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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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Happy New Year AnimeGAF.

2013 was the year I fully entered the anime scene, and the year I discovered AnimeGAF on this site. Thanks to all of you for recommending some great (and not so great) shows during this year!

Honestly, I wasn't much of a regular on GAF before I became a regular in these threads. I commented on E3 threads, made a few posts in SonicGAF, and I was pretty much a semi-lurker.

Then I found my way into AnimeGAF. This place is amazing. I don't know what it is, but AnimeGAF has a charm that cannot be found on any other anime forum. It's a place where people can just come in and post their impressions of different anime that they watch all in one thread, new or old. Yeah we have OTs for the really special shows, but the main threads are the places where we can express our feelings for just that one random obscure show we happened to find.

It's one general series of threads where people can speak their minds of random anime they stumble across. Yeah, there are probably other "general anime forums" that do this. But I doubt those forums have the charm, personality, and emotion that can only be found in AnimeGAF.

All I can say is, thanks for existing AnimeGAF. Here's to a dandy 2014!
SAO Extra Edition

I think I had forgotten just how shitty the show was even before the nonsense at the end of the first half and ALO. This refresher course was a harsh reminder. The Yui stuff is ncie to laugh at, at least.


Forgot about nuBSG. I guess its Space Opera. I guess the grimness, and the post 911 vibe of the show made me not think of it as Space Opera.

That is more a sign of the times, Yamato 2199, while not an outright gritty reboot, it still quite a bit more dour and glib then something from the 1970s.



Happy New Year


Star Trek was never really space opera though. Well, I guess Abrams' Trek is trying to be.

Star Trek has been space opera for decades now. I'll say ever since TNG ended its TV run, the movies and subsequent series definitely took on a heavy space opera slant. More conflicts, ongoing non-exploration missions, politics, war, etc. Not that it's ever particularly good at being space opera, but goddamn they've been trying. Abrams is just continuing what he thinks everyone wants.


It honestly feels like he's trying to appeal to Star Wars fans.

But now he has the reigns of both series, so he doesn't need to.

Yeah. Based on film 1 it really felt like he was trying to turn Trek into Star Wars. Which is part of why I never bothered with the second film.


Star Trek has been space opera for decades now. I'll say ever since TNG ended its TV run, the movies and subsequent series definitely took on a heavy space opera slant. More conflicts, ongoing non-exploration missions, politics, war, etc. Not that it's ever particularly good at being space opera, but goddamn they've been trying. Abrams is just continuing what he thinks everyone wants.

Yeah, I guess so. I just think of Star Trek as TNG by default since that's what I grew up with, and that's the least Space Opera-y of any Star Trek. The original series is kind of space opera-like in a really old school way, with an emphasis on planetary romance and wacky things like Romans in space and floating Abraham Lincoln. I'm not sure the Abrams movies are really space opera. They're more like... buddy action/comedy movies that happen to take place in the future in space.
The latter. Liked what I saw of it given what it was. Liked characters like Ahsoka and the main clone trooper who was always around.

I found it fairly average near the beginning of the series, and the initial movie they released in theaters was pretty boring. But by the second and third seasons, the show actually became quite good.


Clearly the reason why the new Trek films are bad is because Abrams has never been to space, so how could he possibly know what it is like! :D


Who wants to remember The Prequels and Enterprise? Also, on that note, DS9 is greater then B5.
I recently watched some Star Trek too!

You know, I think it's space battles in general that are just pissing me off, like every Captain wants to pretend that there's this big strategy game going on between him/her and the enemy, so they futz around, make a command to fire or two, then ask for damage reports, take some time to mull things over, get hit a few more times, it's really all idiotic. Damage control crews should work regardless and in a way, it doesn't matter what's hit you have to keep fighting so why the fuck is the captain halting the offensive so he can not only get a current damage report but almost always take some more hits in the process before deciding to fire again? It's stupid.

I get the desire to make space battles interesting but take Yesterday's Enterprise's big battle at the end from Next Generation. The Enterprise D is trying to hold off 3 Klingon somethings from reaching the Enterprise C. This battle was stupid for a myriad of reasons. 1st, the Klingons wanted the Enterprise C and there was 3 of them, there's no way the Enterprise D could even sit between all 3 Klingon ships to protect the Enterprise C since they just have to spread out a tad, it's stupid. 2nd, the Klingons attack one at a time like they're in some line formation making a bombing run, stupid. 3rd, the Enterprise actually had the firepower to destroy the Klingons outright and destroyed one of them in a single attack but never thought to do the same to the other two, those two were lucky enough to just get one or two shots called out on them as opposed to a proper barrage.

And after watching this, and Star Trek Into Darkness recently as well as some Yamato 2199, Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 I realized it's kind of a problem all space scifi seems to have. They try and make the drama of the act of combat not be the combat itself but the drama unfolding on the bridge as the crew comes up with courses of action and reacts to the enemy but the way I see it that drama really shouldn't be present. There's really no reason ever submitted as to why a Captain should even need to command every shot and once the decision has been made to engage in combat there's absolutely no need to attack with say one phaser bank, turret, whatever instead of all of them. If you're in a do or die situation there's no reason to take a time out and assess your condition and count your dead when you need to be putting more rounds down range.

I've found that I compare a great many works to Voltron, or Go Lions, or whatever you called it as a kid but really that's what TV still seems to be. As a kid it might have been cool to see the lions struggle with some stupid genetically engineered beast for a few minutes, get that tension of them almost getting defeated just to snatch victory away from the enemy by first forming Voltron and finally using their sword but now as an adult I can't help but wonder why they ever bothered responding to an attack as separate lions in the first place! Voltron should have been some bad ass that casually walked up to each battle with his sword in hand and just cut everyone in two right from the start instead of wasting time with the feline fourplay.

And so it is with sci fi, I can't feel these people are in danger because they're passing on opportunities to fire on their enemy just so they can feel they're acting Captainey and call out each volley and shit like they're in some turn based board game. It makes me want them to lose and I can't feel any death is tragic because, hell, it wouldn't happen most of the time if they fought to win from the start anyways.


Yamato 2199 - 4




Medic girl looks a little untrustworthy!!


Love this shot, something harkening back to old school scifi with bubble helms, rayguns, and manly heroes saving the girl.

Loved that little effect on the moon where anywhere gunfire hit, the splash from the ground flash froze. This scratches that scifi itch so well.


Subete no aware
And after watching this, and Star Trek Into Darkness recently as well as some Yamato 2199, Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 I realized it's kind of a problem all space scifi seems to have. They try and make the drama of the act of combat not be the combat itself but the drama unfolding on the bridge as the crew comes up with courses of action and reacts to the enemy but the way I see it that drama really shouldn't be present. There's really no reason ever submitted as to why a Captain should even need to command every shot and once the decision has been made to engage in combat there's absolutely no need to attack with say one phaser bank, turret, whatever instead of all of them. If you're in a do or die situation there's no reason to take a time out and assess your condition and count your dead when you need to be putting more rounds down range.
Incidentally, when Picard takes over tactical, he just button mashes the console and fires at will. Although I assumed in real life navies, people don't do squat unless ordered to by their COs.


Subete no aware
Yamato 2199 - 4

Loved that little effect on the moon where anywhere gunfire hit, the splash from the ground flash froze. This scratches that scifi itch so well.
Incidentally, if you are American and like old fashioned science fiction and can stand a typical English cartoon dub, there's still Time Jam: Valerian and Laureline:
(region locked to US-only, iirc)


Come to think of it, it's like Doctor Who mashed with Star Trek. lol


Incidentally, if you are American and like old fashioned science fiction and can stand a typical English cartoon dub, there's still Time Jam: Valerian and Laureline:
(region locked to US-only, iirc)


Come to think of it, it's like Doctor Who mashed with Star Trek. lol

That and Space Adventure Cobra TV have been on my backlog forever now. Love that Time Jam dub though as I have watched a few episodes!


I found it fairly average near the beginning of the series, and the initial movie they released in theaters was pretty boring. But by the second and third seasons, the show actually became quite good.

Yeah. I watched it up to the end of the 3rd season. Dunno why I stopped.


Incidentally, when Picard takes over tactical, he just button mashes the console and fires at will. Although I assumed in real life navies, people don't do squat unless ordered to by their COs.
Oh I'm sure it's more nuanced than that even in the Navy. Like I'm sure during WW 2 the captain wasn't yelling "fire anti aircraft guns" every time an enemy plane made a strafing attack. On the flip side I'd be willing to bet that with the more scarcely stocked weapons, like say torpedos, that those were indeed probably all fired by the Captain. But in the middle I'm almost positive that there's also an order he could give which would basically designate a ship the target, allow whoever actually aimed the guns to aim and fire them and the guys down below loading shells knew to throw another one in immediately and it could all proceed without the captain having to walk them through each step every time. If not then it absolutely should be that way.

Current scifi space combat reminds me of infantry combat during Napoleanic times.
I can ignore the logical inconsistencies with space combat because well, space combat as depicted in most science fiction is almost entirely a fantasy to begin with. Unless it's hard SciFi, they are already dramatizing things to tell a more entertaining story. I can ignore it the same way I can ignore bad physics in mecha.
Mmmkay, once I'm done with my annual New Year's midnight listen to Kid A, I'm gonna watch some more Yozakura.

Gonna have to watch Hoshi no Umi after episode 8, right?


yamato - 19

There was a time when I was concerned about how nationalistic Yamato was as a concept, but as the series has progressed, the way it reflects on and inverts these concerns makes me realize that such worry wasn't needed at all.

It's time. They're going to
battle in a fucking space storm.


Tragic victim of fan death
So we talk about School Days quite frequently but I've actually been curious about one particular topic. And actually this can be said about any anime really but, did you guys ever rewatch School Days after your first time? Or more?


Yozakura Quartet - Hana no Uta - END

What a wonderful finale, my only complaint is why the series seem to pushing hard the Idea Akina being combatant, so frigging silly.. his power isn't not that well suited for fighting nor entertaining to watch.. also they had to put random breast fondling in tense moment? sheesh. Dem sakuga in the end of fight tho..

The closing segment also great, the smexy Lila is welcome addition to the cast, too bad the show must ended straightaway after that ;__;
The festival scene also really nice.

This definitely gonna in my AOTY list.


Subete no aware
Figure Space Dandy and Yamato will give me a nudge enough to finally get to those two. :lol

Also Cobra being such a boss:
Oh my god, I'm blind... did JJ direct Cobra as well?!?!

Oh I'm sure it's more nuanced than that even in the Navy. Like I'm sure during WW 2 the captain wasn't yelling "fire anti aircraft guns" every time an enemy plane made a strafing attack. On the flip side I'd be willing to bet that with the more scarcely stocked weapons, like say torpedos, that those were indeed probably all fired by the Captain. But in the middle I'm almost positive that there's also an order he could give which would basically designate a ship the target, allow whoever actually aimed the guns to aim and fire them and the guys down below loading shells knew to throw another one in immediately and it could all proceed without the captain having to walk them through each step every time. If not then it absolutely should be that way.

Current scifi space combat reminds me of infantry combat during Napoleanic times.
Well, part of it is to make it dramatic of course. And besides, once the director cuts to external shots of the ships, you can't assume the captain is still shouting orders then! Maybe he starts worrying about other stuff while that's happening. lol

It's also a cap-ship only thing, since in every franchise, the fighter pilots seem to act completely independently of any command structure. But that probably has to do with how everything is based on WW2 battles anyway.


As people approach the end of Yamato 2199, I feel it's fair to say
because of the discussion I had with duckroll and Bob_Coffee yesterday. The spoiler there really isn't a spoiler, and you'll know what I mean when you get to the actual scene. It's just funny if you miss it though. lol
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