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Sonic Lost World Wii U Exclusive


Although the posting of the Sonic Cycle did get a little obnoxious, it doesn't compare to the even worse "CYCLE BROKEN NURR NURR" responses because Sonic Colours was an average passable game and not broken terrible shit like thats some sort of achievement the fanbase's collective heart swells with pride over.

that's not being fair to sonic colors. a lot of attention was paid to level design, multiple paths, and how to play levels in multiple ways. the presentation was slick, the rewards were awesome, and the features were great. it's a good game- maybe even a great one.

sonic generations is also really good. its flaws are more apparent with a less tidy presentation, but it was full of stuff to do, and the good things were actually fucking great. some awesome levels in there.
So your saying that the Wii Sonic games weren't mainline games because they...innovated? That's the strangest arguement I've heard in a long time. Is Zelda 2 not a mainline game cause it was a sidescroller game? Was Mario Sunshine not a mainline game cause it had Fludd? As far as I'm concerned, if a Sonic game is a 3d platformer, its a mainline game, not to mention that all the wii sonic games got levels in Generations, which means that SEGA consider them mainline games.

They feature gameplay mechanics that wouldn't otherwise be found in a traditional Sonic game, whereas the releases on PS360 do. Colours is the closest Nintendo-exclusive Sonic I would consider part of the mainline series, and let me just say that just because I consider something a spin-off, it doesn't necessarily come with negative undertones.

Colours got one level in Generations, Planet Wisp, the rest did not. Hell, even Sonic 2006 and Sonic Heroes got one in, though I suspect Heroes inclusion was due to the time gap between SA2 and '06.
Lol are they expecting to see Mario&Sonic for PS4??
Hell are they looking forward to Mario & Sonic Wii U? It's just another minigame collection!

They feature gameplay mechanics that wouldn't otherwise be found in a traditional Sonic game, whereas the releases on PS360 do. Colours is the closest Nintendo-exclusive Sonic I would consider part of the mainline series, and let me just say that just because I consider something a spin-off, it doesn't necessarily come with negative undertones.

Colours got one level in Generations, Planet Wisp, the rest did not. Hell, even Sonic 2006 and Sonic Heroes got one in, though I suspect Heroes inclusion was due to the time gap between SA2 and '06.
After the original games going by that logic every single Sonic game featured non-traditional 'Sonic' mechanics. Hell, Colors' fairly traditional-platformer powerups seem less weird in a Sonic game than fishing, treasure hunting, mechs, werehogs, shooting, psychic bullshittery and team-mechanics were.

Realize you're not shitting on the game, but I'm pretty sure SEGA see it as a 'main' Sonic game. Also Heroes was probably in Generations due to it being Iizuka's baby and not any real fan-demand for yet another version of Green Hill. Think Crisis City and S'06 in general was only in Generations since being an HD game it was really easy to port over a lot of those assets from the original game compared to the new ones they had to do for the first half of the game and an excuse to use Silver again (though funnily enough I liked his boss fight the best out of the hedgehog clones).
I always hyped for new Sonic games but problem with me is that I never buy those games :D
Im Crazy bastard.. No Im waiting for Sonic game that are going to past mediocre level.
Considering how cheap it is (ten bucks!) on Steam I'd at least recommend Generations on the PC. While clearly rushed in some areas like bosses and story (uh) I found it to be a really great platformer, though I also spent next to nothing for it even at launch. If you hate it, the most you have to lose is a few bucks.


They feature gameplay mechanics that wouldn't otherwise be found in a traditional Sonic game, whereas the releases on PS360 do. Colours is the closest Nintendo-exclusive Sonic I would consider part of the mainline series, and let me just say that just because I consider something a spin-off, it doesn't necessarily come with negative undertones.

Colours got one level in Generations, Planet Wisp, the rest did not. Hell, even Sonic 2006 and Sonic Heroes got one in, though I suspect Heroes inclusion was due to the time gap between SA2 and '06.

Secret Rings and Black Knight have always been considered as part of the story book spin-off series by Sega (it even had a special logo that can be seen on Black Knight's cover), while Colors was not. It's not exactly rocket science. I'm not even sure why it matters though. Normally a crossover game of sorts like Generations wouldn't be considered mainline in most other game series either. :p

That being said, if Lost World was supposed to be a multiplat game at first until Nintendo bought exclusivity, they made kind of a bad job doing so. People are so used to Nintendo exclusive Sonic games that no one would have been surprised one way or another if they didn't announce it as part of an exclusive partnership. Even then two of the three games we know of so far seem to be in-line with the Sonic content Nintendo consoles got in recent years anyway.


They feature gameplay mechanics that wouldn't otherwise be found in a traditional Sonic game, whereas the releases on PS360 do. Colours is the closest Nintendo-exclusive Sonic I would consider part of the mainline series, and let me just say that just because I consider something a spin-off, it doesn't necessarily come with negative undertones.

Colours got one level in Generations, Planet Wisp, the rest did not. Hell, even Sonic 2006 and Sonic Heroes got one in, though I suspect Heroes inclusion was due to the time gap between SA2 and '06.

Looked at the list and your right, its only Colors, but doesn't that make at least Colors mainstream? Adding new elements and changing elements doesn't mean its not a mainline game. Is Sonic Adventure not mainline because it was 3D instead of 2D? Is Sonic Unleashed not mainline because it had the warehog section?

Secondly, how do you KNOW that the new sonic game isn't mainstream from a single screenshot of the hub world?
After the original games going by that logic every single Sonic game featured non-traditional 'Sonic' mechanics. Hell, Colors' fairly traditional-platformer powerups seem less weird in a Sonic game than fishing, treasure hunting, mechs, werehogs, shooting, psychic bullshittery and team-mechanics were.

Realize you're not shitting on the game, but I'm pretty sure SEGA see it as a 'main' Sonic game. Also Heroes was probably in Generations due to it being Iizuka's baby and not any real fan-demand for yet another version of Green Hill. Think Crisis City and S'06 in general was only in Generations since being an HD game it was really easy to port over a lot of those assets from the original game compared to the new ones they had to do for the first half of the game and an excuse to use Silver again (though funnily enough I liked his boss fight the best out of the hedgehog clones).

I know what you're saying, but '06, Unleashed and Generations still feature a Sonic campaign without the bullshit. It's as pure Sonic as you're going to get unless Iizuka has a breakthrough in game design.

Colours, yes, I'm going to agree. One of the best Sonic games since SA1 (sry guys, I actually liked Unleashed :D)

Silver's boss fight was the best in Generations. How sad is that, lol.

I'm already hyped, and I haven't even read the article.

I need a WiiU...

I need to have some idea of Nintendo's future support for the Wii U before I pick it up. I need to see Mario Kart U! But Bayonetta 2 and Sonic Lost World are pretty good incentives :)

Considering how cheap it is (ten bucks!) on Steam I'd at least recommend Generations on the PC. While clearly rushed in some areas like bosses and story (uh) I found it to be a really great platformer, though I also spent next to nothing for it even at launch. If you hate it, the most you have to lose is a few bucks.

Indeed. Everyone should get Generations, especially if you game on a PC.


Despite Wii U sales, All Stars racing transformed sold equally well, (if not best, can't remember the exact figures at the moment) on Wii U. Generations was MP, yes. Colours, which generations followed immediately on from (because at one point you see eggman flashback to when he was lost out in space after the end of colours, which is when he found the time eater). One mainline game being MP doesn't mean anything in terms of any other sonic games.

It probably helps that sonic colours overall sales ended up rivaling generations despite the larger push behind generations, and it being on 4 consoles (PS3,Xbox 360, PC and 3DS) vs just the wii.

Yes, although i don't know the details behind Colours being exclusive. If the Wii U version will sell fine anyhow then why would Sega refuse itself all the sales from the other SKUs if it weren't 'compensated' by Nintendo?

don't make me go back a few pages in this thread an repost the numbers, because it was posted several times that:
1.) sonic racing sold more on wiiu than on ps360 despite its lower install base
2.) every sonic title on a nintendo plattform outsold their "hd counterpart" on ps360 by quite a bit
3.) sonic generations 3ds outsold generations 360+ps3 (probably even + pc, but that's unknown)

multiplattform is probably not even worth the effort for sega, especially if nintendo helps with promotion
it's like the western developer ninteno cycle, only the other way around this time.
next time the wiiu gets left out by a major publisher, I hope I'll see you there defending it's pride.
If the other SKUs sold enough to be worthwhile then there's no reason to drop them w\o Nintendo giving money and support.

Why would i defend a console that a publisher decided not to make games for? How is it relevant to the subject of platform-holders approaching 3rd parties to secure exclusives of games which are most likely already in production for several platforms? You will see me calling out such arrangements whenever they happen.
Considering how cheap it is (ten bucks!) on Steam I'd at least recommend Generations on the PC. While clearly rushed in some areas like bosses and story (uh) I found it to be a really great platformer, though I also spent next to nothing for it even at launch. If you hate it, the most you have to lose is a few bucks.

Thats pretty good deal.. but why its so cheap?
Can we expect some media from this game during E3?
The Direct seemed to imply it'll get a proper announcement before E3 even starts, so I'd be extremely surprised if it's not at E3 and coming out this year. Not sure how legit but a few people are claiming an accidental leak on SEGA's facebook page said the game will be shown off properly on May 29th; maybe another Nintendo Direct?

Thats pretty good deal.. but why its so cheap?
It bombed pretty badly on PC despite being far superior to the console versions (60fps, AA, tons of fan mods). Hell, I think it may have launched at something like $20, so SEGA obviously didn't have much faith in that version doing well from the get-go. :/


The Direct seemed to imply it'll get a proper announcement before E3 even starts, so I'd be extremely surprised if it's not at E3 and coming out this year. Not sure how legit but a few people are claiming an accidental leak on SEGA's facebook page said the game will be shown off properly on May 29th; maybe another Nintendo Direct?



Why would i defend a console that a publisher decided not to make games for? How is it relevant to the subject of platform-holders approaching 3rd parties to secure exclusives of games which are most likely already in production for several platforms? You will see me calling out such arrangements whenever they happen.

That's exactly what's happening here though. a publisher decided not to release the game for certain systems. those systems being ps360 for once.
If this game was in production for a multi plattform release, they would've at least teased it a while ago. they didn't. It's the same deal colors got (wii+ds game).
there is no reason to assume otherwise.
Yes, although i don't know the details behind Colours being exclusive. If the Wii U version will sell fine anyhow then why would Sega refuse itself all the sales from the other SKUs if it weren't 'compensated' by Nintendo?

If the other SKUs sold enough to be worthwhile then there's no reason to drop them w\o Nintendo giving money and support.


sonic sells pretty shit on non nintendo platforms, sonc sells very shit in japan (again though less shit on nintendo platforms), perhaps sega think nintendo can do a better job of pushing the game than they ever could


SEGA just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase Sonic Lost World for the Wii U, nor will they purchase any of SEGA's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but SEGA has alienated an entire market with this move.

SEGA, publicly apologize and make Sonic Lost World multi-platform or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Hahaha, but the funny thing is that Japan doesn't give a shit about Sonic.

Yeah, that's what I meant (and said) generations is traditional/classic sonic. Adventure is an adventure game... I'm basing it on the name 'Lost World' and that it's Nintendo exclusive.

It being Nintendo exclusive has nothing to do with that conclusion.


It being Nintendo exclusive has nothing to do with that conclusion.

The name is a giveaway as it is. Being on Nintendo makes sense too though. Slower gameplay, more exploration and story.

Most PS360/PC players will want a generations sequel though.
The name is a giveaway as it is. Being on Nintendo makes sense too though. Slower gameplay, more exploration and story.

Most PS360/PC players will want a generations sequel though.
I'm not understanding where you're drawing any of your conclusions from at all.


The name is a giveaway as it is. Being on Nintendo makes sense too though. Slower gameplay, more exploration and story.

Most PS360/PC players will want a generations sequel though.

lol, I don't understand anything you're saying now. Sonic Colors was more or less what defined Generations and it was Nintendo exclusive and fast-paced, minimal story, & has as much exploration as Generatoons. You're always trying to paint a picture of each platform owner and it is really pathetic to be quite honest.

Drawing a conclusion from the name Lost World does make it seem adventure-y, which is a totally fine conclusion, but stating Ningendo exclusive as a reason is quite silly and has some implications you're trying to say.

its a final fantasy 13 meme/meltdown

Yea I know. :3


So Sonic adventure games would be better for the older games according to some of you lot. Fair enough Sonic games on Wii were more similar to classic sonic than the adventure games, but that doesn't mean it make what I said any less suitable.

Don't be so defensive. It's pretty basic what I'm saying and you lot pretending like the demographics aren't different is pretty futile.

But yeah, okay, the name was the biggest giveaway :p Being Wii U exclusive just sealed it.

and when the 3rd game turns out to be a wii u generations sequel?

I'll eat my avatar for 3 months.


So Sonic adventure games would be better for the older games according to some of you lot.

Don't be so defensive. It's pretty basic what I'm saying and you lot pretending like the demographics aren't different is pretty futile.

I don't think any of us said anything about the Sonic Adventure games, not really sure what you're sayin here.

Everyone wants a Sonic Colors/Generations sequel. There is something you're trying to say is there, but it isn't.


Membero Americo
Weird to see Nintendo and Sega becoming such good buddies after 15 years of Blast Processing and Sega does what Nintendon't.


I don't think any of us said anything about the Sonic Adventure games, not really sure what you're sayin here.

Everyone wants a Sonic Colors/Generations sequel. There is something you're trying to say is there, but it isn't.

If you managed to reply three times and each time try to negate what I said without understanding it then I don't know why you keep replying. Maybe you should ask for specific clarification. More likely you know exactly what I'm saying. Nintendo's demographic is full of kids, and that isn't okay for you for some reason.

Adventure games have slower, less difficult gameplay than generations. They're more aimed at younger kids who have the patience for forced exploration of a Sonic world.

Pretending that Nintendo's demographics had no bearing on having an adventure type game exclusive to the Wii U is dumb.

Generations 2 Wii U exclusive? Come on.

Maybe I'm wrong and it's not an adventure game. Those suck pretty bad. Lost World is just a name afterall.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'm a Wii U owner and I definitely want Sonic Lost World to be the fastest platformer yet with a high difficulty and no overworld, collecting, Big, Silver, treasure hunting or likewise bs. I don't think this is exclusive to PS360 owners, it's just that I am a Sonic fan and want a Sonic game that does what Sonic games do best.
So Sonic adventure games would be better for the older games according to some of you lot. Fair enough Sonic games on Wii were more similar to classic sonic than the adventure games, but that doesn't mean it make what I said any less suitable.

Don't be so defensive. It's pretty basic what I'm saying and you lot pretending like the demographics aren't different is pretty futile.

But yeah, okay, the name was the biggest giveaway :p Being Wii U exclusive just sealed it.

I'll eat my avatar for 3 months.
I quite honestly do not understand what you're talking about and this post is the most confusing of the lot.

The first two sentences.....what are you even saying??


I quite honestly do not understand what you're talking about and this post is the most confusing of the lot.

The first two sentences.....what are you even saying??

How is it possible to still not get this.

Older gamers sure as shit don't want to play another sonic adventure.
PS360 is classically older gamers, Nintendo, younger.


If you managed to reply three times and each time try to negate what I said without understanding it then I don't know why you keep replying. Maybe you should ask for specific clarification. More likely you know exactly what I'm saying. Nintendo's demographic is full of kids, and that isn't okay for you for some reason.

Adventure games have slower, less difficult gameplay than generations. They're more aimed at younger kids who have the patience for forced exploration of a Sonic world.

Pretending that Nintendo's demographics had no bearing on having an adventure type game exclusive to the Wii U is dumb.

And that's why Sonic Colors was released on the Wii with its slower gameplay, less difficulty, and more focus on exploration.

How is it possible to still not get this.

Older gamers sure as shit don't want to play another sonic adventure.
PS360 is classically older gamers, Nintendo, younger.

There definitely is not a lot of older gamers on Nintendo platforms and people who don't want games like Sonic Adventure on there too.

I won't deny there is a sizable audience of kids on Nintendo platforms, but the imlications you said before is bullshit.


Membero Americo
Wait so because of the name and the fact that it's a Wii U exclusive automatically means it's a spin-off?

Because that sure was Colors case!

WTF kind of logic is that!?


^ Yeah. It's pretty plausible I'd say but obviously will have to wait and see. It coming to 3DS might make it less likely to be a large adventure game.

And that's why Sonic Colors was released on the Wii with its slower gameplay, less difficulty, and more focus on exploration.

We've been through this already. Colours being released doesn't change what I said. It's not like adventure games are the only choice, just not a choice for adult gamers. Pretty sure Colors was easier btw and it's hardly standalone, it was built off Unleashed basically iirc.

Generations being an exclusive sequel on Wii U would make a difference though. As long as Nintendo didn't moneyhatt them like crazy, and we all know they wouldn't do that otherwise.


We've been through this already. Colours being released doesn't change what I said. It's not like adventure games are the only choice, just not a choice for adult gamers. Pretty sure Colors was easier btw.

Generations being an exclusive sequel on Wii U would make a difference though. As long as Nintendo didn't moneyhatt them like crazy, and we all know they wouldn't do that otherwise.

You do realize that Sonic Colors was Wii exclusive right? Colors was as hard as Generations. It had the same gameplay and focus on story.

Now let's get to the obvious, the demographics for the Wii U right now is more favorable to older gamers due to it being its first year.


You do realize that Sonic Colors was Wii exclusive right? Colors was as hard as Generations. It had the same gameplay and focus on story.

Now let's get to the obvious, the demographics for the Wii U right now is more favorable to older gamers due to it being its first year.

True about the timing but I thought this was just an announcement and it was expected down the line?

Colors was sort of based on Unleashed. Sure it was exclusive, but it wasn't the only title of its kind on any platform, they tried it on PS360 first.

Btw I'm reading that it's also on 3DS from other sites - that suggests non-adventure game to me tbh, unless it will look like ass - Sonic needs large levels and in 3D that will be tough.
I'm a Wii U owner and I definitely want Sonic Lost World to be the fastest platformer yet with a high difficulty and no overworld, collecting, Big, Silver, treasure hunting or likewise bs. I don't think this is exclusive to PS360 owners, it's just that I am a Sonic fan and want a Sonic game that does what Sonic games do best.

Pretty much. I think it's in Nintendo & Sega's interest here to push something that really harks back to classic Sonic (thinking the Megadrive entries, especially with the classic Tornado in the concept art) rather than something in the SA vein.
Which Sonic games on Wii had "slower, less difficult gameplay" ?

I guess Black Knight, but I barely consider that a game, let alone a Sonic game.

Colors was sort of based on Unleashed. Sure it was exclusive, but it wasn't the only title of its kind on any platform, they tried it on PS360 first.

Unleashed easily sold best on Wii. The fact that generations wasn't on Wii is one of their biggest mistakes. Even on the bombing Wii U Sonic Racing did well. This is why this game is exclusive.


^ Yeah. It's pretty plausible I'd say but obviously will have to wait and see. It coming to 3DS might make it less likely to be a large adventure game.

We've been through this already. Colours being released doesn't change what I said. It's not like adventure games are the only choice, just not a choice for adult gamers. Pretty sure Colors was easier btw and it's hardly standalone, it was built off Unleashed basically iirc.

Generations being an exclusive sequel on Wii U would make a difference though. As long as Nintendo didn't moneyhatt them like crazy, and we all know they wouldn't do that otherwise.

slower, articulate platformers = for everyone ( + adults)
balls-to-the-walls speed = for kids/teenagers

you're completely off base here. i don't even understand how you can mix this one up. what makes you think kiddies don't enjoy running at the speed of light? the controls aren't complex or anything. generations was more eye candy than complex control mechanics. an adventure-style game doesn't help nintendo's mix. they already have 3D Mario coming out this year.


^ I never said kids wouldn't enjoy fast speed also, I said adults wouldn't enjoy Sonic adventure type gameplay (mostly). Have you played Sonic Adventure recently? It's terrible, no one over 12 has the patience for that. It's not Mario 3D.

Unleashed easily sold best on Wii. The fact that generations wasn't on Wii is one of their biggest mistakes. Even on the bombing Wii U Sonic Racing did well. This is why this game is exclusive.

Oh... I forgot it was on Wii.


True about the timing but I thought this was just an announcement and it was expected down the line?

Colors was sort of based on Unleashed. Sure it was exclusive, but it wasn't the only title of its kind on any platform, they tried it on PS360 first.

Btw I'm reading that it's also on 3DS from other sites - that suggests non-adventure game to me tbh, unless it will look like ass - Sonic needs large levels and in 3D that will be tough.

True, but I doubt it will change until later on.

Sonic Unleashed was also on the Wii, and pretty sure it sold the best.

3DS version will most likely be different a la Generations 3DS.


^ I never said kids wouldn't enjoy fast speed also, I said adults wouldn't enjoy Sonic adventure type gameplay (mostly). Have you played Sonic Adventure recently? It's terrible, no one over 12 has the patience for that. It's not Mario 3D.

i dunno i think it is a good idea. i assume a new sonic adventure game would still be based on their latest engine and have gameplay identical to the modern sonic sections in Generations. it just might have a hub, Chao Garden, and a real story rather then whatever mess was in Generations.


^ Gameplay being like the modern section in generations would be nothing like adventure imo! Maybe I'm remembering adventure wrong but it was no way near as linear. Lots of silly walking type exploring. But anyway, that was in a different age of design and basically their first proper (you know what I mean) 3D platformer attempt.

Whatever it turns out to be, I doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as Adventure is to play now. It was great at the time. But Sega have had some really great output recently.

Man, I hope they aren't dropping the generations style and just simply going back to their previous 3D though. Generations was so perfect.
I don't even mind if Lost World is a form of generations and it's Wii U exclusive as it will be something new to play but they better release more elsewhere too, unless they want it to flop right? I don't how how Generations sold, hopefully did alright on all consoles, deserves to. Had a great initial price here on PC too, £20 on steam.
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