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The Order 1886 Aiming For Fall 2014 Launch

I mentioned this in another thread, but with sales looking to be hugely impressive, I wonder if we will see some quick and dirty ports to fill in the release schedule gaps. Last gen games that launched later in the year, like Batman Origins or PayDay 2 come to mind, also the upcoming Dark Souls 2. And all 3 have PC versions so you would think it would be an easy port job. Resources become an issue but I wonder if Sony would throw some $$$ there way to flesh out the release schedule and have a few "next gen exclusives" to hang their hat on, sort of like Injustice.


Uncharted will be 2014....the order however
have got this feeling about it...I also dont think they will release it around the same time as the new halo is due

but you said...

looks like its infamous and driveclub...and a crapload of indies next year

the famous sony game drought strikes again

How could you leave out the biggest 2014 PS4 exclusive of them all?

I would at least wait until the VGX awards in a few days until proclaiming a big games drought
Ill put money on it this title will not be sitting on our tables in 2014....looks like its infamous and driveclub...and a crapload of indies next year

the famous sony game drought strikes again
should mean 2015 is going to be awesome

least the 3rd party stuff looks good

The only games they have planned for the next 14 months are two delayed launch titles?


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Edit: Speaking of RaD acquisition, do RaD even want to be bought out? Wasn't the whole point of leaving Sony (which many devs in RaD did) to be more independent? Would seem odd to go back on their original stance.
RaD always says in the interviews when people bring up Sony about how fun it is to be independent and stuff but then, they don't elaborate any further. Not to mention that their plans for The Order are much bigger than they can handle on their own. And their office is right next to SSM.

And in a Game Informer interview the question was brought off and he deflected it with a laugh and all kinds of suspiciousness. And then there was a technicality where he answered a question about whether there "have been talks" with Sony about acquisition, and then the interviewer asked if there "are talks" with Sony. And that's the one he responded funny to.

It's gonna happen if the game is good. The same happened with Sucker Punch. Not to mention...
The game has promise. I'd rather see them get it right than rush it out of the door. From the looks of it so does Sony. They need the first game to be a critical and commercial success because the ip appears tailor made for a long generation spanning run of material.
That Sony and RaD want this to go transmedia. TV Show. It goes with SPE shifting it's focus to TV, SPE President showing up at E3, and last but not least, RaD's ambitions are much larger than they themselves can pull off. RaD wants this to be a series. That's already confirmed. Sony wants this to be everywhere.

Which for me means, a good start would be amazing. But is it essential? I don't think so. Maybe this is Sony's Assassins Creed.


Ill put money on it this title will not be sitting on our tables in 2014....looks like its infamous and driveclub...and a crapload of indies next year

the famous sony game drought strikes again
should mean 2015 is going to be awesome

least the 3rd party stuff looks good

I don't understand you? Why would you list inFamous and Driveclub and dismiss all of the other exclusives, 3rd party games, and indies? 2014 looks great so far on the exclusive side.

The Order
MLB The Show
Planetside 2
Everquest Next
GG Xrd
Lily Bergamo
Shadow of the Beast

Now if you add in the 3rd party games and indie games, what's the problem? They still haven't announced what the other 1st party studios are working on which we'll see 1 or 2 this Saturday. I'll never understand these people who act like there's no games coming out.


RaD always says in the interviews when people bring up Sony about how fun it is to be independent and stuff but then, they don't elaborate any further. Not to mention that their plans for The Order are much bigger than they can handle on their own. And their office is right next to SSM.

And in a Game Informer interview the question was brought off and he deflected it with a laugh and all kinds of suspiciousness. And then there was a technicality where he answered a question about whether there "have been talks" with Sony about acquisition, and then the interviewer asked if there "are talks" with Sony. And that's the one he responded funny to.

It's gonna happen if the game is good. The same happened with Sucker Punch. Not to mention...

If RaD has any doubt about being bought out by Sony, they should look at what has happened to Ninja Theory and Insomniac after declaring they wanted to go multi platform. Enslaved, DmC, and Fuse all bombed.

Of course they could remain 2nd party like Quantic Dream, but I really don't see any reason why they shouldn't go 1st party. They retain their freedom, get bigger budgets, and probably more marketing for their games as well.

If Ninja Theory stayed exclusive on PS3, they might be part of SCE Worldwide Studios today. Instead, they're making smartphone games now.
I mentioned this in another thread, but with sales looking to be hugely impressive, I wonder if we will see some quick and dirty ports to fill in the release schedule gaps. Last gen games that launched later in the year, like Batman Origins or PayDay 2 come to mind, also the upcoming Dark Souls 2. And all 3 have PC versions so you would think it would be an easy port job. Resources become an issue but I wonder if Sony would throw some $$$ there way to flesh out the release schedule and have a few "next gen exclusives" to hang their hat on, sort of like Injustice.

I would think alot of smaller PC devs would consider this - especially those who make smaller games in scope. I would say E3 will have some newly announced enhanced ports for sure. I'm not sure who the most likely candidates would be though.
Indie games, most likely. But it's not like there's much between TitanFall and Quantum Break (have they released a time frame for that one yet?) for Microsoft, either.
titanfall,quantum break, fable, halo, sunset overdrive. Sony hasn't said too much but don't tell me microsofts lineup isn't awesome. Honestly 2014 might be the best year for gaming yet.


I don't understand you? Why would you list inFamous and Driveclub and dismiss all of the other exclusives, 3rd party games, and indies? 2014 looks great so far on the exclusive side.

The Order
MLB The Show
Planetside 2
Everquest Next
GG Xrd
Lily Bergamo
Shadow of the Beast

Now if you add in the 3rd party games and indie games, what's the problem? They still haven't announced what the other 1st party studios are working on which we'll see 1 or 2 this Saturday. I'll never understand these people who act like there's no games coming out.

Don't forget Deep Down.

Sony also has exclusive content and marketing rights with Destiny and Watch_Dogs, which are two of the biggest new IPs next year.


Don't forget Deep Down.

Sony also has exclusive content and marketing rights with Destiny and Watch_Dogs, which are two of the biggest new IPs next year.

Compared to PS3, you could say PS4 has too many new games coming out with small userbase. Who is going to buy >100 games?

Lets not forget FF and MGS... and all other 3rd party games, who the heck wants to play them on PS3 anymore?
Still way too much indie stuff and not enough first party. ...a couple of titles on that list catch my eye but knowing sony australia we wont see them.....looking at you planetside 2


I don't understand you? Why would you list inFamous and Driveclub and dismiss all of the other exclusives, 3rd party games, and indies? 2014 looks great so far on the exclusive side.

The Order
MLB The Show
Planetside 2
Everquest Next
GG Xrd
Lily Bergamo
Shadow of the Beast

Now if you add in the 3rd party games and indie games, what's the problem? They still haven't announced what the other 1st party studios are working on which we'll see 1 or 2 this Saturday. I'll never understand these people who act like there's no games coming out.

Yea, considering we have a healthy list already not including whatever they plan on announcing soon to release God knows when, I don't get how you can say we only have two launch window games plus indies coming next year unless you're trying to fit something into a specific narrative for whatever reason. If you don't like certain games, that's fine but let's not go for extreme hyperbole by saying there's only 2 big games from Sony next year when it's so preemptive.

The last thing I'd EVER expect after the PS3 is that Sony doesn't have exclusives. It's absurd to say such a thing just because Sony didn't announce all their western games at E3 when they weren't the ones in a position where they HAD to. Now the games that are announced don't count anyway...


Aftershock LA
An absence of game announcements this early into the generation doesn't mean there is an absence of actual games for 2014.

The PS4 just launched 2 weeks ago in the US, and three days ago in the UK. People are still picking up their units, and picking up launch titles (exclusives, multiplats, PSN, etc). Bombarding everyone with game announcements for games that are probably still 4-6 months away is a great way to have people forget the game is coming out in the interim.

I actually like Sony's current practice of announcing titles a few months before release. The wait is ultimately shorter, and the games stay fresher in the mind. I think GT5 and The Last Guardian really hit Sony hard in terms of not announcing stuff too early.

The PS4 lineup is looking rather fat when taking into account the indies, but it seems a little naive to think that that is all that is coming for the system, when we are still in launch window days. If we haven't heard about new stuff by February or March for 2014, then I'd be concerned. Right now, I'm still going through my launch titles, not to mention juggling my other gaming platforms like my Vita and PC. I got plenty to keep me occupied for the next few years, and I still have a massive PS3 backlog I'm working my way through.
If I recall didn't they say at the gameinformer podcast they are still a bit early ?!

The problem is that both The Order and Uncharted will be to a certain degree similar, after all RAD was inspired by Uncharted, and above all The Order will be cannibalized by Uncharted.

In my opinion it won't be good to have both The Order and Uncharted released so close to each other in 2014, I hope I am wrong, but we will see at E3.

To think two games releasing a month or two apart is going to affect each others sales is nonsense. Saints Row IV had the fourth best debut this year behind Tomb Raider, BioShock Infinite and The Last of Us even though it was within a month of GTA V. Killzone SF had great preorder numbers and will presumably do well despite releasing at the same time as CoD and BF4.

If people are interested they're going to buy it.


RaD always says in the interviews when people bring up Sony about how fun it is to be independent and stuff but then, they don't elaborate any further. Not to mention that their plans for The Order are much bigger than they can handle on their own. And their office is right next to SSM.

And in a Game Informer interview the question was brought off and he deflected it with a laugh and all kinds of suspiciousness. And then there was a technicality where he answered a question about whether there "have been talks" with Sony about acquisition, and then the interviewer asked if there "are talks" with Sony. And that's the one he responded funny to.

It's gonna happen if the game is good. The same happened with Sucker Punch. Not to mention...

That Sony and RaD want this to go transmedia. TV Show. It goes with SPE shifting it's focus to TV, SPE President showing up at E3, and last but not least, RaD's ambitions are much larger than they themselves can pull off. RaD wants this to be a series. That's already confirmed. Sony wants this to be everywhere.

Which for me means, a good start would be amazing. But is it essential? I don't think so. Maybe this is Sony's Assassins Creed.

Wow, I must have missed all this.

I think Sony will undoubtedly acquire RaD if The Order does well, let's just hope Sony decide to market it.


Don't forget Deep Down.

Sony also has exclusive content and marketing rights with Destiny and Watch_Dogs, which are two of the biggest new IPs next year.
Deep Down still hasn't been confirmed for the west. And exclusive content and marketing rights? Are we going to start counting call of duty an xbox exclusive?

Most of Sonys first party studios such as Bend, SSM, Media Molecule, ect. seem to have games coming out beyond 2014. In terms of big AAA system sellers, Sony has Infamous, Driveclub, and The Order for next year. Uncharted could come too but currently has no release date.


Is it confirmed that the next uncharted is definitely not on ps3?

edit: whoops. wrong thread. But it does really say something about how far the thread topic has strayed that uncharted talk might not seem off topic.


Aftershock LA
it didn't seem to hurt The Last of Us at all.

The Last of Us was a tentpole release. Not every game Sony makes is going to be a tentpole. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, as awesome of a game as that is, isn't a tentpole title. Announcing it a year in advance would have done nothing but hurt the title. Fortunately, they priced it well at launch ($40), and it actually sold very well.

Games like inFAMOUS, and The Order, and Uncharted PS4 will be tentpole titles. We do know about those however, and quite a bit in advance. The other titles in the works are either too far out to be announced now reasonably, or probably not these gigantic exclusives that need a bunch of fanfare this early on in the system's lifecycle.

The point is that games are coming. Sony has more internal studios than Microsoft and Nintendo, and we have no idea what the rest of them are working on. We only have solid confirmation for a handful, but there are quite a bit more that we know are working on games, we just don't know what. Not to mention that some of Sony's bigger studios are actually two teams (Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games are split into 2 teams, with each team working on a title; with Guerrilla's Team 1 just shipping Killzone for launch, so we have at least one more from them.)
4 years is a long time but it's not unheard of, yes it would make sense for them to launch in 2014 after such a long dev time but a lot of things can happen between now and then. Look at Santa Monica, their new IP has been in dev just as long and they probably have twice the dev power and budget for that project, yet it seems it won't release before 2015. SSM's project is obviously a lot bigger than RaD's however and if the rumours are to be believed that they are working on a sci-fi title then I can understand why such a project would require that time. New IP's can take time especially if they're running on new hardware/engine.

I still expect The Order to launch in 2014, but say for whatever reason they could only have it ready for Oct-Dec I'd imagine Sony would push it back to 2015.

Edit: Speaking of RaD acquisition, do RaD even want to be bought out? Wasn't the whole point of leaving Sony (which many devs in RaD did) to be more independent? Would seem odd to go back on their original stance.

SSM look to be making an open-world sci-fi game, which is a bigger project like you mentioned. Four years making a game plus one year making a next-gen engine is enough time to get a game out. It is a 2014 title, of that I am sure.

On the buyout, RaD learned the hard way that being independent isn't an easy life when they sacked a fifth of their team because of budget constraints. I believe the deal for The Order was signed just after that, I think they originally intended it to be multiplatform with a publishing deal like Insomniac, but that is just my own speculation. They have been much more coy about a possibly purchase by SCEA than previously, when the question came previously it would be along the lines of "no, we're independent and enjoy that status", now it's more like "no comment" or some other obfuscation. Sucker Punch changed the tone of their language just prior to being purchased as well.

I'm not sure about cross-media opportunities for The Order (I think they exist, but Uncharted and The Last of Us are better suited to TV than The Order, which is good for a movie), but Sony already have ownership of the IP.


I actually think Uncharted 4 and The Order will release in 2014, simply because there are so many Sony game devs that 2015 will have enough games.

AAA devs due for a game

About to release GT6 for PS3, rumored to have shortened dev times and can reuse car models for GT7 for PS4

Naughty Dog (Last of Us Team)
Due to release Last of Us DLC

Sucker Punch
Due to release inFamous Second Son

San Diego
Due to release MLB

Due to release Drive Club

Ready at Dawn
due to release The Order

Last worked on Uncharted Golden Abyss, making a PS4 game

Guerilla Games Team 2
Second team making a new IP, said to have fantasy setting

Santa Monica Stig's Team
Releasing new IP, In dev since the release of God of War 3

Naughty Dog (Uncharted 3 Team)
Releasing Uncharted 4

Media Molecule
Making new IP, havent released a game since LittleBigPlanet 2

Santa Monica Team 2
Finished developing GoW Ascension

Quantic Dream
Just released Beyond, contracted to make another game, which is in dev for PS4

Released Knack, releasing Last Guardian (lol), Gravity Rush 2, potential Demon's Souls 2, and some Vita games I forgot about

Guerilla Games (Team 1)
Just released Killzone Shadow Fall, will create DLC

Other teams

London - released PlayRoom
Zindagi - Move devs, creators of Sports Champions series
SOE - developing Planetside 2 PS4 port
Guerilla Cambridge - just released Killzone Mercenary
Giant Sparrow - contracted to make another Sony game after The Unfinished Swan
Clap Hanz - creatos of Hot Shots games
SuperMassive Games - making Until Dawna and PS4 project
Wish Studios - making a Sony published game
Sanzaru - rumored to be making another Sly
Tarsier Studios - making game for PS4
Then you have announced games - Rime, Shadow of the Beast, CounterSpy, Hohokum, Helldivers, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture


No it didn't. The teaser was about as short as this one. The first trailer had more footage, but that was released a little bit later.

Edit: The post above is the first trailer, but there was a teaser before that.

You're right. That teaser was released in December according to youtube, so it's quite likely that we can get the next Uncharted in 2014.


I'm hoping this game turns out to be very similar to Gears of War in its gameplay execution (no pun intended). No need to fuck with what works.
I'm hoping this game turns out to be very similar to Gears of War in its gameplay execution (no pun intended). No need to fuck with what works.

Same here. But I've yet to see a game implement a cover system that's even remotely as good as Gears. Ever since the abortion that was Judgment I've been looking for something to fill that cover-based TPS void. I'm really hoping The Order does this. So psyched for this game.
Indie games, most likely. But it's not like there's much between TitanFall and Quantum Break (have they released a time frame for that one yet?) for Microsoft, either.

How is "indie games" an answer to the question "What's coming from Sony's 1st party between Infamous and The Order"?

Do people not know what 'indie' means anymore? It's like 'indie music' all over again :/


The only games they have planned for the next 14 months are two delayed launch titles?
Driveclub, inFamous, The Order 1886. That's 3 and I'm sure there are many unannounced ones. Oh and don't forget that this isn't a Nintendo console. 3rd party games count.
If RaD has any doubt about being bought out by Sony, they should look at what has happened to Ninja Theory and Insomniac after declaring they wanted to go multi platform. Enslaved, DmC, and Fuse all bombed.

Of course they could remain 2nd party like Quantic Dream, but I really don't see any reason why they shouldn't go 1st party. They retain their freedom, get bigger budgets, and probably more marketing for their games as well.

If Ninja Theory stayed exclusive on PS3, they might be part of SCE Worldwide Studios today. Instead, they're making smartphone games now.
The price probably wasn't right when it came to insomniac and ninja theory, ninja theory just didn't have enough of a history to justify an acquisition, but I doubt Sony would pay Ted Price what he wants but now it seems the studio probably isn't worth it for Sony to acquire anymore given they no longer produce titles that drive the software library.
The Order will be out in September, October or November. I can't see Uncharted releasing in December, so that's for 2015.

I think we'll get InFamous: Second Son and MLB: The Show in March, which leaves April and May for DriveClub as it releases in Spring.

That leaves the summer for indie titles.

January: indies
February: indies
March: InFamous: Second Son, MLB: The Show
April: indies
May: DriveClub
Juni: indies
July: indies
August: indies
September: indies
October: indies
November: The Order: 1886
December: indies

Actually that looks like too big of a drought and The Order might release by September and then Uncharted in November? Dunno, all is a guess work anyway.

January: indies
February: indies
March: InFamous: Second Son, MLB: The Show
April: indies
May: DriveClub
Juni: indies
July: indies
August: indies
September: The Order: 1886
October: indies
November: Uncharted
December: indies

Dunno. I'm just excited for more games.

Sony always starts the generation slow. I'm not surprised at all. 2015-2016 is when the exclusives will come and won't stop until the very end of the generation. MS on the other hand is always front heavy. You get your exclusives early in the generation and once they've served their purpose of selling consoles they dry up


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Wow, I must have missed all this.

I think Sony will undoubtedly acquire RaD if The Order does well, let's just hope Sony decide to market it.
I'm down with all of this. I'm more excited about the universe than the game.

At the first tech demo for The Order: 1886 at Gamescom today, Ready at Dawn CEO Ru Weerasuriya told VG247 that the game will be a franchise. This came after he stated that the “first game” takes place in post-industrial London. Weerasuriya also said “that it may branch out into other media.”


Sony always starts the generation slow. I'm not surprised at all. 2015-2016 is when the exclusives will come and won't stop until the very end of the generation. MS on the other hand is always front heavy. You get your exclusives early in the generation and once they've served their purpose of selling consoles they dry up

This, though its not absolute that history will repeat itself for the Xbox brand. They definitely need to prove that to me personally though. I look at their offering and I wonder how much of it repeatable. The future of Titanfall is multiplatform. If Dead Rising follows suit from last gen, its successor will be also. Would Ryse really be a smart investment sequel-wise? That leaves a lot of usual suspects (Halo, Fable, Forza) Blacktusk, and Insomniac. I still expect Crackdown to show up at some point...and I think Rare has more lying in wait. I'm wondering what they'll buy to fill in that gap...as their new list of studios don't appear to be designed for tentpole games.

One thing we need to consider for all these games (both Xbox or Sony) is that they need to be good. Previews excite us, but its another thing to execute. I'm sure returning IPs will be somewhere in the ballpark of what we expect, but I'm really hoping the games we're excited for are as good as we hope and anticipate.

But people thinking Uncharted isn't slated for Fall 2014 is astounding to me. These guys have 2 teams. The team that would be making UC4, made UC3 not TLOU. They've ported their engine to PS4, and they're working on title with 'rules' they've already established all while doing it on easier hardware. Sure...anything could slip...but there's no doubt there's a target date of 2014. Moreover, we know from UC3 they felt rushed having publicly stated their launch date for UC3 and don't want to make that mistake again. All public knowledge.

With launch titles out of the way, they will begin transitioning to show new titles on the way. UC4 got a teaser at the launch party to make way for an extended trailer at VGX. I expect we'll see a new teaser for a new game with more to be revealed at a later date. What I'm hoping for is more news on games we've already seen (Shadow of the Beast, Rime, The Order, Everybody's gone to the Rapture)....secretly, I think Last Guardian is a 2014 game. We all know about it, so it doesn't have to be revealed in the normal sense. But when it is revealed it needs to be with a hard-lined release date...wherein they can field all the questions about it.


The price probably wasn't right when it came to insomniac and ninja theory, ninja theory just didn't have enough of a history to justify an acquisition, but I doubt Sony would pay Ted Price what he wants but now it seems the studio probably isn't worth it for Sony to acquire anymore given they no longer produce titles that drive the software library.

Sorry I did not clarify properly. What I meant was this.... soon after Heavenly Sword came out, Ninja Theory said they were going multiplatform.

If they had stayed exclusive to PS3 and made a Heavenly Sword 2 and possibly 3 (which Sony obviously wanted, since there is evidence of concept art for HS2)... they might be part of Sony Worldwide Studios today.

Instead they are making smartphone games now. That's why I said RaD would be smart to stick with Sony.

I'm not sure about cross-media opportunities for The Order (I think they exist, but Uncharted and The Last of Us are better suited to TV than The Order, which is good for a movie), but Sony already have ownership of the IP.

Sony owns The Order IP? hmmm, if true, that makes an acquisition more probable.

also, how are people feeling Sony is "starting out slow" or need to reveal more games? If Uncharted comes out next year and this game keeps on track for its release date, Sony will have DriveClub, Infamous, The Order, and Uncharted all in one year. That's four first party juggernauts. Not to mention of course the amazing lineup of indies coming.
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