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Fall 2011 Anime Thread |OT2| The Tampire is Coming

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Lets reserve super-fast talking for Excel in Excel Saga, no-one else really lives up to that.

That's true, she definitely claims the prize. I'd be surprised if most Japanese people could follow it all. ^^;

On that topic, a friend of mine who married a Japanese woman a couple months ago (lucky bastard!) told me that the Excel Saga TV anime didn't air on TV in the area that F-Ken F-Prefecture was based on (I think Fukuoka?). Found that kind of amusing. XD


So I'm watching Red Garden (which I'll write about in more detail later) and I'm impressed by the way the characters are written. They actually seem to behave like real people, which is pretty surprising for an anime. This isn't because 'all anime writing is bad', but a fair amount of it is, and even when it's not bad there may be an attempt to write exaggerated or overly dramatic characters. So, in so specific order, here's my list of 'anime with characters that act almost like normal human beings':

Anne of Green Gables
Hataraki Man
Wandering Son
Aoi Hana
Honey and Clover
Koi Kaze

Note, there is a difference between 'believable' and 'human beings'. Lots of characters are 'believable' for the shows that they are in, but that's something different. To be fair, most shows aren't trying to achieve this at all.

If I was being really strict I might have to shorten that list further.
Kurenai should be in somewhere. But yeah, Red Garden is one of my favourite Anime because of the very same reason. Its intellectual and handles human drama like no other.


Kurenai should be in somewhere. But yeah, Red Garden is one of my favourite Anime because of the very same reason. Its intellectual and handles human drama like no other.

How much of this is actually down to the script, though? I really enjoyed Red Garden, but it wasn't necessarily because the dialogue was particularly top-notch. And I think it overplayed itself at times with "THIS IS HOW YOU WOULD ACTUALLY REACT IF A VAMPIRIC ZOMBIE THING ATTACKED YOU" stuff - there's only so much terrified screaming one person can take.

I think Red Garden (much like Kurenai) has an advantage because of how the voice acting was handled in Japanese, with the cast treating it like a radio play rather than matching their speech to the lip flaps. It makes even the more dramatic stuff much more lifelike - admittedly the actresses are still generally putting on hammy voices because that's what you do if you're not dubbing Ghibli movies, but the fact that dialogue can overlap or interrupt in a vaguely real way is a real plus point. I suspect some of that would be lost in English unless they dubbed it in the same way?


How much of this is actually down to the script, though? I really enjoyed Red Garden, but it wasn't necessarily because the dialogue was particularly top-notch. And I think it overplayed itself at times with "THIS IS HOW YOU WOULD ACTUALLY REACT IF A VAMPIRIC ZOMBIE THING ATTACKED YOU" stuff - there's only so much terrified screaming one person can take.

No doubt. Red garden was actually one of the first Anime to actually record the dialogue first and then model the lips animation to match the actual words being spoken by the actors, so that pretty much elevated that series above many out there in terms of realism.
There an is overly relience on panic and desperation in Red Garden (which could be overwelming) but you have to keepm in mind that those were actual women who never faced any hardship as this one before
Also, if you remember, they did commit a crime which was the case of this out break
so them being over the top with screaming and angsty is not really unnessary.

I haven't bought the DVD (becuase they didn't really release it in Europe. They did, but it was so messed up that its actually hard to find all the volumes at ones) but I think that some of the magic will be lost in translation as Anime companies will treat it as a melodratic Key-Anime of rubishness and will not give it the proper dub. Kurenai haven't been released so I wouldn't know.


How much of this is actually down to the script, though? I really enjoyed Red Garden, but it wasn't necessarily because the dialogue was particularly top-notch.
And I think it overplayed itself at times with "THIS IS HOW YOU WOULD ACTUALLY REACT IF A VAMPIRIC ZOMBIE THING ATTACKED YOU" stuff - there's only so much terrified screaming one person can take.
Fff spoilers.

considering the amount of screaming that I've witnessed when certain people have been 'best' by small spiders and other insects I really couldn't say how screaming there'd be if someone's life is actually in danger!
The script certainly isn't outstanding though.


[Noein 6]

I think I remember where I was with this series now, because of the huge
and rather blatant Evangelion rip-off battle sequence, which is actually done pretty well.

Two things that I've noticed upon returning to this series so that I can actually finish it.

1. The expositionary dialogue, while certainly necessary given the subject mater, has become a little bit too repetitive. I understand that they want to ensure that the audience will 'get it', but have a little faith in them. You don't have to beat them over the head with it as it's not that complicated.

2. Most, if not all, of the uses of music in this show have been quite awkward, verging on band. Not only are some of the tracks pretty bland but they're being used in the wrong places, at the wrong points in the action for the wrong amounts of time. Sometimes the music doesn't match the action, or directly conflicts with it, or climaxes at the wrong point.

They must really have screwed it up quite bad for me to even notice music. Most of the time I only notice the use of music in a series when it's been done extremely well (Cowboy Bebop, Penguin Drum), apart from that I don't even pick up on it. Maybe it will improve as the show goes on.
You'll be waiting a long time. Don't think he's even hinted at it in the manga yet. The dude just does not want to acknowledge the overarching plot.

That's fine with me; Gintama isn't the sort of show I expect a strong overarching plot from. I'm happy just knowing the possibility is there and should be dealt with before the manga ends.

This season indeed...

Asa Made Jugyou Chu! is an OVA being bundled with the manga in June, so that at least shouldn't be counted against this season.

[Noein 6]

I think I remember where I was with this series now, because of the huge
and rather blatant Evangelion rip-off battle sequence, which is actually done pretty well.

Two things that I've noticed upon returning to this series so that I can actually finish it.

1. The expositionary dialogue, while certainly necessary given the subject mater, has become a little bit too repetitive. I understand that they want to ensure that the audience will 'get it', but have a little faith in them. You don't have to beat them over the head with it as it's not that complicated.

2. Most, if not all, of the uses of music in this show have been quite awkward, verging on band. Not only are some of the tracks pretty bland but they're being used in the wrong places, at the wrong points in the action for the wrong amounts of time. Sometimes the music doesn't match the action, or directly conflicts with it, or climaxes at the wrong point.

They must really have screwed it up quite bad for me to even notice music. Most of the time I only notice the use of music in a series when it's been done extremely well (Cowboy Bebop, Penguin Drum), apart from that I don't even pick up on it. Maybe it will improve as the show goes on.

I remember the exposition in this show, which was probably felt to be necessary as it deals with fields of physics which aren't normally treated in shows like this, but I don't remember the music at all, except for the OP song which I'm rather fond of. I suppose I'll have to rewatch it soon and hope it lives up to the very strong memories I have of it.


Wait, is Nadeko playing twister.

And is she stripping her clothes off.

So is that strip twister.

Does that make Ararararararagi a pedo. I mean he certainly is a pedo. Possibly a creep as well.

More importantly is that pedo for us? I hope not but sometimes the truth is inevitable and thus must be accepted with a measure of grace.

It's still kinda hot.

As long as I pretend it's someone else.

So I closed my eyes.

And told myself that it's just a cartoon. Also the lack of bangs or hat is a serious fucking downgrade for one who was already the second worst girl in the harem.

You sound flustered Drererereresden-san!
Well, I would watch it because it's good. I know that's a rather nebulous term, but it pretty much sums up why I watch most things. If you appreciate the characters, the story, the writing and the direction, or if they entertain you, or move you, or interest you, I suppose you should carry on.

See how classy it is?

I wasn't expecting good when I decided to watch it, but I like that it is. And classy, so classy.

Koi Kaze 4

The chick that works with him is interesting. I can't say for sure that she doesn't like him, so it's fun when she gets screentime.

Around the middle of the episode, when run into the ex.
I was starting to think that maybe she was lying about having found someone else, and was just looking for Koshiro to show some passion and chase after her. Apparently she really does have someone else, but I get the feeling that had Koshiro chased that, he might have found some success.

Now our hero is left with mixed feelings, thinking about the meaning of love again, when he comes home to take and bath and go to bed.
He gets undressed, but oh no, he knocks over the clothes basket. No big deal, just pick it up again. Ah, but wait, he didn't get everything the first time. Gotta bend down again and pick up the brrUUUUUUUUHHHH! The Bra!?!?!

It's fine. It's not a big deal. He's been carefully interacting with them before, like when he was bringing the laundry in from outside.

No, this is huge.
The girl comes down stairs, opens the bathroom door without knocking (no idea what she was thinking) and BAM! catches Koshiro in the act of getting ready to take a bath, from her perspective. But from ours and Koshiro's, she almost caught him stiffing her worn bra . . .

I've got to say, I'm glad I noticed the placement of those tissues earlier. I really like how this scene was done. Koshiro's reactions to his own actions felt very honest. I am really enjoying this anime.
The Idolmaster 9

I like this even more than the last episode. Stylish, atmospheric direction that lampoons detective drama tropes in a hilarious fashion. It even manages to make the twins not annoying. I wouldn't have thought Shigeyasu Yamauchi could pull off a comedic episode like this, but there you go.


Ben-To Ep 1-4

This Anime. This bloody anime....... Is quite good. I like the cousin and her one line of hentai material. It cracks me up each time she says that.


Disco Devil
Oniisama e 33

Happiness at last~ ... Wait, WHAT THE FUCK, NOOOOOOOOOOOO! ;___;

Oh! My Goddess - 4


oh yes... the good old days with only Keiichi and Belldandy and their little adventures. The early suff has a completely other feeling than the later stuff.
Koi Kaze 5

So first, it appears the office chick's name is Kaname Chidori.

This episode was basically Koshiro in full-on tsundere mode. It's really too adorable. I felt bad for Nanoka a lot though. Poor girl just doesn't know what's going on.
Koi Kaze 6

Koshiro's a pretty serious dude, so when he's reflecting on something, I tend to take it seriously. Randomly at work,
he's thinking about his sister and happens to ask himself "Is it so weird if I imagine my little sister when I masturbate?"
I'm more than a little worried that he could ask himself this.

It seems we have some rumors floating around the school about our little Nanoka! Fufufuf, how interesting.

And a fight right outside the home! Wait Koshiro! Don't just go blurting things out! She could take it the wrong way!

Or even worse, she could take it the right way! Blush. Blush. Blush. Blush. Blush. Blush. Blush.
Koi Kaze 7

Oh, what a fun episode! Gotta start from the top, though.

Alright, first up, I love how it starts with Nanoka reflecting on all her blushing. We're on the same wavelength.

But then we get into what this episode is really about.
The blonde dude that Nanoka's been getting friendly with decides to hand her a love letter! But before we can feel that he's got the biggest balls on the planet, it turns out he's helping a bro out. Alright. So, what's a girl to do? Ask her onii-chan, of course.

And of course, our lovable tsundere tries to play it as cool as possible. Luckily, he doesn't have to hold up the act for too long, it likely would have killed him had he had to do it for even a few seconds longer.

Some other stuff happens, but then we get to the homework scene. It's only natural that a little sister would ask her big brother for help with her homework, right? Nanoka was being especially cute during all of this. Their relationship seems to be developing in a positive manner, like good brothers and sisters should act.

That doesn't last long though.

We're treated to a "You called me by my name for the first time" scene. I was genuinely surprised. Didn't see this one coming at all. Apparently Koshiro didn't either. But the fun doesn't stop there, because the tone of the scene suddenly shifts to dramatic, as we get a confession from our leading lady. Wait, what?

Yea, okay, let's just play that off as everyone reading too much into it. It's much funnier that way.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Un-Go 11: Hahahahahaha oh wow.
I would watch a whole show of Inga battling ghosts/demons.

Un-Go fin: What was the point?

It wasn't bad. It got pretty interesting at times! I would probably follow a second season, but it's not something I would recommend anyone. It's just weird man. 3/5

edit: what, no Guilty Crown this week? :(

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
In a detective show, the kind of show which you expect Un-Go to be, that question would generally be ‘who is the killer?’ We might arrive at that answer by teasing apart another question ‘why would they kill that person?’ These aforementioned questions are usually answered by examining the available evidence, listening to what people say and investigating when something doesn’t add up. It’s a world of investigating evidence, checking witness testimony, following the rules and understanding what conclusions they lead to.

In Un-Go these kind of questions will arise as well but the show takes a rather…unique approach. I imagine we’re all used to the old red herring, but certain plot elements like
a creature that can force you to answer a single questions truthfully, thus negating the need for the usual interrogation methods. Another creature can project illusions, thus rendering all testimony suspect.
I suppose throwing these wrenches into the mix is supposed to make things more interesting for the viewer, but when combined with completely bizarre plot twists, character motivations and general wackiness the viewer ends up being bombarded by a lot of seemingly random-nonsense. The whole experience can lead to the brain shutting down, quite speedily I might add.

The finale episode of this show is no exception. It’s full of classic scenes where information (which conflicts with what we’ve been told previously) is suddenly given to the viewer, where our suspects gather in an classic ‘one of YOU is killer’ meeting, where bizarre and insane things present themselves as ordinary and by the end of the episode so many strange and ridiculous things have transpired that it doesn’t even feel like the characters are living in a real world. This isn't helped by the use of red herrings and other red herrings that
are caused by using supernatural beings
. In particular, it seems rather odd how
everyone just accepts the presence of spirits who have supernatural powers
but I guess that’s the power of Un-Go for you.
The use of super-natural elements in a mystery show doesn't have to make it pointless. It may be a different medium and not quite the same method, but the Ace Attorney series managed to make the super-natural aspects segue into the cases without having them be the resolution. If the stories in Un-Go had been structured like actual mysteries and not devolved into a "here's a question/here's the answer!" formula so quickly it could have become something genuinely fun to follow.
It’s quite interesting to think that the original writer of these stories died in the 50’s, as this work is so riddled with current (and future) technology. I guess they’re just window-dressing on the core story, but they’re fairly significant all the same.
I was under the impression that the stories weren't really about solving stuff and more about human nature? They tried to pursue that aspect in the cartoon, but the over-abundance of animu tropes made them seem out of place.


The use of super-natural elements in a mystery show doesn't have to make it pointless. It may be a different medium and not quite the same method, but the Ace Attorney series managed to make the super-natural aspects segue into the cases without having them be the resolution. If the stories in Un-Go had been structured like actual mysteries and not devolved into a "here's a question/here's the answer!" formula so quickly it could have become something genuinely fun to follow.

I was under the impression that the stories weren't really about solving stuff and more about human nature? They tried to pursue that aspect in the cartoon, but the over-abundance of animu tropes made them seem out of place.

Well I wasn't trying to say these elements are inherently bad just that, the way Un-Go used them was bad. Largely because, well, Un-Go had lots of problems. I don't really understand how they arrived at the decisions they arrived at when creating the show.


[Red Garden 1- 7]

So it seems this show is pretty alright. Like, so far so good, it hasn't jumped off a cliff yet.
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