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Wii U Speculation Thread 2: Can't take anymore of this!!!

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I really hope the NFC capability is used to redeem coupons and vouchers through the tablet. It would be a really nice way to redeem eShop currency or redeem online codes.

Connected to that, I'd love to have a portable 'Nintendo ID card' so that the game can reconfigure to my account when the controller is passed to me, and I put my card on the screen.

Yeah, I think that NFC for Club Nintendo is very likely, due Nintendo´s obsession for make straight forward things, friendly as possible.
I've a question, is it realistic that PS4/X3 could pull graphics like the GTA IV iCEnhancer mod?
[based on the data of current-gen mid-tier PCs (up to ~600$)]



If the Wii U renders GTA IV (let's say PS3-version) with better graphics (but not as good as the pic above), I can live with that. I mean, the iCEhancer-mod looks awesome, but it's still no comparison to the Wii <-> PS360 difference.

Anyway, here's some Zelda-love:

Conor 419

Depends whether Nintendo think it's the best software for launch or not. Just because they finish development doesn't mean it'll be released straight away.

Why wouldn't it be good for launch? Especially with the list you made which has zero titles for the hardcore gamer.


So... that article not only forgets that there is more powerful and power efficient hardware available now, years later, but also the likely fact, that when WiiU launches, it will cost considerably more to manefacture than a 360 at the end of its cycle? Or am i out on a limb here?


Why wouldn't it be good for launch? Especially with the list you made which has zero titles for the hardcore gamer.

I don't know, I'm not Nintendo and my list isn't real. Just speculation...

My main points in making my list were: Having Pikmin possibly not make launch and having a 3D Mario come before a 2D Mario. Everything else was just filling in the gaps.

I think Pikmin 3 will make launch though.


Considering the Wii U controller will be featuring a touchscreen, microphone, speakers, and camera, I would like to hope that Nintendo pushes the Wii U as a platform for social media. People have access to text, voice, and video chat all through one single device and Nintendo needs to take advantage of that fact. While Xbox Live and PSN have communities, they are limited to the gaming world. I think Nintendo could take that a step further and introduce their own social media platform similar to Facebook and Twitter. I want the ability to not just add people through Nintendo Network but also follow them and see what they post daily. Each individual/company can have its own page with updates and the like. This will all allow for a better community.

The Wii has served as enough of a breakthrough to introduce gaming to many various types of people. The video game machine may even have become the ultimate entertainment hub while at home for many. The following facts I think can also help accelerate this development:
1. Touchscreen keyboard on the controller would allow for much faster typing.
2. Multiple accounts for each console that can also be accessed through other platforms besides the Wii U.
3. The primary use of social media still remains through either cell phones or laptops. This sort of development hasn't transferred over to the TV. While current consoles allow access to social media, I don't think anybody accesses them through such means because the entire setup is limited. Wii U could change that thanks to its second controller screen.
4. Increased possibilities for interactive television.

I think this will help gaming to become even more broader than it currently is and help expand it much further. Many of us use big screen TV's but don't use them for general social media because the platforms we have to access them on TV are very limited and broken. Just some of my thoughts.


There's a difference between a 360 and PS3 that could potentially be a bit smaller and the chassis of the Nintendo Wii U. A big difference in-fact. Nintendo almost always do a compact design which they tend not to substantially redesign for the active life of the console (except during the tail end of a lifecycle).

From the Wii and now Wii U, Nintendo appear to be designing how the console will look and then form hardware designs around that choice whilst Sony and Microsoft design hardware and then add the case later. I'm not saying either way is wrong or right. Certainly, from a marketing and PR point of view, case design is important in selling it to the general public.
That's all well and good, but "a bit smaller" isn't what I wrote - "a lot smaller". And I stand by what I wrote.

A case the size of a Wii U, with the vents it has and their placement (60mm intake, 40mm exhaust), should be good for well above 100W at sane noise levels, without resorting to extreme solutions like liquid or thermoelectric cooling.


They really need to consider multitouch support for that screen. They're closing themselves out of the tablet market otherwise...iPad ports (or simultaneous releases) would in itself be a huge boost for third-party support and give the system exclusive access to that market.
Multitouch is pretty rare in apps/games so I really don't see it as a necessity. Most iOS games need it for virtual sticks butofcourse the U Padhas real ones. Other than that, I see it used for gestures in the OS which I don't see as important for a console.

Why do they write about a console two times more powerful than xbox360 when they begin with the wiiu 20% less powerful than xbox3?
Drowning in numbers and percentage.
Yeah, that's a pretty glaring contradiction.

I really hope the NFC capability is used to redeem coupons and vouchers through the tablet. It would be a really nice way to redeem eShop currency or redeem online codes.

Connected to that, I'd love to have a portable 'Nintendo ID card' so that the game can reconfigure to my account when the controller is passed to me, and I put my card on the screen.
I quite like that idea. Makes for fast logins.
Knowing gaf this has probably been posted already. Frankly, it's only tangentially related to Wii U speculation, but it looks good nonetheless.

I'll relate it to the topic by saying: I want this artstyle for a new Zelda game.

Here it is: click for youtube

I've first seen it on ign, but I thought I'd link the video directly.

Yep. You were beaten.


Uh-oh, Nintendo Gaf is not going to like this.

Meh. That was not a very good argument at all. I mentioned in the 2x thread that the design of Wii U looks to be very efficient in cooling. The CPU and GPU are most likely at the very back of the console close to the fan in the back taking most of the heat out of the console. And the added length should easily help dissipate the remain heat in the case. There is probably still some bias from their pixel counting going on. I was fine with their assessment back then, but to draw conclusions of what the final will be based on a tech demo made in a short time on underclocked hardware is asinine. But I don't fault them too much since the info about them being underclocked came out after the fact.
was difficult to find via search. It didn't exactly contain the words I looked for.

Yeah you'd have to know it was already posted to be able to find it.

Personally I think I would want a Paper Mario in that style before another Zelda. Zelda and Metroid have pretty much become "Western" games and should be treated as such.


Eh, I'm kinda over the style in that fan trailer. I'm just about done with Wind Waker-style Link, and static look of the environments makes it look like one of those "educational" games that came loaded on middle school macs/

The art style is close to what I'd like to see from Zelda, though. A more saturated cell-shaded look, similar to the old 80s cartoon.


Meh. That was not a very good argument at all. I mentioned in the 2x thread that the design of Wii U looks to be very efficient in cooling. The CPU and GPU are most likely at the very back of the console close to the fan in the back taking most of the heat out of the console. And the added length should easily help dissipate the remain heat in the case. There is probably still some bias from their pixel counting going on. I was fine with their assessment back then, but to draw conclusions of what the final will be based on a tech demo made in a short time on underclocked hardware is asinine. But I don't fault them too much since the info about them being underclocked came out after the fact.

Cooling is all well and good but what of the actual semiconductors and that Wii U will be using the same 40 / 45nm fabrication process as the current 360 and PS3.

More RAM than 360 / PS3 is a near certainty though and a faster optical drive. So Nintendo will probably mention those on their publicly available tech spec pages. :eek:)


let me recap something.
Some pages ago it was mentioned that the E3 Demo was based on Wii assetts cos it was way too early for something based on Wii U assetts.
Have I understood that right?
I think so!!
Based on that isn't it complete nonsense to make judgements about Wii U capabillities??
(not to mention that the dev kits by that time were very erly ones)

I still believe that Nintendo will bring a real "powerboat", a real "monster"
and finally we will all see it at E3 what the final hardware is capable!!


Cooling is all well and good but what of the actual semiconductors and that Wii U will be using the same 40 / 45nm fabrication process as the current 360 and PS3.
The process doesn't make a huge difference in that scenario. The PS360 chips are 45nm, but they were designed for 90nm. A chip designed for 45nm would perform very differently even at the same TDP.
Cooling is all well and good but what of the actual semiconductors and that Wii U will be using the same 40 / 45nm fabrication process as the current 360 and PS3.

The fabrication process doesn't determine the power of a system. While yes you can take older designs, get them on a smaller fab and get a bit more out of them. However just because 2 chips are made on the same fab process doesn't mean they're in the same "power" range.

*edit* Wsippel already answered it, sorry got a phone call before I hit post.


let me recap something.
Some pages ago it was mentioned that the E3 Demo was based on Wii assetts cos it was way too early for something based on Wii U assetts.
Have I understood that right?
I think so!!
Based on that isn't it complete nonsense to make judgements about Wii U capabillities??
(not to mention that the dev kits by that time were very erly ones)

I still believe that Nintendo will bring a real "powerboat", a real "monster"
and finally we will all see it at E3 what the final hardware is capable!!

For what it's worth, I'll add that Nintendo have been publishing games since the Nintendo 64 era that contained art assets, specifically textures, that could not be accurately displayed on the actual system the game was made for. You only have to check the Dolphin thread to see the level of detail already present in Nintendo games that you simply can't see when running those games on a real Wii. For this same reason it remains pretty ridiculous to assume that Nintendo's studios do not know how to generate HD art, which is what some people have been claiming (even on NeoGAF where people really should know better).


For what it's worth, I'll add that Nintendo have been publishing games since the Nintendo 64 era that contained art assets, specifically textures, that could not be accurately displayed on the actual system the game was made for. You only have to check the Dolphin thread to see the level of detail already present in Nintendo games that you simply can't see when running those games on a real Wii. For this same reason it remains pretty ridiculous to assume that Nintendo's studios do not know how to generate HD art, which is what some people have been claiming (even on NeoGAF where people really should know better).

I do think/know that the programmers at Nintendo do know how to make a good game (technically, graphics, gameplay, etc.)
They proof that each and every time.
I'm sure that even with the first games they release in HD, they will kick ass of some other companies...
...finally it can lead to the all known problem "again"...
3rd parties will have an excuse again that Nintendo games look superior and they cant sell their games...(ok they obviously never say it like that -cos will show that they r not good- but mean it that way!
Hopefully 3rd parties will also release real buster games made from their 1st teams - not their 4th or 5th (newbies) ones.
the biggest advantage Nintendo has moving into the the world of high def visuals is that most hd games have shit for art design. While there are a few exceptions they are far and few between. Anything Zelda in 1080p or 720p will look better than Fable or most any other fantasy title save The Witcher 2 and maybe Skyrim. The Dudebro rainbow of colors and design aesthetics won't cut it anymore.
What do you guys think Nintendo will price their WiiU games? I'm leaning towards $60. If it were $50, 3rd parties will probably complain or use that as an excuse not to develop for WiiU.


What do you think the chances are they announce a solid normal controller for the WiiU at E3?

It IS a "normal" (ugh) controller. It just happens to have a screen in the middle.

They really need to consider multitouch support for that screen. They're closing themselves out of the tablet market otherwise...iPad ports (or simultaneous releases) would in itself be a huge boost for third-party support and give the system exclusive access to that market.

What about the prospect of games that include drawing?

What do you guys think Nintendo will price their WiiU games? I'm leaning towards $60. If it were $50, 3rd parties will probably complain or use that as an excuse not to develop for WiiU.

$60. No question on that.

the biggest advantage Nintendo has moving into the the world of high def visuals is that most hd games have shit for art design. While there are a few exceptions they are far and few between. Anything Zelda in 1080p or 720p will look better than Fable or most any other fantasy title save The Witcher 2 and maybe Skyrim. The Dudebro rainbow of colors and design aesthetics won't cut it anymore.

Skyrim? Art design? Egh.


Based on what we know so far about the Wii U, would it be possible to Skype on the touch screen with another player while we're in the middle of playing the same game online on the tv?


It IS a "normal" (ugh) controller. It just happens to have a screen in the middle.

No, it uses Circlepads instead of Analog sticks, the right Circlepad is above the buttons which I personally find strange, and it's like over 2x the size of a normal controller.

Not to mention I don't want to use a touchscreen when i'm playing on consoles.
No, it uses Circlepads instead of Analog sticks, the right Circlepad is above the buttons which I personally find strange, and it's like over 2x the size of a normal controller.

Not to mention I don't want to use a touchscreen when i'm playing on consoles.
I still think they'll release some random pro controller sometime down the line.


I still think they'll release some random pro controller sometime down the line.

Yeah, it's all I can hope for really. They could also do something interesting and make a revamped Gamecube controller with a better right stick, a L1 button, and L3/R3.
That's just wishful thinking though.
No, it uses Circlepads instead of Analog sticks, the right Circlepad is above the buttons which I personally find strange, and it's like over 2x the size of a normal controller.

Not to mention I don't want to use a touchscreen when i'm playing on consoles.

So...that makes it not a "normal controller"
lol okay.


No, it uses Circlepads instead of Analog sticks, the right Circlepad is above the buttons which I personally find strange, and it's like over 2x the size of a normal controller.

Not to mention I don't want to use a touchscreen when i'm playing on consoles.

But it still has the same functionality and amount of buttons as a traditional controller.
But it still has the same functionality and amount of buttons as a traditional controller.
nomnomnomnonmonmonmononmonmnom should I start this again lol. I'll just say that it doesn't. At the moment it doesn't have real analog sticks which sub as buttons when you press them, and more importantly it doesn't have analog triggers (yet). Obviously we'll see the final version sooner or later.

Rolf NB

the biggest advantage Nintendo has moving into the the world of high def visuals is that most hd games have shit for art design. While there are a few exceptions they are far and few between. Anything Zelda in 1080p or 720p will look better than Fable or most any other fantasy title save The Witcher 2 and maybe Skyrim. The Dudebro rainbow of colors and design aesthetics won't cut it anymore.
What's a dudebro rainbow of colors? Shades of brown, grey and orange?
The key word here is "normal", how is something unusual "normal"?

I personally think you just want to complain about the controller not meeting your standards. It doesn't mean the controller isn't "normal", it just means you want it to be more like the Dualshock or 360 Controller.


I personally think you just want to complain about the controller not meeting your standards. It doesn't mean the controller isn't "normal", it just means you want it to be more like the Dualshock or 360 Controller.

Hmm? It's an opinion and a preference, i'm just stating what i'd like to see, and what i'm interested in. And yes, I would like to see that.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
I get the feeling that Nintendo might be playing the waiting game a bit: looking for MS or Sony to show their hands before nailing down specs.

Don't believe anyone, including Nintendo, when they say Nintendo's not competing technically this gen. It's in Nintendo's self-interest that Wii U be not too far behind technically compared to XBox 720 or even PS4.

Hence the continuing uncertainly about specs nearly a year after the rumours first broke out.
I wonder how many people complained that the NES controller wasn't a joystick with four buttons....
Or that the SNES had shoulder buttons instead of six face buttons. I bet a lot of people predicted they'd be "accidentally pressed" or "too awkward to reach."

People expecting Nintendo not to change up their primary controller from the norm in some way is kidding themselves.


Hmm? It's an opinion and a preference, i'm just stating what i'd like to see, and what i'm interested in. And yes, I would like to see that.

And I personally would like to see the dualshock evolve beyond its 1990s design.

Which is why the regression back to dual-analog for Nintendo as their default controller is actually a step back, in my opinion. (we all have those, see?)
I wonder how many people complained that the NES controller wasn't a joystick with four buttons....
Or that the SNES had shoulder buttons instead of more face buttons. I bet a lot of people predicted they'd be "accidentally pressed" or "too awkward to reach."

People expecting Nintendo not to change up their primary controller from the norm in some way is kidding themselves.

"What is this rectangle bullshit, and where is my fucking stick Nintendo? God dammit Nintendo you've doomed yourself for the last time."


Hmm? It's an opinion and a preference, i'm just stating what i'd like to see, and what i'm interested in. And yes, I would like to see that.
It's kinda obvious that one is more comfortable with something he's used to, but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. Having the right stick above the buttons for example might not be "normal", but it actually makes a ton of sense. Most games these days use dual analog controls, and the 360 pad clearly shows that having the sticks above the buttons is more comfortable than having them below the buttons. Both sticks at the top is a consequent evolution, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sony and Microsoft did the same next gen. As an added bonus, having slide pads and the buttons in parallel allows you to reach two "buttons" (Dpad up and X) without removing your thumbs from the slide pads.


nomnomnomnonmonmonmononmonmnom should I start this again lol. I'll just say that it doesn't. At the moment it doesn't have real analog sticks which sub as buttons when you press them, and more importantly it doesn't have analog triggers (yet). Obviously we'll see the final version sooner or later.

So... by your definition, Nintendo has never made "a traditional controller"?


Not by modern standards no.
I get what you're saying, but one could also argue that a controller with mic, screen camera and NFC is way more modern and forward thinking than clicky sticks and analog triggers.

Personally I like analog triggers but couldn't give two shits about clicky sticks. Either I'd give up in a heartbeat for a touchscreen and camera.
What's a dudebro rainbow of colors? Shades of brown, grey and orange?

you're doing it right. And as for Skyrim's art direction, I personally have no interest in the tutoring it does stand out a bit from the rest of the fantasy crowd. Not saying its the best or the pinnacle of fantasy design but it doesn't just melt along with the generic look of similarly style games (Hunted, that recent LotR title, etc)



There is a slight irony to it, is what I'm saying. For all we know, 2 generations from now we could be completely controllerless a la kinect (obviously working a lot better than the current model kinect does).

Standards change with time. I just wish infrared wasn't being given up on, to be honest.
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