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Turn 10 Hear the Complaints, Respond with Weekend DLC sale. Buy now!


So they pretty much said we will sale everything for 50 percent off for a weekend and then keep trolling for purchases after.


I'd be in the dick
Normally we just ignore the Sony Too!™ posts that have been failing regularly to catch on since E3, but Gran Turismo is a grind-happy title. If they go down a similar to road to what we're seeing here?...


I bet they're reevaluating microtransaction implementation for GT6 and DriveClub as we speak. None of the usual Sony guys have said anything about the issue (they're usually very fast about this sort of thing) and GT6 is confirmed to have them and they've said from the start that DriveClub will have extensive car DLC. I don't think they'll remove them entirely but they may be quietly changing pricing/values in response.

Off topic: That gif is wonderful.


Alright. Fuck turn ten. I'm done.

I love the physics model and realistic driving of forza.. It's a joy to play.. But Fuck every decision outside of that. I want to drive an indy car in this game.. And I can't go that. I paid for a game that included this fucking car.. But if I don't spend the next 100 hours grinding races on the same boring ass tracks over and over I can't fucking experience it. This sale is so insulting. It's a marketing experiment plain and simple. If they see a huge influx in sales this weekend they will lower everything to this price point permanently. Ontop of all this bullshit you stripped the game of many features in previous forza... Including my beloved drag racing mode.

Out of spite... My copy is going on eBay.

Fuck Dan and everyone at turn ten for selling us an unfinished product at full retail price and then expecting up to pay excessive amount of money just to bring it on par with previous titles in the same series of games.

Not that this should influence your decision, but the grinding for the single seater top end cars isn't unqiue to Forza..

If anything, they seem to have looked at the competition and followed their model.. limited garage choices when in freeplay, and grind massively to get the best cars..

At the moment, there is the simplest of glitches that allows you to drive any car you want in freeplay,which is the one thing they should make permanent, I really enjoyed using freeplay to test cars out, and it made more sense of DLC packs where you could at least just pop in a few laps in each car on any track to get a feel for them, so you could make an informed decision when buying them with your credits for career.

I do think MS/T10 need to wake up very quickly and realise that whilst some heartless accountant may have figured out the statistically optimal method of milking consumers, they overlooked the obvious aspect that a bad reception of the methods will negate it all in one fell swoop..

Still, the rest of the game is top notch, and I'm not finding myself having to grind too much at all, but I really do miss the freeplay choice of any car..


Neo Member
Which is essentially what they've said they're doing. Let's give them a chance to fix it before we burn the building down.

They could be doing it right now. Instead they're doing it later, and putting everything on sale for a couple days when the community's overall credit balance is at its lowest for the game's life cycle. The solution here is really, really simple and would give them a lot of consumer and PR goodwill, and instead Turn10 is choosing one of the dumbest, slowest, and most unfriendly paths open to them.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Normally we just ignore the Sony Too!™ posts that have been failing regularly to catch on since E3, but Gran Turismo is a grind-happy title. If they go down a similar to road to what we're seeing here?...


bishoptl due to my name Im obviously going to have to bogart that gif of yours.


Wow they just do not get it at all. Despicable

And before you even think this is some form of attack on MS, i own every GT game in the series since the first one. And i am not fucking buy GT6 unless they remove that shit, there is no compromise to make, i dont care if Polyphony Digital offers them for a 90% discount. So this is not some sort of attack on Microsoft or another skirmish in the illustrious and grand "Console Warz".

No matter who does it, its shit. This is a 60 dollar game for the love of god, they fucked with the way you gain currency in this game, because the want you to spend real money. Which is why the typical apologist comment like this:

"If you dont like it, dont buy it, simple as that!"

Does not work, the game has been tuned differently to push they money making scheme. The entire experience has been altered because of greed.

What a shame because 3 and 4 really put Forza on the map. Its the one exclusive i really like on the Xbox brand and its mutilated now.


My opinion? USED.
If they trust this new wave game economy then why not release it as free to play? Then people can pick and chose what cars and tracks they want.


The economy in Forza has been fucked since 3. The amount of grinding required to unlock the higher value cars has always been of a ridiculous magnitude. I'm sure most of the people complaining about FM5's economy are aware of this. Turn 10 is aware of this shit more than five years ago but only chose to respond now after this shitstorm due to microtransactions.
all they have done is offered a black friday sale of their microtransactions.

The rest is just lip service that could mean a million different things.

That is factually untrue. They also gave a sale on ALL in-game credit car purchases, gave out some free cars to certain users (VIP, Day One DLC purchasers), and changed the rewards for Forza Rewards.

That's the knee jerk reaction until they have a more fleshed out course correction, which I hope they don't screw up but they still very much could.

Rat Salad

Im curious how things will be in GT6.

Strong hopes that nothing like this though.

Think it'll be pretty much the same really. Let us not forget that these guys sold us GT Prologue for almost full price and it was a shell of a game next to the final release. They have their own ways of subtlely slipping in micro like transactions.

That being said? Who cares. I just grind it out and earn the cash to buy the cars i like. Some people are pressed for time with jobs and families,and if they want to buy their way into enjoying the game? More power to them. I'm not gonna judge anyone or these companies here. Theyre all out to make a buck,not shake our hands and wish us great fortunes if we ever stopped supported them. Look at the Vita memory card pricing,look at Apple and the over gauging they do on the products,look at Microsoft with locking out all other hard drives for use on the 360,its a business. I guess for some its only tolerable if you enjoy the game or product so much I guess. DLC and micro tranactions are here to stay. Cool on Turn 10 to do this for people though. It shouldnt stop anyone from enjoying the game,its quite good. I've been playing non stop.
Wow they just do not get it at all. Despicable

And before you even think this is some form of attack on MS, i own every GT game in the series since the first one. And i am not fucking buy GT6 unless they remove that shit, there is no compromise to make, i dont care if Polyphony Digital offers them for a 90% discount. So this is not some sort of attack on Microsoft or another skirmish in the illustrious and grand "Console Warz".

No matter who does it, its shit. This is a 60 dollar game for the love of god, they fucked with the way you gain currency in this game, because the want you to spend real money. Which is why the typical apologist comment like this:

"If you dont like it, dont buy it, simple as that!"

Does not work, the game has been tuned differently to push they money making scheme. The entire experience has been altered because of greed.

What a shame because 3 and 4 really put Forza on the map. Its the one exclusive i really like on the Xbox brand and its mutilated now.

Go check the OT. There are a ton of people in there who spent $60 and are getting plenty of enjoyment for their money.

If everyone ignores the IAP buttons, they'll go away. Unfortunately, the iTunes top grossing list proves that people won't ignore them anytime soon so publishers will keep chasing that money until it no longer exists.

I blame Candy Crush.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Think it'll be pretty much the same really. Let us not forget that these guys sold us GT Prologue for almost full price and it was a shell of a game next to the final release. They have their own ways of subtlely slipping in micro like transactions.

That being said? Who cares. I just grind it out and earn the cash to buy the cars i like. Some people are pressed for time with jobs and families,and if they want to buy their way into enjoying the game? More power to them. I'm not gonna judge anyone or these companies here. Theyre all out to make a buck,not shake our hands and wish us great fortunes if we ever stopped supported them. Look at the Vita memory card pricing,look at Apple and the over gauging they do on the products,look at Microsoft with locking out all other hard drives for use on the 360,its a business. I guess for some its only tolerable if you enjoy the game or product so much I guess. DLC and micro tranactions are here to stay. Cool on Turn 10 to do this for people though. It shouldnt stop anyone from enjoying the game,its quite good. I've been playing non stop.

we will see soon enough as comes out next week here in Japan.


Think it'll be pretty much the same really. Let us not forget that these guys sold us GT Prologue for almost full price and it was a shell of a game next to the final release. They have their own ways of subtlely slipping in micro like transactions.
GT5 Prologue was such a scam.
Essentially a paid demo with broken online and no trophies to speak of.
But at least it didn't pretend to be anything but that.
And it wasn't asking you for additional money all the time, either.
For people talking about GT6 we know the price of cars is the same. We just need to know the currency exchange and max turnout one could get form a race.


This changes nothing.
I've been a Forza fan since Forza 2, and each version after that has declined.

I will not accept this shit from the arrogant pricks at T10 and will not buy a Xbone and Forza 5.


Im curious how things will be in GT6.

Strong hopes that nothing like this though.
I'm more concerned about Driveclub since it has a F2P version. I have the full version pre-ordered and hopefully it's not the same F2P game only with a bunch of stuff unlocked already (but not nearly all of it).
Not that this should influence your decision, but the grinding for the single seater top end cars isn't unqiue to Forza..

If anything, they seem to have looked at the competition and followed their model.. limited garage choices when in freeplay, and grind massively to get the best cars..

At the moment, there is the simplest of glitches that allows you to drive any car you want in freeplay,which is the one thing they should make permanent, I really enjoyed using freeplay to test cars out, and it made more sense of DLC packs where you could at least just pop in a few laps in each car on any track to get a feel for them, so you could make an informed decision when buying them with your credits for career.

I do think MS/T10 need to wake up very quickly and realise that whilst some heartless accountant may have figured out the statistically optimal method of milking consumers, they overlooked the obvious aspect that a bad reception of the methods will negate it all in one fell swoop..

Still, the rest of the game is top notch, and I'm not finding myself having to grind too much at all, but I really do miss the freeplay choice of any car..

It was a terrible design decision before they monetized it, it's simply much worse now.

In every racing game, even one that strives for "sim status" there should be an arcade or free mode where every car in the game is unlocked, period.
Also. The scary thing is I almost feel as if it was planned all along with Forza 3 - 4 moving towards the hard to aquire car model they had in the game. It's almost as if Microsoft was waiting for the new consoles to start pushing this, but the design decisions and influence in their games (first party) were moving this direction.

I didn't play Halo 4, but I'm wondering for anyone that did if you can't see any possible was they could try this same BS when it launches next year?
Personally, grinding for the rewards was always the fun of games like this. I don't want everything handed to me on a plate day one, or there's nothing to aim or work for. Like life.

BUT, I do believe that cheat codes to bypass the grinding, should ultimately, be free. The death of the cheat code in the wake of micro-transactions is just all kinds of wrong IMO.


Also. The scary thing is I almost feel as if it was planned all along with Forza 3 - 4 moving towards the hard to aquire car model they had in the game. It's almost as if Microsoft was waiting for the new consoles to start pushing this, but the design decisions and influence in their games (first party) were moving this direction.

I didn't play Halo 4, but I'm wondering for anyone that did if you can't see any possible was they could try this same BS when it launches next year?

Halo has always had map packs very close to launch. In Halo 4, they started selling new armour abilities and perks, so I think that we will very likely see armour/weapon/perk micro-transactions in the next Halo. I am very sure this will happen. In fact, I am now very sure this crap is going to be standard throughout this new generation, and I might just stop gaming and focus on cars.
First they came for the racing games,
and I didn't speak out because I didn't play racing games.

Then they came for the shooters,
and I didn't speak out because I didn't play shooters.

Then they came for the fighters,
and I didn't speak out because I didn't play fighters.

Then they came for my single-player open-world action-adventure RPG,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Perfect, I love this. I'll be directing people who say "you weren't going to buy it anyway" to this post.


Neo Member
i'm glad that the reaction made them change their way of thinking , if only a little , this is a nice first step .. but as of now more is needed. The real thing we should wait for is the economy balance updates ..players are easily bored so they should make them ASAP.

They only care about the reaction in the sales. They probably realised that their $50 cars and expensive tokens didn't sell as well as predicted, hence the changes to the economy. They won't give up microtransactions, it's their business model. All they do now is tweak the system to gain max value.

Same with the weekend discount: A large percentage of those who would not have bought the DLC/Tokens will now give in, especially those who were on the fence about buying.

After this one weekend stunt they will have earned more money this way than they would have otherwise.

That's the cynical truth.


You're right. Sony isn't interested at all in making money.

Well of course they are, but their approach to doing so seems to be 'lets try and make a product that really appeals to gamers in the hope that it sells shitloads'.

MS seems to have assumed that the success of the 360 would automatically translate to the success of the X1, and have tried to force varying levels of anti-consumer bullshit on us in an attempt to make more money.

I guess I should have known better than to try and make a light-hearted joke about it what with GAFs 'Defense force for everything' and all that.


Well, English is not my native language, but I remember our English teacher always telling us that hear is very different from listen: thanks Turn10, now I finally discovered what he wanted us to understand!


So, out of curiosity, has anyone compared the price of the same or similar cars between F4 and F5 (in terms of ingame "credits")?
They only care about the reaction in the sales. They probably realised that their $50 cars and expensive tokens didn't sell as well as predicted, hence the changes to the economy. They won't give up microtransactions, it's their business model. All they do now is tweak the system to gain max value.

Same with the weekend discount: A large percentage of those who would not have bought the DLC/Tokens will now give in, especially those who were on the fence about buying.

After this one weekend stunt they will have earned more money this way than they would have otherwise.

That's the cynical truth.

I Love how the 2 people that answered my comment are forgetting bits and parts of the whole sentence.
I'm not happy with this state of affairs , but my first sentence is me happy that the noise we made is making them react ( if only a little = it's not enough ).

Then i say that the real thing needed is the economy balance update.

There is no need to go that far answering my comment , if you're only taking a part of it and ignoring the rest guys.
I Love how the 2 people that answered my comment are forgetting bits and parts of the whole sentence.
I'm not happy with this state of affairs , but my first sentence is me happy that the noise we made is making them react ( if only a little = it's not enough ).

Then i say that the real thing needed is the economy balance update.

There is no need to go that far answering my comment , if you're only taking a part of it and ignoring the rest guys.

Take one for the team man! What he said is fine as general message to others :).
Go check the OT. There are a ton of people in there who spent $60 and are getting plenty of enjoyment for their money.

If everyone ignores the IAP buttons, they'll go away
. Unfortunately, the iTunes top grossing list proves that people won't ignore them anytime soon so publishers will keep chasing that money until it no longer exists.

I blame Candy Crush.

nah, then they'll just give you ONE shitty car to drive in Forza 6, if you want more, you gotta pay ;)


The way I see it, people who currently own the title will get some small perk but future buyers will be subject to the same problem in perhaps slightly a less noticeable manner.

I think that's a little glimpse of the future.
The first week or two of sales has become so important to publishers now they're going to do more to lock people into buying early.
At the moment it's mostly incentive based (eg. pre-order bonuses) but over time I think late adopters will get a slightly worse experience, not quite enough to stop most people buying and enjoying them but maybe just enough to make them think it's better to buy such games closer to their release.


Also. The scary thing is I almost feel as if it was planned all along with Forza 3 - 4 moving towards the hard to aquire car model they had in the game. It's almost as if Microsoft was waiting for the new consoles to start pushing this, but the design decisions and influence in their games (first party) were moving this direction.

I didn't play Halo 4, but I'm wondering for anyone that did if you can't see any possible was they could try this same BS when it launches next year?
May I interest you in some classy steampunk weapon skins for a refined neovictorian gentleman/lady such as yourself?


All these can be yours for the low price of 240 Microsoft Points. Act now (or, you know, don't).


It reminds me of Diablo III and the action house. People said, just don't use it blablabla, but the game was designed towards it. In the end they decided to remove it but it took a long time and serious changes in the way the game was structured.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
This is so goddamn depressing. Forza 2-4 were some of my most beloved experiences last gen, now I want literally nothing to do with the sequel or the console it exists on...tragic.


Which is essentially what they've said they're doing. Let's give them a chance to fix it before we burn the building down.

Nope. This shit has to be killed with fire. Them re-balancing the economy means they are just tweaking things to squeeze the most money, and all they are admitting is they priced things too high originally.

You want this stuff to stop, boycott these games.

And lol if anyone thinks they are going to remove these systems. This game was built around them.


Reminds me of gas companies... Raise the prices 10cents for a few days, lets lower them by 5cents. Gas prices are still up 5cents but everyone is happy they've saved 5cents.
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