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31 Days of Horror 3 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


The physical form of blasphemy
- Beyond The Black Rainbow
- Cannibal Holocaust
- American Mary
- The Aggression Scale
- Maniac
- Cherry Tree Lane
- The Conjuring
- Fright Night 2 : New Blood
- Inside / À l'intérieur
- The Re-Animator
- Black Sunday
- Antichrist

- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Kinda mad that Maniac spoiled the fuck out of this for me, but...I should have seen this by now. I'll not touch on it's importance in history, but, it's pretty good. The set design is pretty crazy and everyone seems unsavory, due to the lighting and makeup. The story is pretty straightforward, but it doesn't fall apart: even with it's age. Of course, it's melodramatic, and the acting is ridiculous at times, but I chalk that up to being due to the times in which it was created. I guess this is probably the first slasher, if not one of the first?


Gonna need to marathon a half dozen movies tomorrow if I want a shot at finishing the month on time. Definitely going to try, at least.

Day 14: Wishcraft

A guy gets a talisman that grants three wishes, and shit goes bad. It was decent, fairly light compared to others I'd seen this month. Neat twist on the killer though.

Day 15: Curse of Chucky

A doll named Chucky is mysteriously delivered to a home, and shit goes bad. I'm only mildly familiar with the tropes of the series, but I really enjoyed this. From what I read it went back to basics, and it really worked. Really enjoyable.

Day 16: Rosemary's Baby

An actor and his wife Rosemary move into a new apartment, and shit goes bad. Overall really good, I can see why this is a classic. It's a shame Rosemary wasn't too bright, though there wouldn't be much movie otherwise. Really tense throughout the movie, definitely worth the watch.

Day 17: Poltergeist

I'd been exposed to a lot of elements from this movie from various sources (like a dedicated Family Guy episode), but seeing it all unfold in the context of the film itself was cool. Tonally it was a bit off (since Spielberg wrote it) for a horror movie, but it was good. The haunting was fantastic too; most ghosts can close doors and make scary noises, this one makes ents crave human flesh, controls the weather, and makes people disappear into other dimensions. The poltergeist didn't fuck around.

Day 18: The Bay

A quiet bayside town suddenly has a spreading infection and people dying. Apparently this has been recommended throughout the thread, and I can see why, it was pretty neat. Shit goes badly very quickly, and watching it unfold was fun. The film focuses primarily on three stories (the couple with the baby, the doctor, and the narrator), with many other clips throughout it to supplement the story. I liked it, and while it had it's flaws it was definitely worth the watch.

Day 19: The Conjuring

A family moves into a new house, and shit goes bad once they discover that it's haunted. I couldn't wait for this one to release on blu ray, Wan's films usually work really well for me and this was no exception. This was really good, and while some tropes for his films (at least his haunting films) are becoming more apparent, it was still really well done and worth watching.

Day 20: The Hole

Two brothers (and their mother) move to a new house and discover a bottomless hole in the basement, and shit goes bad. It felt like an extended Are You Afraid of the Dark? episode, which was a plus for me, and aside from the
heavy-handed anti-abuse messaging
near the end it was overall pretty decent. A few dumb decisions aside it was a fun watch.


Day 25: The Blob (1988)


I've never seen this 1988 version of The Blob until now. Great remake, and I now prefer it over the original. That's mainly because of the 80's setting, but I also thought the effects were awesome, and nearly reached the levels that John Carpenter's Thing had accomplished. Also, Kevin Dillon is a badass in this one.

October 26th

It’s ‘My dad’s better than your dad’ Saturday

Film number 48: Chained

Opening thoughts: Directed by Jennifer Lynch, daughter of David.


Verdict: An absorbing piece of psychological horror, boosted by a mesmerising performance from Vincent D’Onofrio as a serial killing cabdriver who ‘adopts’ the son of one of his victims, and decides to bring him into the family business. It’s an enjoyable film, and a disturbing one, though marred slightly towards the end
by an unnecessarily melodramatic twist, that seeks to add an extra frisson to the finale but ends up detracting a little from what has gone before
. It’s still a really good movie though.

Score: 8 out of 10. Not very Lynchian.

Film number 49: Antiviral
Tagline: Inject some celebrity into your life

Opening thoughts: Directed by Brandon Cronenberg, son of David.


Verdict: Apparently in the future we’re all going to want to catch bugs off our favourite stars, and companies will spring up to take advantage of our perverse desire for this ill health. Doesn’t seem very likely to me, which probably means it will happen within the decade. Anyway, this celebrity sickness satire is a bit heavy handed, and the plot’s rather leaky, but it looks gorgeous and it’s very well performed.

Score: 7/10. Quite Cronenburgesque.

Watched so far:
October 1 - Wreckage (1/10) Storage (6/10)
October 2 - Absentia (9/10) Uninhabited (3/10)
October 3 - The Fallow Field (7/10)
October 4 - Insidious (6/10) The Devil's Rock (8/10)
October 5 - Seconds Apart (6/10) The Awakening (8/10) When The Lights Went Out (8/10)
October 6 - Lake Mungo (6/10) Cherry Tree Lane (8/10) The Seasoning House (9/10)
October 7 - Bruiser (2/10) Devoured (9.5/10)
October 8 - The Devil's Business (4/10) Session 9 (4/10) Needle (6.5/10)
October 9 - V/H/S (8.5/10)
October 10 - The Lords Of Salem (9.9 out of 10)
October 11 - Below (5/10) Dead Girl (6.5/10)
October 12 – Teeth (8/10) Little Deaths (10/10)
October 13 - Blood Night (5/10) Detention (7/10) American Mary (5/10)
October 14 - Citadel (8.5/10) Sawney: Flesh of Man (7.5/10)
October 15 - The Midnight Meat Train (6.5/10) Static (6/10)
October 16 - The Pact (8.5/10)
October 17 - Rites of Spring (3/10)
October 18 - Frankenstein's Army (7.5/10) War of the Dead (7/10)
October 19 - The Horseman (9/10) The Crazies (7/10)
October 20 - A Horrible Way To Die (5/10) Dark Skies (7/10)
October 21 - Black Rock (9/10) Sinister (8/10)
October 22 - Feast (8/10) Kill List (7/10)
October 23 - Solstice (1/10)
October 24 - Excision (10/10)
October 25 - The Corrdor (6/10) The Haunting of Molly Hartley (5/10)


Looks like my filmgroup is watching A Tale of Two Sisters today, which wasn't originally on my list, but I guess it is now since I don't want to fall behind even further :D (plus it's a good movie, so yay)


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US)
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)
9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada)
10)House at the End of the Street (Netflix US)
11)Would You Rather (Netflix Canada)
12)Wrong Turn (Netflix Sweden)
13)The Mist (Netflix Canada)
14)The Descent (Netflix Canada)
15)Dead Silence (Netflix Canada)
16)Pontypool (Netflix US)
17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK)
18)Apollo 18 (Netflix US)
19)Devil (Netflix US)
20)The Grudge (Netflix Sweden)
21)The Bay (Netflix US)

22)Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 (Netflix US): The movie picks up right where the first one left off. The movie flashbacks the events from the first, which grow thin more than being helpful. Hellbound continues the great visuals and practical effects from the first. Clive has a twisted mind and I love it. Creepy atmosphere as you take a trip down hell lane. Definitely recommend this one if you liked the first.


23)VHS 2 (Netflix US): I had my expectations low since I read mixed reviews on this. But was looking forward to it because the first movie had such potential. I think it lived up to its potential. The first and third story are the strongest of the bunch. And by far the creepiest and scariest of the four. The second is more interesting take than scary. The fourth is a downright disaster. Overall though, I thought it was a great collection of stories. Well worth the watch.

Day 25: The Blob (1988)


I've never seen this 1988 version of The Blob until now. Great remake, and I now prefer it over the original. That's mainly because of the 80's setting, but I also thought the effects were awesome, and nearly reached the levels that John Carpenter's Thing had accomplished. Also, Kevin Dillon is a badass in this one.


Saw this in the theater when I was really young and loved the hell out of it. Probably helped that it was the writers (of the final draft) and director of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.


Been so busy with other things these weeks so I haven't had the opportunity to watch as many horror movies as I would have liked. I heard about Night of the Comet and was in the mood for a 80s flick today.


Fun campy movie, don't expect too much watching it.
I think i'm ready to throw in the towel guys :(

There's honestly nothing I wanna watch that's left and I'm gonna be working long hours this coming week.

I already skipped this past Friday and Saturday.
Unacceptable! Stay strong and power through guys!

It's tough to power through when you know there's a bunch of mediocre shit to watch on stuff like NetFlix (and you're trying to save money and not actually renting). That being said, I may have a few more films that I can watch. Definitely not doing the whole 31 though.
I don't feel too bad as honestly I made it 3/4ths the way through the month and caught a good amount of rad stuff. I bailed like halfway through last year and made it through all the way during the 1st year.
I honestly think we should do like a tiered approach next year, that way people who don't necessarily complete the whole 31, still can feel like they got a good amount of horror watching accomplished.

And can always feel good knowing I've watched more horror films than most will watch in like two years!


Homeland Security Fail
It's tough to power through when you know there's a bunch of mediocre shit to watch on stuff like NetFlix (and you're trying to save money and not actually renting). That being said, I may have a few more films that I can watch. Definitely not doing the whole 31 though.
I don't feel too bad as honestly I made it 3/4ths the way through the month and caught a good amount of rad stuff. I bailed like halfway through last year and made it through all the way during the 1st year.
I honestly think we should do like a tiered approach next year, that way people who don't necessarily complete the whole 31, still can feel like they got a good amount of horror watching accomplished.

And can always feel good knowing I've watched more horror films than most will watch in like two years!

Unblock Us dude. For a little more of a price of a rental ($5 for the month), you could have had access to a crap ton of movies. Just look at my post to get a sense of the movies that were up.


The Ninth Gate is about to start on SyFy.


I know it's not horror (it's probably considered a thriller), but I like this movie entirely too much given how objectively bad it is.


Had to see one more movie before I went to bed for the day. I got interested in Resolution after hearing about it in this thread and then watching the trailer.


It was a uneasy and creepy movie with an unique ending. I highly recommend it if you want to see something different which is a mix between drama and horror.
October 27th

Film number 50: Territories
Tagline: 1 police check, 2 officers, 5 people who thought they did nothing wrong

Opening thoughts: Cheap and the cover intrigued me.


Verdict: Bleak, brutal, depressing, and eventually exasperating, this is the story of what might happen if two psychotically disenfranchised ex-soldiers decided to set up their own little Guantanamo Bay deep in the woods on the US/Canadian border. Whilst that is an undoubtedly interesting premise for a movie, the makers of this particular film are far too concerned with SENDING A MESSAGE IN CAPITAL LETTERS ABOUT HOW THE WHOLE GUANTANAMO BAY / ABU GHRAIB THING IS REALLY FUCKING BAD OK? that they forget to craft a fully engaging vehicle to get that message across.

Thus for the first hour Territories is thought-provoking, unsettling, and very well handled. At that point however the film collapses into a mess of clumsy metaphor and incongruous, ghost story style jump scares and general spookiness. The protagonists are completely abandoned, in favour of the drug-addicted, quasi-mystical and at one crucial moment unrealistically incompetent PI who’s looking for them. This abandonment is no doubt metaphorical itself given the subject matter, but in the context of a psychological horror thriller it just feels inept. The film’s momentum dribbles away, as does the viewer’s interest. And while the ending isn’t completely fluffed, it is handled for too abruptly. Don’t like being mean to a film that plays my favourite Death in Vegas track over the opening credits, but it can’t be helped.

Score: 8 out of 10 for the first hour, 2 out of ten for the rest. Overall: 5 out of 10. Thanks Obama.

Film number 51: The Unborn
Tagline: Evil will do anything to live

Opening thoughts: Gary Oldman’s in it. I like Gary Oldman. And Idris Elba.


Verdict: Why is Gary Oldman in this? Why is Idris Elba in this? Why would anyone who read the script for this utter garbage agree to be in it? Well, money I guess, but it really is a load of old crap. Also there should be a law against people being cast in movies just because they’re good looking. There’s lots of good looking people in this film, and I’m sure they’re all lovely folk, but hardly any of them can act even a little bit.

Despite the bad performances and the silly story (about a evil soul trying to enter the world of the living and be all evil and such via a dead and/or unborn and possibly evil twin, or something like that, I found it really quite hard to follow to be honest, on account of it being both boring and convoluted), the movie isn’t entirely bad. Brick from The Middle gets all stabby and monster faced at one point, which is quite entertaining, and Gary Oldman has the shit scared out of him by a dog with its head on upside down. Must admit I laughed at that bit.

Score: 3 out of 10. There’s no use trying to understand it Casey.

Watched so far:
October 1 - Wreckage (1/10) Storage (6/10)
October 2 - Absentia (9/10) Uninhabited (3/10)
October 3 - The Fallow Field (7/10)
October 4 - Insidious (6/10) The Devil's Rock (8/10)
October 5 - Seconds Apart (6/10) The Awakening (8/10) When The Lights Went Out (8/10)
October 6 - Lake Mungo (6/10) Cherry Tree Lane (8/10) The Seasoning House (9/10)
October 7 - Bruiser (2/10) Devoured (9.5/10)
October 8 - The Devil's Business (4/10) Session 9 (4/10) Needle (6.5/10)
October 9 - V/H/S (8.5/10)
October 10 - The Lords Of Salem (9.9 out of 10)
October 11 - Below (5/10) Dead Girl (6.5/10)
October 12 – Teeth (8/10) Little Deaths (10/10)
October 13 - Blood Night (5/10) Detention (7/10) American Mary (5/10)
October 14 - Citadel (8.5/10) Sawney: Flesh of Man (7.5/10)
October 15 - The Midnight Meat Train (6.5/10) Static (6/10)
October 16 - The Pact (8.5/10)
October 17 - Rites of Spring (3/10)
October 18 - Frankenstein's Army (7.5/10) War of the Dead (7/10)
October 19 - The Horseman (9/10) The Crazies (7/10)
October 20 - A Horrible Way To Die (5/10) Dark Skies (7/10)
October 21 - Black Rock (9/10) Sinister (8/10)
October 22 - Feast (8/10) Kill List (7/10)
October 23 - Solstice (1/10)
October 24 - Excision (10/10)
October 25 - The Corrdor (6/10) The Haunting of Molly Hartley (5/10)
October 26 - Chained (8/10) Antiviral (7/10)


The physical form of blasphemy
- Beyond The Black Rainbow
- Cannibal Holocaust
- American Mary
- The Aggression Scale
- Maniac
- Cherry Tree Lane
- The Conjuring
- Fright Night 2 : New Blood
- Inside / À l'intérieur
- The Re-Animator
- Black Sunday
- Antichrist
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

- Devil

I avoided this due to M. Night's name being attached to it. Ended up enjoying it a lot. The kills were fairly creative and the final reveal was kind of badass.

- Aftershock

This is probably the first film out of this list that I can say that I really don't care for. The main group actually wasn't terrible, but it felt as though Eli made you want to hate them in the beginning and then call you out on it right as the earthquake hit. That's fine (I like them...which is a far cry from Hostel and the like), but the first act felt slow as fuck. The cg is pretty damned bad. The movie starts to falter when the antagonists are introduced. I felt like they could have done more aside from relying on prisoners whose only goal is to rape women and pillage. The strongest "bad guy" was the
single mom protecting her son
. That spoke volumes about how desperate everyone was, and ended up being the best and tensest part of the film.

Then we get to the ending...which was fucking stupid as hell. It felt like they needed to film a plot twist, so they can mark a checkbox that says, "plot twist" and went for it. The death that occurs due to the twist ended up being detracted from, just because of how unnecessary and ridiculous the plot twist was.

Then the actual end of the film... typical shit. Bah.

Straight to SyFy tier / 10

I keep giving Eli chances, but man. :| I'm still down to see what he does with The Green Inferno, just because he has interesting ideas.


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 V/H/S 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell- Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9- Great
Oct. 8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Boring
Oct. 9 [REC] - Great
Oct. 10 Evil Dead 2 - Fantastic
Oct. 11 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil - Fantastic
Oct. 12 Ringu - Good
Oct. 13 V/H/S - Good
Oct. 14 Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Great
Oct. 15 The Cabin in the Woods - Great
Oct. 16 Maniac (2012) - Great
Oct. 17 Fright Night (1985) - Great
Oct. 18 [REC] 2 - Great
Oct. 19 The Mist - Great
Oct. 20 Pet Sematary - Good
Oct. 21 Magic Magic - What the fuck did I just watch?
Oct. 22 The Shrine - Great
Oct. 23 The Bay - Good
Oct. 24 Army of Darkness - Great
Oct. 25 [REC] 3 - Good
Oct. 26 House - Good

[REC] 3 -

Although I enjoyed the film, it was definitely the weakest [REC] movie so far. I didn't like how they threw out the entire found footage film style they've went with in the first two movies. It felt like it was trying to be more over the top than the first movies rather than stick to the same narrative of the first two movies. Overall, I thought it was enjoyable and I look forward to [REC] 4.

House -

The movie was pretty weird. The camera cuts were terrible and the acting was pretty bad too but I enjoyed it. I have to say his neighbor was an asshole. Who the hell walks into their neighbors house uninvited multiple times. I don't think I'm going to watch the sequels since I don't think they would improve on this movie.


Homeland Security Fail
Wait, they are making a [REC] 4? Didn't know that. I will probably dig into REC 3 before the magic date. I still have so many films I want to watch. 31 days seems like an eternity, but man, it goes by quick.


Wait, they are making a [REC] 4? Didn't know that. I will probably dig into REC 3 before the magic date. I still have so many films I want to watch. 31 days seems like an eternity, but man, it goes by quick.

Yup. 2014 release so it will definitely be in my mix next year if it's out on physical media by then.

I know. I have so much I want to watch so I might continue into November :p


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US)
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)
9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada)
10)House at the End of the Street (Netflix US)
11)Would You Rather (Netflix Canada)
12)Wrong Turn (Netflix Sweden)
13)The Mist (Netflix Canada)
14)The Descent (Netflix Canada)
15)Dead Silence (Netflix Canada)
16)Pontypool (Netflix US)
17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK)
18)Apollo 18 (Netflix US)
19)Devil (Netflix US)
20)The Grudge (Netflix Sweden)
21)The Bay (Netflix US)
22)Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 (Netflix US)
23)VHS 2 (Netflix US)

24)Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth (Netflix US): The acting was bad. The dialogue was cheesy as fuck. The demon designs were forgettable. Just seemed they were trying to hard with them this time around.


Yup. 2014 release so it will definitely be in my mix next year if it's out on physical media by then.

I know. I have so much I want to watch so I might continue into November :p

Yeah, I'm probably going to do the same.
It's tough to power through when you know there's a bunch of mediocre shit to watch on stuff like NetFlix (and you're trying to save money and not actually renting). That being said, I may have a few more films that I can watch. Definitely not doing the whole 31 though.
I don't feel too bad as honestly I made it 3/4ths the way through the month and caught a good amount of rad stuff. I bailed like halfway through last year and made it through all the way during the 1st year.
I honestly think we should do like a tiered approach next year, that way people who don't necessarily complete the whole 31, still can feel like they got a good amount of horror watching accomplished.

And can always feel good knowing I've watched more horror films than most will watch in like two years!

And there are little gems like The Poughkeepsie Tapes and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County available on YouTube.

Edited to add: There are some Bloody Disgusting films on Hulu for free: http://www.hulu.com/companies/bloody-disgusting-selects


#22 - Maniac (remake)

Another pick based on recommendations here (it's clear I've run out of ideas). This movie was really different, in a good way. It was well shot, and the 80s throwback music was great. I really liked all of the first-person stuff, and just enjoyed the overall vibe of the movie. Plenty of gross stuff in there for gore fans.

The only thing I had trouble with was Elijah Wood as this supposed serial killer. I think he pulled that off better as Kevin in Sin City. He did a great acting job, and he did come off as quite the creeper, but I can't help but wonder if he was right for the role. He's just not very imposing. Still, great movie. 8/10

#23 - Videodrome

This movie wasn't at all what I expected. The content seems almost tame by today's standards, with the rape and torture on tv and all that stuff. I thought the effects were really cool though. And the plot was certainly intriguing. I was kinda drunk when I was watching it, so I'm sure I didn't understand all of it, but it was interesting to the end. I don't really know what else to say about it. 7/10

#24 - Creepshow

I never managed to see this one as a kid, although I clearly remember the VHS box art (along with Fright Night). Honestly, I thought all of the stories were pretty dumb, especially the Stephen King one. I really love good, fun, horror movies like Return of the Living Dead, but all of the shorts here lacked a certain something. Leslie Nielson's segment was my favorite of the bunch, and I thought he stood out in the all-star cast. Some of the gore effects in "The Crate" segment were pretty cool, too, but they were too few and far between for my tastes. 4/10
31 Days of Horror Lycanthropy Edition

Oct. 27 - Kibakichi (2004)


Kibakichi (2004) - Cinematic influences come full circle in this Samurai Werewolf riff on a Spagetti Western... The Yokai (demons & monsters who once lived in balance with humanity) have been pursued by humans into the mountains in 17th Century Japan, and Kibakichi, a mysterious Ronin, finds sanctuary in a remote town run by demon Yakuza, but all is not as it seems, and it can be hard to know who you can trust... This movie seems a little disjointed to my western sensibilities, but I get the impression that it's playing with some Japanese folklore that might help me appreciate it more, if only I were familiar with the themes. The werewolf costume features some interesting facial makeup with an oversized wookie suit, and there are plenty of explosions and lots of spurting blood, but the action scenes seem generally badly staged and shot, and often come off kind of silly as a result. Still, samurai movies are fun by definition, and a samurai movie with werewolves and spider women and trolls and assorted other creatures of the night can't really be dull. It did make a nice change from the decidedly Western fare I've been watching all month.


The physical form of blasphemy
You can't knock Caligari for overly dramatic acting. It's a silent film. That's how things work.

No doubt. I felt like certain scenes stuck out more when they weren't all wide eyed and staring off into the beyond. That said, I do really like the movie as a whole.
29. The Uninvited (1944)


Watched this on the new Criterion bluray and I enjoyed the film. It fits in more with the haunted house genre like The Haunting. Less horror and more mystery and suspense about ghosts. Great atmosphere too!


30. Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)


I honestly don't get why this movie has gained so much popularity. I like the movie but find myself bored sometimes and I'm not sure why. I love Tim Burton and his style.



October 27


One of the common problems that a lot of horror from this era had was that it spends way, way, way too much time with the boring protagonists, who couldn't be more uninteresting if they tried, and it's unfortunate that this film falls into that same trap, given its many strengths. Both Lugosi and Karloff do solid work, the setting is rather novel, and it gets pretty damn gruesome by the end, but despite being an hour and a little change long, it drags a lot because of spending so much time with the characters played by David Manners and Jacqueline Wells, whose "aw shucks" innocence never successfully gels with the twisted games their captors play, nor is there much of a payoff with a certain subplot, as its rushed through to get Lugosi where he needs to go with Karloff without much regard for anything else. Decent, but it could have been a lot better, I feel.


Complete insanity from beginning to end, The Raven finds Lugosi at his absolute hammiest and deranged, and there isn't a single scene he's in where he isn't chewing up the backdrops and spitting out the splinters. Karloff balances things out with a restrained, physical performance that owes a lot to his Creature from the Frankenstein (including a not-so-subtle call-out, or should I say yell-out) while giving him a lot of distinction in his fully aware sadness of his predicament. The film's penchant for batshit insanity is what really sells the hell out of it, as it goes full-on berserk by the end with more torture rooms than should be humanly possible, Lugosi making a good argument for being related to Nic Cage with one of the most maniacal laughter breakdowns ever, and a revelation of an elevator so bizarre and nonsensical that it somehow works. The film is nonsense, but it's committed to it, and has so much fun with it. Chances are that you might, too.

October 28 preview: Finally, the works of producer Val Lewton! We kick off a mini-marathon of sorts for the much vaunted producer's horror works with Cat People and I Walked with a Zombie.


Day 26: The Keep (1983)


It is World War II in German-occupied Romania. Nazi soldiers have been sent to garrison a mysterious fortress, but a nightmarish discovery is soon made. The massive structure was not built to keep anything out, it was built to keep something in...

I found this to be a decent gothic horror film, featuring Ian McKellan (who still looked old in '83, 20 years before Gandalf) as a Jewish Professor tasked by the Nazis to decipher language on the walls of a giant citadel. An entity called Molasar inhabits the dwelling, and befriends the professor and his daughter in an attempt to escape. But the Nazis and a second supernatural being stand in their way.

Tangerine Dream provides an excellent dark ambient score, and the monster was interesting. But the plot is quite convoluted, and the movie kind of drags on. So if you decide to watch this be prepared for lots of slow action.




#26 - A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
Lovely psychological drama-horror from one of my favorite working Korean directors, who paints a disturbing and dreamlike picture of a family that has its fair share of secrets. It's wonderfully acted and directed while it looks gorgeous and is deserving of a better blu-ray release. The film benefits from beautiful subdued performances from all the leads who only leash out when needed, adding extra oomph when they do. Special mention to the cinematography which is top notch, I loved the compositions combined with the use of color and lighting. The film comes across quite confusing due to the nature of the narration as it is hard to distinguish fantasy from reality and an understanding of both is needed to grasp the whole of the plot. but when things are explained all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit. 8/10


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 V/H/S 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell- Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9- Great
Oct. 8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Boring
Oct. 9 [REC] - Great
Oct. 10 Evil Dead 2 - Fantastic
Oct. 11 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil - Fantastic
Oct. 12 Ringu - Good
Oct. 13 V/H/S - Good
Oct. 14 Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Great
Oct. 15 The Cabin in the Woods - Great
Oct. 16 Maniac (2012) - Great
Oct. 17 Fright Night (1985) - Great
Oct. 18 [REC] 2 - Great
Oct. 19 The Mist - Great
Oct. 20 Pet Sematary - Good
Oct. 21 Magic Magic - What the fuck did I just watch?
Oct. 22 The Shrine - Great
Oct. 23 The Bay - Good
Oct. 24 Army of Darkness - Great
Oct. 25 [REC] 3 - Good
Oct. 26 House - Good
Oct. 27 Grave Encounters - Good

Grave Encounters -

I enjoyed the movie, though, it had some faults. Grave Encounters is one of those movies where you just don't give a shit about any of the characters. The movie is about a bunch of douchebags who film supernatural encounters for a television show. They investigate ghostly encounters at an abandoned asylum. They go around interviewing a bunch of people who have some knowledge about the asylum or currently work there. They normally pay people off in order to sell a supernatural phenomenon to their viewers, but this time they encounter actual supernatural beings in an asylum. One thing that irritated me was the constant whining and bad decision making by the entire crew. The leader of the group and star of the show, Lance "The Douchebag" Preston, thought it was smart to chain themselves inside the asylum until morning. "Hey, let's split up so we can cover more ground while searching for X" is another example of their sheer stupidity. You've got to be completely stupid to think this way after having been harassed by the unseen. Even with the disdain I had for the characters, I had a blast watching this movie.

For Grave Encounters, I'm Linkhero1 signing off.'

Endo Punk

Watched Return of the Living Dead for the umpteenth time. Pretty much has become an October tradition and quite frankly it's my favourite zombie film. Love the characters, soundtrack and the way they depict zombies, give me more of these zombies that can never be killed in games. Now that would be proper survival horror.

The two people who got sprayed by the chemical really work of each other well, very entertaining and it just gets more and more crazy as the film goes on. The ending... oh man.. Love it.



I normally try to go for classier posters, but I couldn't stop laughing at this one

October 26, part 1

Thoughts before the rewatch: You think I'd be more willing to accept another bad Texas Chainsaw Massacre film by then. One of my all-time favorite films, the original is a masterpiece of ruthless efficiency and sweltering, inhospitable atmosphere, with just enough dark touches of humor as to not be so unrelentingly bleak. Its sequels and first reboot were, well, not, focusing far more on campy humor and gory setpieces than even coming close to something that resembled the original. Perhaps subsequent filmmakers knew they couldn't hope to match the original's intensity, but it wouldn't have hurt to try. Enter Michael Bay's production company, Platinum Dunes, who embarked on a quest to bring several horror classics screaming into the 21st century, filled with production values unimagined during the 70s and 80s, and starring the hottest young stars of the time, like, umm, Eric Balfour. With the news of the first film on their slate being a remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and one that promised to be more faithful to the tone of the original. Sure, it had a pressing concern in the form of its first time director, Marcus Nispel, who had up to that point been a director on music videos, but there was hope for the first time in a long time.

How foolish we were.

While it was certainly a fair deal more serious in its approach to the material, the 2003 remake kept getting bigger and bigger with its scenes, to the point where you wind up feeling exhausted at how much is crammed in there. But there was no attempt at grounding the setting or the era, and all the strange touches for establishing the who and the why of the Sawyer clan in the original were eradicated with a neverending procession of the one-dimensional members of the remake's Hewitt clan. The glossiness of the production is more of a hindrance than an aid, looking gross and disgusting without ever feeling like it's either gross or disgusting, with the Hewitt basement/furnace looking like a nice haunted house installation than a place of real horror. And despite being about 15 minutes longer than the original, it feels like a three-hour film with how overstuffed the script is, whether its for the aforementioned setpieces that come to dominate the film, or how it feels like every scene of dialogue goes on for much longer than it needed to, or the unnecessary subplot involving a hitchhiker and her baby. I could go on and on, but the best thing that I can say about the film was it made it a lot easier for me to recommend the original to others.

Years later: I wanted to approach this with a mindset that was divorced from the expectations of it being like the original, and wanted to judge it by its own merits. Unfortunately for the film, as it is taken on its own, there's really very little to crow about. Despite the presence of the original's cinematographer, Daniel C. Pearl, Nispel opts to push the camera close and uncomfortably tight, seemingly more concerned with making sure the actors' faces fill the entire frame, rather than establishing any kind of menacing tone or mood. I probably know more now about Jessica Biel's face or midriff than I think even she knows, as the camera is content to focus more on those two than anything. She is a nice-looking lady, mind you, but enough was enough with that kind of stuff five minutes in. And boy, are the setpieces dull. Getting off on a bad foot with the hitchhiker's suicide (camera through the exit wound, whoa man!), it never lets up and goes so far out of its way to throw something new at you that nothing ever sticks. It's incredible just how artificial the film feels. And when it's not failing at intensity, it's failing at making you give a shit about anyone. The actors clearly needed a better director, as they are often left to their own devices, fumbling the dialogue and botching the more emotional responses to what's going on around them. And has R. Lee Emery ever been worse than he has been in this film? He comes off as forced in every line reading, making his madness feel like the product of expectations of the role rather than that of execution of the role.

It really is hard to think of a single redeemable element that the film can boast, and as such, it's a remake that sucks as much in comparison to the original as well as being dreadful all on its own.

As possibly one of the biggest fans of the original TCM (my handle is "Leatherface" for fuck sake lol), I just wanted to say that I completely disagree. While nowhere near perfect, I feel the movie did a pretty commendable job of remaking the original. Yeah, there were some pointless and goofy things in there, some minor acting issues, etc., but on the whole the movie was solid. Also, this is a damn horror movie, not the Shawshank Redemption. TCM 2003 was fantastically intense and thoroughly entertaining. Big shout out to R. Lee Ermey who I think absolutely stole the movie with his performance as Sheriff Hoyt. I say SEE it and enjoy. No, it doesn't come close to capturing the original but it's a worthwhile movie to see if you're a horror fan.
Watched Return of the Living Dead for the umpteenth time. Pretty much has become an October tradition and quite frankly it's my favourite zombie film. Love the characters, soundtrack and the way they depict zombies, give me more of these zombies that can never be killed in games. Now that would be proper survival horror.

The two people who got sprayed by the chemical really work of each other well, very entertaining and it just gets more and more crazy as the film goes on. The ending... oh man.. Love it.


Yup, yearly tradition for me as well. If you go back and watch the supplements, its awesome how the older actors are pretty proud of that film's legacy.
My favorite Zombies though are probably the ones on Day of the Dead.
But yeah, the punk rock aesthetic is so cool and timeless. My wife also cant get enough of it :)

Watch Return of the living dead 2 if you can. It honestly doesnt get enough love.


Saw SUSPIRIA last night...

...with live accompaniment by Goblin!

Venue was not ideal, crowd was predominantly drunken mouth-breathers, but the Italians rocked.

Did they pull of the first scene in the airport? That seemed like the trickiest scene to synch up from a cuing perspective.

Endo Punk

Yup, yearly tradition for me as well. If you go back and watch the supplements, its awesome how the older actors are pretty proud of that film's legacy.
My favorite Zombies though are probably the ones on Day of the Dead.
But yeah, the punk rock aesthetic is so cool and timeless. My wife also cant get enough of it :)

Watch Return of the living dead 2 if you can. It honestly doesnt get enough love.

Buddy I love that film too, it was bold with showing kid zombies and the two knuckle heads from the first also make it back :D I love that one scene where they say they're having deja vu XD.

Also Return 3 is amazing even though it really is a big departure from the first two. But lordy is Melinda Clark one sexy zombie.
So many tissues....
Buddy I love that film too, it was bold with showing kid zombies and the two knuckle heads from the first also make it back :D I love that one scene where they say they're having deja vu XD.

Also Return 3 is amazing even though it really is a big departure from the first two. But lordy is Melinda Clark one sexy zombie.
So many tissues....

As kid who grew up in the suburbs, I always had a particular infinity for RotLD2's setting.

26. The Signal (Netflix Instant)

When I first saw the thumbnail on Netflix, I thought the movie starred Julie Bowen (Modern Family, Ed, Happy Gilmore) and Michael Shannon (Take Shelter, Man of Steel, Boardwalk Empire), which would have at least made the film well acted. As it stood, it felt like a nice experiment in combining the end of the world with a flat love story that reached one moment where the blackly comic tone worked but otherwise fell short.

To be honest, the movie didn't keep my attention very well. We're invited to invest our emotions into the romance of Mya and Ben, but we jump into the story as the world starts falling into madness. The signal is accentuating each person's irrational instincts, but it's not consistent from person to person how much exposure is needed in order for the signal to affect the person. Most characters seem to give in to their irrational, violent tendencies; another seem to focus on party preparation instead.

The film's casual tone also undercuts the drama that we're invited to follow. The section that worked, which featured characters trying to convince each other that they weren't crazy even as they nonchalantly kill people, explored the humor of an end of the world as thoroughly as it could. But that was a good 20-30 minutes away from Mya and Ben, so by the time the story ramps up again to feature them, it felt like they were strangers again.
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