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REMEMBER the dArk knight rises UnmaRked spOileR threAd | You only legend once

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I'll have to see this again to really decide how I feel. The romantic stuff didn't seem believable to me. I also didn't get that he way he just admitted to Robin that he is Batman. What was his evidence was that he remembered him from the orphanage as a child, but then recognized him behind his mask? I did like his character a lot, but relegating him to the kid round up wasted him at the end.

I guess the league of shadows is done now? I don't know the comics, but I left thinking I'd have rather seen a movie with Batman, Robin, and Catwoman fighting. I will see it again next week and will enjoy it more hopefully.

Blake saw a rich person being fake, and knew they were Batman. Quality writing.
I'll have to see this again to really decide how I feel. The romantic stuff didn't seem believable to me. I also didn't get that he way he just admitted to Robin that he is Batman. What was his evidence was that he remembered him from the orphanage as a child, but then recognized him behind his mask?

No, Blake saw Bruce's playboy persona on TV and immediately recognised it as a facade.

That Alfred monologue was RIDICULOUS. Dropping shit about how he was trained by Ras. How you know dat, Pennyworf?

The League of Shadows alumni network obviously.
Feels like i walked out of a front sit to a slow motion train wreck. Like, did they switch writers in between movies or has the script always been this bad?

Nolan always approached the movies like they were the last. Maybe the fact that this was REALLY the last one influenced how it was written. But the writing was definitely the weakest of the three.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Nolan always approached the movies like they were the last. Maybe the fact that this was REALLY the last one influenced how it was written. But the writing was definitely the weakest of the three.

Guess the hype got to him. I really would like to know his first ideas for this movie if Ledger was still alive.
Feels like i walked out of a front sit to a slow motion train wreck. Like, did they switch writers in between movies or has the script always been this bad?

I think the story structure and characters(Rachael aside) were better developed and conceived in TDK. There's not a single new character who was good as Harvey Dent, or anyone who could feel the emotional hole of Alfred's sudden absence.

But I mean, the dialog has always been uh..."not-great" is the nice way to put it. And they've all had their plot holes and contrivances.


How anyone thinks this is better than TDK and BB is beyond me.

Watching them all in one hit showed how weak TDKR is in comparison. The whole tone of it was off for me.


Heh still can't get over fact that actor Wad Williams (Bellick from Prison Break) played an officer (warden?) in Arkham, I turned to my friend and said "omg he got typecast!" Then two other PB actors showed in the movie...


Alright. So.

The ending felt Inception-esque.

Alfred was all like I take leave and imagine seeing you with wife and kids and shi, but I know it's not you.

Then he "sees" Bruce after he "survives" the atomic explosion.
Was it really him? Is he imagining things?


also, what did Fox say was patched "6 months ago" at the end of the movie? Lots of people were still cheering at the Robin reveal so I missed the dialogue


I think the story structure and characters(Rachael aside) were better developed and conceived in TDK. There's not a single new character who was good as Harvey Dent, or anyone who could feel the emotional hole of Alfred's sudden absence.

But I mean, the dialog has always been uh..."not-great" is the nice way to put it. And they've all had their plot holes and contrivances.

But the dialog in this one was like on another level of absurd. Then this old guy from nowhere talking about a "legend"....I can't count how many times i literally face palmed during this movie. Never been a big fan of the previous two movies but they were atleast passable.


I am not being sarcastic at all when I say I am completely jealous of anyone who feels this way.

And I completely pity people like you who can't enjoy simple actionhero movie like this.

But hey, there are other movies out there for you guys right.

Now you just have to move on.



Beat EviLore at pool.
Alright. So.

The ending felt Inception-esque.

Alfred was all like I take leave and imagine seeing you with wife and kids and shi, but I know it's not you.

Then he "sees" Bruce after he "survives" the atomic explosion.
Was it really him? Is he imagining things?


also, what did Fox say was patched "6 months ago" at the end of the movie? Lots of people were still cheering at the Robin reveal so I missed the dialogue

The auto pilot was fixed on The Bat.


Did the whole IMAX trilogy tonight. I used to think TDK was the best but now it is BB for me. I was very disappointed with TDKR overall. I will watch it again for sure but everything was just so convenient. I felt a bit insulted by just being told absolutely everything.

There was no "it" in TDKR.


Thankfully I suspend disbelief when watching movies, and I didn't read any impressions or reviews or anything like that. I feel it would have taken away from how much I really enjoyed this movie. I went rocking my Nightwing shirt, and I was happy with the little Robin allusion. Great movie, overall. DK>DKR>BB and that's not saying BB was bad at all, they were all great movies.


And I completely pity people like you who can't enjoy simple actionhero movie like this.

But hey, there are other movies out there for you guys right.

Now you just have to move on.

Amazing SpiderMan 2 - 2014

not counting on IM3 because Shane Black is directing it and it'll be awesome
Did the whole IMAX trilogy tonight. I used to think TDK was the best but now it is BB for me. I was very disappointed with TDKR overall. I will watch it again for sure but everything was just so convenient. I felt a bit insulted.

2 of the people I went with tonight were happy to be reminded how great BB is. I was like...told you son.
Thats all they came away with after being there for 11 hours.
But the dialog in this one was like on another level of absurd. Then this old guy from nowhere talking about a "legend"....I can't count how many times i literally face palmed during this movie. Never been a big fan of the previous two movies but they were atleast passable.

The second act is just all kinds of bad. Exposition on top of exposition, the clumsy Occupy Wall Street movement plotlines that goes on and on until it gets pretty much dropped in the third act for cops vs bad guys and giant James Bond WMD. So much of the energy of the first act just gets sucked away, and the big finale can only do so much to redeem it.
2 of the people I went with tonight were happy to be reminded how great BB is. I was like...told you son.
Thats all they came away with after being there for 11 hours.

So it seems that the best thing from the trilogy showings tonight is that people are finally realizing how awesome Batman Begins actually was. Success!


I have to say, I always find BB gushing a little surprising. I guess it's just the power of that first half.
And I completely pity people like you who can't enjoy simple actionhero movie like this.

But hey, there are other movies out there for you guys right.

Now you just have to move on.


I love all of Nolan's movies, other than Insomnia (haven't seen it). This was just not at all what I was expecting, or wanting. Just so lazy.

Me too. Wanted to love it. Was ready to love it. I knew by scene 2 that the Bat engine wasnt running right. It was puttering, not humming.

Same. I started to feel a bit better when Batman appeared. But, it didn't last long. I liked Bane, though. Think he may have been the only part I fully enjoyed. Catwoman was alright, but I didn't feel like they sold me on her remption at all. Didn't feel like she really had a character arc.
Absolutely dreadful: the script, the characters, the twists, the "conclusion", everything.

I can't believe half of the entire plot was developed from a stupid letter Gordon wrote for some stupid speech that he didn't end up using.
Oh and apparently he has huge handwriting because Bane read three pages and said two sentences.

I feel like this was some throwaway script that had for Batman 2.



The second act is just all kinds of bad. Exposition on top of exposition, the clumsy Occupy Wall Street movement plotlines that goes on and on until it gets pretty much dropped in the third act for cops vs bad guys and giant James Bond WMD. So much of the energy of the first act just gets sucked away, and the big finale can only do so much to redeem it.

Seriously. Another thing, Whenever you get a chance to put the best scene in your 3hr+ movie in the first 6 minutes, ya just gotta do it. Then proceed to bombard us with meaninglessness monologues about destiny and morality. I can't believe i'm saying it but avengers was the better comic book movie this summer....and only because it never tried to be something it's not.


That fucking Catwoman theme in the soundtrack every time the woman was on screen fucking shit up was annoying as hell. Didn't belong in the soundscape of these films at all.


Seriously. Another thing, Whenever you get a chance to put the best scene in your 3hr+ movie in the first 6 minutes, ya just gotta do it. Then proceed to bombard us with meaninglessness monologues about destiny and morality. I can't believe i'm saying it but avengers was the better comic book movie this summer....and only because it never tried to be something it's not.

I'm sorry, but what monologue about destiny?


The Hines Ward cameo was kind of odd too. I get that they used Hines field/Pittsburgh for that part, but it was out of place imo.
Nolan's movies have always had cheesy parts of plot holes/gaps. For some reason, people chose to largely ignore those things in his first two Batman films. This film is going to be more "under the microscope" so expect people to ream him for those two trademarks in this film.
Fucking loved it, yet it's no surprise the people that hyped it the most hated it.

What was up with the scar on what's her face's back when her and Bruce were by the fireplace?


Great fucking movie will watch again, this is the trilogy we deserve etc.

My random knee jerk reactions to the movie:

*2 best scenes in the movie were definitely first Batman vs Bale fight and the whole build up to the Gotham getting blown up sequence.

*A ton of Bane snapping people's neck... fuck yes.

*The Bruce and Alfred face off right before Alfred leaves was very good at an emotional level.

*Anne did a great job as Catwoman as did most of the cast. TDKR continues the tradition of high quality casting in a Nolan Batman movie.

*General scale of the movie was immense, higher than anything in the trilogy so that's a fairly big plus point for the movie.

*Not as grim dark as I was told it was going to be. There was this brief time where the movie was fairly grim but then it was brought back to normal movie heroism with the movie finishing off in a rather feel good fashion. TDK was much more grim than this especially the end. I was also surprised by how few main character deaths there were considering this is supposed to be a finale... TDK had more main character deaths as well.

*I kept waiting for the Bane killing Alfred spoiler that someone ran on GAF... fuck whoever did that shit.

*Talia's death felt fairly cheap. To have such a harsh up bringing and to live through so much then to focus all your life effort towards one goal, slowly working towards it and then dying like that... just feels bad man. Bane's death also was meh, would've preferred if Batman did him in instead of Catwoman.

*Overall the movie had the least "low" points from the trilogy. There wasn't really anything I could point out in the movie on first viewing that was just awfully bad. Like there was no bad acting ship scene. However there weren't as many high points either, like there wasn't anything in the movie that was Joker level quality or at the level of first act of Batman Begins. I guess the Bane vs Batman fight comes close.

*I should've picked up Blake being Robin the moment he uttered that he was an orphan. His little monologue in front of Bruce should've been the clue but I didn't really read too much into it. It's really weird that my original hunch on him being Robin was right.

*The movie was very "safe" IMO. Lots of cameos, homages to the previous two movies, a ton of character juggling (which I am surprised the movie was even able to cope with it), safe ending, not many character deaths and no one element of the movie overshadowed the other. Stark contrast from TDK in that regard.

*I really liked the more focus on Bruce, I felt that was sorely missing from TDK. Bale really delivered here, it's about time too I was getting worried about him.

Oh and there wasn't really any real major flaw in this movie that wasn't in the previous 2 movies. I saw the whole trilogy and there is no doubt that TDKR is within the same vein. The trilogy is surprisingly consistent in pretty much everything both in its strengths and weaknesses.


Blake saw a rich person being fake, and knew they were Batman. Quality writing.

He's also the only person in town with the motive and resources to be Batman.

The last stretches of all of Nolan's Batman movies are ridiculous. TDKR just continues the trend. At least the threat to Gotham was less absurd than in TDK or BB.

Better fight scenes than usual, but I felt that the fights with Bane lacked impact during them. It looked and sounded like Batman and Bane were slap boxing half the time.

Edit: I got to see it early on the WC thanks to a theater mishap.
Oh, boy, I can tell this is going to be another one of "those movies" for GAF. You know, the ones that are actually very good, but are shit on repeatedly because it's the cool, contrarian thing to do.

I should probably stay away from further GAF discussions of this movie.


stupid to rank each movie. they set out to achieve different goals. in the end, nolan has done so, albeit with pros and cons, for each film.
The second act of TDKR is the worst stretch in the entire trilogy, and then some.

He's also the only person in town with the motive and resources to be Batman.

The last stretches of all of Nolan's Batman movies are ridiculous. TDKR just continues the trend. At least the threat to Gotham was less absurd than in TDK or BB.

TDK had the least absurd. At least it was just regular bombs on boats there and not microwave emitters or atomic cores that are decaying.
Oh, boy, I can tell this is going to be another one of "those movies" for GAF. You know, the ones that are actually very good, but are shit on repeatedly because it's the cool, contrarian thing to do.

I should probably stay away from further GAF discussions of this movie.

If you're gonna accuse any and all complaints about a film you enjoy being "hate because it's cool", PLEASE stay away while everyone else tries to have an actual discussion about the film's merits and flaws.
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