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EA ignores Nintendo consoles and Sony/Nintendo handhelds in recent survey


How do you "compete" for third parties? I don't get what you're talking about.

I mean "compete." Take that however you will.

But I won't be lured into another argument about how Nintendo apparently "just can't" do the basic things a company needs to do to be appealing to third parties...so 3rd parties should just support them anyway.


COD with mechs, COD in space, COD in the past, COD on top of buildings, COD in space in the past, COD clone.

Just trying to fit in with the thread.

I was laughing with you here, but then I read "COD in space" for "Battlefront" and I immediately started hating you,

action replay:



Really Really Exciting Member!
COD with mechs, COD in space, COD in the past, COD on top of buildings, COD in space in the past, COD clone.

Just trying to fit in with the thread.

I fail to understand the logic of everything being COD, but ok. :p


Maturity, bitches.
I thought Star Wars was that series set in space with the beam swords and the robed people and the little green man.


It failed to meet sales projections for Ubisoft, and would have done worse if it had remained an exclusive.

...but would probably have done better if it was released on the Wii U as an exclusive when it was supposed to (before they pissed off Nintendo fans and when the game was being well hyped)....and then released 6 months later on the 360/PS3.

Demon Ice

Console warz! Yeah! Go get 'em, demon!

It's not even about console wars, posts like this are utter gold to me.

Of course they'd ignore the company releasing multiple 10/10 games. How else do you think they'd have accomplished NBA Live 14 if they actually looked at quality?

You're loss...considering the quality is not on EA side....

Yep, only mostly generic and bland games...

you gotta keep that worst company in America award in check...

It's more like fake gamers ignore a shitload of real games, Nintendo releases. Which is sad. Yes.

That's why the Wii U is the best console of the new generation.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee EA.

Chû Totoro;90596613 said:
Fuck you EA. Ignoring Nintendo's existence is just ignoring a part of the gaming community. You don't know I exist, then you won't care if your games don't exist for me.

Haven't bought an EA game for months and planning not to buy any in the coming months (yeah even Titan Fall.. won't buy it).

EA is the worst company in the whole gaming industry, and by far.

Especially that last post, oh man


The tears of unfathomable sadness are my ambrosia. Thank you, Nintendo, for this feast.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Chû Totoro;90608749 said:
Why are you doing this?

Because some people take video games a little too seriously. To the point that's it's impossible not to smile, laugh, facepalm or shake your head when reading comments.


This doesn't bother me at all. It's a survey from EA. It's their loss if they don't want to support the Wii U, Vita or 3DS.


- Hardware in the same ballpark
- Easy to work with middleware
- Easy and well documented software stacks for your OS/Network hooks
- Readily available liaisons for technical and business questions
- Actively approaching third parties with promising ideas and offer them a couple of coders to help
- Make things easy for indies (give them some face time)
- Make things easy for small - medium publishers (give them some face time)
- Constantly engage your partners for ideas on how to make things better

None of this costs a cent, except for maybe salaries.

Like I said, you definitely have a point when it comes to hardware parity.

But the other things you listed, especially in regards to indies, Nintendo already does for the most part. Fuck, Nintendo was the first to offer free Unity support and other tools to indies.

Like some posters have said, this is a business. EA games simply don't sell on Nintendo platforms. There is no amount of ass kissing or hardware parity that would bring EA back to the table.
I am ignoring EA, my last game will be NFSMWU and because that was Criterion, I don´t need EA. They can fuck off, I actually hope karma comes back at them.

I got Mass Effect 1 and 2 very late and I am having trouble getting into those games, I don´t have time for a lot of MP games, basically I pick 1 MP game that is quick to get into, CoD BOs 2 at this point, and the rest of my time I play single player games, I can very very easily skip EA games.

I will get PS4 or PC soon but I will skip EA games altogether.
Good luck doing that in a year or two when you have Titanfall, next gen Mass Effect, Dragons Age, Mirror's Edge 2, Star Wars Battlefront and also the new IP from BioWare. I don't really like EA as a company but that doesn't mean I won't buy the games they put out lol.

As someone who doesn't play shooters, Titanfall, Star Wars Battlefront, and Mass Effect mean nothing to me.
After Dragon Age 2, Bioware lost its free pass from me and actually needs to prove to me their games are worth buying. There are so many great RPGs game sin develpment right now, like Wateland 2, Pillers of Eternity, Divinity" Original Sin, Witcher 3, that I have no problem missing out of the new Dragon Age.
Never got into the first Mirror's Edge, so I personally indifferent to it, though I'm happy that fans of the game are getting a sequel.
It's fine if you are excited for what EA is making, but everyone has their own tastes and might not care for EA games, or EA's management (R.I.P. SimCity).


Last EA game I bought was NFS:MWU. I'm willing to support good games, or good ports (such as Most Wanted U. Good job, Criterion, RIP in peace), but I can't say I'll really miss EA, when all their games seem to aim for the common denominator and end up being as generic as it can be. They even managed to ruin the good franchises they started last gen (Dead Space, I'm looking at you).

And then you think about all the DLC and microtransactions that have been plaguing all their games, and how you pay US$60 expecting to get a full game, but is always prompted to spend more to get the rest of the content and... well... Honestly, I'll probably won't buy their games on Wii U, or on the 3DS or on my PS3 or on my future PS4 or Steambox or Xbone.

I just find it curious that it makes it seem like EA has made their decision and won't support NIntendo platforms, successful or not. Oh well... Good luck for them.


I can understand the WiiU, totally.

But why the fcuk would you choose to ignore the 3DS??? Surely there is some money to be made there?


Can't blame EA, the audience isn't there for the games they make.

Now if they decide to bring Ty The Tasmanian Tiger back, then Wii U would be a good fit.


Chû Totoro;90608749 said:
Why are you doing this?
oh please, like it is any worse than the guy calling everything CoD

and like people said, third party games don't sell on the Wii U, if first party alone can carry the system remains to be seen
...but would probably have done better if it was released on the Wii U as an exclusive when it was supposed to (before they pissed off Nintendo fans and when the game was being well hyped)....and then released 6 months later on the 360/PS3.
So they should have released the game when the WiiU's install base was even smaller to appease a minority of upset fans? In what world does that make sense.

They waited for more WiiU fans, most of whom weren't even aware of the delay. The game has sold over a million copies due to being multi platform; are you going to claim it would have sold 1mil as a WiiU exclusive lol? They made the right decision.

The system is failing worldwide, why should any third party be beholden to it right now? Again, I don't think people realize this is about recouping, not about loyalty.
Because I am tickled

I mean one guy up there said only real gamers buy a Wii U.

The Wii U! Haha

You're right about some people's behavior being laughable but "The Wii U! Haha" doesn't make you look really smarter in this case. And it's not helping having a constructive discussion.

Demon Ice

Chû Totoro;90610925 said:
You're right about some people's behavior being laughable but "The Wii U! Haha" doesn't make you look really smarter in this case. And it's not helping having a constructive discussion.

Nothing in those posts I quoted was in the least bit constructive, least of all yours.

My post was made of humor because there's nothing constructive to even add to this discussion. Anybody who is surprised / upset about EA ignoring the Wii U is severely in denial with regards to the Wii U's impact on the console market. Probably the same people that thought the Wii U's commercial failure was a sign that the games industry as a whole was dead.


Not shocking but if your doing a survey to your gamers wouldnt you want to know if they play games on platforms that you dont support to in gauge interest?
I'm not going to sit here and say something inane like "Nintendo is better off without EA" or "EA will regret this move." Those dwell too much on fanboyism and discourage discussion.

But I am going to propose that maybe EA is narrowing its focus in a dangerous way. Just because EA did not make money on mature, M-rated titles on Wii U (not that they always went about it in the correct fashion; see Mass Effect 3 launching alongside ME Trilogy on other platforms) does not mean that was they only way they could capitalize on Wii U's market. Could EA not have sold their titles on the Virtual Console catalog? What about mid-range family-friendly titles like EA Sports Playground and Facebreaker KO that were, I imagine, at worst modest successes on Wii? Medal of Honor Heroes 2 also must have done reasonably well on Wii and that was not their AAA product, either.

EA couldn't make big bucks on simply porting their AAA titles near launch, so they abandoned the ship altogether. Doesn't this seem like throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Although EA's mobile business is succssful, why does that mean they have to ignore the 3DS? Again, even if they don't have much luck with packaged goods, they could still release eShop content like Virtual Console, or even porting their mobile titles with lots of DLC options.

They have all sorts of revenue options available that could supplement their risky AAA sales and they ignore nearly all of them. Diversity is a healthy business approach as long as you can afford it. Why ignore Wii U, 3DS, and even Vita just because you can't toss out the easiest solution and make a profit? Just like in life, you can't always take the easy route and walk away a winner. This sort of narrowed focus on iOS/Android and AAA(A?) budget titles is a dangerous and precarious path IMHO, and I wonder how well it will suit them in the long run.
Nothing in those posts I quoted was in the least bit constructive, least of all yours.

My post was made of humor because there's nothing constructive to even add to this discussion. Anybody who is surprised / upset about EA ignoring the Wii U is severely in denial with regards to the Wii U's impact on the console market. Probably the same people that thought the Wii U's commercial failure was a sign that the games industry as a whole was dead.

You're the one who is obsessed by Wii U. My point was really not focused on the EA / Wii U subject.

If you ignored half of the posts so you can make your funny post then you are worst than the ones you're trying to laugh at.

I must admit you can make a great selection of the posts that will make your point a little more valid. Maybe try to make a selection of the posts worth reading (you can ignore mine of course I won't be upset).


...but would probably have done better if it was released on the Wii U as an exclusive when it was supposed to (before they pissed off Nintendo fans and when the game was being well hyped)....and then released 6 months later on the 360/PS3.

Sure, it would do better on a console with its install base of not even 4 000 000 than on the consoles that have the install base of 160 000 000 consoles combined.



I'm not going to sit here and say something inane like "Nintendo is better off without EA" or "EA will regret this move." Those dwell too much on fanboyism and discourage discussion.

But I am going to propose that maybe EA is narrowing its focus in a dangerous way. Just because EA did not make money on mature, M-rated titles on Wii U (not that they always went about it in the correct fashion; see Mass Effect 3 launching alongside ME Trilogy on other platforms) does not mean that was they only way they could capitalize on Wii U's market. Could EA not have sold their titles on the Virtual Console catalog? What about mid-range family-friendly titles like EA Sports Playground and Facebreaker KO that were, I imagine, at worst modest successes on Wii? Medal of Honor Heroes 2 also must have done reasonably well on Wii and that was not their AAA product, either.

EA couldn't make big bucks on simply porting their AAA titles near launch, so they abandoned the ship altogether. Doesn't this seem like throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Although EA's mobile business is succssful, why does that mean they have to ignore the 3DS? Again, even if they don't have much luck with packaged goods, they could still release eShop content like Virtual Console, or even porting their mobile titles with lots of DLC options.

They have all sorts of revenue options available that could supplement their risky AAA sales and they ignore nearly all of them. Diversity is a healthy business approach as long as you can afford it. Why ignore Wii U, 3DS, and even Vita just because you can't toss out the easiest solution and make a profit? Just like in life, you can't always take the easy route and walk away a winner. This sort of narrowed focus on iOS/Android and AAA(A?) budget titles is a dangerous and precarious path IMHO, and I wonder how well it will suit them in the long run.

Agreed. Lessons from the last generation were not learned, apparently.

Demon Ice

Chû Totoro;90611801 said:
You're the one who is obsessed by Wii U. My point was really not focused on the EA / Wii U subject.

I don't even know what to do with this so I'm just gonna chuckle to myself.

If you ignored half of the posts so you can make your funny post then you are worst than the ones you're trying to laugh at.

Lol k


I'm not going to sit here and say something inane like "Nintendo is better off without EA" or "EA will regret this move." Those dwell too much on fanboyism and discourage discussion.

But I am going to propose that maybe EA is narrowing its focus in a dangerous way. Just because EA did not make money on mature, M-rated titles on Wii U (not that they always went about it in the correct fashion; see Mass Effect 3 launching alongside ME Trilogy on other platforms) does not mean that was they only way they could capitalize on Wii U's market. Could EA not have sold their titles on the Virtual Console catalog? What about mid-range family-friendly titles like EA Sports Playground and Facebreaker KO that were, I imagine, at worst modest successes on Wii? Medal of Honor Heroes 2 also must have done reasonably well on Wii and that was not their AAA product, either.

EA couldn't make big bucks on simply porting their AAA titles near launch, so they abandoned the ship altogether. Doesn't this seem like throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Although EA's mobile business is succssful, why does that mean they have to ignore the 3DS? Again, even if they don't have much luck with packaged goods, they could still release eShop content like Virtual Console, or even porting their mobile titles with lots of DLC options.

They have all sorts of revenue options available that could supplement their risky AAA sales and they ignore nearly all of them. Diversity is a healthy business approach as long as you can afford it. Why ignore Wii U, 3DS, and even Vita just because you can't toss out the easiest solution and make a profit? Just like in life, you can't always take the easy route and walk away a winner. This sort of narrowed focus on iOS/Android and AAA(A?) budget titles is a dangerous and precarious path IMHO, and I wonder how well it will suit them in the long run.

Because EA is flat out run terribly as a business, you would think a huge AAA company wouldnt be struggling, look at Ubisoft they support every platform and are doing fine, Activision is doing fine.

EA left WiiU long before launch, they canceled Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 before the WiiU even came out, so WiiU sales had nothing to do with lack of EA support.


I could understand if thery're ignoring just Wii U. But they ignoring Wii U, 3DS and Vita, so called "kiddie and japanese" systems. Sounds much like a bro gamer. I mean, what's wrong with 3DS? Selling great, full of quality titles, both mature, everyone and casual titles. And Vita, such a perfect piece of machine. So much potential this thing has.

But it's just like everyone else says: Your loss, EA.


Nothing in those posts I quoted was in the least bit constructive, least of all yours.

My post was made of humor because there's nothing constructive to even add to this discussion. Anybody who is surprised / upset about EA ignoring the Wii U is severely in denial with regards to the Wii U's impact on the console market. Probably the same people that thought the Wii U's commercial failure was a sign that the games industry as a whole was dead.

If you think there is nothing to add to the discussion, then why are you even posting in this thread. Simply to hurl insults? Yes, you quoted some laughable salty posts, but you are not coming off any better here.


Neo Member
Why do people still buy EA's games? They've been distributing nothing but bad games on consoles for a couple of years now, and that seems like it won't change.


Sure, it would do better on a console with its install base of not even 4 000 000 than on the consoles that have the install base of 160 000 000 consoles combined.


That's not what I said. I said they should have released it on the Wii U as an "exclusive" when planned ..when the hype was in full flow..

...and then release it on the PS3/360 6 months down the road when those versions were finished...rather than delaying the already completed Wii U version 6 months.

That way they would have gotten the best of both worlds.
Well he's right. Real gamers buy every system out there and have a competent gaming PC so that they can play every game available.

Is a "loyalist" gamer not a "real gamer"? Or maybe the name "gamer" implies that your active pursuit is "games and games alone"? I can see arguments in multiple directions on this one.

Demon Ice indeed has reason to be amused by thread behavior, but he's certainly being condescending about what amuses him. Sales and popularity aside, the Wii U is a perfectly enjoyable games console.


I imagine it with British accents.

Exec #1: "The Wii U is pretty shit, iddnit?"

Exec #2: "Yep. Get fucked, Nintendo."

And that is how the unprecedented partnership came to a close.

Hmmm I imagine something more like this...

Pinstripesandgoldtie: "ms and sony ave agreed that used game sales will be drm controlled on next gen consoles."

Redbracesandnotie: "Good news, wotabaat Nintendo?"

"They say no"

"You wot?"

"They say they don't mind used game sales, they say their games keep selling at full price years after launch"

"Those faaking Jeremy Hunts can get fucked, pull everything that's not gone gold yet and tell 'em they can 'ave a taste of wot Sega got back in the day"

I'll get me tin hat
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