The Vita is a 250€ + a memory card GIANT portable console that puts everyone of this cards in its hi-tech features, playing the "it's so amazing compared to lame iphone gaming" card 100%.

And i can't see the stream, it doesn't work :(

The Vita is slightly bigger than a 3DS, and much thinner. It isn't that large... at least not enough to call it "GIANT".

And yes, you cannot compare it to iPhone "gaming", because iphone "gaming" is very limited in its scope. It can do some titles very well, but other experiences will never be satisfying on it.

I can't believe people are complaining that some games are sub-hd, when our current consoles have platform leaders like Halo 3 that are also sub-hd, but run and look great. I think this is a case of having to see it in person, hold it in your hands, ... but maybe I'm just a positive person. The guys from Red Sun Gaming came away from Uncharted being very impressed, and at least one of them seemed to be into the series on PS3.. so that's a pretty good yardstick.
They will be much, much smaller on a 5" screen. You're basically looking at a magnification of the image vs its 'native' conditions and obviously that's not going to be flattering wrt its flaws. Not withstanding issues around non-native res, this output is not designed to be viewed on anything more than a 5". I was looking at these shots on a 10" tablet earlier and even that made a big difference vs what I'm seeing now on my monitor. I'm sure it'll look different again on an actual Vita - if you expect you'll have the same apparent IQ and such on your Vita as on your monitor now, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I would be fine with the game being ~400p (or whatever it is) on a 5" screen if that was Vita's native resolution actually. The issue isn't the actual resolution in and of itself, its the fact that its not rendered at the native resolution of the screen, that's the issue. It causes a serious drop in image quality on a fixed pixel display.


Some would rather gauge overblown and compressed shots from here!

Like I said, downscale the images to Vita's actual screen size at least. Don't blown them up to the native res unless it's actual Vita native res.

They are not overblown, they are native res. The game isn't, however. Dowscaling would only add antialiasing that would end up looking better than the real thing.

The "correct" way to view these screenshots is to move further from the monitor until they are as big as the Vita screen would be in your hands.


Less talk moar pics dammit!!
240+ posts in a pictures-thread and only 3 posts has pictures.

Uncharted looks awesome, yeah low-res/low-standards/whatever. Moar Uncharted! (was Wipeout released?..what about Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom?)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
My hype for the graphics sort of vanished after looking at these screens. IB2 looks better in stills.
You know what, It doesn't. Despite this being rendered in sub-native res, which is definitely disappointing. The ridiculously low JPEG quality also ruins a lot of textural detail here.

There's been IB2 direct screens posted here the other day, and it didn't look so great.
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