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Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban join American Idol

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Dr. Malik


Ryan Seacrest said:
It's official, your new American Idol judges are Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban and Randy Jackson!


Does she even sing? Granted I don't actively listen to her stuff but what I hear is usually auto tune shit or some really bad rap lyrics.


Randy Jackson's still there? I watched an episode last season and he gave the same comment for every performance.
She sings I guess, but she's not that good at it... :/ But then again Paula Abdul never had that strong of a voice either and we all gave her a free pass.
Going by all these shows and judge picks, I think only The Voice got it right, as I presume at least all of the judges on that show have musical talent. Unlike the famous faces on X factor and American Idol.
F'ing christ.
Not fit to judge anyone outside a clown college.

If Britney Spears can judge people's singing ability than Minaj isn't too far off.

It's not like Simon Cowell or Randy Jackson can sing (or Paula Abdul for that matter). Hell it's not like any of the talent scouts and record execs at major labels necessarily have any musical talent. You don't have to be able to sing to judge if someone else can.


To land someone like Mariah Carey, who's a hire that couldn't possibly make more sense for a singing competition, and then counter that with someone like Nicki Minaj - seems to trivialize what exactly they're trying to do with the show. Not that Jennifer Lopez was much better. Then again, it's not really about the competition for the first few weeks, so these celeb hires are nothing more than ratings chasers until something sticks.


He measures in centimeters
Going by all these shows and judge picks, I think only The Voice got it right, as I presume at least all of the judges on that show have musical talent. Unlike the famous faces on X factor and American Idol.

Levine can't sing. At all. Cee Lo...not so much either.


formerly nacire
I'll tune in as usual and I'll reserve judgement until I see some commentary. They better hang on to Randy Jackson as tight as they can, because once he's gone, I just can't see the show hanging around much longer. Then again, people said the same thing about Simon.
I have nothing against Nicki, but she may very well be the least talented superstar in music right now. If you don't even have a decent singing voice at least, you shouldn't judge anybody else, it's insulting.
So they went from 3 useless judges to 3 useless judges. Between this and X Factor, they're hurrying along the death of the singing reality show genre.

Dr. Malik

I have nothing against Nicki, but she may very well be the least talented superstar in music right now. If you don't even have a decent singing voice at least, you shouldn't judge anybody else, it's insulting.

People that can't sing still have ears you know, the only people that shouldn't judge would be the deaf.


People that can't sing still have ears you know, the only people that shouldn't judge would be the deaf.

There's more to judging vocals then just hearing if they reach the right notes. Minaj probably can't even properly do that.


People that can't sing still have ears you know, the only people that shouldn't judge would be the deaf.

Not true. A trained ear can hear nuances that the average person might not be aware of. I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there who think Katy Perry is a great singer.


Nicki Minaj? I thought the judges were supposed to have some sort of musical talent. Well, at least they have Urban and Jackson....
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