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John Walker's anti-BS SimCity news articles.


bish gets all the credit :)


Neo Member
Oh man that picture is good.

I still listen to RebelFM but damn Gies is a downer. How is that guy even in the industry? He seems to hate games, people that play them and people that criticize them.


You're not their customer. The game companies that advertise are their customer. You're their product.

We are as much their customer as CBS or ABC(and they are all about what viewers want to watch), only problem is I don't think they realize this.


I still listen to RebelFM but damn Gies is a downer. How is that guy even in the industry? He seems to hate games, people that play them and people that criticize them.

Pretty sure his carreer was literally kickstarted into existence by the very people he loathes.


It's especially brilliant when Arthur Gies wasn't even on 1UP FM at all. He was Anthony's roommate that got an "in" to the industry riding off of fan donations made to people other than him. Nick and Phil were never on the show after the first episode which were who the donations were going to.

Arthur bought a gaming laptop with fan-donated money, because it would allow him to play games to talk about on a spiritual-successor to a podcast he was never even on.

I'm going to guess Matt just commented without knowing this situation, but I knew Arthur would try to paint himself as the victim of insults without addressing the issues that are being presented to him. He will never admit he is wrong. He hasn't even admitted to making a mistake in posting the Sim City review before testing it in real-world conditions. The night before Sim City came out he said they will have to adjust the score.

The review score edits are Arthur's way of covering his ass for posting a de-facto exclusive review of Sim City. They get the extra traffic without having to worry about damaging Polygon's credibility. Most will comment about how progressive and forward-leaning they are for adopting this system that is only used in the most opportunistic ways.

Oh crap that is him isn't it.

I remember when he began to show up on the show and people hated the guy because he was such a douche, I admit I stopped listening because of him.


Nick and Phil did appear on multiple episodes of Rebel FM. They both left pretty early in its existence after getting jobs which meant they were either not allowed to be on or had to move away from San Francisco.

Strange that Phil is back in SF a while now but hasn't been on the podcast once since then I don't think


Oh man that picture is good.

I still listen to RebelFM but damn Gies is a downer. How is that guy even in the industry? He seems to hate games, people that play them and people that criticize them.

Ya, he reminds me of the personality type that loves the idea that they are in the games industry, and like "thinking" about it, but don't really enjoy anything actually about it, that requires doing it.

Which I guess would make sense why he was so quick to ignore Walkers source, because it would break his viewpoint on how he looks at the industry, as a whole.


"Vocal minority, bla bla, vocal minority", "then don't buy it, vote with your wallet", "I'll go with what the developers say", etc. The usual.

Internet outrage seems to immediately shut down people's capacity to discuss something critically. My opinion is the only valid one, and if you don't like it, then don't buy it. What? I get they're annoyed with the wave of shit coming their way, but come on.
The new guy, Mitch, was especially annoying about it. He tried so hard to to act tough to the people in the room it bordered on sycophancy. You gave the internet what for, chum. I say.

To be fair to Gies, he came across as the most reasonable of the four podcasters on this issue. I still disagree with him about the various SimCity issues but wasn't as dismissive of people's anger as his co-hosts.


Added this quote from Mik, in teh Games Journalism topic to better articulate Arthurs stance, in terms of why he was combative with Walkers source article.

I thought this was a fun little snippet from this week's Rebel FM:


What he says is that always online wont effect his review, unless it is broke... So he doesnt care about the use and function of the always online DRM, all he cares about is if it effects him from doing his review. This is him essentially saying, I dont give a fuck if always online DRM is bad for you, I will only care if it becomes a hindrance to me.


Neo Member
Well he could care less about the consumer because he isnt one. I bet he hasnt paid for a game since he started reviewing them. So to him, who cares if the servers get pulled, he never dropped a dime on it.

I had friends like him, so depressing to hang out with.


Well he could care less about the consumer because he isnt one. I bet he hasnt paid for a game since he started reviewing them. So to him, who cares if the servers get pulled, he never dropped a dime on it.

I had friends like him, so depressing to hang out with.
Ya, I think that is the case for a lot of reviewers, even in the tech industry, where because a lot of their stuff is gotten through the review process the way they look at value is a lot different from the consumer.

Rebel Leader

Never been to rock paper shotgun before Sim city, am donating 20$ to their site along with sending a kindly worded email to ChrisGrant on why I will not be visiting polygon in the future at all despite them having had some nice features (reviews have been pretty awful). RPS deserves support, god knows they won't get EA advertising money.



Sent similar email to verge explaining why I won't be visiting there anymore either since they are affiliated.

I would recommend people do the same.
I have disabled ABP on RPS since I will be visiting them much more often (never/rarely visted the site)

May donate another time

I may e-mail chris too

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Added this quote from Mik, in teh Games Journalism topic to better articulate Arthurs stance, in terms of why he was combative with Walkers source article.

What he says is that always online wont effect his review, unless it is broke... So he doesnt care about the use and function of the always online DRM, all he cares about is if it effects him from doing his review. This is him essentially saying, I dont give a fuck if always online DRM is bad for you, I will only care if it becomes a hindrance to me.

Ya, I think that is the case for a lot of reviewers, even in the tech industry, where because a lot of their stuff is gotten through the review process the way they look at value is a lot different from the consumer.

Did you just... reply to yourself?


This is him essentially saying, I dont give a fuck if always online DRM is bad for you, I will only care if it becomes a hindrance to me.

"Fuck you, I got mine" disgusting to hear but not that surprising considering his twitter comments. It's sad that instead of listening to the outcry and learning from it he's just doubling down.
I haven't listened to the whole podcast but if he's arguing that online DRM is not a problem if it actually adds value to the product, then I can see a point. I disagree but at least you've got train tracks to run your opinion on. Despite what he says, I'm still not seeing how the online multiplayer region component is, at all, significant. I'm not even sure if it works properly.

That snippet is basically "got mine, fuck you" in a nutshell, which is a bit strange. He's a liberal person, politically, right? I know he's doubling down (because that's how he is) but there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here.

And really, we (myself included) shouldn't be giving him attention. The Internet loves contrarian/"politically incorrect" opinions and I reckon he's got a whole number of new readers just because of it. Being a child about it doesn't matter, they get paid for site traffic and I reckon Polygon has gotten more visitors from this whole SimCity clusterfuck than any time in its history.


I haven't listened to the whole podcast but if he's arguing that online DRM is not a problem if it actually adds value to the product, then I can see a point. I disagree but at least you've got train tracks to run your opinion on. Despite what he says, I'm still not seeing how the online multiplayer region component is, at all, significant. I'm not even sure if it works properly.

That snippet is basically "got mine, fuck you" in a nutshell, which is a bit strange. He's a liberal person, politically, right? I know he's doubling down (because that's how he is) but there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here.

And really, we (myself included) shouldn't be giving him attention. The Internet loves contrarian/"politically incorrect" opinions and I reckon he's got a whole number of new readers just because of it. Being a child about it doesn't matter, they get paid for site traffic and I reckon Polygon has gotten more visitors from this whole SimCity clusterfuck than any time in its history.

Ignoring it, I dont think solves anything though, awareness of how far he is willing to go is worth pointing out. Plus his quote, even if what you say is 100% true, the way he said it matters. He is only concerned with DRM when it effects him(breaks). More attention to his defense of his stance is more awareness everyone else had. A contrarian stance of drm is only bad if it is broken, is not a healthy one, since there is bad DRM that is bad, and works properly(and is a lot of the time the worse kind of DRM, that gets overlooked by consumers).

That isn't to say always online is inherently bad, if the game design calls for it...just with SimCity it is clearly at this point, not the case, and he doesnt seem to care, at all.


I haven't listened to the whole podcast but if he's arguing that online DRM is not a problem if it actually adds value to the product, then I can see a point. I disagree but at least you've got train tracks to run your opinion on. Despite what he says, I'm still not seeing how the online multiplayer region component is, at all, significant. I'm not even sure if it works properly.

That snippet is basically "got mine, fuck you" in a nutshell, which is a bit strange. He's a liberal person, politically, right? I know he's doubling down (because that's how he is) but there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on here.

And really, we (myself included) shouldn't be giving him attention. The Internet loves contrarian/"politically incorrect" opinions and I reckon he's got a whole number of new readers just because of it. Being a child about it doesn't matter, they get paid for site traffic and I reckon Polygon has gotten more visitors from this whole SimCity clusterfuck than any time in its history.

Politics has nothing to do with this. There are just as many liberal jag offs as conservative. he's a jag off because he thinks he is working in the video game industry, he's arrogant, and he's not going to change his mind.
Politics has nothing to do with this. There are just as many liberal jag offs as conservative. he's a jag off because he thinks he is working in the video game industry, he's arrogant, and he's not going to change his mind.

That's not what I mean. He's a man who berates people on podcasts for marginalising minority groups or people with disabilities through the use of certain words (i.e. retarded). Yet all of a sudden, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself when it comes to this whole online DRM thing.

Of course that depends on whether or not he actually believes what he says. The problem is, after rereading some of his stuff, I'm not convinced he does.

Really, he's basically intentionally built a persona for being obtuse. arthurgies.txt is literally a bunch of snide comments that appear to intentionally annoy fanbases. I mean seriously, he's defended Dead Space 3, Mass Effect 3's ending, trashed Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, claimed Vanquish was punitive and clunky in a very Japanese way and its decent reviews were a result of Platinum cargo cults, held a belief that Metal Gear Rising should have copied DmC's tone (reallly?) and aesthetics, and now this SimCity shit. He's intentionally creating attention for himself and he's pretty successful because he knows gamers are pretty reactionary.

This isn't new, a lot of people in tons of industries do this. Armond White is the perfect example of this. Saying that movies like Precious is a bad movie and you should go see those god awful Big Momma movies for good depictions of African Americans is objectively wrong in every way but he doesn't care because he gets paid for the attention he gets.

Whoa whoa whoa. What the hell does his political affiliation have anything to do with this?
Who cares if he is left or right? Btw, the fact that its only left and right is the fundemental problem with current politics.

I dont care who he voted for. He still acts like he is better than everyone and only his opinion matters.
It sucks though, I was enjoying RebelFM. Hope I can get past his douchness.

It matters because typically he's very uptight on not offending or marginalizing minority groups, which is one of the better things about him because it shows he has some understanding that people besides him exist in the world. Yet all of a sudden he does a 180 with the whole SimCity thing and literally put out a point that's the definition of "got mine, fuck you". Yes, I know gamers aren't exactly a minority group but the idea I'm making is that he typically is pretty good about understanding the wider implications of actions and words. There's either serious cognitive dissonance going on here or he's intentionally creating controversy.
My favorite part is Maxis lying TO Polygon about the necessity of the online requirement for things that aren't actually depending on it and this clown still defends them. There was actually of lot laughable BS on RebelFM this week if you go listen to it. They talked about SimCity in 2 separate segments. The first was them dismissing things like server problems and the small cities saying they're irrelevant to the experience. The 2nd segment was "the internet are a bunch of meanies" bit.


Neo Member
Whoa whoa whoa. What the hell does his political affiliation have anything to do with this?
Who cares if he is left or right? Btw, the fact that its only left and right is the fundemental problem with current politics.

I dont care who he voted for. He still acts like he is better than everyone and only his opinion matters.
It sucks though, I was enjoying RebelFM. Hope I can get past his douchness.


Good thing he sticks to twitter, because anymore then 140 characters and he would actually have to defend his BS.


I guess a broken lock that shuts you out of your game for no real reason isn't something you're allowed to get angry at.
I guess a broken lock that shuts you out of your game for no real reason isn't something you're allowed to get angry at.

No, you're allowed to get angry at it, but he doesn't care and will assume that you're just angry at a business model or some kind of nebulous "change."


This whole debacle just seems incredibly damaging to Polygon. They're not IGN level where if you mention IGN to a random mate, there'd be a decent chance of them knowing what you're talking about. It only seems to be more hardcore audiences paying attention to Polygon, and atm, all Polygon are emitting are anti-consumerist vibes.
jesus..this is non-stop.

as soon as he shuts his piehole something directly simcity related pops...when that dies down he starts.
I got a all admissions pass to the carnival of stupid these last few days.
Arthur Gies ‏@aegies

@akwinters but there's a group of people for whom nothing we do, shy of joining the litany of "fuck you" aimed at maxis, will please them.
Arthur Gies ‏@aegies

@akwinters and i won't be bullied by that contingent. just as i won't be bullied by EA.
Arthur Gies ‏@aegies

@akwinters (only the latter of which has not aggressively sought to silence people who disagree with them.)

banned from ea forums, threads locked, support number censored, banned from origin: NOT AGGRESSIVELY SEEKING TO SILENCE PEOPLE


The closest thing I can fathom to express how I feel is the following. Warning: it may make you see the depths humanity can fall, or even see a utopia of peace and love.

Arthur Gies has become my new favorite person in the world, for all of the wrong reasons.
We're bringing "bullying" into it now? Really? Bullying?

And nobody is raving against a business model, they're "raving" against a broken game and the people that made blatant lies about what the game was.


Heh, nice to see all Walker had to do is point out how he dismissed his source, and defend the EA narrative and he goes completely troll mode, only specifically targeted at anyone not perfectly fine with SimCity.


With Gies's mention of the word bullying it is clear to me that he is actually a revolutionary fighting for the rights of small opressed studios not being allowed to use opressing methods of control. He is actually gaming's MLK, he is the hero this industry deserves.


Added the tweet to the OP, with credits to DaBuddaDa for pointing it out/finding it for us. All this, from trying to over sell EA's PR lines, while dismissing the source claiming otherwise.
With Gies's mention of the word bullying it is clear to me that he is actually a revolutionary fighting for the rights of small opressed studios not being allowed to use opressing methods of control. He is actually gaming's MLK, he is the hero this industry deserves.

gummb on notice


I posted this in the other thread, but this one seems to be livelier:

He has some more to say. I don't completely disagree with Arthur by the way, but I felt I needed to have my say.

Anyway, I screencapped it cuz that's quicker. Start right at the bottom and work your way up.




Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Victim mentality really is something to behold...

It's really gold that he's accusing others of "toeing the line" by being against his ridiculous views and EA's policies.
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