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Nintendo Direct 2012.2.22 - Feb 22nd, 6AM EST [Over]

It would take a considerable feat to make this happen, technically. They have to make it work with CPP games that expect to communicate with controls on the IR port, and they have to make the same R trigger button that would communicate in such a way work with legacy games. They'd either have to patch games or come up with some kind of firmware hack / fix, and I just don't see it happening.

The CPP screams stop-gap solution, they probably would've already planned for this, and the existing CPP games would already work natively with a reconfigured portable if it was coming any time soon. Remember, we can't see the code for 3DS games because (to my knowledge) the cart security hasn't been cracked yet, so we have no idea what's lurking in the software, unannounced.

Simply turning off input from the shoulder buttons (or mirroring L1/R1 inputs) and second stick for legacy games doesn't sound that unbelievable. They've done things like that in the past.


The CPP screams stop-gap solution, they probably would've already planned for this, and the existing CPP games would already work natively with a reconfigured portable if it was coming any time soon.

Simply turning off input from the shoulder buttons (or mirroring the L1/R1) and second stick for legacy games doesn't sound that unbelievable. They've done things like that in the past.

What things like that has they done in the past.
The CPP screams stop-gap solution, they probably would've already planned for this, and the existing CPP games would already work natively with a reconfigured portable if it was coming any time soon.

Simply turning off input from the shoulder buttons (or mirroring the L1/R1) and second stick for legacy games doesn't sound that unbelievable. They've done things like that in the past.

Or what is more likely is that the redesign will have onestick and will have its own (probably more ergonomically designed) Frankenstick Add on


El Capitan Todd
Actual "pending" topics

No Wii U at all, they specified it will be on Wii and 3DS, so:

Mario Party 9 trailer
Dragon Quest X release date announced (Jap only)

Kingdom Hearts trailer
Fire Emblem DLC and release date announced
Mario Tennis online service announced
Nintendo Connection detailed
I'm not expecting a whole lot from this Nintendo Direct, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. But seeing as the sequel to Pokémon Black/White was teased recently, I could see that being a topic.

My personal hope? More and new StreetPass content. As a huge StreetPass fan, I could not have been happier with the updated Puzzle Swap stuff and Find Mii II, but I've finished all the new puzzles and nearly gotten all the new hats, and now I want more! [/selfish]

Confirmation of a US release of Theatrhythm would be awesome too, but I'm not holding my breath for that... at least not for now.


David Yarnton - General Manager, Nintendo UK


David Yarnton puts me in mind of Nick Griffin. This is not a good thing.


Saint Titanfall
Spoil vita's launch seems like the perfect thing to do for them

Gotta be a Pokemon must probably also a bunch of 3rd parties ideally Megatons for Nintendo. They're probably doing this to ssecure 3rd party support, by sequring consumer interest. Basically a look what the Vita has coming out for the future and then look what we have coming out for the future.

I have a feeling the rumour of third parties moving titles have something to do with it too. They're probably going to announce a bunch of those.


RPG Mario Golf. Do this.

man i dont even know how this'd work but i know id end up buying it at some point

This is GAF bro, Iwata could tweet about having his ass waxed and GAF would hype it to no end.

do you have a source for the ass-waxing rumors or are you just making stuff up? this isnt gamefaqs dude, if you know something, cite it

It's weird that Nintendo would choose a date for announcing stuff at PlayStation Vita's western launch. :O

heh. weird like that xbox loves you boat at sony's launch shindig.
The CPP screams stop-gap solution, they probably would've already planned for this, and the existing CPP games would already work natively with a reconfigured portable if it was coming any time soon. Remember, we can't see the code for 3DS games because (to my knowledge) the cart security hasn't been cracked yet, so we have no idea what's lurking in the software, unannounced.

Simply turning off input from the shoulder buttons (or mirroring L1/R1 inputs) and second stick for legacy games doesn't sound that unbelievable. They've done things like that in the past.

While we're musing, how do you expect a 3DS redesign to look? I was thinking it would do what DS Lite did - look more like its companion console. So maybe even an even more rounded design...?
Gotta be a Pokemon must probably also a bunch of 3rd parties ideally Megatons for Nintendo. They're probably doing this to ssecure 3rd party support, by sequring consumer interest. Basically a look what the Vita has coming out for the future and then look what we have coming out for the future.

I have a feeling the rumour of third parties moving titles have something to do with it too. They're probably going to announce a bunch of those.

Doubt it'll be pokeMon as they normally get announced in a magazine or on the tv show, its gotta be dragon quest or final fantasy 7


Neo Member
man i dont even know how this'd work but i know id end up buying it at some point

do you have a source for the ass-waxing rumors or are you just making stuff up? this isnt gamefaqs dude, if you know something, cite it

heh. weird like that xbox loves you boat at sony's launch shindig.

wow. roflmao =))


For there to be 2 Nintendo Directs, it must mean that ther are announcing something relatively big, right?

I'm hoping a release date for Luigi Mansion 2, new 3 DS eshop games, and a badass killer app like Pokemon or Final Fantasy.


Neo Member
How about announce a FINAL FANTASY VII remake on NOA's Nintendo Direct while NCL's Nintendo Direct will be more on DRAGON QUEST VII? heheh. epic right? x))
they probably would've already planned for this, and the existing CPP games would already work natively with a reconfigured portable if it was coming any time soon. Remember, we can't see the code for 3DS games because (to my knowledge) the cart security hasn't been cracked yet, so we have no idea what's lurking in the software, unannounced.

If they've done anything to prepare for an eventuality like this, and have the code in place to make these games work with both IR and built in extra-controls I will eat my hat. And I don't have any hats. So I'll go out and buy a hat, the most expensive hat I can find -- perhaps a top hat, or hardened trilby, and I will eat it. I will use regular kitchen utensils and consume it a small biteful at a time, with absolutely no sauce or lubricant whatsoever.
Soooooooooooooooo, people are expecting some combination of

Announcements of;
Pokemon 'Grey'
Ace Attorney 5
2D Mario
Handheld Zelda
Kirby 3DS
Mario Tennis
eshop titles
3DS revision
Surprise Wii game

And info on/release dates of;
Paper Mario
Animal Crossing
Kid Icarus
Pandora's Tower
The Last Story
Fire Emblem
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Party 9
Dragon Quest X
Kingdom Hearts

Huh, seems logical.
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