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The first game you can remember absolutely hating

Played it long ago as a kid, hated it. Tried it again on an emulator, hated it even more.

That takes a lot of effort to get me to hate something even more.

Worst video game I have ever played.

Best game ever with a gameshark to unlock stuff. Shows how incomplete the game was.


Eh, Blast corps, I think I never got it since I have seen some fans, but it seemed like a dull game.
Got this for free from Ninendo Power. "First RPG for the NES!" I was way into Dungeons & Dragons so I thought this would be awesome.


What a piece of shit.


Probably Banjo Kazooie, I'm not saying that it is a bad game, but when I was really young I was stuck at a certain ledge, or jump that I was never able to get past so I always saw that game as a bit of a waste of money until I sold it and a few other N64 games and put some of the money towards getting a PS2.


Altered Beat for the Master System. Man, I loathed that pile of garbage. I actually got my mom to return it. Horrible.
Silent Service II. Thought it was going to be some awesome submarine game, and when I got home I didn't even remotely understand how to play the game.
Probably Terminal Velocity. Game would inevitably cause my PC to crash within 30 minutes of any multiplayer session. It was fun when it worked, but good lord was it a buggy POS.


Deadly Towers was the first game I hated. I borrowed it from a friend and instantly gave it back.

The first time I was most disappointed in a game I bought was Mega Man X3.


This thread is good for seeing who has true perspective on truly awful games and who thinks anything mediocre is 'terrible dog shit'

My contribution

Yeah. If FF13 or Mass Effect were the FIRST game you truly hated, you're doing it wrong.

I played it because I had nothing else. It was my second NES game purchased after Contra (thanks awesome boxart!). Even as a kid I knew I was playing with shit.
Probably Dr.Franken on the SNES. It was the first game I bought without reading anything about beforehand and I absolutely loathed it.

It was just so boring.I always kept my SNES magazines handy after that.
Why'd you even quote that, katkombat

Deadly Towers was the first game I hated. I borrowed it from a friend and instantly gave it back.

The first time I was most disappointed in a game I bought was Mega Man X3.

Shit--Deadly Towers was the first game I ever rented, maybe that counts instead. It sure was awful. Although I didn't *hate* it because I wasn't stuck with it like I was with Xenophobe.

First person dungeon crawler. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. The longest I lived was probably 10 min. Got it because my 10 year old self thought the box art looked badass...

I should try it again just to see if I can figure it out 20 years later lol.

Secret of Evermore. What a horrible game. No music. Ugly characters. Lame weapons.

It wanted to be Secret of Mana so bad and it didn't come close. This game made me realize that it's generally a bad idea to let Westerners make Japanese style games.

Sudeki hammered that home even more.


Your six-year old self was right. It's pretty bad.

But it does have the same quirky humor that the show and comics have, so it's not entirely worthless.

I guess that clears my conscience a little. I remember thinking the graphics were good and a lot of people I knew really loved the game so I wasn't sure if it was something I've been missing out on. I'll still probably get around to trying to redeem myself one day

I know a lot of people liked this game but up until this point I had been extremely lucky with my choices in games. I just hated it.

Obviously I had played games I didnt like before this, I would rent games every week with money I saved up. Its a different feeling though when you save up money and buy something that just isnt fun for you as a kid.

Bought it from Sears and it was TERRIBLE for me. I hated it. Absolutely hated it.

I just thought that it would be awesome because who doesn't love x-men AND spiderman... they're in a game together!! i had to get that... boy was i wrong.

A week later, we returned it cuz i hated it and i got Mario Kart!!! Best return ever!!


On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this game an 'ugh'. This is one of those games that leaves me feeling queasy in disgust. I'm sure there are folks that love this game though.



I can't say I've actually developed actual hate for a game, at least not recently. I don't have as much time to game anymore, so I try not to pick crappy games to play

That said, I CAN get terribly disappointed at how certain games turn out. What EA/Maxis have done to the new Simcity is just...sad. An abomination through and through.



The game, if you could call it that, plays itself. I hated it so much. Or, rather, I was just really disappointed as a kid who though he was getting the new Battle Network game.


Huge Metal Gear fan and I thought I could get into turn-style gameplay, but it just wasn't for me. There are probably some older games that I disliked, but this is the first one that I couldn't stand to play.

Ironically, I own all the MG:Acid games due to being a collector, but I despise them from a gameplay aspect. I hate taking turns against a CPU. I have always preferred for actions to take place as quickly as I can press the controls.



Maxis Redwood
This topic almost exclusively touches upon sequals for me, as the love for a previous game sets the grand stage for such great disappointment. That being said...

Twisted Metal 3
Rally Cross 2
F-Zero 64

World War 2 Online

EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin (expansion pack, but this one hurt the most)

All games I bought and returned because they were shit. Pick whichever of them came first to answer your question.

Of course this all ignores games I hate that I simply know up front that I hate and subsequently avoid. That list would be much longer.

Edit: Adding pics since that seems to be the trendy thing to do for this thread.
Got this for free from Ninendo Power. "First RPG for the NES!" I was way into Dungeons & Dragons so I thought this would be awesome.


What a piece of shit.

We must be polar opposites.

The first game I ever hated was Paladin's Quest for the SNES. I was just coming off Actraiser and thought that any game with "Enix" on the box must be good. I couldn't have been more wrong.


Bayonetta PS3.

I completed it, but when it was done I felt like a cold dead fish.



Ecco the Dolphin


What did you hate about it?

I dunno, the whole game leaves me feeling gross. Maybe it's the creepy atmospheric sound, the whole game being underwater, the labrythine levels, the difficulty, the general gameplay wasn't fun to me either (and I always felt bad bumping his bottlenose into the walls).

I'm sure this is a solid game for some of y'all, but it never synced up with me.


Poor hit detection. No guidance at all. Can't get past the first level. Mr. Wilson always gets me.
This is my choice as well. Even there was no way to save the game, no password, nothing. A friend of mine tried to complete it some years ago but it was too much garbage.
I have another snes game that I really dislike about wrestling, I cannot remember the name hopefully.
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