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Beyond: Two Souls Deserved Better Sales


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?


I didn't buy it because David cage can't even write a coherent paragraph let alone a whole game.

I can't think of a single worse writer I could name.

Dude makes call of duty look like Shakespeare.

Heavy rain is the worst game I've ever played. Atrocious writing, horrific voice acting, constant crashes/control bugs, ugly as fuck, a shitty mcguffin, I could go on for an hour. Why would I pay money for the developers next game.


Gold Member
I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year.

65 euros is quite a bit of money for a movie. Aside from that I didn't buy it because I loathe Heavy Rain.
Bought it and certainly one of the better games this generation. Cannot wait for more of the same on the PS4. Whilever QD push the uncaney valley on graphics and a decent enough story I will be purchasing their work.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
65 euros is quite a bit of money for a movie. Aside from that I didn't buy it because I loathe Heavy Rain.

You get at least 4 times as much content. Call it a mini-series.

Plus, you know, a character you actually care about. Can't remember one of those in most releases this year.

I find your taste questionable.

Well, looks like we both bought Shaq-Fu at some point.
I didn't buy it because David cage can't even write a coherent paragraph let alone a whole game.

I can't think of a single worse writer I could name.

Dude makes call of duty look like Shakespeare.

Heavy rain is the worst game I've ever played. Why would I pay money for the developers next game.

I wish Heavy Rain was the worst game I'd ever played. Unfortunately there is far worse out there.


I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?

Taken as a movie it's completely awful. There's no sense of pace, the story is spliced in random out of order scenes each one utterly disconnected from the rest. Several moronic, nonsensical moments.

David Cage is an awful writer with little to no taste and his work does not deserve to be rewarded. I haven't played Heavy Rain but if it's actually worse...good lord.


I will buy it. Not at full price though, I can wait. The games I buy at full price are few and far between (basically TLoU and GTAV this year).


I enjoyed both:

- The Last of US and Beyond Two Souls.

Both are game of the year caliber.

I definitely enjoyed Beyond more considering the amount of options and the kick ass graphics produced awesome atmosphere.

I do not understand the constant BS I read about STORY NOT BEING GOOD. No need to pay attention to people like that.
I didn't buy it because David cage can't even write a coherent paragraph let alone a whole game.

I can't think of a single worse writer I could name.

Dude makes call of duty look like Shakespeare.

Heavy rain is the worst game I've ever played. Why would I pay money for the developers next game.

Yep, I really don't want to feel the tinge of happiness I do that his trash writing got rejected, but I must admit I smiled a bit.Maybe he can realize that while his concept of games might work he should not be the one trying to do it.
I'm willing to pay what I would pay to go see a movie for this game. When it hits that 10-15 dollar mark, I will definitely pick it up.


I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?

I loved Heavy Rain and I want and will buy this eventually. For me, it came out too late in the generation and I was busy with GTA5 at the time and then new gen is here and I moved my PS3 to the bedroom.

If they release a PS4 version soon I'll get it, if not then I'll get it when I have nothing else left to play on my PS4.

Just reality.


I bought it full price. I'm a big fan of what Cage TRIES to achieve, but I still don't think Beyond was a step in the right direction :

- The interactivity was TOO limited. Your choices didn't matter enough. They matter a little bit for the end result, but that's all. It felt too much like you were in a corridor. They need to make every choice matter somehow, otherwise it becomes a (bad) movie.

- The story wasn't good enough. Thankfully, Cage hired some writers for his next game.

Now acting and graphics were top notch, the changes in environment were great, so there is a lot of good too. But the lack of interactivity and meaningful choices really killed it (plus the quality of the script itself, ugh no navajo spirit stories please, no...).

Heavy Rain was better overall because it had more choices and consequences, plus you had less sci fi stuff which break immersion (note to Quantic Dream / Cage : no more sci fi stuff please, keep it grounded to reality).


I'm playing it right now and I think it's a good game. Heavy Rain, however, was a lot more intense (it was a thriller, after all) and I think that's where a lot of its appeal came from.

Also, I don't like how they changed Heavy Rain's traditional button input QTEs with stick movement QTEs of Beyond.
Wasn't a patch on Heavy Rain for me. I found Beyond OK but rather disappointing. Didn't connect with the characters or the story. I didn't really like the supernatural setting for it. I didn't feel engaged with the gameplay much either. It was all way too simple for it's own good.


Biggest disappointment of the year for me, tbh. Didn't play Heavy Rain myself, but I tried the Beyond demo and really enjoyed it so I bought the full game.

Let's just say that for a game that focuses on the story, the story and writing is a fucking mess.

I'd like to see more experimental "movie games" like this, though. The gameplay was the least of my concerns, to be honest (even if I'd liked more choice, but that is linked more closely to the plot than mechanics). Just by a different writer than Cage next time.
I did buy it. I felt like it was overall considerably weaker than Heavy Rain. The three main actors were great (Jodie, Cole and Nathan) and visually it really was incredible, but the controls were absolute crap, the illusion of choice was very shallow compared with its peers, the plot was bloody awful (Navajo desert being the low point), it was filled with too much pointless fluff which didn't serve the main story, and as a game I thought it was extremely weak, with very few sections where I had anything resembling direct control and choice.

I sold it as soon as I'd finished.


haven't really played it yet to say, but

Heavy rain is the worst game I've ever played.

aw, come on with this bullshit - yes, Ami's right about the voice acting & plotholes you can walk through, but it's crazy tense and worth running through once. if it's actually the worst game you every played, it doesn't sound like you played games for very long, man.

I'm playing it right now and I think it's a good game. Heavy Rain, however, was a lot more intense (it was a thriller, after all) and I think that's where a lot of its appeal came from.

ah, pity - i was hoping for some of that intensity here


I don't think so. The game is decent/average but a game that really deserved better sales is ZombiU for obvious reason.


I thought Beyond: Two Souls was fantastic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a PS4 version ...

However, I can completely understand people that didn't enjoy it or don't get it. And, by "don't get it" -- I don't mean that in a snarky, elitist way, but rather it doesn't groove with their worldview or it just plain isn't enjoyable to them, so it doesn't click. I get that. I still loved it.
I liked Beyond, but I felt it was a major step back from Heavy Rain. I know, people love to hate on Heavy Rain's writing, but at least the game actually had consequences. In Heavy Rain, practically everyone can die if you fuck up. It lead to some very tense experiences. Not to mention some very stressful scenes (the finger, anyone?). In Beyond, it felt like Aiden was always there to bail you out. The game just left me feeling empty.


I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?

It's not a better game at all. There is no sequence in the game as memorable or as stress inducing as any of Ethans segments. The story is also atrocious, the dialogue is abysmal, the pacing is non existent, the plot holes and contrivances are overwhelming and it commits many of the same mistakes narrativly that it looked like Cage was hopefully going to learn from.

If you enjoyed it that's great, but the game has severe problems and if someone doesn't get into the story, there isn't much else for them to enjoy from the title.


Because if I had to choose a interactive story to play this year my money would have been on Ace Attorney 5 or The wolf among us.
It really didn't. My friend and I ran through the entire game at his place, and not even alcohol could make it tolerable. The great graphics and actors are wasted on such a shambolic plot and horrible writing. At least Heavy Rain had the cheesiness factor and murder mystery to entertain you if you couldn't stand the characters and writing; Beyond is just a bad game altogether.


Can’t stump the diablos
Everybody I know Redbox'd it to experience the story.

Much cheaper than purchasing the game and, for short games, Redbox probably eats into sales a bit.
I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?

I bought it, played it, finished it .

I disagree with your opinion about it being a better movie than in theatres this year. The writing along with the poor pacing was borderline farcical at times. It's not as bad as some of the critics have written about it imo but there are much better cases for "deserved better sales"


Bought it because I liked Heavy Rain even with it's issues, I also like the first half or so of Fahrenheit. But Beyond feels like a step back not only with story but the game itself, it just feels like follow the white point I just don't know it never feels as if I really have a choice as opposed to the previous games. I don't think I made it even halfway through.

And yeah Cage has to hire people that can make sure that his stories aren't full of plotholes and don't feel like different short stories mashed together.
Yeah, it's kinda weird. I really liked the game and it was vastly superior to Heavy Rain (which I also liked) in every way.

The story was fine - no worse than most network tv shows.
I understand people's criticisms of the game. But even taken as a movie it's better than most of what's come out in theaters this year. It joins Heavy Rain as one of the few games to make me cry.

My source is likely bullshit, but is saying Beyond has sold about 1/4 the number of copies of Heavy Rain. That's just a tragedy. Definitely a better game, better controls, better story, better acting and voice. Better everything.

Why didn't you buy it?

Better game?
I don't know a single person that liked it more than Heavy Rain...

I bought mine thorugh playasia and await the arrival of the game though.


Not sure whether it deserved better sales.... but I think it maybe deserved better reviews or just a better opinion of the game in general.
Personally, I thought it was pretty good, but I think I still preferred Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain just got me to bother with multiple playthroughs while Beyond.. 1 was good enough for me really, though I'm not sure how to go about multiple playthroughs for beyond either, it seems you have to do the whole thing again if you want to see different choices, which I don't want to invest that much time into it again for possibly not so significant differences.
I didn't buy it because David cage can't even write a coherent paragraph let alone a whole game.

Dude makes call of duty look like Shakespeare.

I agree. I have no problem with the gameplay in the Quantic Dream games but the stories and dialogues suck so much...
I rented it from Redbox. b/c the coming months I was [planning] on spending a lot of money for the next gen consoles that I couldn't justify spending $60 on a game I wasn't sure about.

I thought that game was okay. The tech was great and it had it's moments but I couldn't quite understand what the game was trying accomplish.

Homeless mission
was amazing!
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