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Halo |OT9| One Final Effort Is All That Remains

willow ve

Veto for Cragmire.

When I think back, I really liked the Bungie Favorites system. .. hell I liked the whole File Sharing in Halo 3 better.

The voting was much better in 3 as well. There is a problem with the over abundance of options in Reach. That might fall a bit on poor playlist management, but the voting is too random with Reach regardless of what the excuses are.

Lame reply post on the top of a page, huzzah!
That kylej post about selling Chinese water bottles leads me to believe that he's starting Rampancy and it's an ARG leading up to the reveal of MechaKyleJ as a party member in Halo 4 co-op.


The voting was much better in 3 as well. There is a problem with the over abundance of options in Reach. That might fall a bit on poor playlist management, but the voting is too random with Reach regardless of what the excuses are.

Lame reply post on the top of a page, huzzah!

You're right, I also prefered the veto system.

The only good voting system in Reach is Arena, you can't see how the others vote till the map was chosen.
Well Apple and Google aren't exactly in the best of relationships...
I really don't understand what you're implying here. Are you saying that Google is going to block youtube on iOS devices? if so, fucking LOL

It's not worth it, Kevin. He's not listening to any counterpoints today so maybe we can try tomorrow.
You're probably right, but I'm at work and my boss isn't in to give me new work so I've got nothing better to do
It was a simple attempt to make the meta-game actually mean something. Video games already teach kids and young adults all manner of bad behaviour, racism, terrorism, and violence. I doubt adding a wager system to the meta-game Sparty Bucks is going to cause moral decay or destroy the economy.

As with all things in video games (violence, language, sex, etc.) they should be enjoyed in moderation and with the clear acknowledgement that these things are fictional.

Edit - I mean there are literally already casino simulators and card games which are explicitly teaching people to gamble so I can't see a real detriment to adding some wagering to Halo at some point. You could even bet on Chocobo races in FFVII (or one of their countless iterations).
It's a good counter-argument, and again as an adult I do like the idea that we should be able to do something different with whatever monetary system comes with Halo 4. However, I feel like those types of betting systems aren't good for younger kids who are just learning about fiscal responsibility.

Fuck Collonade. One of the worst maps I've ever played.
I wish I could say the same thing. Ah, the good old days of testing out maps on the brand new Foundry map...
I really don't understand what you're implying here. Are you saying that Google is going to block youtube on iOS devices? if so, fucking LOL
Not at all, I'm just suggesting that iOS users might have a slightly harder time working with Google products (YouTube, Gmail, Docs, Maps, Drive, etc)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Not at all, I'm just suggesting that iOS users might have a slightly harder time working with Google products (YouTube, Gmail, Docs, Maps, Drive, etc)

Buy what you want to buy.

I have gmail going into the iOS email app, the new youtube app is great, there is a Drive app, and Apple now has its own maps and navigation.

Also there is a "Google" app on iOS that has all of the above (minus maps I think) in one app.

Anywho, Halo.

About to leave for a work golf outing. woot.
Not at all, I'm just suggesting that iOS users might have a slightly harder time working with Google products (YouTube, Gmail, Docs, Maps, Drive, etc)
Youtube works fine, gmail works fine, dunno about docs, it's laggy on pc's so I wouldn't use it on a phone, like I said, I believe Apple is using their own Maps app now, I don't know anyone who uses Drive

Seriously though, don't use Drive. When you do you give Google the rights to everything you put up there.

Indeed it was.

Youtube works fine, gmail works fine, dunno about docs, it's laggy on pc's so I wouldn't use it on a phone, like I said, I believe Apple is using their own Maps app now, I don't know anyone who uses Drive

Seriously though, don't use Drive. When you do you give Google the rights to everything you put up there.

Yeah I don't use drive. I use dropbox mostly, and SSH/FTP for anything of value.

The iPhone is now a cash cow product. It's is not leading the smart phone industry in innovation by a long shot. The OS hasn't seen a UI update in 5 years (and is ugly as sin IMO), and the hardware has inferior screen size, screen resolution, pixel density, camera, no NFC than the competition, but it is without a doubt still a solid device. For people that are on the iPhone train, and possible the rest of the Apple ecosystem, it's a good upgrade.

Now, I won't hide the fact that I get a little upset when Apple declares it "the greatest screen ever on a phone" when that it blatantly false, or when the media declares some new iOS feature that is already in other mobile OS's some revolutionary never-done-before feature.
Exactly my stance. I dislike Apple's marketing for those reasons.

40,000? Windows Phone Store has about 150,000 apps.
Where did I get 40,000 from? I remember now that they said 150k at the WP8 summit.

To be fair, Android is the only phone OS with a great experience working with Google products. Google as done their best to pretend that Windows Phone doesn't exist.
True. WP7 still hasn't got a Google+ app to my knowledge...

Anyway, enough of this. I'm having a nap.
With slower ROF balancing it. Interesting.
Definetly think the Light Rifle will be my weapon, since it offers both the BR and DMR in the same package. Besides, the thing is pretty darn cool.
The question is, Firepower or some other perk, and if Firepower, what is my secondary?
Firepower with Storm Rifle is the superior loadout.
So have I. I'm the guy who brought you guys the Binary Rifle vid actually.

The RoF of the BR and the LR felt the same to me. Unless someone did an actual frame count (on non-offscreen footage) or something of the sort, we don't really know how the RoFs compare. The only exception is if the two weapons have a blatantly different RoF (they don't).
The unscoped ROF of probably comparable to the BR, the scoped ROF was noticeably the slowest of the headshot rifles.
Seriously don't understand why people would want an iPhone 5. (Especially those who already have an iPhone 4 or 4S.)

The only two positive about it are that it has a 0.5" larger screen, and a slightly better processor (still not equal with current competition, the HTC ONE X and Samsung galaxy SIII.)

It has no youtube nor google maps, costs your right arm, and doesn't work with all your current docks, chargers, etc. It doesn't have any modern features like NFC nor a decent camera. Has an Irreplaceable battery, no external memory, I could probably go on...
The iPhone is now a cash cow product. It's is not leading the smart phone industry in innovation by a long shot. The OS hasn't seen a UI update in 5 years (and is ugly as sin IMO), and the hardware has inferior screen size, screen resolution, pixel density, camera, no NFC than the competition, but it is without a doubt still a solid device. For people that are on the iPhone train, and possible the rest of the Apple ecosystem, it's a good upgrade.

Now, I won't hide the fact that I get a little upset when Apple declares it "the greatest screen ever on a phone" when that it blatantly false, or when the media declares some new iOS feature that is already in other mobile OS's some revolutionary never-done-before feature.
Likewise. They're just so... snappy. They feel great. Social networking is heavily integrated (can't wait for skype integration). Yeah, Apple have more apps (700,000+ v 40,000+), but quality over quantity.
Most importantly, I love how I have 6 email accounts synced to it over 2 different liked inboxes, with tile notifications for exactly how many unseen messages.
I'll have this
40,000? Windows Phone Store has about 150,000 apps.
Not at all, I'm just suggesting that iOS users might have a slightly harder time working with Google products (YouTube, Gmail, Docs, Maps, Drive, etc)

To be fair, Android is the only phone OS with a great experience working with Google products. Google as done their best to pretend that Windows Phone doesn't exist.
I'm not going to type out some long response. If you want so much change in Halo, then you really don't want to play Halo anymore.

I kind of agree, I think change can be good through... When that change is designed with the core of the game in mind. With halo 4, it really feels like 343 are just shoehorning in features from other games which isn't so good.


Interesting side note on the friends list limit issue.. if you link Rock Band Blitz with Facebook, any of your Facebook friends show up like normal Live friends even if they're not directly on your Live friends list, and you can interact with them like the rest of your normal Live friends. I have Kanbo as a friend via FB but not Live but he shows up on my friends leaderboard and as a rival for songs, and I'm at the 100 friends limit already.

Wonder if this is an actual workaround any developer can use, although MS should just raise the damn limit already.

tl;dr Clearly Live has some sort of backend ability to let you interact with non-friends like they're directly on your FL, so if Halo 4 has some sort of group functionality hopefully it does something like this.
It's a good counter-argument, and again as an adult I do like the idea that we should be able to do something different with whatever monetary system comes with Halo 4.

I want to be able to use credits/Spoints at the voting screen in matchmaking so that my vote will count more than xxx420SaXmAcHiNe69x(1)'s.
Interesting side note on the friends list limit issue.. if you link Rock Band Blitz with Facebook, any of your Facebook friends show up like normal Live friends even if they're not directly on your Live friends list, and you can interact with them like the rest of your normal Live friends. I have Kanbo as a friend via FB but not Live but he shows up on my friends leaderboard and as a rival for songs, and I'm at the 100 friends limit already.

Wonder if this is an actual workaround any developer can use, although MS should just raise the damn limit already.

I wish they'd just up it to something like 250. I hate having to delete someone every time I accept some-ones friend request / send a friend request.
The friends limit is not something I am close to hitting, but it remains one of the strangest problems that Live has. How hard can it be to fix it? Especially after they nixed OXbox Live in order to make those sorts of fixes?

you're shoehorning features from other games!
elzar style comeback

You're showhoring features from other games!
Legit Elzar style comeback.


I wish they'd just up it to something like 250. I hate having to delete someone every time I accept some-ones friend request / send a friend request.


Live really needs to up the friends list limit. We lost halo 2, and for what?

Bullshit to soothe people over for the shutoff. We've had like what, two dashboard overhauls since OXbox Live has been shut off and it STILL says "Original Xbox gamers may not be able to read this message" when you're creating one?

Halo 2 went down because MS didn't want to support the original Xbox anymore for warrantly/account support, and Halo 2 had to go down with the ship since original Xbox Live didn't have the ability to let one game on but not others. It was all or nothing.


Anybody playing right now or wants to play Halo 3 for like 1-2 hours? Have some time so shoot me a message. GT same as profile name.

Edit: I'm set as offline, but I'm online. :)


It's a good counter-argument, and again as an adult I do like the idea that we should be able to do something different with whatever monetary system comes with Halo 4. However, I feel like those types of betting systems aren't good for younger kids who are just learning about fiscal responsibility.

I wish I could say the same thing. Ah, the good old days of testing out maps on the brand new Foundry map...

Well, America doesn't have any fiscal responsibility on an individual level anyhow.

willow ve

You're right, I also prefered the veto system.

The only good voting system in Reach is Arena, you can't see how the others vote till the map was chosen.

They either need to go back to the Halo 3 style of voting or they need to hide all votes until the round of voting is completed. Makes no sense the way they do it now. If they're going to do two rounds it should be either.

Variation 1
Round A: 3 different gametypes, all on one map
Round B: Same 3 gametypes as before, all on a different map

Variation 2
Round A: 1 Gametype, offered on 3 different maps
Round B: Different gametype, offered on 3 different maps

When you put 3 different gametypes on 3 different maps you have people vote for partial favorites. IE they really wanted Swatnums on Swordbase, but they settled for Swatnums on Pinnacle because that was their closest choice. It compounds the issue when this data is then used to make matchmaking decisions down the line when they say "everyone loves Swordbase, etc., it gets voted all the time." Further compounding the skewed data is the fact that votes are public while they are happening. There are times I really want to play Heavies on Asphalt (cause who gives a shit about framerate drop!), but I am forced to cast my vote between 2 flag on Hemorrhage or Big Team Slayer on Spire because those two options jump out to an early lead and the pack follows.

tl;dr - Voting in Reach is broken


A twitch.tv email tells me that there might be some Halo 4 stuff today on Giant Bomb's Big Live Live Show: Live! 3, but I have no idea if it'll be something new or just a recap.

I also have no idea at what point during the next 8 hours it'll show up. Or if the content on either side of it will be any good.

Duder! It's GiantBomb's annual Big Live Live Show! And guess what! It's LIVE! Join the crew over at GiantBomb for an entire day's worth of gaming insanity. See what's new with Halo 4, PlayStation All-Stars, Torchlight II and Dance Central 3. Find out if Brad can survive in a StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm 1v1 show match and discover who is the ultimate Warlords master. DROP A BOMB ON IT!


IMO voting should be removed altogheter, at least from primary playlists, secondary playlists like Action Sack can have it. Make the playlists well, they shouldn't have any bad/stupid map/mode combinations and no fringe/odd gametypes like stockpile.

EDIT or let people "thumb down" gametypes and maps, but only a limited amount. But no voting.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
A twitch.tv email tells me that there might be some Halo 4 stuff today on Giant Bomb's Big Live Live Show: Live! 3, but I have no idea if it'll be something new or just a recap.

I also have no idea at what point during the next 8 hours it'll show up. Or if the content on either side of it will be any good.

We shot a fun segment with the GB crew earlier this week. Expect new footage of previously seen content. Don't expect pro-level donging.


IMO voting should be removed altogheter, at least from primary playlists, secondary playlists like Action Sack can have it. Make the playlists well, they shouldn't have any bad/stupid map/mode combinations and no fringe/odd gametypes like stockpile.

This would just result in Halo 2 where people just quit out once a gametype started they didn't like.

There's a psychological component of voting; people are more likely to stick around if they are able to input a vote that doesn't win than if they feel they have no control over the process.


IMO voting should be removed altogheter, at least from primary playlists, secondary playlists like Action Sack can have it. Make the playlists well, they shouldn't have any bad/stupid map/mode combinations and no fringe/odd gametypes like stockpile.
Team Duals on Boundless all day everyday.


This would just result in Halo 2 where people just quit out once a gametype started they didn't like.

Well, the problem are people. People shouldn't play a playlists where they don't like something. I prefer single gametype lists for this reason.
But of course Halo 4 has drop-in-drop-out so it alleviates this issue (doesn't fix it of course).

EDIT as noted above, people do this in Halo 3 and Reach. Voting doesn't solve people quitting on something they don't like.

Team Duals on Boundless all day everyday.
Exactly. Team Duals is sometimes fun but it is Action Sack material, not Team/Social Slayer. And it should be on suitable maps, not Boundless.

There's a psychological component of voting; people are more likely to stick around if they are able to input a vote that doesn't win than if they feel they have no control over the process.
BS. I see people voting on shit all the time and then quitting. How about 16 votes for something and then half the people quit? Why did they vote that?
Nevermind, reading fail
Not at all, I'm just suggesting that iOS users might have a slightly harder time working with Google products (YouTube, Gmail, Docs, Maps, Drive, etc)

Not at all. You act as if google gives a shit. Their end goal is ads. Which means they are making the best possible apps for iOS they can. They don't want to lose 50% of their mobile revenue by not supporting it.

Also android is one giant marketing and advertising campaign. You don't like apple ads? Well I don't like android. It's one giant google ad to keep getting those ad views and clicks from you. That's it.


Well, the problem are people. People shouldn't play a playlists where they don't like something. I prefer single gametype lists for this reason.
But of course Halo 4 has drop-in-drop-out so it alleviates this issue (doesn't fix it of course).

EDIT as noted above, people do this in Halo 3 and Reach. Voting doesn't solve people quitting on something they don't like.

It doesn't solve it completely but it gets rid of a lot of it. People are going to quit under any system. It was a goddamn scourge in Halo 2.

I dunno, I'm just coming from a different perspective, having studied and built mental and social elements of game matching systems. Terms like loss anxiety and player expectation are seared into my brain.


I want to be able to use credits/Spoints at the voting screen in matchmaking so that my vote will count more than xxx420SaXmAcHiNe69x(1)'s.

Not sure if you were joking, but I actually like that idea.

Although I'd never get stuff from the Armory because I'd be spending all my Spartan Creds to get 1 Flag on Last Resort's remake every match.


It doesn't solve it completely but it gets rid of a lot of it. People are going to quit under any system. It was a goddamn scourge in Halo 2.

I dunno, I'm just coming from a different perspective, having studied and built mental and social elements of game matching systems. Terms like loss anxiety and player expectation are seared into my brain.

I'm just a player, in my experience voting doesn't reduce or affect whether people stay in a game. Halo, COD, BF42... Sometimes people voted a new map in the middle of game (in BF42 and other games allowing mid-game voting) and then they quit anyway.

The more fun people have, the more likely they're to stay in game, regardless of map or mode.

EDIT hmm. Fun is the most important factor... Affected by gameplay, gamesystems, rewards, skillmatching (people quit in COD if they have god-like player in the opposing team, same in Reach)... Makes interesting study.


hey everybody I haven't checked in with this game in a while has there been any new information about physics or if players are dangerous or FOV or matchmaking that incentivizes winning, etc
Funny complaining about ads in an Xbox exclusive game thread. The dashboard advertisement malarky... is the worst of any of the consumer products that I use.
hey everybody I haven't checked in with this game in a while has there been any new information about physics or if players are dangerous or FOV or matchmaking that incentivizes winning, etc
My lord, a hot flash from the not so distant past.

willow ve

This would just result in Halo 2 where people just quit out once a gametype started they didn't like.

There's a psychological component of voting; people are more likely to stick around if they are able to input a vote that doesn't win than if they feel they have no control over the process.

This actually calls into question the drop in / drop out feature. Now if the map or gametype isn't what I wanted to play I have no penalty for just quitting. I wonder if one of the matchmaking options will find a lobby/game that has a certain map currently underway? (I doubt it, but I still wonder).

So with drop in / drop out will we even need or want voting?


I'm just a player, in my experience voting doesn't reduce or affect whether people stay in a game. Halo, COD, BF42... Sometimes people voted a new map in the middle of game (in BF42 and other games allowing mid-game voting) and then they quit anyway.

The more fun people have, the more likely they're to stay in game, regardless of map or mode.

EDIT hmm. Fun is the most important factor... Affected by gameplay, gamesystems, rewards, skillmatching (people quit in COD if they have god-like player in the opposing team, same in Reach)... Makes interesting study.

The issue with using personal experiences to judge the effects of matchmaking changes is even if you play, say, 100 games a week? You're still only seeing 0.05% of the total games and voting sessions recorded in Reach that week. 343 sees 100% of them.

This actually calls into question the drop in / drop out feature. Now if the map or gametype isn't what I wanted to play I have no penalty for just quitting. I wonder if one of the matchmaking options will find a lobby/game that has a certain map currently underway? (I doubt it, but I still wonder).

It would certainly be possible to build a system that learns a players' map preferences, especially in DIDO, but it'd be up to them to implement it.
I want to be able to use credits/Spoints at the voting screen in matchmaking so that my vote will count more than xxx420SaXmAcHiNe69x(1)'s.
This is a great idea, actually. Also, every time I read "Spoint", I read it in this voice:


Well, America doesn't have any fiscal responsibility on an individual level anyhow.
You're not wrong. :-(
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