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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT

DDT is the best promotion. everyone watch kota and kenny vs danshoku and Yoshihiko





Am I the only one who finds it odd that Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre have different gimmicks between NXT and the main shows? How far back do they tape these?


Man, Best in the World is getting played out. Daniel Bryan one day should do a promo on how everyone is ripping him off for claiming that now.


So not worth it


Pre-show: Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal vs. Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd
As this is a pre-show, I had expected the faces to go over to benefit PPV buys and what not. however, the match was changed from CoBro to Gabriel and Kidd. The crowd doesn't care that much for the latter really, even though they're great wrestlers that deserve a major push. I'm expecting the heels to take this one and some kind of shenanigans with PTP and SinCara/Rey to set up another match during the PPV, perhaps another 8-man tag like we saw on Raw? Or an elimination Survivor Series tag-match? (probably the first), either way would make me happy, but The Three Man Band is taking this one.


United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro vs. R-Truth
I care more about this match than I rightfully should I guess, there's no wat Truth is winning the title here, but the build-up to this match has been pretty good, also I believe this makes 3 PPV's in a row for the US Title to be defended, that's gotta be a recent record, right? Cesaro is being build very well, it's slow, but he gets promo time and showcase time in-ring and gets clean victories over babyfaces as well, who knew WWE even had it in them? So, Truth will do the job for our future WWE Champion Antonio Cesaro.


Divas Championship: Eve vs. Kaitlyn
The most suprising thing about this match happening is that they didn't have a battle royal to determine the #1 contendor. Well, I guess with Beth leaving they're official too short on divas to have one now. That said, I could do without this match really, this Eve/Layla/Kaitlyn three-way feud has failed from the start, too soapy and really, everyone knew from day 1 who "attacked" Kaitlyn to cost her her first title shot. Come on WWE, stop treating us like dipshits and take us seriously for once. Better storylines make for better feuds, which in turn make us care more for matches between women wrestlers. (as well as mens btw, this is not exclusive to the divas division). Anyway, end rant, Eve is just waiting for this horrible Cena/AJ vs Ziggler/Vickie storyline to end (btw, we're getting an AJ promo on PPV, yay for tight clothing?) so she can feud with AJ and drop the title to her. Though to be fair, Kaitlyn winning the title and having a short feud with AJ to drop the title to her would be nice as well, there's already a built-in feud they've been working on since last April there. To many words for a 3-minute match though, Eve retains.


Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match: Team Foley (Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Daniel Bryan and The Miz) vs. Team Ziggler (Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett)
It's a shame they ruined this match by changing plans after the first week. Still, I'm excited for pretty much everyone in this match (hey now Soulplaya, I don't hate Kane, at worst I'm indifferent towards the guy) so it should be great fun to watch. However, the build-up just hasn't been good to get me emotionally invested. It's probably gonna end up being all about Team Foley's individual members not getting along and mostly about Miz's face turn, they'll make him the one to eliminate the final member of Team Ziggler, and maybe the sole survivor or survivor along with Orton. So, Team Foley takes the win.


World Heavyweight Championship: Big Show vs. Sheamus
After that very well made finish after the last show that put over Show clean and his great heel demeanor or pretending Sheamus is not a contendor even though he's obviously scared shitless at having another match with him, combined with the great brawling they've been doing all over the place... Well, I hate to say this, but I might be looking forward to this match the most. After winning so cleanly last time, I do expect Big Show to retain. After which Sheamus will brawl and Ziggler will finally cash in. I've said this for 3 PPV's now though, so who knows if we'll see Ziggler, might be they wait another month or two. But Ziggler really does need the final push now, he's ready for the main event, give him the ball and let him run with it already. Properly please?


WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Ryback
CM Punk retains. Yeah, that's right, not a single title change on this PPV. They need to protect Ryback though, but he can't win. The Rock is not coming back to destroy Ryback's popularity (can't deny the guy is getting over by way of high-speed-Goldberg-push), so he has to beat either Cena or Punk for the title to set-up the three way at Wrestlemania. Since Rock already had his win over Cena, he needs a win over Punk at the Royal Rumble as well. Cena will, of course, win the Rumble, wasting yet another PPV gimmick match to put him in the title spot. Anyway, getting ahead of myself. Punk versus Cena is always fun to watch. Hope Ryback doesn't suck the fun out of the match too much.


I just found out that La Parka isn't the real La Parka, and the real La Park is now known as L.A. Park due to legal bullshit. The hell?
If Punk loses then they are going with the Punk vs Rock at Wrestlemania choice.

Rock vs Punk would be great at the Rumble but i think they should do it at Mania that way its fresh. The triple threat of Rock vs Cena vs Punk would be fine also. Punk should win at Mania though and come out on RAW saying he beat everybody there is to beat and Stone Cold should come out and challenge him for Wrestlemania 30.

Mr. Sam

Rock vs Punk would be great at the Rumble but i think they should do it at Mania that way its fresh. The triple threat of Rock vs Cena vs Punk would be fine also. Punk should win at Mania though and come out on RAW saying he beat everybody there is to beat and Stone Cold should come out and challenge him for Wrestlemania 30.

I bet you fifty billion dollars that will never happen.
I just masturbated to this video.

See I knew you liked Punk, just not in that way.

Looking at the SS card itself it seems like one of those crap build up, decent matches scenarios.

so is Drew always left out of 3MB tag matches? he's the best wrestler of the trio!
I was barely watching the end of SD last night and i'm pretty sure Sheamus shrugged off being lobbed into a car window, not quite Cena levels of surviving a flaming car but he's on the way.


Then Punk will go back to being jobber of jobbers....because VinceMcmahonFlexing.jpg
This is not happening. He is the on the Cena level of not getting beat/looking like a goof.

Guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, and Bryan (despite him making things looking way better than they are) will get this type of shit.
Lol, what the hell at the guy who saved the Estonian Thunderfrog - the Latvian Great Oak. Bizarre.

Quack vs Touchdown II up next! Should be a great main event.


This is not happening. He is the on the Cena level of not getting beat/looking like a goof.

Guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, and Bryan (despite him making things looking way better than they are) will get this type of shit.

Punk just jobbed on RAW man.
This crowd is kind of hyper - a few people are still throwing stuff into the ring 10+ minutes into the match.

Edit: Overall, it was a solid iPPV, and a big improvement over the last stream they had.


Brandon Carter, a former offensive tackle for Texas Tech University who WWE signed this year to a developmental contract and now performs under the name TAC, posted a multitude of messages on his Twitter account Saturday criticizing the product of his employer.
As a life-long WWE fan and owner of over 900 action figures, Carter says the company's shows have been "on repeat" for ten years and that fans deserve change. The football-player-turned-grappler wants to be the one to bring change to WWE, even going as far to put his job on the line.

"I am here to bring change to #wwe to give power to the people instead of telling you what to love #TACRevolution," he wrote to a fan.

"Not one person in developmental or #wwe have the accolades that I do, yet they act like they are deserved something. #wwe you deserve more! Same generic cookie cutter wrestlers. ONE speaks out and he's a REVOLUTION starter? Change is coming! #wwe you deserve it! #TAC REVOLUTION."

Carter continued, "#wwe you deserve a REAL REVOLUTION. A revolution is not taking the mic from @JohnCena FOLLOW ME! I ill bring you to a REVOLUTION! #TAC.

"Everybody is afraid of getting fired and that's why they play it safe! Thats why what you #wwe fans get is all the same old stuff

"Don't you #wwe fans want something new? A real revolution? A real change? Demand it. I will lead you #TAC revolution.

"not afraid to get fired. It's happened before. But if I don't attempt to make a change in what I love, that means I failed all of you #wwe

"I'm sure right now people are squirming in their seats in Connecticut! But we all know what needs to be done #wwe #TAC revolution follow me!

"Don't all of you want change?Do you feel like you've been watching the same show on repeat since '02?Get behind me and we will make a change.

"I can't lower your taxes, or bring you health care. But what I can do is bring change to what you love, #wwe #TACRevolution

"No one will stand up for what they believe in because they are a puppet to the "machine" I have cut my own strings to bring you change! #wwe."

Read more: http://www.WrestlingInc.com/wi/news/2012/1117/558027/#ixzz2CXbPjWgr

Good luck with that... TAC.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE 13 DLC needs to get pushed out before THQ goes under.

I need my Brian Pillmans and Ministry Undertakers for Universe mode.


You have to wait until you're on TV at least so they've invested some money on you.

There are still floor level seats available for SS. And every other section. Can't imagine why the show wouldn't be selling great.
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