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Rumor: Black Ops 2 SP and MP Details Leaked


Press - MP1st.com
Might or might not be real, but worth pondering over.

Allegedly an "associate producer" of Activision leaked this to someone who gave it to DualShockers.

Here is some leaked Black Ops 2 information from an industry contact at Activision. Although he is just an associate producer, he has been telling me all about the game. This information is 100% correct, and verified., and I will not reveal my friend’s name. He doesn’t even know I am posting this. I will provide no other details, as I do not know anything more than this, so please do not ask.

This is just to get fans more excited about the game and to give some release to fans that have been waiting patiently. If you are a fan and want to know more about the game, continue reading. If not, there are MAJOR SPOILER ALERTS below. Have fun.

Single Player

The story revolves two things. First around Frank woods as an old man talking about his missions with Alex Mason, giving tips on how to defeat Raul Menendez which you flash back to and are able to play. Other part of the story involves Raul Menendez, a terrorist that eventually controls the worlds drone army, starting a world war. Menendez has presence in the flashback missions as well, showing how he rose to power over the years. Although there is spoilers here, I will not reveal the ending, which sounds pretty damn good from what I heard.
As said in interviews, some of your actions dictate how the game plays out.
Single player has perks, and special ones are ones such as brute force. What this means is through a single player level there are
certain areas of the game you can only access if have this perk. This will allow you to break a lock and get special grenades or extra guns for example.
Diving to prone is back.


Afghanistan -The level that shows players riding horses in the trailer. This is a flashback mission. Meet up with Chinese soldiers to meet at a Mujahideen base, who are willing to exchange info on Menendez in exchange from helping defend them against a Russian attack. The Mujahideen betray Mason and Woods at the end of the mission.

Angola – No information given. Rumored to be the first mission.

Panama – Mission name “Let it snow”. Flashback mission. Takes place in 1989 in the invasion of Panama. Capture dictator Manuel Noriega and plant false evidence to smear his name. Mission ends with the death of Mason. Woods thinks he is assassinating Menendez, but after he shoots and checks the body, it is revealed he actually just killed Mason. Woods is shot and Manuel Noriega escapes. Woods is then rescued.

Haiti – Possible final level and/or strike force mission.

Pakistan – No information given. However, speculation about this being a future mission, recording Menendez’s conversation, driving a car, and flying a helicopter.

Al Jinan – A floating city in the middle of the ocean. Obtain information on a weapon called

“Karma”. Go undercover as technicians and even user a remote controlled spider robot to control through vents to gain access to areas of the level. It is revealed that “Karma” is not a weapon, and is in fact a girl. Fight through a nightclub full of people and
an outdoor mall. At the end is a choice that will effect later on in the game. Karma is taken captive by enemies and you must stop her from escaping. Use a sniper rifle to either kill or disable her.

U.S.S. Barack Obama – An aircraft carrier. Menendez is held captive. While he is being interviewed, Menendez escapes while the Cordis Die group attacks. Near the end of the mission, player is able to actually play as Menendez, taking hostages, then escape while shooting gas grenades with a launcher.

Singapore (Strikeforce mission) – No information. Gameplay demos online show this level better than the info I had available.

Yemen(Strikeforce mission) – No information

Yemen (Non strikeforce, regular mission) – Play as Fahrid, an undercover informant. This mission contains a choice that can effect
the rest of the story. Harper is taken captive and Mendez gives you a gun and tell you to shoot him. You can either choose to shoot and
kill Harper to maintain your cover, or to shoot Menendez. If player chooses to shoot Menendez, he will grab your gun then shoot the
player. Player then plays as Mason. In either decision, Mendez is captured at the end of the mission.

Nicaragua – Flashback mission with Woods and Mason.

Myanmar – Obtain a rare earth element from an enemy base. Start the mission in a squirrel suit flying through a rainy landscape.

Los Angeles – Shown in the E3 demo. Highlights include flying a jet and driving a truck.


Nuketown will be back in a futuristic setting.
DLC will be in map packs, unlike MW3.

You can now make a class based on how much equipment you have, rather than having to choose stuff you don’t ever use. For example, it is possible to have 6 perks if you choose to not carry a primary or secondary weapon (you will have just a knife). If you choose to pick a primary gun, it will say you need to replace one of those perks. If you don’t like any perks, you can add more features to your primary or secondary.
Live Streaming – Black Ops 2 will now have a live streaming feature built right in. You can automatically stream your gameplay over the internet easily. You would require a camera though for the feature that shows your face. This may or may not work with Kinnect.

Dedicated servers – Black ops 2 will now feature deticated servers, so now you wont have to worry about host migrations when someone leaves the match.

Some primary weapons
Assault Shield – Same as the riot shield in MW3, but can be placed on the ground standing up, so it can give the player some cover while using their other weapon.

SCAR assault rifle

Vector K10 SMG

Ballistic Knife

AS-50 sniper rifle


Storm PSR – Shown in the E3demo.

Crossbow with explosive tip

Note: There are no noob tubes (grenade launchers) in this game

Some Secondary



Barreta burst pistol

RPG – with an updated futuristic look

Stinger Missile

Some Multiplayer levels

Cargo / Dockside – Play through a Singapore shipping yard. Same as the strikeforce mission in single player
Aftermath – Play through some ruins of Los Angeles.
Hijacked – A close quarter map that takes place on a Yacht.
Slums – Play though slums in panama.
Drone – Play through a complex with docked aerial drones.
Power plant – Play through a Pakistan power plant.
Nightclub – Play in a nightclub from the Al Jinan single player campaign .
Overflow – Takes place in Pakistan on in a business district.
Carrier – Takes place on an aircraft carrier U.S.S. Barack Obama from single player.
Turbine – Takes place in Yemen in a valley with crashed windmills.
Yemen – Takes place in suburban Yemen with close quarter buildings.

Lethal Grenades
Combat Axe – Same as the tomahawk in Black Ops 1.

Tactical Grenades

Tazer Spike – An electronic device thrown on the ground or the wall. If an enemy walks over it
Tactical insert


UAV – Standard COD killstreak
Care Package – Standard COD kill streak
RC-XD – Same that was in Black Ops 1. Remotely control an RC car with explosives
on it.
Microwave Turret – Place this on the on the ground to trap enemies in a wave of
microwave energy. If the enemy is in it for too long, they die.
Death Machine - Same killstream from Black Ops 1.
Hellstorm Missile– Same to the Predator missle in MW3, except it can deploy a
cluster bomb before impact if the player wishes.
Multiple grenade launcher – A rapid fire grenade launcher.
QR Drone – Control a quadrotor, flying through the map, shooting enemies.
AI Tank – Similar to the assault drone in MW3
Sentry Gun – Your typical COD sentry gun. Can remotely control it.
Orbital VSAT – Similar to the Advanced UAV in MW3, but cannot be shot down, and has the enemies painted on minimap. Their position and directional information is shown in real time.
Single Seeker Drone – Launch a single seeker drone that flies into the air and seeks out the nearest enemy and kills them.
EMP – Same as in MW3
Helicopter gunner – Control a helicopter gunner. Includes feature to move across map when player wishes to change position.
Lodestar – A plane that flies over the map. Player can control it shooting rockets down at the enemies.
Helicopter escort – Have a helicopter that follows you from above, shooting enemy players.
Attack Dogs – Same kill streak from Black Ops 1.
Drone Swarm –The top killstreak. Call in a swam of drones overhead that will seek
out and kill enemies.

Ghost- No information
Fast Hands – Swap weapons faster and throw grenades faster.
Dexterity– Climb obstacles faster
Lightweight– Either run faster, or run longer.. not much info on that.
Flak Jacket – Same as in Black Ops 1.
Tactical mask – Resistant against flash bangs, concussion grenades,
spikes, emp grnades
Cold blooded –No information

There is no last stand perk in the game.

Not much information was given, however, here are a few bits of info.
New Feature
Player can get infected turn into a zombie, and play as a zombie, attacking other players. The zombie’s hands are in first person mode while you swipe and claw other players.




Tesla gun

Danny Trejo returns to voice a character in Zombie campaign mode.

As usual, lock and mock if old. But not because it's "fake" or whatnot. It is a rumor, after all.

Edited the SP from the MP stuff to make it easier to read.


Reservations about all this aside, it's really cool to see developers implement things to support their communities like online streaming. Very cool. Treyarch sure do know how to get every last drop out of their 2 year development cycle.


I've always found it slightly humorous how these massive "leaks" always seem to happen to COD, and it happens just about every year around the same time too.


Press - MP1st.com
Reservations about all this aside, it's really cool to see developers implement things to support their communities like online streaming. Very cool. Treyarch sure do know how to get every last drop out of their 2 year development cycle.

Yeah, that's why I highlighted it. If true, this could be a killer feature for Black Ops 2...though, I'm thinking it might be exclusive to Elite members, though.


Junior Member
Reservations about all this aside, it's really cool to see developers implement things to support their communities like online streaming. Very cool. Treyarch sure do know how to get every last drop out of their 2 year development cycle.

Hate for the series aside, Treyarch have ALWAYS been fan based friendly. Allot of developers can take not from them and how to communicate with their "Community."


Reservations about all this aside, it's really cool to see developers implement things to support their communities like online streaming. Very cool. Treyarch sure do know how to get every last drop out of their 2 year development cycle.

Much more so than IW that's for sure.
Reservations about all this aside, it's really cool to see developers implement things to support their communities like online streaming. Very cool. Treyarch sure do know how to get every last drop out of their 2 year development cycle.

That would be cool. That is only standout feature (Arena) that OnLive has right now, and it's nice to see that avaiable for console.


Orbital VSAT – Similar to the Advanced UAV in MW3, but cannot be shot down, and has the enemies painted on minimap. Their position and directional information is shown in real time.

Blackbird's back and it's taking names.

No last stand and noobtubes are an amazing start. Thank you Treyarch.


I've always found it slightly humorous how these massive "leaks" always seem to happen to COD, and it happens just about every year around the same time too.

This :lol

all we need now is a document labelled "Top secret" with all there mp features and the full game landing on kotaku's lap.


I don't get the obsession with Nuketown. That map sucked.

It was good for getting a lot of points quickly; that's about it, though. It's also fun playing with a small group of friends before partying up and going out into the mix.


Press - MP1st.com
I don't get the obsession with Nuketown. That map sucked.

You play BF3? You ever wonder why there's always a ton of people on Operation Metro levels? Yep, same principle.

Also, I loove Operation Metro. :D Yeah, chaotic awesomeness. Did that just ruin my FPS cred?
you gotta beat the meat mode to unlock stuff

Eh, I had hoped they would add more unique weapons. Like an experimental railgun.


Don't worry, It's probably just for the PC version. Your lag-prone, easily-hacked-with-no-recourse peer-to-peer games are safe.

So long as I can play in games where I get killed before I spawn by a guy flying through the air with a sniper rifle and multi-colored website spam scrolling on the side of the screen years from now, I'll take it!


I don't believe we will see dedicated servers on the consoles.. Would be awesome, but not going to happen.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
So long as I can play in games where I get killed before I spawn by a guy flying through the air with a sniper rifle and multi-colored website spam scrolling on the side of the screen years from now, I'll take it!

That level of hacking doesn't happen for very long on dedicated servers because there are amdins that can kick you.

But you're right, playing with a controller is probably the easiest way to avoid being accurately killed by an enemy.
Ugh. I hope there's actually a counter to Ghost this time around. There is virtually no punishment for using it and you're at an immediate disadvantage if you don't.
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