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Wii U Games 2014

The reason why I have my fears is because they show multiplayer first before any type of story teaser on their trailers. Plus, no info and this game is coming out this year. This game is like a dream come true to me (real time combat with mechs with beautiful visuals). It's too good to be true.

Stop trying to scare me. :p

Honestly, I don't think there's much likelihood that Nintendo would greenlight an online-only game with a budget and scope of this size, given how much they traditionally value single player experiences. I think they're just being mysterious as usual about the details, but wanted to hint at online play to draw in an audience that might not otherwise be interested.


Stop trying to scare me. :p

Honestly, I don't think there's much likelihood that Nintendo would greenlight an online-only game with a budget and scope of this size, given how much they traditionally value single player experiences. I think they're just being mysterious as usual about the details, but wanted to hint at online play to draw in an audience that might not otherwise be interested.

I'll take your word for this, my friend.

The next Nintendo Direct should tell more details about X.

Sometimes I wish we have an insider about this.


Donkey Kong - February
Mario Kart 8 - March
Watch Dogs - April
Bayonetta 2 - May
Smash Bros -June
Hyrule Warriors -July
X - August

That's my guess.


Donkey Kong - Feb
Mario Kart 8 - April
Watch Dogs - June
Bayonetta 2 - August
Hyrule Warriors - October
Smash Bros - November
X - December (still think North America isn't getting this in 2014)


Stop trying to scare me. :p

Honestly, I don't think there's much likelihood that Nintendo would greenlight an online-only game with a budget and scope of this size, given how much they traditionally value single player experiences. I think they're just being mysterious as usual about the details, but wanted to hint at online play to draw in an audience that might not otherwise be interested.

Yep, this would be my bet as well. Nintendo is in favor of online multiplayer where applicable, but I can't see them ever sacrificing SP in a game like this. I imagine SP will be a large component of X.


We just don't have a date for the releases yet?

We don't have dates for ANY VC releases until the week they're out. You're new to this, I take it?

Donkey Kong - February
Mario Kart 8 - March
Watch Dogs - April
Bayonetta 2 - May
Smash Bros -June
Hyrule Warriors -July
X - August

That's my guess.

Watch Dogs is a Summer game. It was rumored for June. I'd expect May at the earliest.

Even though I agree he failed, at least Sakamoto had the BALLS to try and do something with his character, unlike Miyamoto or Aonuma.

Sorry, but Other M being "garbage" is hyperbole.

? to the first part

Wholeheartedly agree on the second part.

Oh, I wish X ends up being a singer player experience first and foremost, too. I can see this game have some dark souls-esque features, though, but really hope it's not some sort of MMO.

How would anyone think this would be an "MMO?" With the tiny install base and no major franchise tie. This is a completely random assumption.
That would be awesome.

No kidding. I only recently started playing MH and couldn't help noticing all the similarities between it and Xenoblade Chronicles -- huge monsters, looting, armor customization, similar feel to the side quests, etc.

It was clearly a big influence for Monolith Soft, and I'm guessing (hoping) that X will take that influence and expand on it with multiplayer and hopefully by giving those elements a bit more depth than what was seen in XC.


Unconfirmed Member
If we're lucky, on Wednesday Jan 22nd.
Could also be on the 28th, a day prior to the earnings release, though they probably want new information out a few days before so investors have a chance to process important notes and remarks.

Edit: What D-e-f- wrote.


But we didn't have one in Dec last year. I hope we have another one soon, but we did just have one not too long ago.
We had one for titles coming out soon.
We haven't had one for all of 2014 and this would be more to calm investors than please fans.


But we didn't have one in Dec last year. I hope we have another one soon, but we did just have one not too long ago.

I tend to agree with this. One this month would be nice, but since we had a relatively "big" direct last month, I'm not 100% expecting anything until mid February.


hmm, you're right: http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/archive/
Looks like we've been having one every month now as well, sometimes even twice a month. Guess there is a very good chance we'll get one soon then.

I think January is a key time just because you're finally out of the holiday and can focus on future product. I don't know if expecting one every month should be taken as a norm. Maybe every couple months on average.


Why is everyone convinced X is coming out next year? Why not this summer? May through July, is my guess right now.

It looks incredibly ambitious, and we've barely seen it. Of course, I'm hoping we get a total blowout at the next Direct/E3 and the game launches this year, but I'm not holding my breath.
I think January is a key time just because you're finally out of the holiday and can focus on future product. I don't know if expecting one every month should be taken as a norm. Maybe every couple months on average.

Later last year it was like one every 6-8 weeks if you count them. Back earlier in 2013 they were like every two months, like mid-Feb then in mid-April.

Bah I don't care, I needs my Wii U Direct Nintendo and I need it NOW!


It looks incredibly ambitious, and we've barely seen it. Of course, I'm hoping we get a total blowout at the next Direct/E3 and the game launches this year, but I'm not holding my breath.
We barely saw anything for 3DWorld until like a month before lauch.


We barely saw anything for 3DWorld until like a month before lauch.

We even got this thread to prove this: Super Mario 3D World is 2 months away and Nintendo seems to have forgotten about it

People should just accept that this is how Nintendo rolls. We have no idea what's the situation with Bayonetta 2, X or SSB4 to mention a few. Once Nintendo really starts showing material we know the game is nearing the release date. Exactly that is happening to Donkey Kong right now.


How would anyone think this would be an "MMO?" With the tiny install base and no major franchise tie. This is a completely random assumption.

I don't know., the words "online" and "X" together have appeared a little too often in the last few month, so this stupid thought found a way into my mind somehow. Shit keeps me awake at night! °_°


I'm excited for X but that's it. New mainline Zelda and SMT x Fire Emblem are of interest, but I need to see something first.

Pretty scary how little there is...


...What makes people believe that X is an MMO, or as some others put it, a "Monster Hunter clone"? What makes them believe that there is a "huge focus on the online component"? What makes them think that the game forgoes a single player experience? What makes them think the game will be devoid of any sort of story? What makes them believe they'll be to create their own avatars?

I would like to ask any person that holds any of the beliefs above about X to edify using elements presented in both teasers. If, however, your supporting arguments are along the lines of not having seen any footage that contains plot, the majority of footage shown is of people running around and fighting large animals, the presence of a chat box, seeing multiple characters featured in the teasers, or any unsubstantial garbage like that, don't waste your time answering.


...What makes people believe that X is an MMO, or as some others put it, a "Monster Hunter clone"? What makes them believe that there is a "huge focus on the online component"? What makes them think that the game forgoes a single player experience? What makes them think the game will be devoid of any sort of story? What makes them believe they'll be to create their own avatars?



...What makes people believe that X is an MMO, or as some others put it, a "Monster Hunter clone"? What makes them believe that there is a "huge focus on the online component"? What makes them think that the game forgoes a single player experience? What makes them think the game will be devoid of any sort of story? What makes them believe they'll be to create their own avatars?

I would like to ask any person that holds any of the beliefs above about X to edify using elements presented in both teasers. If, however, your supporting arguments are along the lines of not having seen any footage that contains plot, the majority of footage shown is of people running around and fighting large animals, the presence of a chat box, seeing multiple characters featured in the teasers, or any unsubstantial garbage like that, don't waste your time answering.

What makes for all this? The 5 seconds in the latest trailer that shows what appears to be multiplayer co-op.

No, it's not a rational fear.


I'm the last person on this board who's worried about any of that. I just want to know where it all comes from seeing how prevalent it is where discussion of X is concerned.

Believe it or not what you list as unsubstantial garbage isn't to some people. Perhaps all you need to be convinced is Takahashi is directing the game, that won't be the case with everyone else.

There being at least some form of online practically all but confirmed thanks to the chatlog to me, so that's there but what's the major focus on?
Until they tell us it's all speculation and people trying to reassure themselves.

Though hey, I'm happy either way as someone who greatly enjoys games like PSO and Xenoblade.


Didnt we just get a Direct in mid December?, end of February at the earliest for the next one imo.

Look at 2013. At least two Directs every month except for December which had one. The bi-monthly pattern is a thing of the distant past (2012). We're making very educated guesses here. Not shooting blanks in the blue sky.


Look at 2013. At least two Directs every month except for December which had one. The bi-monthly pattern is a thing of the distant past (2012). We're making very educated guesses here. Not shooting blanks in the blue sky.

We had 23 directs in 2013?


Because believe it or not what you list as unsubstantial garbage isn't to some people.

I don't care what it is to some people. In the objective view of things, it isn't the least bit grounded in rationality (or intelligent thought).

Perhaps all you need to be convinced is Takahashi is directing the game, that won't be the case with everyone else.

It isn't all I need to refute the nonsense in my previous post, but does make for a strong counterpoint specifically against those that would claim that the game wouldn't have a plot like you would come to expect in a JRPG.

And if that isn't enough, then the fact that Monolith is (ideally) looking to hire people with experience in art and literature should be.

There being at least some form of online practically all but confirmed thanks to the chatlog to me,

Nobody is disputing the fact that the game can be played online. The problem lies with all the idiotic conclusion jumping that uses that fact as a springboard.

so that's there but what's the major focus on?

On the exact same things that were focused on in Xenoblade? The inclusion of an online component doesn't take away from those things. :/

Until they tell us it's all speculation and people trying to reassure themselves.

You can't claim to know anything for fact. That's true. But you can make reasonable, educated, and well-founded guesses. Using the flimsy bits of evidence that I mentioned to arrive at the conclusion that X is some kind of plotless MMO/MH clone with a focus on online multiplayer is not one of them.


I don't care what it is to some people. In the objective view of things, it isn't the least bit grounded in rationality (or intelligent thought).

It isn't all I need to refute the nonsense in my previous post, but does make for a strong counterpoint specifically against those that would claim that the game wouldn't have a plot like you would come to expect in a JRPG.

And if that isn't enough, then the fact that Monolith are (ideally) looking to hire people with experience in art and literature should be.

Nobody is disputing the fact that the game can be played online. The problem lies with all the idiotic conclusion jumping that uses that fact as a springboard.

On the exact same things that were focused on in Xenoblade? The inclusion of an online component doesn't take away from those things. :/

You can't claim to know anything for fact. That's true. But you can make reasonable, educated, and well-founded guesses. Using the flimsy bits of evidence that I mentioned to arrive at the conclusion that X is some kind of plotless MMO/MH clone with a focus on online multiplayer is not one of them.

Thanks for this answer. It was my fault I was being stupid. I'm just damn paranoid without any info at all.

Why are they no story trailers? Why lack of info? If DQ X is MMO, why not X? Those are the questions that linger thru my mind.


We actually have seen some story in the X trailers. Though, calling them trailers isn't quite right. They're teaser trailers. It hasn't had a proper trailer yet.

As for story: We know they live in a world with mechs and some kind of clock that is counting down to something. We know there's some kind of war going on. We know there's at least one humanoid city. We also know there's someone very similar to Shulk.
The song from the second trailer gives us some clues. "Let's find the king we lost, all the people cry in vein." Maybe Shulk is gone or killed? "Try to live your life, and the sky will hide your pride." Obviously, there will be a big emphasis on flying and getting back to "heaven" (the stars?).

Anyway, have no fear. There will be a very crazy story just like in Xenoblade.
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