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“Charlie’s Angels” - 2019, starring Kristen Stewart and Naomi Scott


replied to wrong post

She forgot to add fun in her movie.

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article detailing how/why it bombed

After watching Charlie’s Angels earlier this week, I put the first two McG movies on Netflix, and it was like watching Star Wars in comparison to this reboot, with his sharp production design, camera movements, unique action, and comedy set pieces, and, of course, the first movie blasted Sam Rockwell out of a cannon. Understand that the first two movies in the series were able to compete and hold their own in an action space where, yes, Mission: Impossible and Fast & Furious (the first two films came out in 2001 and 2003) also thrived.

shout-out to mcg

However, I hear that the script for Charlie’s Angels didn’t really attract top talent, i.e. Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Margot Robbie (a trio that would have potentially jazzed up business). Hence, why the production opted to go with largely a fresh face cast outside of Kristen Stewart. While we overwrite that stars mean nothing at the box office, they do, sometimes, when it comes to propping IP, and unfortunately and arguably, no one in Middle America knows who British actress Ella Balinska is, and they’ve only became recently acquainted with Naomi Scott from Disney’s Aladdin and Lionsgate’s Power Rangers.

now theres a cast

I love how people come up with these 2-3 movies trying to point out that there are plenty of female led films that are great. One is 15 years old, one 20+ years old and one 30+ years old.
Always interesting.
Congratulations on missing the point.
These are examples of great movies that *happen* to be female-led , rather than being female-led being the message of the movie. A critical distinction.
They also show that history 15, 20 and 30 years ago has examples of this precedent - at odds with the narrative that no such thing ever existed and only in today's 'enlightened' society is this being addressed.

It's always interesting to see narratives dissolve with the application of logic and reason.
It's then entertaining to watch those that are so deeply invested in such narratives perform mental gymnastics in order to dismiss logic and reason.

Strap yourself in.
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I love how people come up with these 2-3 movies trying to point out that there are plenty of female led films that are great. One is 15 years old, one 20+ years old and one 30+ years old.
Always interesting.

People always bring up Aliens and T2 because they're two of the best action movies ever made and arguably unsurpassed by anything since regardless of the casts genitals.

But these are by no means the only action movies staring women in lead/main roles that have been a critical and/or commercial success in the last 30-40 years.

As a particular fan of such films, I'm pretty certain I could come up with a list of about 50 action and horror movies in that time frame, all before Hollywood got woke, that pissed on the 'Strong Female Character' cringefests we get today that fail miserably in every respect.


I love how people come up with these 2-3 movies trying to point out that there are plenty of female led films that are great. One is 15 years old, one 20+ years old and one 30+ years old.
Always interesting.

Wonder Woman
Resident Evil
Kill Bill
Tomb Raider
Sucker Punch
Whip It
V for Vendetta
Hunger Games
Pitch Perfect
Mr Mrs Smith
Mary Poppins
Pretty in Pink
The Craft
Legally Blonde
Thelma and Louise
Black Swan
Bend it like Beckham
Pretty Woman
Atomic Blonde
Tank Girl
All the Shitty Star Wars movies
G. I. Jane
Crouch Tiger
Femme Nikita
Road Fury
Mamma Mia
Mystic Pizza
Book Club
The Shallows
Aoen Flux
Foxy Brown
Ultra Violet
Wizard of Oz
Fifth Element
Long Kiss Goodnight
Brave One
Point of no return
Cat Woman
Blue Steel
Red Sparrow
Jackie Brown
Miss Congeniality

And the list goes on, but I need a shower.


Wonder Woman
Resident Evil
Kill Bill
Tomb Raider
Sucker Punch
Whip It
V for Vendetta
Hunger Games
Pitch Perfect
Mr Mrs Smith
Mary Poppins
Pretty in Pink
The Craft
Legally Blonde
Thelma and Louise
Black Swan
Bend it like Beckham
Pretty Woman
Atomic Blonde
Tank Girl
All the Shitty Star Wars movies
G. I. Jane
Crouch Tiger
Femme Nikita
Road Fury
Mamma Mia
Mystic Pizza
Book Club
The Shallows
Aoen Flux
Foxy Brown
Ultra Violet
Wizard of Oz
Fifth Element
Long Kiss Goodnight
Brave One
Point of no return
Cat Woman
Blue Steel
Red Sparrow
Jackie Brown
Miss Congeniality

And the list goes on, but I need a shower.
*basically every horror movie in existence*


People always bring up Aliens and T2 because they're two of the best action movies ever made and arguably unsurpassed by anything since regardless of the casts genitals.

That's correct, they are 2 of the best action films ever made across the board, but people with certain agendas only bring them up when the topic is about other female led films.

No one says "Hobbs and Shaw was terrible, I'd much prefer Aliens/T2".

Trying to prove some point that isn't really proving a point. Comparing 2 of the greatest action films to an "ok to good" current action film doesn't prove anything. And again, they are only brought up when and average female action film is made, not when an average male led action film is made. And trust me, there are far more average male action films than female led.
No one says "Hobbs and Shaw was terrible, I'd much prefer Aliens/T2".
That's because it wasn't terrible, nor was it trying to be compete with Aliens/T2.

We're into correlation =! causation territory.

None of those movies were about strong male leds or trying to be. They were about delivering something to the audience that there was a proven market for.
Hobbs and Shaw only exists because it is a spin-off of a commercially successful action franchise. It's intentionally low-brow with just enough plot to justify the next explosion. It doesn't preach and it pokes fun at tropes by setting them up as rivalries based around 2 extremely stereotypical male fantasy roles. It also has a strong (and virtuous) female character pivotal to the story, and a literal mother figure that makes a point of being brutal and unsympathetic. The movie is too long and sags when it lingers on the 'nothing is stronger than family' message that is pushed into the last act of the story. I enjoyed watching the movie for its dumb plot, OTT action, and comedic muscle-head rivalry. My wife enjoyed for much the same reasons plus she particularly enjoys Jason Statham movies for their dumbness, she's a big fan of Idris Elba - including his more cerebral stuff (Luther, The Wire), and all three principle actors are easy on her eyes (Shock! Horror! The objectification!! Someone start a hashtag or something!!).
Net result: In the sample size of 2 (1 man, 1 woman) the movie delivered enough to keep both entertained. Something that "Charlies Angels" appears to fail at.

Trying to prove some point that isn't really proving a point. Comparing 2 of the greatest action films to an "ok to good" current action film doesn't prove anything.

Well, it does. Especially in the context of Charlie's Angels 2019. But you have to be willing to be able to see what works in those examples and what doesn't and appreciate that the difference is a fraction more nuanced that what someone has between their legs.

And again, they are only brought up when and average female action film is made, not when an average male led action film is made. And trust me, there are far more average male action films than female led.
And how many of those average male led action films have the same specific points of failure that Charlie's Angels 2019 is being criticised for?

Correlation is not causation.
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Wonder Woman
Resident Evil
Kill Bill
Tomb Raider
Sucker Punch
Whip It
V for Vendetta
Hunger Games
Pitch Perfect
Mr Mrs Smith
Mary Poppins
Pretty in Pink
The Craft
Legally Blonde
Thelma and Louise
Black Swan
Bend it like Beckham
Pretty Woman
Atomic Blonde
Tank Girl
All the Shitty Star Wars movies
G. I. Jane
Crouch Tiger
Femme Nikita
Road Fury
Mamma Mia
Mystic Pizza
Book Club
The Shallows
Aoen Flux
Foxy Brown
Ultra Violet
Wizard of Oz
Fifth Element
Long Kiss Goodnight
Brave One
Point of no return
Cat Woman
Blue Steel
Red Sparrow
Jackie Brown
Miss Congeniality

And the list goes on, but I need a shower.

+ Almost every Disney film.


People like the female characters in T2 and Aliens because, at no point, did they single-handedly beat up a room of men who are twice their size. They were strong by working around their own physical limitations.
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Movie was fun, funny and enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong, the actual action scenes are pretty terrible and have no flow.

But Ella, Naomi and Kirsten all have great chemistry. Kirsten is actually funny and sexy in some scenes.

If you like the McG films I can imagine you liking this. It has a similar tone, just not so crazy over the top.


Movie was fun, funny and enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong, the actual action scenes are pretty terrible and have no flow.

But Ella, Naomi and Kirsten all have great chemistry. Kirsten is actually funny and sexy in some scenes.

If you like the McG films I can imagine you liking this. It has a similar tone, just not so crazy over the top.

Ah yes, just what I’m looking for in an action movie - something grounded in reality, with terrible action scenes.


Also, Kristen Stewart is not hot at all.

She has a pretty face just not much of a figure and her new hair is awful.

On a more positive note if anybody is looking a recent solid female led action flick I'd suggest Furie on Netflix. The action is serviceable and the budget starts to vanish as it goes on but you really feel and root for the lead actress. The hilarious thing is it's the same actress that played Rose Tico's sister in TLJ. They really botched that because she is a much better actress, does ok with the action bits, and is far easier on the eyes than Tran.

Lucasfilm really needs to stop wasting all this excellent Asian talent they keep casting.
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None of you guys have seen it, therefore, your thoughts are invalid.

It's aboot to start for me.

You know they can make as many feminist action flicks as they want and we can all say "I'm not going to watch this one either" and then they'll keep blaming the patriarchy for why it bombed and that in itself is a perfectly valid reason to avoid shit like this.

You wouldn't believe how liberating it is to not be part of the woke brigade.


It's not feminist and I'm not part of the woke brigade.

The anti-woke brigade say to separate the art from the artist when it fits their narrative or agenda. But if the artist is saying something they hate they don't want to separate the two.

Patrick Stewart was freaking hillarious in this by the way.



It's not feminist and I'm not part of the woke brigade.

The anti-woke brigade say to separate the art from the artist when it fits their narrative or agenda. But if the artist is saying something they hate they don't want to separate the two.

Patrick Stewart was freaking hillarious in this by the way.


How is it not feminist when it's described as empowering girl power?


How is it not feminist when it's described as empowering girl power?

Just because it stars wamen doesn't mean it gets all up in ya face about girl power.
It's just a flick about wamen agents trying to save the world from dangers.
The trailers don't even scream "girl power" from what I remember.


More like blame her self for making a shitty cringey film

It ain't shit, and you guys RottenTomato theory is failing.
Ya'll say if a movie has high ratings on RottenTomatoes it's woke shit but this film has low critic score and high audience score.
So is it woke or not?



I didn’t stay home because I’m male. I stayed home because from the first trailer it looked like a movie for idiots.

(No offense to any idiots who enjoyed it. That was just my impression from the marketing, colored by Hollywood’s track record with reboots.)


Gold Member
One of the weirdest scores breakdowns i've seen so far.

Even with the critics woke bump it only managed to get a 58% that's incredibly low.

So then okay then that must mean its a bad film but audience is rating this pretty highly at 81% and even got a B+ cinemascore. Honestly the film is probably not that bad, not that i have any interest in seeing it. maybe critics rated this poorly for credibility and they think its a safe bet since sony abandoned the marketing for the film so it wouldn't hurt their chances of getting media access for future sony releases.



One of the weirdest scores breakdowns i've seen so far.

Even with the critics woke bump it only managed to get a 58% that's incredibly low.

So then okay then that must mean its a bad film but audience is rating this pretty highly at 81% and even got a B+ cinemascore. Honestly the film is probably not that bad, not that i have any interest in seeing it. maybe critics rated this poorly for credibility and they think its a safe bet since sony abandoned the marketing for the film so it wouldn't hurt their chances of getting media access for future sony releases.


Audience score is pretty easily gamed these days so one would probably have to check them and see. It's probably not completely awful just painfully miscast and lacking in memorable/wow moments.


bunch of overpaid idiots, it's like they didn't learn from Ghostbusters re-make, keep pushing that feminist/social agenda, they'll go bankrupt before they know it

What the eff drugs are you on? All the Charlie's Angels shows/films have women as the main characters. What drugs are you on?


What the eff drugs are you on? All the Charlie's Angels shows/films have women as the main characters. What drugs are you on?

If it’s not in the film itself then Banks is certainly making up for it IRL. Blaming those yucky brutish MEN for the empty seats.

The fact is Charlie’s Angels has always been about hot women beating ass and lookin fly doing it. If you can’t get men to pay to watch that then it’s probably your fault, writer and director Elizabeth Banks, not ours.

Source: I paid money to see both McG movies in theaters. Bang/Marry/Kill Lucy Liu/Drew Barrymore/Cameron Diaz by the way, don’t judge.

I personally wrote this off when I saw Kristen Stewart was attached. Even when she doesn’t look entirely offputting like she does here, she’s dull as hell to watch.


You should check out the trailer for Seberg, she looks to be great in that film. Much like Robert Pattinson I think they are both unfairly judged because of those Twilight films.


You should check out the trailer for Seberg, she looks to be great in that film. Much like Robert Pattinson I think they are both unfairly judged because of those Twilight films.

It’s apparently got Zazie Beetz so shit I might actually be down for that.

You might be right about the other thing though, whenever I hear her name all I can think about is how her mouth never completely closed in any of those five movies.


>that's actually somebodys birth name and not a rap producer
jesus fucking christ

That’s effing amazing

Yeah you know what, make one of these with Zazie Beetz and uhhhh...Kate Upton and...Scarlett Johansson I guess? I’d go see that. Get Angelina Jolie as Bosley.

Somebody get on that.


It ain't shit, and you guys RottenTomato theory is failing.
Ya'll say if a movie has high ratings on RottenTomatoes it's woke shit but this film has low critic score and high audience score.
So is it woke or not?


Last Jedi got a ninety something and it's fucking shite 😂


Gold Member
This crapfest flopped hard XD

It’s like even the women didn’t want to waste their time or money on this...

So much for the outrage lol
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