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E3: Sony with some bad news?

I think Sony is actually being very smart with the whole used games thing.
They are going to allow it, just as we have always done, while increasingly motivating it's gamers to move to DD. With PS+ we already are quite used to downloading large games and as the following generation moves along we should see more incentives to move do DD.

Yeah, the best way to get rid of used games is to just convince us to move to Digital Distribution. I love my discs but if they start doing steam-level digital downloads with amazing discounts like Steam I would start going all DD in an instant. Boom, no more used games, and no complaints except from die-hard retail peoples. The only reason I care about used games is for the cheaper price anyway. The only thing I'd miss is Gamefly :(


It's weird, I don't see that at all. I just see some valid consumer skepticism being brushed off as MS fanboy butthurt sentiment. Disappointing GAF.

I'm all about the PS4 at the moment but Sony (or publishers producing content for the platform) won't be getting a free pass from me until the ink is dry on the final details regarding their relationship with DRM and publishers regarding this matter.

I'm not going to put my chips on the table until after E3 and closer to the launch window when these anti-consumer policies are more clear. For the record, I'm appalled at MS's publisher-happy direction going forward.

Seriously ?

Sony have said already in this matter and they have left it to publishers.
Threads are being created and posts are been made because MS has done, so sony will do as well. Pretty much enough reasons have been given why Sony wont do and yet people still instead of replying to the points made are still posting same old shit in other thread and here as well.

Skepticism is fine and people do have valid reason to raise about but its quite obvious if you read some posts, you would see members wanting Sony to do that just because MS has done it.

I do not wish to pinpoint the posts but its quite obvious.

I am not trying to be a Sony defender but as a gamer i want this not to happen because i want at least 1/2 consoles to be pro gamer rather then anti consumer like xbox one.


Sony bad news? GAF? Is it you Vita?

This sounds like another one of the seemingly incessant litany of M$ apologist threads.

Trying to explain how no used games is "the future" and we must all be docile and bow to the "new reality", plus how Sony must almost certainly "follow suit".

Its getting really tiresome.

If people demand their consumer right be protected, THEY WILL BE!

The problem is it seems like we get too many people telling us to roll over and capitulate.
It's weird, I don't see that at all. I just see some valid consumer skepticism being brushed off as MS fanboy butthurt sentiment. Disappointing GAF.

I'm all about the PS4 at the moment but Sony (or publishers producing content for the platform) won't be getting a free pass from me until the ink is dry on the final details regarding their relationship with DRM and publishers regarding this matter.

I'm not going to put my chips on the table until after E3 and closer to the launch window when these anti-consumer policies are more clear. For the record, I'm appalled at MS's publisher-happy direction going forward.

I feel the same way, I won't believe it until I see it but I have faith that they won't make the same blunders. They don't have much face to lose compared to Xbox, considering they've been playing catch up for years now.

I feel the same way about PS4's remote play, again I'll believe it when I see it because of how remote play was a joke for the entirety of the Vita's life so far.

Hopefully E3 will prove me wrong, hopefully.


Electronic Arts


Sony has a lot of leverage too. They're not at the mercy of publishers as this is a symbiotic relationship where both parties have great benefits to work with each other. Activision and EA without Sony's business would be in a world trouble, don't think otherwise.

Wow, I didn't realise the split was so close, EA even making more on PS3 for Q4. I guess all those European FIFA sales or what are they projecting? Maybe EA is betting on the wrong horse if they are partnering with MS. Really can't see Sony having to cave in to the publishers seeing that data.
I read the OP twice and still fail to see the point.

Is this another "lets try and shift some negativity on Sony for some theoretical reason" thread?

It's getting really silly at this point.

"wait for the unveil, megatons incoming"
"the specs are old, they've been upgraded"
"eh, i guess 24hr online authentication isn't really always online"
"guys wait, sony might be doing it too"


Electronic Arts


Sony has a lot of leverage too. They're not at the mercy of publishers as this is a symbiotic relationship where both parties have great benefits to work with each other. Activision and EA without Sony's business would be in a world trouble, don't think otherwise.

None of that proves what i said to be wrong.

If CoD was not on PS4 then all those fans would simply buy an XB1. They wouldnt still buy a PS4 and just do without CoD.

Its laughable to think that Sony would be ok without the publisher that had 4 of the top 5 selling games on their previous console.

def sim

I do not wish to pinpoint the posts but its quite obvious.

It'd help instead of having all these seemingly passive aggressive posts that aren't directed at anybody.

Saying this one scenario won't happen is taking an executives words at face value. Technically, MS can say they don't block used games and aren't always online when it's much more complicated than that. There's a discussion here somewhere but there are all these people trying so damn hard to complain about something that is, maybe, vaguely here in this thread at best.

I'm confident there are people in this forum who want Sony to spectacularly stumble the same way MS did, but it's not necessary to block out conversation just to preemptively shit on them.


Both companies are going to give us Move and Kinect nonsense. I've been saying it for awhile but Nintendo have a chance to give us the best show at E3. They are the only ones who can solely focus on games.

BRB winning E3 without even having a huge conference.


This sounds like another one of the seemingly incessant litany of M$ apologist threads.

Trying to explain how no used games is "the future" and we must all be docile and bow to the "new reality", plus how Sony must almost certainly "follow suit".

Its getting really tiresome.

If people demand their consumer right be protected, THEY WILL BE!

The problem is it seems like we get too many people telling us to roll over and capitulate.

l just love posts like this. You can't question Sony, after all, they have so forthcoming since February about their stance on anything. They haven't said SHIT; at least MS is trying to, feebly I might add, but trying to explain things. I can only speak for myself here but I want Sony and MS to do well. There is a legitmate concern that the industry may be heading this way and questioning Sony is just fair. To take it as anything else makes you sound like what you call the other side.
None of that proves what i said to be wrong.

If CoD was not on PS4 then all those fans would simply buy an XB1. They wouldnt still buy a PS4 and just do without CoD.

Its laughable to think that Sony would be ok without the publisher that had 4 of the top 5 selling games on their previous console.

What makes you think Activision gives a shit about used games? They're the only major publisher to not bother with online passes.
None of that proves what i said to be wrong.

If CoD was not on PS4 then all those fans would simply buy an XB1. They wouldnt still buy a PS4 and just do without CoD.

Its laughable to think that Sony would be ok without the publisher that had 4 of the top 5 selling games on their previous console.
It's a symbiotic relationship. Sony and Microsoft need EA and Activision. EA and Activision need Sony and Microsoft.

If the bar in those tables that's labelled PS3 was suddenly reduced to zero, the bar that says Xbox 360 would not suddenly increase by the same amount of revenues lost. It's folly to believe so.

Publishers intend to continue selling games on the PS3 and 360 for years to come. They aren't going divorce themselves from a third of their revenues.


Didn't say whether it had a fee though, and going by their online pass shenanigans this gen, I'm somewhat worried and skeptical. ($0.02)

To block used (single player) games in that way that would require PS4 to be always on, Yoshida already confirmed PS4 doesn't require an internet connection.
who knows.

Sony will do something dumb..they always do. be it the price or not showing enough games.

as for the other stuff. To be fair, it is a concern but I think the reason people are less attacky of Sony is due to there npt being as many rumors.

Edge(and other) pretty much got the Xbox right in terms of leaks. So one could take from that their sources are legit...those same source said that Sony had no DRM in place or at worst simply allows pub to do as they please..

There is a concern that this is simply the way things will be for everyone but the likelyhood is less.

i do wish people would stop calling each other fanboys and stuff tho.

Regardless..all we can do is wait....or if someone asks.

that would be swell.
That depends if Sony succumbed to the pressure of publishers. Top Dogs like EA and Activision are the reason Microsoft had to come out that that bullshit DDR stuff. If Sony refuses they might see their western third party support dropping. A Bleak future to everyone.
If that is possible the publisher have the infrastructure already in place for it.
Look how fast online pass and day one dlc caught on.

Yes, but this is expensive for the publisher. It means dedicating resources to the authentication for games. Therefore, I don't know how many would bother with it.
I have a question, someone help me out. Were there any rumors from euro gamer ,vgleaks and similar now proven credible sources indicating ps4 would have always online or anti used drm? I ask this because so far most rumors from these sources have been true and had in cases extensive information on what was going on with the ps4 and had such things been in the works it would have probably been reported in a similar fashion ad with the One. Don't get me wrong, I have no doubts that anti used and always online will show up on ps4 , through allowing publishers the choice of doing them if they please, but I don't see why one would be under the impression "it's gonna be the same as the Xbox". Because if it was the same, it would have probably been reported as rumor, unless Sony hadn't implemented by the time these sites got their info or somehow their sources got everything ( specs, share button info , streaming info, pics of the controller) but info on these features being implemented .


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You can't question Sony, after all, they have so forthcoming since February about their stance on anything. They haven't said SHIT
Lol, they've said plenty. They certainly haven't filled in all the blanks yet but if the highbar is based on how forthright MS has been, Sony has cleared that hurdle easily at this point. You just apparently chose not to pay attention.


Sony has a lot of interest in developing countries, though, which would be enough reason not to require working internet that never has 24 hour outages and allowing used games for people who might not have internet connections.
It's a symbiotic relationship. Sony and Microsoft need EA and Activision. EA and Activision need Sony and Microsoft.

If the bar in those tables that's labelled PS3 was suddenly reduced to zero, the bar that says Xbox 360 would not suddenly increase by the same amount of revenues lost. It's folly to believe so.

Publishers intend to continue selling games on the PS3 and 360 for years to come. They aren't going divorce themselves from a third of their revenues.

At one point EA needed Nintendo and Sega, then they only needed Sony, later it went to MS and Sony. Publishers change their allegiance depending on the circumstances they have determined benefits them the most.

Im not going to pretend like i know what EA or any other publisher wants to do. But im not gonna act like publsishers havent left console manufacturers in the past and still survived. Remember at one point it was impossible to think Square would leave Nintendo and its audience. Those fans seem to find their way to the store and pick up a PSX along with FF7.


Lol, they've said plenty. They certainly haven't filled in all the blanks yet but if the highbar is based on how forthright MS has been, Sony has cleared that hurdle easily at this point. You just apparently chose not to pay attention.

What have they done remotely close to what MS has done in the last 2 days? There haven't been any Q&A's, just random quotes I found in February. Direct me to them.


Sony leaving it to the publishers doesn't fill me with confidence. I think a lot of the people playing defense here may be in for a rude awakening soon enough.
What have they done remotely close to what MS has done in the last 2 days? There haven't been any Q&A's, just random quotes I found in February. Direct me to them.

Dude...no shit. Microsoft JUST announced their console. So of course they answered mroe questions recently.

Sony has been quiet since February sure and i wish someone would do their job and ocntact them for some more questions...but come on.

Sony got asked similar questions when they revealed the system. they answered them (not always clearly). Microsoft answered them..with various answers..but still.

The bottom line is that vauge or not Sony has shown mroe signs that whatever their system is, it isn't like microsoft's. They have said that you can play the system without internet connections due to other markets with weak internet systems. Microsoft has said that yeah you can play without it BUT it does need to be connected. the difference in their answers..while both vauge can point to Sony not having an always online system...thus one can kinda think that there is no authorization system..and thus the only blocking system would have to come from publishers.

That is why Sony has gotten less heat for it...the signs don't point to it other than "well they gotta now that Microsoft is doing it.." which is a reach.

the lacking rumors, the fact that Japan thrives off of used games, the fact that the Vita doesn't, the fact that they kinda outright stated it (vaugely) all point to them not doing it.

IT could change for sure...but this is why Microsoft is getting shanked and Sony isn't. You can't get angry at something you aren't sure of...i am sure if Sony does the exact same shit..they will get shanked too.

I think all we will see is a more restrictive pass system..in which it would be on a game by game basis..which would hopefully allow people to simply not buy that shit.
At one point EA needed Nintendo and Sega, then they only needed Sony, later it went to MS and Sony. Publishers change their allegiance depending on the circumstances they have determined benefits them the most.

Im not going to pretend like i know what EA or any other publisher wants to do. But im not gonna act like publsishers havent left console manufacturers in the past and still survived. Remember at one point it was impossible to think Square would leave Nintendo and its audience. Those fans seem to find their way to the store and pick up a PSX along with FF7.
It could happen in the future. If the PS4 takes off leaving the XBOXO behind or vice versa, then publishers may start to veer towards one or the other. But in terms of the hands dealt right now they are too reliant on both Sony and Microsoft for their revenues.

Take Need for Speed just announced. EA wants PS3 and 360 versions. To make only an XBO version could lead to Sony saying, no, we won't let you publish it on the PS3 or vice versa for Microsoft. And there goes a third of the revenues for that title. Etc.
Sony intelligently put that blame on the publisher. It's much better optics even if the results are the same.
A system wide restriction is not the same thing as something a publisher may or may not opt for.

I can avoid those particular publishers and games that are onerous while still enjoying the platform as a whole, just like the PC.

The only way to opt out of that on the Xbone is to avoid the console entirely.


Microsoft in a way can enable Sony to take the same route and lock out that market entirely. Consumers will be fucked and have no next gen alternative that supports used games. But consumers will still buy the systems because they still have the games they desire.

I honestly feel like one of them doing so just enables the other to do so as well because its all gain for them from there onwards.

I feel like this is a repeat of charging for online play. MS took (and continues to) take the PR bullets for charging for online play and other Gold features, but they made the business case that consumer will pay for it with the however many millions of XBL Gold users there are. For the PS4, I would be shocked if they didn't add a paygate for online MP; they're leaving money on the table. I full expect online MP to be part of PS+.

With the used games/license fee situation, MS is again taking the heat for it, but what if they go through with it? What if it works and consumers fall in line like they did and continue to with XBL Gold? Does Sony sit this one out again or do they get in on the ground floor with used game fees? They surely can't start charging used games fees halfway thru the next gen, just like they couldn't with charging for online MP.

I think if both MS and Sony have the same used game policy, consumers won't have a choice and the likelihood of success will be much greater than if MS goes it alone again like they did with online MP. But if Sony doesn't charge a fee and MS does and it's successful, Sony is once again leaving money on the table. But if it fails, MS can always back off and stop charging. It's a lot easier to charge for something, then make it free, then take something that was free and start charging. It'll be really interesting to see how all this plays out.


We already know that with PS4 :
-Sony's main focus is core gaming, even if they also will have movies/tv/music/etc stuff.
-Sony won't block second hand, even if it seems that will include online pass for games.
-Sony won't require internet connection to play.
-Have support from the main game engines and big 3rd parties so seems that it's going to skip the PS3 issue of early exclusives for 360 or weak early 3rd party support.
-Has some 1st party exclusives announced + even if not confirmed several others to be announced for the 1st year.
-Has more powerful hardware than X1.
-Will reduce loading, downloading, patching, FW updating times doing all the stuff in background.
-Supports indies and allow them self publish.
-Has hardware and tools eally easy to program for, so will skip the related PS3 issue.
-Launch is scheduled for this year, so won't release too late when compared to MS skipping the PS3 issue.
-Healthy PS3 providing profits and well positioned this and next year thanks to current great game line up coming, PS+ and possible future price cuts.
-Vita for perfect remote play or second screen stuff thanks to physical buttons, analogs, touchscreen, bluetooth+wifin etc.
-The 3D camera has less resolution but more framerate than the X1 one, so may end being more responsive, with less lag.

So the only bad PS4 news can be :
-Too expensive launch price for the mainstream ($500+).
-Online multiplayer behind a paywall.
-Online pass for games too expensive.
-Too small HDD + only expensive propietary additional storage allowed (see Xbox 360).
-Too much focus on casual gaming related to the camera, social stuff, etc.
-No megatons for PS4 announced in E3 (Uncharted 4, Last Guardian, Versus XIII/FF XV, GT6, etc).
-No new big exclusive IPs announced in E3 from SSM, ND, MM, QD, GG, RaD or similar (includes 3rd party).

In any case even if some of these bad news are announced, they would be way less important than the issues shown in the launch of PS3, WiiU or (likely) X1.

Outside from PS4, I think a bad new can be Vita not getting enough support with a lot of announced games, great PS4 connectivity (Remote Play / second screen stuff) performance and maybe a pricecut, at least for storage.
If Sony does what Ms have done then that would leave the Wii U being the only console that isn't doing it. That doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Why would publishers 'push' these two to implement this into their system but not Nintendo? I said this is another thread but I think MS have taken this decision to garner 3rd party support and that's it. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but I don't see Sony doing it at this point.

Nintendo isn't stopping publishers from doing anything.


None of that proves what i said to be wrong.

If CoD was not on PS4 then all those fans would simply buy an XB1. They wouldnt still buy a PS4 and just do without CoD.

Its laughable to think that Sony would be ok without the publisher that had 4 of the top 5 selling games on their previous console.

You're right but I didn't argue that Sony would be ok without Activision or EA. I argued that it's a symbiotic relationship and those that think that publishers will strong-arm Sony to accept a similar DRM setting as the Xbox One for the PS4 are very wrong. Sony has leverage in that deal. That's why I posted those images. I can't make hypothetical predictions based on absurd scenarios. CoD will be on PS4. It has to, both for Sony and Activision sake. So we can't possibly know what all CoD players on Playstation would do if that absurd scenario were to happen.

Not Spaceghost

I'm expecting sony do to a used games blocking deal but sneakily. I have a feeling all multiplats on the PS4 are going to have an "online pass" type CD key that is also conveniently required to install the game. With microsoft making this their major policy it would be too weird for sony not to have something similar.

As for always on? I doubt that Sony will do this, while always on is pretty shit it isn't nearly as bad as blocking used games.


I'm expecting sony do to a used games blocking deal but sneakily. I have a feeling all multiplats on the PS4 are going to have an "online pass" type CD key that is also conveniently required to install the game. With microsoft making this their major policy it would be too weird for sony not to have something similar.

As for always on? I doubt that Sony will do this, while always on is pretty shit it isn't nearly as bad as blocking used games.

well to be devil advocate for a second.. Microsoft also claims the Xbox one is not required to be always on, just once a day.


Source (Gamespot)
Speaking about consumers' expectations when they purchase a physical disc, Yoshida said that people "purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation."

Isn't that the way the Xbox system would work as well? Buy it and you can play it anywhere, so long as you're logged in.


Why force it? This will all come naturally when digital distribution becomes the norm. All this backlash tells you is that people aren't ready for it to be standard just yet.


Sony bad news? GAF? Is it you Vita?


This is awesome! As for the OP, I'm not going to put my foot in my mouth because Sony has in the past done stupid things and while they're on a good run so far, they can still return to stupidity. I was one cheering Sony with the PS3 and swore they wouldn't price it too high, then $599 dropped. Don't fail me again Sony, keep up the momentum.


I expect Sony to placate 3rd parties now that Microsoft has done the same with used games. Hope not but I could see a scenario where 3rd parties then champion Microsoft and Sony can't let them go.
I expect Sony to placate 3rd parties now that Microsoft has done the same with used games. Hope not but I could see a scenario where 3rd parties then champion Microsoft and Sony can't let them go.

Sony's approach to selling consoles is different from Microsoft. They have a more broader consumer base including their home country japan where stuff like always online drm and blocking used games will be a no go there. Microsoft targets as far as consumer's concerned are not as wide and thus they can afford to do stuff like this where as Sony can not.
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