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Mitt Romney bullied kid for looking "gay" back in school

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Propaganda designed to tell us things we already know, but make us mad about it. A Republican is homophobic? Naw.

This is the sort of story that we'd dismiss if it was anyone else due to it taking place in high school.

Dude Abides

I know that president Obama and Nancy Pelosi responded to it by offering to cut Social Security.

Paul Ryan's budget is a goddamn joke. No president would accept it wholecloth, including Romney. It's only on the table so that Obama can look Serious and "Centrist" while pursuing disastrous austerity policies.

Romney has given full-throated support to the Ryan plan. I don't understand your assertion that the Ryan budget was proposed in order to give political cover to Obama.


I got grudge sucked!
Was it ever clarified that he 'bullied gay people'? I know in high school, it was pretty common to call things 'gay' without actually meaning 'homosexual'.

ex - "Pop quiz? Thats gay." Or somebody wears a goofy looking shirt so "Dude, your shirt is really gay." Apparently this kid Romney picked on was picked on cuz 'his hair looked gay' or something, but does that mean he was specifically discriminating against this person because they, in fact, appeared to be a homosexual or just cuz his hair looked silly to them? There is a difference.

It still embodies the extreme negative connotations associated with the word, it has a lot of hate. Faggot is every bit as hateful as nigger, so you need to consider those words that associate with that connotation


Do you even realize Mitt Romney was in favor of gay marriage in 1994?


This is what cracks me up about people that get so passionate about politics. The very people you're arguing about often don't believe half the things they claim they believe in.

Romney only became anti gay marriage when he began running for President, and realized it wasn't going to help him get elected.

Nowhere does it say he was pro gay-marriage. Just said that he said he supported 'full equality' for gays, which as we know by Republican-speak, doesn't actually mean full equality.


Was it ever clarified that he 'bullied gay people'? I know in high school, it was pretty common to call things 'gay' without actually meaning 'homosexual'.

ex - "Pop quiz? Thats gay." Or somebody wears a goofy looking shirt so "Dude, your shirt is really gay." Apparently this kid Romney picked on was picked on cuz 'his hair looked gay' or something, but does that mean he was specifically discriminating against this person because they, in fact, appeared to be a homosexual or just cuz his hair looked silly to them? There is a difference.

The mental gymnastics we do to excuse things. This is what I was referring to earlier when you asked how I know if somebody has really changed or is remorseful by the way. I doubt people that claimed "your shirt is gay" really meant "your shirt is so happy dude!"

NH Apache

Nowhere does it say he was pro gay-marriage. Just said that he said he supported 'full equality' for gays, which as we know by Republican-speak, doesn't actually mean full equality.

In Mass. it does.

So? He thought he was gay and then bullied him. I don't care if the kid was gay, all that matters is Romney's behavior.

Romney didn't like him because of his haircut. The article seems to assume the rest.
Nowhere does it say he was pro gay-marriage. Just said that he said he supported 'full equality' for gays, which as we know by Republican-speak, doesn't actually mean full equality.

He also said he would be a "better and stronger advocate than Ted Kennedy" for gay people. Was that also republican speak? Did you read that article?

As governor of Massachusetts Romney created a state government healthcare program, which he now disavows.

Like I said, these people are fake. Obama said he was in favor of gay marriage in the 90's. Then he was running for the Senate in 2004, and suddenly he was no longer in favor of it. The same story as he ran for President in 2007. Now in 2012, he's suddenly in favor of it again.

Putting a lot of faith in what these people say is a fruitless exercise. Everything they say is based on politics.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Among his pranks included fucking with his blind teacher. The dog thing he did as an adult way later. While on a family trip he put his dog in a kennel and strapped it to the roof of his car for a long road trip. The dog shit itself and then he hosed it down in the kennel.

WOW what a scumbag. He's really reminding me of the "Smiler."


Romney has given full-throated support to the Ryan plan. I don't understand your assertion that the Ryan budget was proposed in order to give political cover to Obama.

I'm not saying Paul Ryan wanted to give political cover to Obama. Both parties are being pressured to adopt policies of austerity. These cuts to basic programs will put the costs of our unfunded debacles in the middle east and subsequent financial collapse on the backs of working people. The powerful don't want their taxes raised or regulation on the market, which is the appropriate way to respond to the mess we're in.

Paul Ryan would never propose this plan with Mitt Romney in office. The budget is proposed knowing full-well that it would never be fully adopted, but the Democrat responds by making inexcusable concessions. Obama would look like an utter scumbag if he initiated these cuts. But against the backdrop of the insane Ryan plan, he looks like Serious Negotiator who brings harmony between the parties.

Notice that you NEVER see the same tactic from the Democratic party. They don't start the discussion with 'the workers should control the means of production' or even 'we should have full employment'. They start somewhere like 'we need a balanced budget', and then get pulled to the Right by the Republicans. As if that wasn't the plan all along.


It still embodies the extreme negative connotations associated with the word, it has a lot of hate. Faggot is every bit as hateful as nigger, so you need to consider those words that associate with that connotation
Thats not what the conversation is about. Its about whether or not the person was bullied because he was apparently gay or was bullied because he was merely 'different'. The point was whether or not there's a link between his attitude towards gays back then and now.

I used to say 'thats gay' or whatever back in high school, too. I never hated gay people or anything like that, it was just a word. I stopped using it later when I realized it was juvenile and an offensive use of the word, but it did not define my attitude towards gay people in the least.

Its weird. I feel like I grew up in an alternate universe than a lot of you guys.


If that's assault then the jails would be overflowing.

That was assault.

There's a tendency to turn a blind eye towards assault in high schools as far as getting the legal system involved, though. Unfortunately.

So everyone that gets into a fight in high school belongs in jail for assault? That's where this is going now?

No, not a fight. This is a group of kids assaulting another kid.

I don't really get your angle in this topic, but it is making me wonder about the sort of person you were in high school.
Jesus christ, Mitt Romney is just a terrible candidate. A good politician could have easily put this to rest. But another fumble from the RomBot.

If he ever wins...it would be because of the economic climate, and absolutely not because that he was actually a good candidate, person, politician, etc.


What's more important to me is how he responds to it now, as a "man" and as a candidate to lead the entire country, and how he views his actions. His "I don't remember", "well I apologize IF anyone was offended" response was weak and cowardly, or worse, oblivious. It shows a lack of courage for taking responsibility for past mistakes, even ones you might consider "excuslable".

The fact that he even claims not to remember is disturbing, because his classmates remembered, and the victim sure rememberd, but to him it was probably "just another prank", and why should he care about anyone besides himself? He leads a charmed life, who cares about the kids he bullied? Out of sight, out of mind.

What's not great for him is this is in line with the widely-discussed treatment of his dog - dog was miserable and terrified strapped on top of a car, but he didn't give a shit and just sprayed him down. And he doesn't understand what all the fuss was about.

As leader of the free world, he'd be responsible for the welfare and well-being of millions of people, and his decisions could destroy the lives of people in countries thousands of miles away. If he is unable to show remorse or empathy for his personal decisions, or be honest and take responsibility for them, how will he respond (or will he respond at all) to the plight of the poor, the disenfranchised, minorities, people in third-world countries - people he will never see face-to-face, but who would depend on him just the same. If they're out of sight and not within the circle of his charmed life, will they matter to him, or will he even remember they exist?

I could respect him if he took responsibility for the incident, made a statement that bullying was wrong and unexcusable whether in the past or today, and that he learned from the incident. But it seems he's still the same privileged prep school boy who doesn't understand why "other people" get offended when he has a bit of fun.

I don't think President Obama has been perfect, either, but the contrast in the President supporting same-sex marriage and expressing his moral convictions, even at the cost of votes, vs. Romney's cowardice and lack of empathy is pretty stark.

Excellent f'n post, and I think the portion I put in bold speaks to the gigantic current-day contrast in character/leadership/attitude between Obama/Romney-Dems/GOP. And it became even more apparent while reading the WaPo piece yesterday.

Portions in that piece speak on some of Mitt's positive traits such as his his leadership/sense of humor, and good deeds such as volunteer service with seniors. So hooray, Romney cares about ya, just as long as you're one of his people... because the article also mentions that Willard was also concerned about a person's class/wealth/appearance and his disposition towards people changed based on those factors, and the bullying incident magnified that.

Judging from his non-response to that past event in his life and his past/current policies towards gays/immigrants/the poor, that's simply an internal belief and inherent trait in his character that remains to this day.

So there's no doubt in mind that Mitt (despite his "centrist" appeals) would be a true conservative's President and he'll do his damnedest to bow to their wants/demands. It would be a disaster and would never vote for the man, just based on that. And that the Mittbot so easily/readily adjusts his opinions to appear more electable just shows how crazy he is and the unseemly lengths he'll go just to obtain power.

So for all his faults, and for better/worse, at least we know that Bams recognizes that he's a President to all Americans of any race/class/disposition and a leader to people all over the world.


I got grudge sucked!
Thats not what the conversation is about. Its about whether or not the person was bullied because he was apparently gay or was bullied because he was merely 'different'. The point was whether or not there's a link between his attitude towards gays back then and now.

I used to say 'thats gay' or whatever back in high school, too. I never hated gay people or anything like that, it was just a word. I stopped using it later when I realized it was juvenile and an offensive use of the word, but it did not define my attitude towards gay people in the least.

Its weird. I feel like I grew up in an alternate universe than a lot of you guys.

I understand what you meant and I know plenty of people who've used "gay" in that context and they don't hate homosexuality at all, but there's one question you're not asking yourself. How did the word "gay" become such a popular negative adjective? Where did that context come from?
I'm not saying Paul Ryan wanted to give political cover to Obama. Both parties are being pressured to adopt policies of austerity. These cuts to basic programs will put the costs of our unfunded debacles in the middle-east and subsequent financial collapse on the backs of working people. The powerful don't want their taxes raised or regulation on the market, which is the appropriate way to respond to the mess we're in.

Paul Ryan would never propose this plan with Mitt Romney in office. The budget is proposed knowing full-well that it would never be fully adopted, but the Democrat responds by making inexcusable concessions. Obama would look like an utter scumbag if he initiated these cuts. But against the backdrop of the insane Ryan plan, he looks like Serious Negotiator who brings harmony between the parties.

Notice that you NEVER see the same tactic from the Democratic party. They don't start the discussion with 'the workers should control the means of production' or even 'we should have full employment'. They start somewhere like 'we need a balanced budget', and then get pulled to the Right by the Republicans. As if that wasn't the plan all along.
ugh this.

this fucking country.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm thoroughly opposed to Romney being president, but this is pretty weaksauce political mudslinging.

It concerns me that Obama is "our" George W. Bush. If we're playing the "Which guy do you want to have a beer with" version of politics, it's clearly Obama this time. Mitt Romney is playing the role of Al Gore or John Kerry. That wouldn't be so bad except that Obama actually has worse policies than George Bush. Instead of torturing people, he just kills them with secret drone strikes. Obama is every bit as subservient to the Wall St banks. He supported extending the Bush tax cuts. His education policy has exacerbated No Child Left Behind.

Honestly, it's hard to imagine how Romney could be more conservative than Obama. He'd practically have to stand up and vocally endorse slavery.

lol at comparing Romney to Al Gore. I don't think people want a president responsible for a nation full of 312 million people that has no empathy for another living being, human or dog.


I understand what you meant and I know plenty of people who've used "gay" in that context and they don't hate homosexuality at all, but there's one question you're not asking yourself. How did the word "gay" become such a popular negative adjective? Where did that context come from?
How is it relevant?


lol at comparing Romney to Al Gore. I don't think people want a president responsible for a nation full of 312 million people that has no empathy for another living being, human or dog.

I'm not talking about policy here (although they're hardly diametrically opposed). I'm talking about the style of the candidate. Stuffy, whitebread, milquetoast waffler who seems culturally out of touch with the average citizen.

Dr. Malik

A new Super-PAC, Mitt Gets Worse, has just launched. They just started a tumblr too.


i laughed


Not that I was gonna vote for Romney anyway but I can't even pretend to be put off by this.
Although, for a politician, he really ballsed this one up.

I'd hate to see what skeletons could get dug up from my high school years that I don't even remember only 3 years later.


Not that I was gonna vote for Romney anyway but I can't even pretend to be put off by this.
Although, for a politician, he really ballsed this one up.

I'd hate to see what skeletons could get dug up from my high school years that I don't even remember only 3 years later.

Man I really have to WTF at some of you people... You did shit in high school that's apparently on par or worse than this that you don't remember at all 3 years later? Let me be the first to say that I hope you don't run for any sort of office, then....


Thats not what he said.

For somebody who is trying to stand on moral ground, some of you are seriously quick-to-judge.

The phrase "I'd hate to see..." kind of signifies to me that it's at least as bad, or I suppose that there's enough of it that the amount would make it bad.


How is it relevant?

You didn't say "thats gay" to someone as a compliment right? You were using it as a slam or ridicule.

The actual definition of gay in the dictionary is

having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. Synonyms: cheerful, gleeful, happy, glad, cheery, lighthearted, joyous, joyful, jovial; sunny, lively, vivacious, sparkling; chipper, playful, jaunty, sprightly, blithe.

I'm sure you and your friends weren't meaning that so what else could you have meant?


Trucker Sexologist
Not that I was gonna vote for Romney anyway but I can't even pretend to be put off by this.
Although, for a politician, he really ballsed this one up.

I'd hate to see what skeletons could get dug up from my high school years that I don't even remember only 3 years later.
He either remembers and is lying to distance himself from the event or he has done so many of those type of "pranks" that it all blurs together. Neither scenario paints a flattering image so I'm surprised that he took the strategy of denial instead of owning up to his past mistakes.


Also, I hate how queer politics are being used by the democrats in lieu of any economic argument. If the Democrats were attacking Romney for being a nihilistic hedge fund manager who made his living by "trimming the fat" (i.e. putting workers out of a job), I'd be all for it.


Marcus Bachmann leads a difficult life.

Also in Republican news, Michelle Bachmann has renounced her dual Swiss citizenship. Shes 100% American now baby!
Was that a smart move? Maybe she could have become the Queen of Switzerland!

before you ask, I'm aware that Switzerland actually doesn't have a monarchy


Also, I hate how queer politics are being used by the democrats in lieu of any economic argument. If the Democrats were attacking Romney for being a nihilistic hedge fund manager who made his living by "trimming the fat" (i.e. putting workers out of a job), I'd be all for it.

They already helped with this attack, back when some of the Republicans were making the attacks. I really really doubt that's the last we see of it, either.


Also, I hate how queer politics are being used by the democrats in lieu of any economic argument. If the Democrats were attacking Romney for being a nihilistic hedge fund manager who made his living by "trimming the fat" (i.e. putting workers out of a job), I'd be all for it.

Maybe the Republicans should stop being suck dicks about gay rights then.


Because its still fostering the original negativity associated with the word, whether thats the intent or not.

You didn't say "thats gay" to someone as a compliment right? You were using it as a slam or ridicule.

The actual definition of gay in the dictionary is

I'm sure you and your friends weren't meaning that so what else could you have meant?
I still dont understand how its relevant to the conversation in the least. If we're arguing about whether using the word 'gay' in the way I mentioned to describe something is a bad thing, then you'll find no disagreement on my part. :/

The phrase "I'd hate to see what skeletons could get dug up" kind of signifies to me that it's at least as bad, or I suppose that there's enough of it that the amount would make it bad.
Maybe, but its not a safe assumption to make.

Personally, whether or not stuff I did was 'worse' than what Romney did definitely depends on how bad the incident actually was. I wasn't there to see it. It could actually range from being a poor prank to being a traumatizing hate crime depending on how it played out. But I wont deny that I wasn't a 'good kid' in high school. I was a brat to my parents, I got in fights, I did drugs, etc. I'm not like this anymore, though and if you were to tell me I'm a bad person for all that stuff, then I'd say its you that looks bad for being so judgemental. Some of us may have grown up a bit more wild than others, but it doesn't brand us bad people for the rest of our lives. Or it shouldn't, at least.
Jesus christ, Mitt Romney is just a terrible candidate. A good politician could have easily put this to rest. But another fumble from the RomBot.

If he ever wins...it would be because of the economic climate, and absolutely not because that he was actually a good candidate, person, politician, etc.

Pretty much the same way Obama won then?


Maybe the Republicans should stop being suck dicks about gay rights then.

The republicans are always going to run on dividing the country on everything but class. They drive wedges between the sexes, races, sexual orientation, language, religion, this is what they always do.

By responding to that fucking bullshit, we're fighting the battle they want to fight. Democrats never fight the battle Republicans don't want to fight: Making the economy work for the masses of people. Democrats have to be forced to take up crucial issues like progressive taxation, labor rights, financial and environmental regulation, universal access to healthcare and education, peace, and so on.

I want gay citizens to be treated equally by the state, I want them to be able to marry, equal immigration status for partners, equal pay and hiring, etc. I want all that. But the truth is, none of these issues matter to the most powerful people in America. Democrats don't mind fighting these because they're politically innocuous. They have no effect on the funders of campaigns.


I got grudge sucked!
Also, I hate how queer politics are being used by the democrats in lieu of any economic argument. If the Democrats were attacking Romney for being a nihilistic hedge fund manager who made his living by "trimming the fat" (i.e. putting workers out of a job), I'd be all for it.

But do you know what the queers are doing to our soil?!?!?!


Personally, whether or not stuff I did was 'worse' than what Romney did definitely depends on how bad the incident actually was. I wasn't there to see it. It could actually range from being a poor prank to being a traumatizing hate crime depending on how it played out. But I wont deny that I wasn't a 'good kid' in high school. I was a brat to my parents, I got in fights, I did drugs, etc. I'm not like this anymore, though and if you were to tell me I'm a bad person for all that stuff, then I'd say its you that looks bad for being so judgemental. Some of us may have grown up a bit more wild than others, but it doesn't brand us bad people for the rest of our lives. Or it shouldn't, at least.

I'm not saying it should brand you as a bad person for life. First off, my statement could be taken to mean I hope you don't run for office... for your own sake (if you have that much skeletons). Second, I know people can change. I know people can be brats or idiots when they're young and turn out just fine. That's awesome. I'd have a ton of respect for that. But to me forgetting the bad things you've done completely after only 3 years doesn't really seem to equate to learning from past mistakes and turning things around. If you did some terrible things and admit they're terrible or whatever, then fine. If you did them and forgot them completely? That's just a bit telling to me.

It is just telling, though. Again, I'm not going to judge you as a bad person or anything until demonstrated otherwise. I'd rather take into account other things. But if you are a bad person and you do those things and forget about them, then yeah I'll judge and say you haven't learned.
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