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CBS Interactive (GameSpot parent company) buys Giant Bomb

I have a lot of confidence in John Davison. I'm just worried that they will eventually lose control.
John is THE VP on CBSi that means he is the creative boss around their HE is the top men when it comes to dissions.

I'm a JD WHORE I love this work and been following him where ever he goos.
He has been doing fine work over at gamespot so far but he needed the editorial people to do what he wanted, and now he gets this opportunity.
He wanted to do this back in 2005/2006 with 1up, but their was no money or infrastructure over at ziff to do this.
He had the people but no money, now he HAD money and not the right people.

but now with GB on board, the has the money and the right people to create a video game website that is beloved and will do well for business.
1. John Davison is a really really smart guy, way ahead of the curve. He was behind all of the freaking amazing shit that 1up/EGM was doing back in the 2006-2008 era. He also was behind making GamePro not a shitty magazine too. Albeit, both of those properties went to shit, but that happened after he left.

2. GiantBomb holds the hammer here. Whats really valuable is THEM. Their personalities. If things go bad, they could cut ties and start again. They've done it before, they can do it again. It would be a similar situation to when Bungie left MS. Bungie didn't like being under MS anymore and said "We're leaving one way or another", and all MS had to decide was whether or not they wanted to keep the Bungie brand name.

I like Davidson, but Davidson has left three organizations now in what, five years? And each one was a big media company that subsequently crumbled.

When you get big, your publishers demand more revenue. It's a Faustian bargain and I can't think of many examples where it turns out for the better.

For some game developers, for example, I can see how it gets better with more access and more revenue. But for a small site like Giant Bomb with a handfull of people doing a weekly podcast and videos, why do I want or need them to take that risk? For what? For virtual studios? For "up to the minute" reporting? No thanks. Nobody cares. That's not why we like the site.

As for your second point, again, haven't we seen big media companies buying brands for their name recognition and then gutting them afterwards enough times to know that it is an established pattern? Heck, it's a pattern of business in general. There is a reason employees get nervous when mergers happen.

Perhaps you are correct that the personalities here would just "start over" again, but I'm certainly not throwing money to them next time. I've lost faith that they are trying to be good stewards of a small but good thing. Instead they stupidly care about "get bigger!"

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
OK, everyone should watch the livestream, it clears up everything.

Giantbomb will "remain its own brand", and won't be "folded" into something else or assimilated.


I've seen this argument a number of times now, but no, that shouldn't have to be a problem. 'Big Media Companies' will happily own a dozen sites about the exact same topic, as long as they approach it in a different way. GiantBomb and GameSpot might both be about video games, but the way they deal with it editorially is completely different. Their content adds to the content CBS Interactive already owns in a meaningful way; there's relatively little redundancy there.
There's relatively little that's NOT a redundancy in the eyes of a corporation looking to cut costs and maximize profits. I've been a part of this kind of thing in other media... the nice words at the beginning almost always eventually give way to ugly reality.


Yep. News Corp owns a lot of newspapers, for instance.

Basically. AOL Media owns a bajillion blogs and the Huffington Post, and SB Nation (the people behind The Verge) own at least a hundred sites about sportsteams, I think. If GameSpot bought IGN, there'd be a ton of overlap and some jobs would probably be lost really quickly. But look at the frontpage of GiantBomb. And then look at the frontpage of GameSpot. They share little to nothing. Chance of redundancy for the forseeable future? Slim.


when that kevin van whats his face shows up on the bombcast (AND DAMN SURE HE WILL) for the first time and ruins it. ill hit the unsubscribe button

every quick look will probably be quicklook exs now and also those 5 stars reviews will be looked at with a pinch of salt from now on

Its been real guys, but sadly good things never last


Perhaps you are correct that the personalities here would just "start over" again, but I'm certainly not throwing money to them next time. I've lost faith that they are trying to be good stewards of a small but good thing. Instead they stupidly care about "get bigger!"
As awesome has GiantBomb has been, do you honestly think Jeff and the others would be content with not growing ever and staying at this plateau continously? There was(/is) plenty of room to grow, they just didn't have the funding. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get bigger.

Edit: Also, why would GameSpot buy GiantBomb and then immediately start to mess with it? Jeff and co. built a pretty popular gaming site in barely four years. Their formula's worked so far. Why mess with it now?
Chances are, this is a huge sigh of relief to the GB crew. I knew once subscription talks started up, and thoughts of splitting up the Bombcast, etc. were happening, things weren’t financially awesome over there. I’m excited that they’re excited, and although it’s strange that things have come so full circle, everyone that is boldly predicting “GAME OVER GUYS, THEY’RE FUCKED” are being ridiculous. You are not involved in this situation at all, yet you’re assuming the worst even when they seem to be in a much better position now than they were a year ago. They do this for a living, if they decided this would be the best way to keep their venture financially viable, I trust them.
For so long I loved the site but I thought 'when's it going to end?' and that feels like now.
Sure they will still have an incarnation of GB but it feels like the same thing, just running on limited time until it's absorbed or intergrated in a way where it's not a serparate thing anymore.

I'm not sre how I feel about my money rolling over to GS either. They've always been there, if I wanted their content I would have paid for it already.

One thought: I didn't really follow GS before this either, so I didn't know who any of the guys were except for Jeff since I had seen him a few times (Like on GoodMorning America). I remember bitching on here once about why they were giving game reviews over to Alex because I didn't know who he was before screened. I'll definately follow whatever the crew does no matter where they are from here on out.

Of course I expect them to be very positive about this and tell everyone it's still GiantBomb, but go figure I don't have the same positive outlook. From the outside, the games related media business hasn't looked very stable the last few years, but they understand it better than I do.

At least tell me Cool Baby is coming with you, I hate to see a kid get shaken up by a divorce : (


I do feel like such a sucker for financial supporting this thing though. I guess we all make bad investments at some point in our lives. The premium content never added up to much, just liked the guys and wanted to see them exist independently. Clearly there weren't enough people who did the same to keep the site financially viable. I'm assuming they'd be out of jobs if this didn't go through. I'm really struggling to come up with an example of a huge corporation gobbling up a smaller competitor and having the smaller thing come out well.

I feel the opposite. I feel like I got far, far more than $50 worth of entertainment out of GB and Tested. I mean exponentially more than that. It was a tremendous value.

But I'm not going to give money to a Viacom joint. I'm just not. I'll still watch and they'll get whatever indirect revenue they get from my clicks or whatever, but I'm not subscribing to anything.

If they bolt and start their own thing via Kickstarter (rather than get mixed up with dotcom money men like Shelby Bonnie) I will put in a lot of money, though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've decided to look at this positively and get excited for the GB. Deep down, I really don't expect this to last beyond a year or so, but Giant Bomb is kind of a special case, so I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. I also hope Tested is able to keep doing their thing (and more) successfully.
As awesome has GiantBomb has been, do you honestly think Jeff and the others would be content with not growing ever and staying at this plateau continously? There was(/is) plenty of room to grow, they just didn't have the funding. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get bigger.

They should have been happy with it. Blind growth for growth's sake is a bad philosophy. The mentality that you need to continue to grow is an unhealthy one for many organizations (public universities being one example). There are some models that don't require growth or where growth only occurs when it is absolutely necessary for utilitarian purposes (i.e. adding servers etc.).

Again, it requires you to make a Faustian bargain that often ends up for the worse. If you have to take the gamble that is one thing, but it often is not worth the risk if you care about the integrity of what you've developed.
I still feel like some people in this thread are not fully understanding. I recommend you watch the video they put up on Giant Bomb of the live stream that happened in Dave's house earlier today.

GameSpot and Giant Bomb will still be two different websites. GameSpot will be able to help Giant Bomb if they want to (it sounded like getting review copies for games if they wanted them). It seems to me now that they are part of a large company they are able to do more of the crazy things they've always wanted to do, but never had the money to do. Sounds awesome to me. They have total creative freedom and don't have to go by CBS rules such as "you have to review games with a 20 point system" or something.

Just posting this because it seems that without watching that video, you just won't understand. At least that's what happened with me.

Anyway we wont know exactly what the hell is happening until later.

Also that Tested news is incredible. I'll miss having Giant Bomb and Tested being as close as they were though. Kind of drifted away from Screened over the last six months so what happens to them isn't bothering me too much.

I was beginning to think that I had to re-subscribe to Gamespot to get my Gerstmann, Caravella, Davis, Shoemaker and Klepek fix.
They should have been happy with it. Blind growth for growth's sake is a bad philosophy. The mentality that you need to continue to grow is an unhealthy one for many organizations (public universities being one example). There are some models that don't require growth or where growth only occurs when it is absolutely necessary for utilitarian purposes (i.e. adding servers etc.).

Once your site stops growing, it starts to die.


They should have been happy with it. Blind growth for growth's sake is a bad philosophy. The mentality that you need to continue to grow is an unhealthy one for many organizations (public universities being one example). There are some models that don't require growth or where growth only occurs when it is absolutely necessary for utilitarian purposes (i.e. adding servers etc.).

They were constantly hamstrung by a lack of resources at Whiskey Media. This kind of growth will allow them to do things they wanted to do but couldn't in their previous situation.


Gold Member
I really can't see this ending well.

At the very least, in the worst case scenario, Giantbomb will as it is for a little while longer.
I don't regret the previous money I've given them at all. I got more entertainment from GB every week than anywhere else. I do regret the money I paid a month ago a bit. I'll always have my member's shirt : (

That's the way I want to remember them: all together, cheering and happy with Ryan puking his guts out :'(

HEY, do a GB merc blowout if there is anything left. Damn I wish I had gotten on of those signed posters.


They should have been happy with it. Blind growth for growth's sake is a bad philosophy. The mentality that you need to continue to grow is an unhealthy one for many organizations (public universities being one example). There are some models that don't require growth or where growth only occurs when it is absolutely necessary for utilitarian purposes (i.e. adding servers etc.).

I'm not saying they should immediately triple in size. I'm saying that there's room for an extra news-guy. Or for going to Tokyo Game Show and/or GamesCon in Germany. For more liveshows. More produced content. That's not changing the formula of the site, that's just providing more of the insanity we already visit GiantBomb for. I don't see how growing to accomodate those extra options would ruin anything ever at all.
Once your site stops growing, it starts to die.

Honestly, as a fan of the site, I've been wondering for awhile where else they could take the direction of their content--the podcast/quick look cycle wouldn't last forever. I have faith that the only reason why CBS would buy them is because of their Giant Bombiness. We shouldn't worry (yet!).
This is really going to dent their subscriptions. A lot of people only subscribed just to kind of support them. It definitely wasn't due to their premium content. Let's be honest: the premium offerings for the first year was ass. It was only Happy Hour and we all know what a clusterfuck that turned out to be. They started stepping up for year #2, but I still feel the desire to subscribe had more to do with "let's support these guys" than "let's check out this awesome exclusive content."

With bajillionaire CBS owning them now, a lot less people will feel that need to support them financially because they'll feel like they won't need it with daddy CBS in control.

Also, there are still a lot of people salty towards Gamespot who aren't going to be too crazy about their money going to them indirectly.
I've decided to look at this positively and get excited for the GB. Deep down, I really don't expect this to last beyond a year or so, but Giant Bomb is kind of a special case, so I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. I also hope Tested is able to keep doing their thing (and more) successfully.

I hope so too. I'm certain it will still be good in the near future at least. Two years from now, who knows.


My premium sub goes til December. We'll see how things shake out between now and then. If CBS has any sense at all, they will let the Giantbomb staff make their own decisions and do their own thing.

But we are talking about the company that gave Rob Schneider a sitcom.
This is really going to dent their subscriptions. A lot of people only subscribed just to kind of support them. It definitely wasn't due to their premium content. Let's be honest: the premium offerings for the first year was ass. It was only Happy Hour and we all know what a clusterfuck that turned out to be. They started stepping up for year #2, but I still feel the desire to subscribe had more to do with "let's support these guys" than "let's check out this awesome exclusive content."

With bajillionaire CBS owning them now, a lot less people will feel that need to support them financially because they'll feel like they won't need it with daddy CBS in control.


On the plus side, Idle Thumbs podcast! Double Fine monthly videos! I'll have some good user funded content to look forward to over the next year.

Fox Mulder

This is really going to dent their subscriptions. A lot of people only subscribed just to kind of support them. It definitely wasn't due to their premium content. Let's be honest: the premium offerings for the first year was ass. It was only Happy Hour and we all know what a clusterfuck that turned out to be. They started stepping up for year #2, but I still feel the desire to subscribe had more to do with "let's support these guys" than "let's check out this awesome exclusive content."

With bajillionaire CBS owning them now, a lot less people will feel that need to support them financially because they'll feel like they won't need it with daddy CBS in control.

Also, there are still a lot of people salty towards Gamespot who aren't going to be too crazy about their money going to them indirectly.

that's why you start putting stuff behind pay walls and full page ads like ign.
This is really going to dent their subscriptions. A lot of people only subscribed just to kind of support them. It definitely wasn't due to their premium content. Let's be honest: the premium offerings for the first year was ass. It was only Happy Hour and we all know what a clusterfuck that turned out to be. They started stepping up for year #2, but I still feel the desire to subscribe had more to do with "let's support these guys" than "let's check out this awesome exclusive content."

With bajillionaire CBS owning them now, a lot less people will feel that need to support them financially because they'll feel like they won't need it with daddy CBS in control.

Also, there are still a lot of people salty towards Gamespot who aren't going to be too crazy about their money going to them indirectly.

I think you're wrong in assuming subscriptions will still exist. They won't need them anymore.


As long as there together, the four, dave and drew, I don't really care what they do. Work at GS, start a new site, start up a chain of hotdog restaurants its all good.

If they break up, then shit sucks.

Special J

Because a big company offered them more money out of the goodness of their hearts?

No CBS is going to want revenue results. Year over year gains in fact. And thus we start down the same path as always.

I'd be cool with them just remaining four dudes doing podcast and a handful of voice over quick looks. I don't need fucking virtual studios and foreign correspondents or whatever the fuck.

well its not that simple if you looked at the trends giant bomb was growing while game spot was losing visitors daily. CBS buyout makes sense as both a future investment according to trend or eventually down the line closing giant bomb and regaining its viewership on game spot.

i think had giant bomb been given another two years probably would have eventually overtaken game spot but they didnt have the money to keep it going. if only MOAR ppl bought premium subs.


Yeah should be around 4PM PST. Really excited to hear what happened, I think most people have an idea but its great to finally hear it from Jeff himself.

I just hope it's the truth.

Those Gamespot editors (now Giant Bombers) left the company in protest of what went down with Jeff. To try and pass it off as not having been 100% Gamespot's fault isn't respectful toward that show of solidarity.
Does anyone know what time GMT they're going to their new "house"?

Well since their clocks went back last weekend it properly confused me about what time is over there. So far they are 7 hours behind up. It's usually 8, and will be again this Sunday.

So it's at 11PM.


works for Gamestop (lol)
well its not that simple if you looked at the trends giant bomb was growing while game spot was losing visitors daily. CBS buyout makes sense as both a future investment according to trend or eventually down the line closing giant bomb and regaining its viewership on game spot.

i think had giant bomb been given another two years probably would have eventually overtaken game spot but they didnt have the money to keep it going. if only MOAR ppl bought premium subs.

If Giant Bomb came to people with a kickstarter and said this is the deal: kickstarter or sell to CBS, I'm pretty sure they would have generated their revenue.

Idle Thumbs is probably going to end up with $200k for Christ's sake.


As long as there together, the four, dave and drew, I don't really care what they do. Work at GS, start a new site, start up a chain of hotdog restaurants its all good.

If they break up, then shit sucks.

I agree. I have followed these guys as a group of friends for so long now, on some level, it feels like I know them personally. That's the power of such a personality-driven approach.

Removing even one of them would bring imbalance to the force.

Also this is incredible, from Patrick's twitter:

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