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Halo |OT5| Believe, Again

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Unconfirmed Member
I dont mind the text, but I do think the medals look off. Almost like they are low res with inverted colors or something. Kinda wish the medals popped a bit more as well.

Also, the announcer says things kinda weirdly now. =P
I'm 99.9999% positive both the medals and announcements are placeholder.
They should move the text to the bottom-middle of the screen, which is currently unused by the HUD and isn't directly in your line of sight like the text is right in the middle of the screen.
I dont mind the text, but I do think the medals look off. Almost like they are low res with inverted colors or something. Kinda wish the medals popped a bit more as well.

Also, the announcer says things kinda weirdly now. =P

I had this discussion with Robbert, I could have sworn, that the announcer was placeholder, but now I'm not sure.
Is anyone else having an issue with the font rendering/size in the videos seen this week? I thought it may be a quirk of capturing, but I noticed it, to a lesser extent, in the infinity trailer even when dl'ed off the press site. It seems that the size of lettering in menu screens sometimes seems to be a bit small, and the lettering often seems to be distorted/poorly rendered, and is hard to read.

I'm generally liking what I see in terms of additions gameplay wise, but I think more time is needed to make a firm judgement.


Unconfirmed Member
I just heard Steitzer shout "Overshield"!

What's the goddamn point of that?
The loud charging noise and an obvious green bar of extra shield wasn't enough, apparently. Also, I think it's there to help differentiate it from the Speedboost and whatever other power ups they're going to have.
I'm 99.9999% positive both the medals and announcements are placeholder.
I hope so, cause those elements stuck out like a swore thumb, everything else was pretty damn slick.

One thing I'd really like to see from the sticky detonator is the ability to blow it up mid air at the cost of damage.

So if I let the projectile stick to a surface and arm the damage is 100%, but if I choose to detonate it mid air then the damage is only 75% or something along those lines.

Not being able to accurately detonate my stick mid air was kind of frustrating.

I take it the thing wont be able to blow up until it makes contact with something?
343 trying to over inform you is my guess. Or people are so damn stupid they need the be told what they just picked up.

I can see it now. For Halo 5, they omit foley altogether and just let Steitzer narrate everything.

"Step forward! Step forward! Step backward! Jump! Jetpack! Shoot! Shoot! Headshot! Grenade! Tashi Ceiling!""


The option was definitely there, but nobody seemed to use it. I wonder if they even saw it since they were flipping through screens so much.

I don't know how hard they tired during this but a lot of pros like to help call out in death screen next to each other or watch were the enemies are. If I had to guess I don't think they noticed it was there lol.


The loud charging noise and an obvious green bar of extra shield wasn't enough, apparently. Also, I think it's there to help differentiate it from the Speedboost and whatever other power ups they're going to have.

You have to admit if you're not a series regular and you don't have a 60'' HDTV, one or two basic geometric shapes on the ordinance drops might look kind of similar, so better safe than sorry I guess. Plus, you know it'll just feel even more badass when you're tearing your way through an enemy team with a Scattershot, drop a powerup, and hear Jeff's powerful voice say "Double Damage!" as you start vaporizing more Spartans.
One thing I'd really like to see from the sticky detonator is the ability to blow it up mid air at the cost of damage.

So if I let the projectile stick to a surface and arm the damage is 100%, but if I choose to detonate it mid air then the damage is only 75% or something along those lines.

Not being able to accurately detonate my stick mid air was kind of frustrating.

I don't think that would be a good change. Mid-air kills are one of the best, most satisfying ways to get a kill with the pro-pipe. I don't understand why the damage would need to be reduced unless you could still get a kill at 75%.


Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.

Also, another question. DMR is 5 shot kill. 15 bullets. Ideal aim would net you 3 kills before reloading. Seems par for the course for Halo utility weapons.

BR is 5 shot kill, with 36 rounds. It's a 3 shot burst. 36/3 means it has 12 shots. It being a 5 shot kill, would mean a BR can only take down 2 people with perfect aim, leaving an awkward 2 shots behind.

This also means you have less of an ability to kill even 2 guys. With the DMR, you can miss 5 shots and still have enough ammo to kill 2 people at once.

With the BR you can only miss 2 times, something which is far too easy to do. Meaning if you don't connect, maybe even fully connect, with 3 shots, you can only take down one person.

If you recall, the Beta DMR had 12 shots in it and people hated it. They upped it to 15.

So what's the deal 343? Trying to put it on level playingfield with the AR or something? I don't get this design choice.

Either up the ammo to 45 and keep it a 5 shot. Let the canon people freak out or give an explanation that this is the new line of BR (it does look a lot different) or, make it 4 shot.
Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.
Some things sound weird, like right before tossing a grenade it sounds like you're squirting something. In the MLG match I saw though the sound for pistol shots seemed more appropriate for lasers than bullets.


Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.

Also, another question. DMR is 5 shot kill. 15 bullets. Ideal aim would net you 3 kills before reloading. Seems par for the course for Halo utility weapons.

BR is 5 shot kill, with 36 rounds. It's a 3 shot burst. 36/3 means it has 12 shots. It being a 5 shot kill, would mean a BR can only take down 2 people with perfect aim, leaving an awkward 2 shots behind.

This also means you have less of an ability to kill even 2 guys. With the DMR, you can miss 5 shots and still have enough ammo to kill 2 people at once.

With the BR you can only miss 2 times, something which is far too easy to do. Meaning if you don't connect, maybe even fully connect, with 3 shots, you can only take down one person.

If you recall, the Beta DMR had 12 shots in it and people hated it. They upped it to 15.

So what's the deal 343? Trying to put it on level playingfield with the AR or something? I don't get this design choice.

Either up the ammo to 45 and keep it a 5 shot. Let the canon people freak out or give an explanation that this is the new line of BR (it does look a lot different) or, make it 4 shot.

I can see what you mean, but I think it's good. I like using the Spiker, PP and AR in Reach because they *feel* powerful, irrespective of their actual stopping power. Especially in campaign, that's how you get people to play in the sandbox.

I'm still holding onto a sliver of hope that on the Dawn there's some of the old BRs (hell just skin the new one) and he only gets the new ones when it makes canonical sense...
The sticky detonator has a hug blast radius when compared to the pro-pipe. I think the weapon would be a little over powered if it was 100% damage and you were allowed to detonate mid air without having to stick and arm. I still want it to be able to kill with a mid air detonation, but I want the player to have to aim it somewhat instead of relying on a huge blast radius.

Ah. That makes sense. As long as we can still get a kill with a mid-air detonation, I'd be happy. :)


Unconfirmed Member
You have to admit if you're not a series regular and you don't have a 60'' HDTV, one or two basic geometric shapes on the ordinance drops might look kind of similar, so better safe than sorry I guess. Plus, you know it'll just feel even more badass when you're tearing your way through an enemy team with a Scattershot, drop a powerup, and hear Jeff's powerful voice say "Double Damage!" as you start vaporizing more Spartans.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. But if someone's playing on an SDTV and can't make out the symbols, they're still only going to know what they picked up after the fact. And if they can't realize the item's effects within a few moments, then they deserve to remain clueless and die and never enter matchmaking again.
oooh, another thing I liked was the music that kicks in during MP.

Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.

Nah, I like that they are re-working it. After playing games like BF3 and Crysis I have incredibly high hopes for the audio in Halo 4 as those games sound fantastic. I hope Halo 4 can nail the sound of bullets raining in on and around you, as that seemed to be lacking in the MLG stuff. Besides, it makes sense for the audio t pack a punch given the scale of Spartans and the weapons.


Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.

Nope, just totally awesome.

Loved the anniv sounds.


I think the one thing that we missed out on with the multiplayer reveal as compared to with Reach's MP reveal, was a trailer like this as our first glance. We've seen a bunch of clips from Walmart, Conan, and other bits and pieces elsewhere (including magazines, etc..) that sort of ruined the "jaw dropping" surprise that Bungie was able to achieve with that trailer.

I certainly like what I'm seeing in these videos for the most part, but I wish it was revealed in a way similar to Reach's MP. It was more of a "finally" type feeling than a "holy shit!!!" feeling that I thought I would have.

The gunplay looks very interesting and it's going to be a blast having such a massive sandbox to choose from and pick out loadouts that tailor to our playstyles. The one thing that didn't really make me super stoked were the maps. Granted, they are visual masterpieces (especially Haven), although Adrift needs some light.. there weren't really interesting aspects of either of them. All parts of the map looked pretty much the same as the rest of the map. If some rooms/areas of the map had some aesthetic variety to them I would probably be more drawn to them, I just don't see myself seeing Adrift pop up and think "Oh! I have to play this map!" Although I haven't played on either and I'm completely on the gameplay > all, but aesthetics are part of what draw people into one map over another, along with the quality of gameplay.

Rockets, OS, and base movement need some tweaks obviously but I enjoyed most everything else. Some audio sounds great (AR, AA usage, forerunner weapons) while others can use work (grenades, BR, announcer). The ambient nose, music layover, and the sounds your spartan makes walking/running/etc.. all sound great.

I don't see the Sticky Designator serving as a 'replacement' for the pro-pipe if that is indeed the intention. I'm not sure I saw a single kill with it in any of the MLG videos, although I'm sure it will take a bit of time to get the hang of it. It took me a while to find the pro-pipe useful, but I love the thing now. I do wish the SD had the trigger action that the pro-pipe did in that when you shoot it, you hold down the trigger and release to explode rather then pressing the trigger twice. It appeared to be too difficult to land a shot and get it to explode when you wanted (i.e. before the player made an escape). The PP is quick and deadly and appears to be more powerful. The rockets also appear to need a damage boost.

Medals have to be placeholder so I won't bother discussing them. I think Reach's were placeholder until pretty late in the development cycle but I could be wrong.

I can't wait to see some action on Longbow as it appears to have some of the more interesting aspects of a MP map that I was looking for in these two. Vehicles and sniper play are 2 things I am very curious about. And any kind of Spartan Ops video would be most appreciated.

Overall, the game looks like a lot of fun, but also looks to be quite a way from a finished product (and with 5 months til launch, it probably still is). Looking forward to seeing more and I can't wait to get in on some games. Wish we had a beta to look forward to!


aka Cabbie
If ProVision is the most OP AA at the moment, I'd say that's a good sign. (it was never really immediately offensive to me)


Serious question: Does anyone feel the audio is "too good?" By that I mean it seems somethings are really over-exaggerated. I felt this way about Anniversary also and it seems 343 has a fetish for it. When you melee the Anni pistol it sounds like you're throwing a million pots and pans everywhere. It sounds cool, but off.
I hope this doesn't end up being a thing in Halo 4 as well. I agree about Anniversary sounds. They seemed to forego making the sound profiles for certain stuff (like the sniper rifle, for example, as long as I'm remembering everything correctly) distinct in favor of cranking up the volume a ton. I wasn't a fan.

None of the stuff in the videos had me thinking that, though. Everything sounded fairly unique, even if I didn't love the sounds for the BR or DMR. The Plasma Grenade, for example, sounded different than past incarnations, but was still evocative of what that weapon fundamentally is.
Heh, all I could think of when hearing the new sound effects was the word visceral.

I have to give Frank credit, it's a very appropriate descriptor.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I...I think I like the center of the screen text now...

...this feeling is weird.

It REALLY doesn't bother me, like someone else said, it becomes unnoticeable after a point. Personally that stuff never bothered me, it doesn't bother me in any other game either.
I can't be the only one disappointed that the hit sparks were removed?? :(

Oh, they were? Damn. I liked the visual feedback it gave.

That reminds me of another little thing I would like to see- Larger blood splatter when killing with a headshot. Nothing crazy like Gears, but more of a larger splatter effect to give you and other the visual feedback that it was a headshot.
Oh, they were? Damn. I liked the visual feedback it gave.

That reminds me of another little thing I would like to see- Larger blood splatter when killing with a headshot. Nothing crazy like Gears, but more of a larger splatter effect to give you and other the visual feedback that it was a headshot.

It would be cool if your shields had to be full in order to sprint.
Then it would be used as a means to engage combat, rather than fleeing.


The problem with a 5 shot BR/DMR is that you also have sprint as a default now. It makes sense that people drop like flies in other games like COD because people have sprint there. So, if you're going to include sprint as a default in Halo then you need to make an adjustment to how weapons deal damage and 5 feels like a bit much if people can just sprint away so easily and then recharge to full health.

3sk for DMR
4sk for BR
4sk for Carbine
4sk for Pistol (increase clip size btw)

That makes sense to me.
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