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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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I'll be livid if 1080p isn't at least semi-standard across the board for big games. I can just about forgive it for the first few months of up-ports, but surely there's no excuse for games built from the ground up for Xbox One and PS4?

Hey Hitcher!

Thats the worry, that devs will force parity to save dev time but if PS4 really is that easy to develop for and Call of Duty breaks ranks and kicks over the table then at least it doesn't drag everyone down. Well, like I said, thats a big precedent to set for the generation. Although its early days and CoD looks like it is using the an old engine still (???) so maybe down the line 1080p can become standard for the Xbox as well. But then the PS4 could have better framerates, better effects/physics, more characters on screen, draw distance and by being a small package with a simple design at a cheaper price can keep undercutting the Xbox One. Ouch.

Hopefully its not as bad as it seems as I wouldn't want MS to suffer and decide gaming isn't worth the effort, lost their way chasing this 'casual' gamer but always prefer options.


Can you imagine? The new Xbox having inferior Bethesda ports? It is seemingly true for COD, which is another game very closely tied to the brand. What a role reversal, one that may be even worse.

But I'll be honest, they have some fun looking launch games that interest me. Not paying $100 more for a weaker console with gimped multiplats, though. It can wait until a big price drop.

Really the only reason why Bethesda had such a good relationship with MS is the same reason why most other western devs had such a good relationship with them. They designed the first xbox to try and court many of them over from PC and then with 360 they made it really easy to develop on.

They pretty much shit all over that philosophy with this console and let Sony surge ahead of them. There's no reason why we shouldn't see vastly better performing games on PS4 across the board now. Even from Bethesda.


xboner and 720p


PS4 and 1080p


what a great use of xboner. Thanks for your post.
It's kind of hard to tell because the video quality of that particular video on IGN looks like ass, but the game does seem to be pretty current gen looking in design. It looks like the game is basically a current gen game with a higher resolution. The animations look kind of bad.

I admit I'm not into these kinds of games but I can enjoy a pretty looking game when I see it. I hope better footage surfaces because whether it's 1080 p or 720p it still looks pretty underwhelming.

The same can be said about titan fall yet everyone gets weird boners for that game. I personally don't see the appeal in either.
Godammit Microsoft...what have you done???

Gonna feel super wierd playing Call of Duty and Battlefield on Playstation next month. Xbox has always been my shooter box since the original Xbox. Looks like times are changin'...

Will probably still pick up an Xbox One next year for Titanfall and Halo 5 though.

This is how I feel, hopefully the price will drop and the kinect will be removed.
If BF4 ends up 1080p on PS4 and 720p on XBO (hence the cagey attitude from Dice) then shit will really hit the fan.

Still I don't buy Ghosts at 720p on a next gen console, unless the XBO is actually far harder to program for and far more underpowered than we had been led to believe.

Thing is most games seem to be running at 1080p on PS4.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Xbox One, you little bitches? I’ll have you know the Xbox One version of COD graduated top of its class in the console wars, and the Xbox One has been involved in outputting numerous 1080p games, and has 3 confirmed games running above 720p. Xbox One is trained in TV and movies, and has the top marketing budget in the entire US console race. PS4 is nothing to the Xbox One but just another Ouya. Xbox One will wipe PS4 the fuck out with multimedia features the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to the Xbox One over the Internet? Think again, PS4 fanboys. As we speak Microsoft are contacting their secret network of 12 year old racists across the USA and Sony's secret HQ is being traced right now so you all better prepare for Azure, fanboys. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the PS4. PS4 is fucking dead, fanboys. Xbox One can be anywhere, anytime, and will kill you in over 5 billion ways, and that’s just with the power brick. Not only is the Xbox One extensively trained in Azure, but the infinite power of cloud computing can hack into the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and Xbox One will use it to its full extent to wipe the PS4's miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon the PS4, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Xbox One will shit fury all over the PS4 and Sony will drown in it. PlayStation is fucking dead, kiddo.


In the bigger scheme of things, does it even matter to the mainstream market? Most people outside these types of forums are not obsessed with differences they will likely not perceive playing the game in motion at around 60fps.

Obviously, if one were to buy the game and had both systems then it ought to be for PS4 and I would definitely not list it as a system seller when it will be out for current gen systems as well.


wow, a last gen title has a worse resolution.

i think this is not the breaking news... its more that...

the rest of the x1 titles will follow the same fate.
This is mine,

I always used to call bullshit on people who claimed to choke on drinks or make some sort of miscellaneous food mess at their keyboards after seeing something funny on the internet, but today, today I choked on soup after looking at that gif. Sorry to all those I didn't believe.


This ain't no party for me.

It sucks for the fans but you should be upset MS built an underpowered console. I'm not really partying, I'm just more face palming that MS would be this dumb to build a console that can't even push true HD on the franchise that is synonymous with Xbox.


Really the only reason why Bethesda had such a good relationship with MS is the same reason why most other western devs had such a good relationship with them. They designed the first xbox to try and court many of them over from PC and then with 360 they made it really easy to develop on.

They pretty much shit all over that philosophy with this console and let Sony surge ahead of them. There's no reason why we shouldn't see vastly better performing games on PS4 across the board now. Even from Bethesda.

Man, it is just so bizarre to see it unfolding this way after so long. But Microsoft obviously had other plans with the hardware and the gaming is going to suffer as a result. Kind of sad, really.


If people really push it, the gap should widen if anything, right? GPGPU picking up some of the slack for the weak ass CPU on PS4, with nothing comparable available on XBO.

Yeah this is what I would think too. I would expect the gap to get wider as the Gen goes on. Because as games start to push the limits of the specs (like they do every gen at the end of the cycle), you should see them being able to tap into the PS4's specs a lot better than Xbox One's.

Most of the launch games will just be third party current gen ports. I definitely expect first party titles to look much different 5 + years in.


Can’t stump the diablos
What the fuck did you just fucking say about Xbox One, you little bitches? I’ll have you know the Xbox One version of COD graduated top of its class in the console wars, and the Xbox One has been involved in outputting numerous 1080p games, and has 3 confirmed games running above 720p. Xbox One is trained in TV and movies, and has the top marketing budget in the entire US console race. PS4 is nothing to the Xbox One but just another Ouya. Xbox One will wipe PS4 the fuck out with multimedia features the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to the Xbox One over the Internet? Think again, PS4 fanboys. As we speak Microsoft are contacting their secret network of 12 year old racists across the USA and Sony's secret HQ is being traced right now so you all better prepare for Azure, fanboys. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the PS4. PS4 is fucking dead, fanboys. Xbox One can be anywhere, anytime, and will kill you in over 5 billion ways, and that’s just with the power brick. Not only is the Xbox One extensively trained in Azure, but the infinite power of cloud computing can hack into the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and Xbox One will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable asses off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon the PS4, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Xbox One will shit fury all over the PS4 and Sony will drown in it. PlayStation is fucking dead, kiddo.

I think I just witnessed an aneurism!

Deep breaths my friend... In with the butterflies --- Out with the bees.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Xbox One, you little bitches? I’ll have you know the Xbox One version of COD graduated top of its class in the console wars, and the Xbox One has been involved in outputting numerous 1080p games, and has 3 confirmed games running above 720p. Xbox One is trained in TV and movies, and has the top marketing budget in the entire US console race. PS4 is nothing to the Xbox One but just another Ouya. Xbox One will wipe PS4 the fuck out with multimedia features the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to the Xbox One over the Internet? Think again, PS4 fanboys. As we speak Microsoft are contacting their secret network of 12 year old racists across the USA and Sony's secret HQ is being traced right now so you all better prepare for Azure, fanboys. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the PS4. PS4 is fucking dead, fanboys. Xbox One can be anywhere, anytime, and will kill you in over 5 billion ways, and that’s just with the power brick. Not only is the Xbox One extensively trained in Azure, but the infinite power of cloud computing can hack into the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and Xbox One will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable asses off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon the PS4, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Xbox One will shit fury all over the PS4 and Sony will drown in it. PlayStation is fucking dead, kiddo.

lol. These explosive threads have the best meltdowns.
Console war has changed

It's not about developers, or video games.

It's an endless series of proxy flame wars about irrelevant details,
fought by internet fanboys and PR employees.

Console war, and its vast consumption of human time,
has become a rational, well-oiled business transaction from ad revenues.

Console war has changed.

Mountain Dew inside their bodies
enhance and regulate their actions.

Everything is monitored, and kept under control.

Console war has changed.

The age of deterrence is now the age of control,
averting catastrophe from surveillance tools such as Kinect.

And he who controls the living room, controls history.

Console war has changed.

When the living room is under total control,

war becomes routine.
Damn bro

That line about mountain dew in our bodies got me hard
I'd take a better pad when playing my games over 1080p, especially an FPS.

Sucks for anyone who genuinely gets angry over this news.

What do you mean? The best pad will be playing it at 1080p.

Sad that xb1 can't even get CoD to 1080p with stable 60 fps. By far the worst looking game of next gen.


Could prob do with a few bits updated in the op
For anyone catching up.

Looking for another source before I break neogaf.

I just can't say anything and finding another source in NDA-city is nigh impossible. I will fall on the sword of this one and say I'm awful for the tease and if a ban is needed to teach me/other potential teasers a lesson I totally get that.

720p? For real? Maybe that guy who said they were running at 15fps when they initially got the engine up and running was for real...
This is anecdotal from E3, but...

I've heard the architecture with the ESRAM is actually a major hurdle in development because you need to manually fill and flush it.

So unless MS's APIs have improved to the point that this is essentially automatic, the bandwidth and hardware speed are probably irrelevant.

For reference, the story going around E3 went something like this:

"ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS."

Given the choice between

720p COD


Xbox One OS that crashes / hangs once per user session. Flaky ass multi-player.

I think 720p COD is the lesser of the two evils.

720p 720p 720p 720p 720p 720p 720p 720p 720p

MS dun goofed :/


What movie is this gif from?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about Xbox One, you little bitches? I’ll have you know the Xbox One version of COD graduated top of its class in the console wars, and the Xbox One has been involved in outputting numerous 1080p games, and has 3 confirmed games running above 720p. Xbox One is trained in TV and movies, and has the top marketing budget in the entire US console race. PS4 is nothing to the Xbox One but just another Ouya. Xbox One will wipe PS4 the fuck out with multimedia features the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to the Xbox One over the Internet? Think again, PS4 fanboys. As we speak Microsoft are contacting their secret network of 12 year old racists across the USA and Sony's secret HQ is being traced right now so you all better prepare for Azure, fanboys. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the PS4. PS4 is fucking dead, fanboys. Xbox One can be anywhere, anytime, and will kill you in over 5 billion ways, and that’s just with the power brick. Not only is the Xbox One extensively trained in Azure, but the infinite power of cloud computing can hack into the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and Xbox One will use it to its full extent to wipe the PS4's miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon the PS4, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Xbox One will shit fury all over the PS4 and Sony will drown in it. PlayStation is fucking dead, kiddo.


He's mimicking some marine guy's post, it's a pretty famous post



What the fuck did you just fucking say about Xbox One, you little bitches? I’ll have you know the Xbox One version of COD graduated top of its class in the console wars, and the Xbox One has been involved in outputting numerous 1080p games, and has 3 confirmed games running above 720p. Xbox One is trained in TV and movies, and has the top marketing budget in the entire US console race. PS4 is nothing to the Xbox One but just another Ouya. Xbox One will wipe PS4 the fuck out with multimedia features the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to the Xbox One over the Internet? Think again, PS4 fanboys. As we speak Microsoft are contacting their secret network of 12 year old racists across the USA and Sony's secret HQ is being traced right now so you all better prepare for Azure, fanboys. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the PS4. PS4 is fucking dead, fanboys. Xbox One can be anywhere, anytime, and will kill you in over 5 billion ways, and that’s just with the power brick. Not only is the Xbox One extensively trained in Azure, but the infinite power of cloud computing can hack into the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and Xbox One will use it to its full extent to wipe the PS4's miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shits. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comments were about to bring down upon the PS4, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiots. Xbox One will shit fury all over the PS4 and Sony will drown in it. PlayStation is fucking dead, kiddo.



In the bigger scheme of things, does it even matter to the mainstream market? Most people outside these types of forums are not obsessed with differences they will likely not perceive playing the game in motion at around 60fps.

Obviously, if one were to buy the game and had both systems then it ought to be for PS4 and I would definitely not list it as a system seller when it will be out for current gen systems as well.

Why do gaming nerds, with accounts on gaming websites, keep talking about the outside world. You're a dork, just like I am. We are here to discuss games, its what we do. COD is going to sell very well, doesn't mean that we all can't laugh if its true. Mainly, because I'll be treated with more entertaining PR spin and damage control regurgitated here.

Its been non stop christmas since the Xbone launch.


Earlier today I reordered PS4 killzone bundled and canceled my X1 preorder. I guess I made the right choice at least in the short term.

Still interested in the xbox, but not at 499, it's a $299 product.
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