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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ

So basically the ram developers have been working with for the launch hasn't changed. So the whole "8GB of RAM" sounds misleading, a little bit with this new information.
GAF you are making my head hurt. There was NO change. This was the plan all along. How is it disappointing to you if developers are totally happy with it? Armchair developers are all up in this bitch.
I'm cool as long as the Devs are cool with it.

I don't have really any technical background with this stuff as of now. So ill put my faith in them.
GAF you are making my head hurt. There was NO change.
Its a change to what was conventional wisdom around here. For better or worse 7GB available day one was commonly believed and was loaded into many a console way trebuchet.

People thought it was one way, but its a different way. So people react, others troll, and those reactions and trolls spawn meta-commentary which spawn new reactions, new trolls and ever wider meta-commentary.

Its how these things always work, and its completely natural.

If people honestly think there is a ton of rage and insanity here, I think they might be taking things a bit too seriously. What appears to be a rumored downgrade is being discussed from a bunch of angles and a new conventional wisdom is forming,

That tingling sensation lets you know that its working.


love on your sleeve
Gotta be honest, I'm confused as hell as to how this makes anyone want to buy an Xbox.

If it was false why haven't Sony said anything until now?

Because this is small potatoes ultimately. Reminds me of people thinking PS4 would have DRM because they kept quiet until E3.

Well, at least they are thinking ahead this time, unlike the PS3. But they better show some mind-blowing multi-tasking with all that RAM already reserved for the OS.


It's not a question of "okay", though. Obviously it'll be a stronger system. The problem is that it's not as strong as we were led to believe, and its potential ceiling is much lower. Both of those things are kind of disappointing.

That is more than enough RAM for even a PC game and the kind of RAM it is will have an impact as well. We are not being sold short here.


Well, they said they doubled the RAM to 8GB because they listened to the feedback of developers. They also said the PS4 is focused on gaming.

And......nowhere in that or anywhere else did they say what amount of that would be "available" for game creation.
There's still 8GB RAM in the console, nothing has changed...yet the whole internet is in panic mode.
It's a bit hilarious actually :)


Where did you hear this amazing number from?

Are you here to just shit on my posts?

The console was originally 4GB before they upped it to 8GB, correct - can we agree on that?

3.5GB for games and the rest for the OS was the commonly asserted figure.
That's how DVRs work. They're constantly recording to the HDD and sometimes multiple streams depending on how many tuners the DVR has.

On PS4 a good quality 720p stream with compression will be under 1MB/s of HDD I/O. 1080p will be under 2MB/s. It's no big deal.
I think the HDD will be more under stress either way just because the file access number is way higher. Next gen games are probably going to run mostly from the HDD and the games are going to stream constantly. No reason to drag the life time even more down with such a feature. Recording to RAM makes more sense.


GAF you are making my head hurt. There was NO change. This was the plan all along. How is it disappointing to you if developers are totally happy with it? Armchair developers are all up in this bitch.

Because gaf Armchair devs knows whats best for games.



And......nowhere in that or anywhere else did they say what amount of that would be "available" for game creation.
There's still 8GB RAM in the console, nothing has changed...yet the whole internet is in panic mode.
It's a bit hilarious actually :)

Basically, people assumed and somehow thought their assumptions were the truth. That usually never works out.
Gotta be honest, I'm confused as hell as to how this makes anyone want to buy an Xbox.
The way I see it people have been doing the marketing for these machines themselves. XBone being a gimped media center with only 5GB available in comparison to PS4's gamer focused 7GB seemed like one hell of a straight-forward bulletpoint.

With both the Bone and PS4 having similar caps most of that argument goes out the window, and those swayed by that original argument find themselves less adamant.

This too shall pass, and the bulletpoints will shift to PS4's better RAM and the Bone's special sauce, etc.


To many people put the PS4 at such a high standard that it could do nothing but disappoint them if anything wasn't what they thought it would be. 7GB is one example. Another will be streaming in a years time I believe. Don't get me wrong PS4 is a beastly console just calm down guys and enjoy the ride?


Sony has never been great with its software... What does this technically mean? It's no longer 7 gb available for games?

right,, but to put in perspective the 360 and ps3 both have 512 megs.

512 to 4.5 gigs is a massive leap. Everyone seems to forgot consoles made be made with PC parts but they are not PCs they do not run windows. They do not have that over head.
Gotta be honest, I'm confused as hell as to how this makes anyone want to buy an Xbox.

the "logic" is that "fuuuuuck, I thought PS4 was ALL ABOUT THE GAMES, but it's just a multimedia machine too! If I have to deal with that, the Xbox is gonna be better at that stuff anyway, since Sony sucks at making the OSes so I might as well buy one of those!"

of course, that's kind of nonsensical, since consumers play games, not RAM counts, and people should make purchasing decisions on games and features. Developers should be the only ones that should care (and I don't see a ton of complaints from developers, when it comes to PS4 or XB1), not consumers...but hey. These are the times we're living in.

Neo C.

To be fair, being crushed by promises made by no one is a common gaf ritual.

I love it, when reality hits some gaffers really hard.
Sony's plan is absolutely understandable though, there's no need for more RAM straight from the beginning. Better to reserve it now than to feel sorry later on.
To many people put the PS4 at such a high standard that it could do nothing but disappoint them if anything wasn't what they thought it would be. 7GB is one example. Another will be streaming in a years time I believe. Don't get me wrong PS4 is a beastly console just calm down guys and enjoy the ride?


They ignore the Gpu and Cpus relatively low power compared to previous gens and only paid attention to the ram.


I think the HDD will be more under stress either way just because the file access number is way higher. Next gen games are probably going to run mostly from the HDD and the games are going to stream constantly. No reason to drag the life time even more down with such a feature. Recording to RAM makes more sense.
Many people with CableCard tuners already do this on their PCs. They're recording something from TV while playing a PC game. It really isn't a big deal.
1GB should be more then enough for a console OS.
And it will be when it is all said and done. At the moment Sony is better off keeping it to not make their OS suck at launch and in the future. Eventually the footprint is going to get down to 1-2 GB and devs will get more RAM.



This is all much ado about nothing. It was for the XBO, it is the PS4, ideally, both systems should eventually be able to free up a substantial amount of reserved OS memory for game development. This isn't either company's first rodeo.

A Charles Krauthammer avatar. Now I've seen it all.
I love it, when reality hits some gaffers really hard.
Sony's plan is absolutely understandable though, there's no need for more RAM straight from the beginning. Better to reserve it now than to feel sorry later on.
Yeah, this all seems reasonable, and it was just as reasonable when MS made a similar decision with the bone.


right,, but to put in perspective the 360 and ps3 both have 512 megs.

512 to 4.5 gigs is a massive leap. Everyone seems to forgot consoles made be made with PC parts but they are not PCs they do not run windows. They do not have that over head.

Oh I understand that. I think a lot of folks are deflated at the fact for a long time, it was thought to be 7gb of blazing fast GDDR5 for games. Of course 4.5 gb is still great too, just wondering why the big change? You have almost as much RAM reserved for your OS as you do your console.

Plus I think a lot of folks were using it as a reason to go ps4 over xbone.
Many people with CableCard tuners already do this on their PCs. They're recording something from TV while playing a PC game. It really isn't a big deal.
Of course. Just saying I had a PS3 HDD shitting the bed already. So I would prefer it if Sony would record the footage to RAM to save the HDD some work, so I can use it for like 10 years.


Sony really doesn't want to be in a situation like the past gen where they coudn't implement a feature like cross game chat because they didn't think ahead. Even though I feel any future features added to the OS wont be to the benefit of the gameplay experience I'm fine with 5.5GB, in the hands of skilled developers like Rocksteady, Platinum and Naughty Dog it definitely is more than enough. But I do hope Sony releases quite a bit back to developers eventually.

That is the piont, 5.5. GB in the hands of those developers are pure gold !!

What I see is that Sony expects that MOST of the games from third pary developers ( EA , Capcom , Konami , Ubi ) wont use 7 GB so instead they decided to move more RAM to the OS. In Fact even 5.5. GB wont be needed for most of theor games.


That tingling sensation lets you know that its working.

If hysteria, pessimism, and FUD are your idea of informing a community- than sure. The amount of RAM is nothing but a number. The point is to articulate the amount of RAM offered to developers is balanced and optimal for the bandwith of the machine.

Most of the people in this thread have very little idea of how development works (me included), and are playing into the most derivative and draconian forms of arguing. It has become a playground, and some of you are raging because you honestly believe having 7 GB of GDDR5 will make a game look twice as good as one with 5 GB of GDDR5. This is almost as silly as the 30 versus 60 fps DDR3/GDDR5 debates.

Encouraging THIS will do nothing, but foster a hive mind of stupidity and unconventional wisdom.

flying dutchman

Neo Member
Dont believe. If sonys decison to increse the ps4 to 8 gig was last minute i guess their decision to imore than double the os size was last minute as well? And if they didnt decide to up grade from the original 4 gigs do people believe that they would have only had 512 mb for developers to work with?
Someone ger Cerny on the phone now.


The Detective
At the bandwith PS4 has 176 GB/S, anything above 6 GB is bordering on too much.

176/30 = 5.89 GB.

Everything in RAM does not have to be loaded each frame, it is quite possible to use the RAM as a cache (something that you would really want to do with the low speed of the drives in the consoles).
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