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Okay, TeamCG. Come own up to your foolishness. #trolljima

Is Joakim Mogren CG?

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So long as there is light... there will always be a shadow.

TeamCG is the light, TeamREAL are the shadows that want to avoid the truth we must all face. Let the sun in your eyes shine, take it in like a plant with chloroplast, absorbing the light. Let it in. Become green like Joakims eyes.
Kojima goes on stage: "Only the ipad with game images was CG....
"so team real was right about Joakim and Team CG was right that CG was used in the interview...

everyone right...

...do you rike?"

No sign of Joakim in the whole 2 hours, then trailers shows and in the end appears Joakim CG putting his reaction face and then looking at the camera saying "do you rike it?"

TeamCG rejoice with TeamReal.

What happens when the answer is a mix of real with CGI or some variation of 'both'?

TeamCG wins


Also, thank you based GAF ads:



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Holy fuck I just realized, imagine how absolutely awful the actual faces in whatever trailer/game they decide to show will look considering people think this is a cg-face :p



The definition of front-butt.
If you watch his jaw movement it's entirely possible his lower tooth passes beyond the canine tooth in that circular motion.

Ok I'm not getting caught up in this again. I'm out. Kojima needs to end this madness.
Holy fuck I just realized, imagine how absolutely awful the actual faces in whatever trailer/game they decide to show will look considering people think this is a cg-face :p

I see it as "This is how far we can push Fox Engine" kind of thing, so not expecting that kind of fidelity in the actual game.


So long as there is light... there will always be a shadow.

TeamCG is the light, TeamREAL are the shadows that want to avoid the truth we must all face. Let the sun in your eyes shine, take it in like a plant with chloroplast, absorbing the light. Let it in. Become green like Joakims eyes.

Like The End...


Holy fuck I just realized, imagine how absolutely awful the actual faces in whatever trailer/game they decide to show will look considering people think this is a cg-face :p


No matter what the graphics look like, the trailer will probably be amazing, we all win in the end.


Something about his hands when he was showing those pictures just looked "unnatural" -- they were almost too unblemished to belong a real person.



Can't believe this thread is still going.

If this was CG, won't it be the best CG ever made of a face(even if most of it is covered)?

...unless you count Jim Carrey, cause he has to be CG considering he makes way weird expressions :)


kojima keeps posting on twitter about the fox engine and photorealism
i'm convinced kojipro planted the "joakim is cg" seed themselves


Curiosity.... Has it been discussed in this thread whether TeamCG thinks that everything about Joakim is CG? As is that what is stated when a TeamCGer votes for TeamCG?

What I'm saying is: Do the vast majority of TeamCG think that everything about Joakim is CG?

The fingers and portions of his hands when he swipes up the iPad look pretty ridiculously to this graphic lames eyes, and there is a bit of dirt under the forefinger of Joakim's right hand as he swipes up to show the pictures of Phantom Pain.

Which brings me to another thing that is bothering me: Why show pictures/screenshots of the game on an iPad, and why would "New Pictures" matter to anybody when what seems to matter more is: "Why the hell is he bandaged?"

Why are the Eyes and Mouth areas the only place that are revealed on "Joakim's" face? It is not coincidence that there is a character in the game in a hospital that has the same areas bandaged.

Why does mOGREn bulge his eyes out at the mention of the "Fox Engine" is he having a nightmarish memory of some form of trauma? It seems that way.

There is nothing ordinary about any of the execution of this "interview" it seems to me.

Lots of deliberately executed things happening here.

  • "Kojima/Joakim" Morgren/mOGREn"
  • Wisp of blonde hair on "Joakim": to lead you to believe it is not Snake or Kojima (dark hair) (when it could be partially Kojima, if he was the man in the mo-cap suit and if it was his eyes, mouth, neck, or some combination of those being show here...
  • "Mogren's" eyes being closed all the time: are our eyes closed to the truth?
  • "Mogren's" "eye bulge" at the end: Trauma? Fear of trauma? Fear of something it seems...
  • Ridiculous "Hand Model" close up shot of "Joakim's" hand and fingers: to show off the quality level of animation and detail? or to Contrast the Future of Tech (his fingers) with the "primitive" Tech of now? (iPad and screenshots!; welcome to 10 or so years ago where screenshots were more commonplace than the here and now of Youtube HD and frame by frame analysis of Trailers... :)
  • Putting no background except some text behind "Joakim": To allow the maximum quality level possible for the Real Time render of a real mocap actor with all the bells and whistles attached to him?

I voted TeamCG just because I would love for just that "interview" portion (almost certainly not gameplay in realtime to look that photorealistic) to be a realization of the goals of these game developers to create a photorealistic "person", but I really wouldn't be surprised if only the eyes, mouth, and neck were CG, but the movement of the actors head was mo-caped; iow: TeamHybrid.

But if all the CG'ers turn out to be wrong and it is revealed that there was absolutely NO CG whatsoever in the interview video at all, then I won't be surprised about that either, because, frankly, "Mogren" looks ridiculously, incredibly, real. No discernible Uncanny Valley that I can gather from watching the video; only odd character behavior and strange interview dynamics going on: black background, eyes closed a lot, bandages, only headshots, no shots of "Mogren's" body to confirm that he is a real person, etc...

So my devotion is not A or B, Black or White, right or wrong. Just kind of torn, and wanted to pick the more "fun vote" ;)

Edit: It's hard to see looking at the video when you pause, but "Mogren's" forefinger has a fingernail that has been cut to look sort of fang-like "v shaped" as it were..... take a look and tell me why Kojima or the Developers would program his forefinger to have a v shaped point on it? Vamp? Subliminal "pointer" telling you to "look" at what your seeing? I don't know, but I love digging deeper even when there is no definitive way to prove what something symbolizes or means... :)


Can we ban TeamCG once it's revealed this was a well executed /v/ hoax? Or at least force them to only post in a "Carnival of Stupid" subforum until E3?


254 people will be in for a rude awakening when we find out the truth. We are all CG, a part of the worlds biggest cut-scene and Joakim is our lord and savior.


Can we ban TeamCG once it's revealed this was a well executed /v/ hoax? Or at least force them to only post in a "Carnival of Stupid" subforum until E3?

A bit of fun Pride is all that is at stake here, not a hazing and demoralization of the "loser"...
In the other vote, we were winning by 57 votes: 703 CG to 646 Real.

CG has 6 more days on GAF including a weekend where some who might be too busy will check on the weekend and then vote...

That's what we keep telling ourselves... 0_o

good man! thanks for providing the old stats. BTW this is one of the most genius video game marketing campaigns ever conceived, everything from the VGA Phantom Pain trailer to this interview. What other developer would do this? Nobody else can do it!!


I'm pretty sure Team CG is just as aware as Team Real at how ridiculous the idea of him being CG actually is at this point.
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