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Ryse: Son Of Rome |Reviews| It's going to be a bloodbath!


Sorry, you got that wrong. I'm referring to games that consistently display terrible performance, as Dead Rising 3 once did in its early showings, which made it completely unplayable, and others agreed around that time also that it was unplayable. That is no longer the case for DR3. It's certainly not the case for Ryse. There's entire level playthroughs available online from the finished game, and the performance is great. I think you're mistaken to associate my comments to mean something they obviously do not, and never did. I'm not so crazy unrealistic in my expectations as to expect a game will never occasionally drop below its target framerate. BF4 on both the PS4 and Xbox One occasionally drop to below 60fps, but that fact does little to change the fact that the game is much more often than not a consistently reliable 60fps. The game is not significantly hurt by performance. Neither is Ryse based on available footage of entire level playthroughs. It displays strong performance beginning to end. Watch the below video.


There's nothing miraculous about a game occasionally dropping below its target FPS. People keep throwing out the "xbox fan, xbox fan, hey, you're an xbox fan" charge, but I don't know how much weight that carries when people keep relying on these petty instances of occasional dropped frames to paint an entire game with a broad and inaccurate brush of bad or terrible performance. It's like, "Hey look, we've got some instances of dropped frames, look how low it goes," totally ignoring the overall performance. It seems insanely childish to me, but I'm done discussing it.

If I'm wrong, I will be the first to come on and admit that when I get the chance to play it, but I can tell from the footage I've watched I'm going to like this game.
I'm seeing frequent drops to like 5fps during the QTE's.


Knack was generally bashed by critics but the public seems to like it better. I'm wondering whether Ryse will be in the same boat.

In both cases, the main culprit is the repetitiveness of the task, although what gives Ryse a higher score are definitely production values, graphics, design etc. However, while Knack is oriented mostly towards younger or old-school audience, which partially explains it's simple control scheme and repetitiveness, Ryse is pretty much mainstream God-of-War-wannabe it'll be an interesting weekend.
Ryse and Knack both had really shitty unveiling but actually look fun in the reviews yet somehow got low scores. They can't be any worse than the annual COD so i'll definitely play them at some point wether as a rental or get them dirt cheap.


Just re-watched the Sessler Ryse review, still getting it. Like another user posted a few pages back, sometimes you just want to hack and slash things up. I can see myself frequently revisiting that online horde mode.


benevolent sexism
Can we just get one thing straight? When you say "fuck the haters, I'm going to buy this game even though the impressions from people who, unlike me, have actually played it say that it's awful" you are not taking some grand stand against The Haters or The Man; you are bending over and getting forcibly fucked by a gigantic canoe wielded by a multi-million dollar marketing machine which thrives on generating defensive reactionary sentiment and irrational hype in order to take your money from you.

That was beautiful. *single tear*

"Fuck the haters" is something idiots say to other idiots to justify and bolster their own dubious choices instead of engaging in self-reflection and learning from their mistakes.
gaming "journos" feel the urge to suddenly have high standards from the looks of it. You can't 10/10 outright from the generation, leaves little room for improvement.

This, of course, is my personal view on such a score discrepancy and overall mediocrity of scores. Will get to formulate my own opinion when I can afford entering the "nextgen"


Yes. I am correct in what I wrote, and stand by it. Watching without sound is preferable.

I don't know... I don't find all the goofy egocentric stuff to be of much value.

So if someone in another conversation responded to something you had written by saying, "I got a sentence into your post and stopped reading. What you said sounded ego driven and stupid. I'd rather close my eyes than finish looking at your post," would you find that negative? That's my underlying point. I feel like this is worth bringing up, even in a review thread for a different game, because you're not alone in doing this. It's a bad attitude to put into words, even if it's how you feel about the particular reviewer. Once it's become a personal comment about the reviewer, that in itself is off-topic; the game and the review is no longer the subject.

I'd be the last to declare the "authority" of any particular reviewers. It's the nature of editorializing. Outside of having reference points from people I'm familiar with, you'll tend to see me making the same point you have in the broader sense. I'm just saying in a discussion about particular reactions, don't bring in outside dirt about how "stupid" someone sounds if you're not going to even bother commenting on the ideas you're dismissing. I would never say the example I posed up above in one of these conversations. You've doubled down that it's a reasonable part of discourse, and I strongly disagree.


That was beautiful. *single tear*

"Fuck the haters" is something idiots say to other idiots to justify and bolster their own dubious choices instead of engaging in self-reflection and learning from their mistakes.

Wow, that's an interesting take on that. So majority rules in everything? That might be the dumbest thing that I've seen today. It's perfectly acceptable to say "I think I will like this thing" even if other people don't like it.

The idiots here are those that think they can dictate what other people are allowed to enjoy. I would imagine that you like some movies or games that are below "good" on Metacritic as well.

Saying "I think I'm going to enjoy it" (and not trying to force other people to enjoy it or change their minds) is just fine. Piling on somebody and not being able to accept that is beyond pitiful. Grow the fuck up.
you know what... i will still get this, and i think that will enjoy this tomorrow as my first next gen game. i will play this on the hardest settings also.

i can see myself getting on-line quite a bit with my pals for some co-op carnage.

they should have made the campaign co-op as well


benevolent sexism
Wow, that's an interesting take on that. So majority rules in everything? That might be the dumbest thing that I've seen today. It's perfectly acceptable to say "I think I will like this thing" even if other people don't like it.

The idiots here are those that think they can dictate what other people are allowed to enjoy. I would imagine that you like some movies or games that are below "good" on Metacritic as well.

Saying "I think I'm going to enjoy it" (and not trying to force other people to enjoy it or change their minds) is just fine. Piling on somebody and not being able to accept that is beyond pitiful. Grow the fuck up.

I like what I like, and other people should like what they like. I have never, however, uttered the phrase "fuck the haters" because it's inarticulate and stupid. My problem is literally with that formulation of the sentiment, not the idea that people should make up their own minds about what they enjoy. Of course, many made up their minds that they would enjoy Ryse before playing a single second of it and before hearing a wide array of less-than-glowing impressions.

"Fuck the haters" is what you say when you don't have actual reasons for your position. "Fuck the haters" is putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "nah nah nah I can't hear you."


I would rarely do this... but given what happened around the time of the micorosoft conference and e3 reveal... and Bishoptl hints...

Haha I know I'm only kinda new here, it took forever for the membership to come through. I'm not saying it's the best game ever, just that it has amazing graphics, and some really cool brutal executions. I thought it'd be cool to share impressions from someone who'd actually played it, instead of a constant stream of hate from people who haven't played the game.

The combat is fine, it's really similar to Arkham, except enemies that you need to block don't have an attention mark on their head, and you need to watch what people are doing. It's not that deep, but it's a lot cooler than I was expecting.


benevolent sexism
Don't worry it's better than Batman Arkham Asylum combat, just as deep, Senjutsu told me so.

he was supposed to make a thread proving it but that never materialized, shockingly enough. I have no idea why, it was such a good idea.

I think the comparisons to Assassin's Creed may have been more spot on. At least Arkham combat evolves and integrates the gadgets you acquire. Ryse's idea of progression is unlocking more execution animations, right?
I look at it like this. I play a game, I tell people how I feel about it. You agree/disagree. I respect your opinion, you respect mine. You don't downplay my thoughts or reasons for loving it and I don't downplay your thoughts or reasons for hating it. Simple as that. We all allowed to like/dislike what we want to. It's just this back and forth I'm right, your wrong mentality that spirals out of control. Some people get this concept, others don't. I'm excited for Ryse still... I can see why others are completely not. It's ok people. :D
This attitude is weird. Two reviews say it's not the worst game ever made and you now have "permission" to get it? It sounds to me like you already made up your mind to get it and just want to see opinions which support that preconceived notion.

Yes it is a weird and twisted 'logic'. Basically trying to find any reason to get it despite all evidence painting a bleak picture XD

I always thought it was going to score poorly, but it is disappointing to see that confirmed nonetheless.
I like what I like, and other people should like what they like. I have never, however, uttered the phrase "fuck the haters" because it's inarticulate and stupid. My problem is literally with that formulation of the sentiment, not the idea that people should make up their own minds about what they enjoy. Of course, many made up their minds that they would enjoy Ryse before playing a single second of it and before hearing a wide array of less-than-glowing impressions.

"Fuck the haters" is what you say when you don't have actual reasons for your position. "Fuck the haters" is putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "nah nah nah I can't hear you."

Exactly, this is what I meant. I like a lot of games which have reviewed terribly, and had a poor reception from other gamers, that doesn't mean I won't acknowledge the criticisms of them.


I think the comparisons to Assassin's Creed may have been more spot on. At least Arkham combat evolves and integrates the gadgets you acquire. Ryse's idea of progression is unlocking more execution animations, right?
I'd say it is closer to Arkham, but you're right, arkhams combat evolves when you get more gadgets, and there's more you can do (hide, stealth kill from above etc) where Ryse is just unlocking more execution animations.

It's not going to be for everyone, but if you dig the period, and just want to play a Rome / 300 esque themed brawler, there's a half decent game there.

My friend I was playing with at one time said "it's like playing Rome Total War from a ground level" he really enjoyed it as well, but you know, it seems like if you like something, especially on Xbox, your opinion is automatically discredited and you're a fanboy. I'm getting a ps4 next week when they come out here in Australia, and I'd be the first person to defend knack if I was enjoying it.
I think the comparisons to Assassin's Creed may have been more spot on. At least Arkham combat evolves and integrates the gadgets you acquire. Ryse's idea of progression is unlocking more execution animations, right?

The biggest difference is that you can go about doing missions in different ways, way more open and can definitely make for a whole lot of variation. Being in tight corridors using most of the same weapons against the same enemies without exploration is the opposite of AC.


no. Killzone, Knack, 2k14, warframe, resogun,dcuo, are all awesome. bf4, dead rising, and ryse are probably good too.

Those are all extreeeeemely debatable, with the exception of Resogun, which will only appeal to shmup fans. I'm not saying they're bad, but none of those are "Great" by any means.


I'd say it is closer to Arkham, but you're right, arkhams combat evolves when you get more gadgets, and there's more you can do (hide, steal kill etc) where Ryse is just unlocking more execution animations.

It's not going to be for everyone, but if you dig the period, and just want to play a Rome / 300 esque brawler, there's a half decent game there.

My friend I was playing with at one time said "it's like playing Rome Total War from a ground level" he really enjoyed it as well, but you know, it seems like if you like something, especially by on Xbox, your opinion is automatically discredited and you're a fanboy. I'm getting a ps4 next week when they come out here in Australia, and I'd be the first person to defend knack if I was enjoying it.

To say nothing that they actually consistently throw enemies into the mix, a fairly wide variety, that you must constantly be taken advantage of your much wider and varied array of arsenal to take down these enemies.

To say nothing that there is actually a good amount of non-combat related things to do, like solve puzzles and beat things like glide challenges.

This game was doomed from the start, not only because of its appalling approach to combat - clearly made by someone with no understanding as to what makes action combat games work and why - but because they simply had nothing at all worthy of mixing that up. Some turret sections and some broader army approach b.s. which is so shallow it barely is worth a mention. God of War functions because there are puzzles and some platforming and climbing and constant barrage of things that they use to mix things up, sometimes successfully, other times not. If it was just about combat, few would praise it, because its combat cannot compare to games like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry.

Then you add in the shockingly limited amount of enemy variety? In a game that is almost 100% combat? It's basically unforgivable for a game of this type.


benevolent sexism
The biggest difference is that you can go about doing missions in different ways, way more open and can definitely make for a whole lot of variation. Being in tight corridors using most of the same weapons against the same enemies without exploration is the opposite of AC.

I just meant the combat was closest to AC's combat. Not that Ryse as a game is closest to AC as a game. Ryse as a game seems to be just AC's combat.


To say nothing that they actually consistently throw enemies into the mix, a fairly wide variety, that you must constantly be taken advantage of your much wider and varied array of arsenal to take down these enemies.

To say nothing that there is actually a good amount of non-combat related things to do, like solve puzzles and beat things like glide challenges.


Then you add in the shockingly limited amount of enemy variety? In a game that is almost 100% combat? It's basically unforgivable for a game of this type.
Oh my god are you serious? I'm not comparing the game to Arkham, I'm comparing the combat, saying it's kind of similar. Of course Arkham isn't just combat, and has a decent story and adventure where you do things other than fight.

But Ryse is mostly combat, and some people, believe it or not are okay with that. How on earth is it unforgivable? Because it doesn't fulfil your criteria for a good game? It's just a game...


Isn't every game repetitive? I don't see how Ryse is anymore repetitive than any other sports or racing game. I'm pretty sure Forza 5 is going to have you repeatedly race on the same dozen or so tracks, that have been in every Forza game, over and over again. A lot of story driven games this launch have been receiving a lot of flack; but racing games, score attack games, etc seem to be getting a free pass.


You know a Xbox game is bad when Polygon and IGN both torch it.

The sooner GAF regains is decent standards of posting and utter fucking tripe like this stops the better this place will be.

Every thread seems to be a competition of who can be the biggest smart arse.

Ryse is getting bad reviews because it's quite obviously a shallow game. Fuck all to do with the platform it's on, the graphics or anything else.


Oh my god are you serious? I'm not comparing the game to Arkham, I'm comparing the combat, saying it's kind of similar. Of course Arkham isn't just combat, and has a decent story and adventure where you do things other than fight.

But Ryse is mostly combat, and some people, believe it or not are okay with that. How on earth is it unforgivable? Because it doesn't fulfil your criteria for a good game? It's just a game...

No, it's unforgivable for a COMBAT ONLY game to have a pathetically paltry bit of enemy variety. It's not bad at all for a game to be combat focused - Devil May Cry does it and very successfully, because it has the greatest action combat system on Earth.

What does not work is a game with no variety at all but an insanely limited depth and variety to your arsenal, versus a grotesquely tiny amount of enemy types. That does not work. It will never work. People making excuses for it are just that: excuses. Most people will never excuse that type of game anywhere, and we never will, because we value our money.

It's not because some people DONT GET WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR, as Senjutsu embarrassingly tried to imply. Action combat games are one of my favorite types of games.


Isn't every game repetitive? I don't see how Ryse is anymore repetitive than any other sports or racing game. I'm pretty sure Forza 5 is going to have you repeatedly race on the same dozen or so tracks, that have been in every Forza game, over and over again. A lot of story driven games this launch have been receiving a lot of flack; but racing games, score attack games, etc seem to be getting a free pass.

Most games are indeed repetitive but it all comes down to how well a game can keep you interested. For example Forza may be racing on the same tracks but your opponents, lap times and even how well you drive will offer a lot of variation. Ryse sounds as if the game turns in to a grind which is never welcome unless you are working towards a goal in an MMO or an RPG.
Isn't every game repetitive? I don't see how Ryse is anymore repetitive than any other sports or racing game. I'm pretty sure Forza 5 is going to have you repeatedly race on the same dozen or so tracks, that have been in every Forza game, over and over again. A lot of story driven games this launch have been receiving a lot of flack; but racing games, score attack games, etc seem to be getting a free pass.

Sports will always play out differently with each game. Same with races. You can win, lose or maybe a tie. When all you do is fight the same enemies (limited) with the same moves (limited) with the same weapons (limited) (unlike sports, which has different players, different traits, different skills, and each game is different) it really starts to grate on you.

But as a whole, how our brains work is based on repetition. This is the same with games. It's all down to how much or how bad the repetition is, especially for how you interact with the game.


No, it's unforgivable for a COMBAT ONLY game to have a pathetically paltry bit of enemy variety. It's not bad at all for a game to be combat focused - Devil May Cry does it and very successfully, because it has the greatest action combat system on Earth.

What does not work is a game with no variety at all but an insanely limited depth and variety to your arsenal, versus a grotesquely tiny amount of enemy types. That does not work. It will never work. People making excuses for it are just that: excuses. Most people will never excuse that type of game anywhere, and we never will, because we value our money.

It's not because some people DONT GET WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR, as Senjutsu embarrassingly tried to imply. Action combat games are one of my favorite types of games.

killer instict has only 6 opponents and its still great.

devil may cry you say it had the best combat system, well
ryse has the best graphics
also its set in a not very common era.

plus, the replayability will come -if it comes- from mastering the combat system and going for highscores. kind of makes sense, doesnt it?


No, it's unforgivable for a COMBAT ONLY game to have a pathetically paltry bit of enemy variety. It's not bad at all for a game to be combat focused - Devil May Cry does it and very successfully, because it has the greatest action combat system on Earth.

What does not work is a game with no variety at all but an insanely limited depth and variety to your arsenal, versus a grotesquely tiny amount of enemy types. That does not work. It will never work. People making excuses for it are just that: excuses. Most people will never excuse that type of game anywhere, and we never will, because we value our money.

It's not because some people DONT GET WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR, as Senjutsu embarrassingly tried to imply. Action combat games are one of my favorite types of games.
I wasn't around for these battles in real life, but I don't think there was a great variety of enemy types for the roman troops to battle, would you like the game more if it had historically accurate giant enemy crabs? Devil May Cry is a fantastic game, but in a completely different league, comparing the two is just asinine. Ryse is a shallow launch title with serviceable mechanics, and amazing graphics.

That's good for you, I'm not telling you to buy it, I'm just letting you and everyone else hating on it know, it's not a bad game, but I don't mind, we all have different tastes, I'm not making excuses when I say I genuinely enjoy playing it though, I'm stating my opinion.

I never said people here didn't get what Crytek were going for, that would be condescending and rude, nor did I hype it up as something that it isnt, it's just a decent brawler, with amazing visuals.
killer instict has only 6 opponents and its still great.

devil may cry you say it had the best combat system, well
ryse has the best graphics
also its set in a not very common era.

plus, the replayability will come -if it comes- from mastering the combat system and going for highscores. kind of makes sense, doesnt it?

Going for high scores? Is this the Atari age?

KI is also a fighting game. Different opponents and learning deep lists of combos and moves and each game is never the same. You may face the same character over and over again, but with changing AI and other players to play against, it makes it always a new way to play and never gets boring.


Isn't every game repetitive? I don't see how Ryse is anymore repetitive than any other sports or racing game. I'm pretty sure Forza 5 is going to have you repeatedly race on the same dozen or so tracks, that have been in every Forza game, over and over again. A lot of story driven games this launch have been receiving a lot of flack; but racing games, score attack games, etc seem to be getting a free pass.

With this particular game, there seems to be a lack of variety to enemy types, which also means the strategies for taking down groups end up being limited. So less thought goes into each encounter on your end, even if it requires skill to get the highest bonuses from the fights. It looks fun on its own, but there's not meaningful advancement in the combat system through the course of the game itself. I think that's a legitimate criticism, and I've seen it in enough reviews to take it seriously.

I still want to play it with that in mind, but that wouldn't be anytime soon. Sometimes I see "repetitive" used as a blind, catch-all criticism when someone can't come up with a particular thing to harp on in a game, but this seems like it's a problem in the game design itself for Ryse.


Going for high scores? Is this the Atari age?
why? something wrong with atari age?

if only the mechanics work good and click for me, the eyecandy sure is there to keep me interested in scoring.
the progressive unlocks of the battle system and the combo calculator sure point to that way...


I would rarely do this... but given what happened around the time of the micorosoft conference and e3 reveal... and Bishoptl hints...


I am getting tired of this bullshit... Anyone who likes MS games is put under a microscope. God I miss the good ol' days where people were just fanboys. MS must be going broke from all the shill money they are paying out.


Quite sure I'll enjoy the game action-wise. I like the action in Assassins Creed 2 and all I do is hold the block button and time when I have to click the button to counter. Oh and sometimes switch between the weapons, but the outcome is still the same.


I wasn't around for these battles in real life, but I don't think there was a great variety of enemy types for the roman troops to battle, would you like the game more if it had historically accurate giant enemy crabs? Devil May Cry is a fantastic game, but in a completely different league, comparing the two is just asinine. Ryse is a shallow launch title with serviceable mechanics, and amazing graphics.

That's good for you, I'm not telling you to buy it, I'm just letting you and everyone else hating on it know, it's not a bad game, but I don't mind, we all have different tastes, I'm not making excuses when I say I genuinely enjoy playing it though, I'm stating my opinion.

I never said people here didn't get what Crytek were going for, that would be condescending and rude, nor did I hype it up as something that it isnt, it's just a decent brawler, with amazing visuals.

LOL, did you just equate the intricately shaped mental capabilities and physical attributes of individual humans in a war with a single-stringed AI subroutine of a specific enemy type in a video game? The actual wars with actual humans that couldn't be more individual and unique didn't have the same variety of enemy types and fighting styles that this game showcases? Now I've heard everything.


Junior Member
Ryse and Knack both had really shitty unveiling but actually look fun in the reviews yet somehow got low scores. They can't be any worse than the annual COD so i'll definitely play them at some point wether as a rental or get them dirt cheap.
Agreed! These are by far the two launch titles I am most interested in.


Can’t stump the diablos
Gotta love all these micro-transactions in MS titles.
Want MS to publish your title? Better include micro-transactions and give them a cut of the profits...


Personally from what I saw in the quicklook I think the game looks alright. Especially if you are a fan of the setting. The only problem I see however, is the price point. They want you to pay 60 dollars for a 5 hour game, with pretty much no replay value, micro-transactions, limited enemy/gameplay variety, etc. That just seems a little crazy to me. The game should be 20~30 bucks.
Going for high scores? Is this the Atari age?

KI is also a fighting game. Different opponents and learning deep lists of combos and moves and each game is never the same. You may face the same character over and over again, but with changing AI and other players to play against, it makes it always a new way to play and never gets boring.

Because nobody ever cares about achievements or trophies right?


We should be able to return/exchange goods purchased via in-game microtransactions within a 14-day window. Who's with me, dawgs?


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