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10 most historically inaccurate movies

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Whenever 'historically inaccurate' is used to described a movie, I think of U-571. It was just way too obvious.


Hail Britannia
Gattsu25 said:
How can a movie that, at the time of its release, deals with the future be historically inaccurate? (@2001)

Indeed. Perhaps they were just trying to be... topical.

Timbuktu said:
Whenever 'historically inaccurate' is used to described a movie, I think of U-571. It was just way too obvious.

Me too.
Gattsu25 said:
How can a movie that, at the time of its release, deals with the future be historically inaccurate? (@2001)

1984 was so stupid for being wrong...

Yeah, it's a fairly dumb list. There is a long list of historical docu-pics that pretended to be accurate and aren't even close.


Gattsu25 said:
How can a movie that, at the time of its release, deals with the future be historically inaccurate? (@2001)

It was a joke

EDIT: Beaten. But still, I can't believe so many people took it seriously.



Cool Runnings...

...also A Beautiful Mind is full of bullshit and omissions.


Wow @ people arguing about 2001.


Stoney Mason said:
Yeah, it's a fairly dumb list. There is a long list of historical docu-pics that pretended to be accurate and aren't even close.

Besides, most historical movies would be boring as sin if they were totally accurate. In this respect, Im all for creative liberty being taken for the sake of dramatic effect. You shouldnt be going to the movies to learn history in the first place, and as such, it shouldnt shock you that movies arent all that accurate.


kswiston said:
It was a joke

EDIT: Beaten. But still, I can't believe so many people took it seriously.
Ahh, so it's like screwattack...doesn't take itself seriously while not being funny.
Solo said:
Besides, most historical movies would be boring as sin if they were totally accurate. In this respect, Im all for creative liberty being taken for the sake of dramatic effect. You shouldnt be going to the movies to learn history in the first place, and as such, it shouldnt shock you that movies arent all that accurate.

I'm of two minds. I also feel movie makers shouldn't be acting like they are presenting true history on the screen then when they are often changing so much.

That's not a problem with something like 300 which is a comic book from the get go but some movies are sort of up their own ass and try to revel in being relevant.


Stoney Mason said:
I'm of two minds. I also feel movie makers shouldn't be acting like they are presenting true history on the screen then when they are often changing so much.

I agree with this too. It can be a slippery slope, no doubt.
Stoney Mason said:
I'm of two minds. I also feel movie makers shouldn't be acting like they are presenting true history on the screen then when they are often changing so much.

That's not a problem with something like 300 which is a comic book from the get go but some movies are sort of up their own ass and try to revel in being relevant.

I agree that the source material makes a huge difference. Also, you can usually tell from the previews if the studio says "Based on a true story..." as opposed to "The true story of..."

Based on usually means they took liberties.


No U-571?

That was a fucking disgrace and disrespectful to the real soldiers that captured the enigma machine.

they weren't Americans


Rage Bait Youtuber
Braveheart is the most offensive especially since high schools are now using the movie in history classes as a historically accurate epic. Our future is Idiocracy.
ManaByte said:
Braveheart is the most offensive especially since high schools are now using the movie in history classes as a historically accurate epic. Our future is Idiocracy.

Well I think that's the fault of high schools then. It's a good film at least. That of course shouldn't be taken as a history lesson on its portrayal of Wallace.


Rage Bait Youtuber
permutated said:
10,000 BC is a cluster fuck of wrong information.

Maybe Emmerich found some ancient tablet that told him the pyramids were built in 10,000 BC by aliens from Atlantis?
permutated said:
10,000 BC is a cluster fuck of wrong information.

See but do they even care. I assume a movie like that is like The Day After Tomorrow. Not meant to be taken seriously. Although something like the Patriot is an abomination.


Stoney Mason said:
I'm of two minds. I also feel movie makers shouldn't be acting like they are presenting true history on the screen then when they are often changing so much.

That's not a problem with something like 300 which is a comic book from the get go but some movies are sort of up their own ass and try to revel in being relevant.

I sort of agree. A movie like the Patriot isn't meant to be a serious film. When Mel Gibson impales a guy with the American Flag, it's pretty obvious you're not watching historically accurate events. On the otherhand Elizabeth: The Golden Age presents itself as a legitimate period piece. If they want to present Elizabeth riding into battle with a sword, whatever, that's a minor detail. What I don't get is them including historical figures who were clearly dead at the time. If they wanted to show the queen having suitors, why not someone who was actually alive? It doesn't take that much research to come up with better candidates.
John Dunbar said:
Any list that says The Patriot and Braveheart are anything but 100% fact is garbage.
My favorite scene in the The Patriot: Where Braveheart's slave can be seen warmly welcoming his master home. Now THAT is job dedication.
ManaByte said:
Maybe Emmerich found some ancient tablet that told him the pyramids were built in 10,000 BC by aliens from Atlantis?

Meh, you oversold us on that alien bit with 10,000 BC, at least that would have made the movie more interesting, like alone the lines of Chariot of the Gods kind of thing. It was just one off hand comment of uncertainly, and never spoken again and never even really further explored.


Rage Bait Youtuber
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Meh, you oversold us on that alien bit with 10,000 BC, at least that would have made the movie more interesting, like alone the lines of Chariot of the Gods kind of thing. It was just one off hand comment of uncertainly, and never spoken again and never even really further explored.

Emmerich already did a movie based on Chariot of the Gods. It spawned fourteen seasons of two TV series and two more direct to video movies.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
No King Arthur (2004)?

Having something like 300 on there seems kinda unfair. I mean, this list would be better if they were listing movies that tried to be historically accurate (using historic figures) but twisted things too much. 300 is based on a comic book.

See, like their complaint with Gladiator is about Emperor Commodus being mis-characterized. But wouldn't Titanic then be considered extremely inaccurate? Cameron spent a great deal of time making even the smallest details accurate (plates, forks, etc used on the ship), but lots of the characters were totally made up. Does that suddenly make it inaccurate?


Whatever its just a list. I just don't get the logic on this one...


ManaByte said:
Braveheart is the most offensive especially since high schools are now using the movie in history classes as a historically accurate epic. Our future is Idiocracy.

All you need to do is OK Intelligent Design in the classroom and it's a done deal. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Stoney Mason said:
I'm of two minds. I also feel movie makers shouldn't be acting like they are presenting true history on the screen then when they are often changing so much.

That's not a problem with something like 300 which is a comic book from the get go but some movies are sort of up their own ass and try to revel in being relevant.


if the movie is obviously not trying to be accurate and presents itself as a romanticised version of the story (300) Im fine.

Its when they pass themselves off as realistic period pieces (troy) that i get pissed.

also, where eagles dare, despite being awesome should be on the list... helicopters in WW2? Reaallly?
Well I guess the best example of a movie that conflicts me is JFK because it's an absolutely wonderful film but one that is complete bullshit on most of its facts and it actually did impact people who saw it and didn't know better.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Sule said:
Yes he is.

King Arthur was a fabled British leader and a prominent figure in Britain's legendary history, said in many medieval tales and chronicles to have taken the mantle of rulership over Britain and defended his land against Saxon invaders following the withdrawal of Rome. Arthur's story includes considerable elements of legend and folklore, and his very existence is debated and has become a point of fierce controversy among modern historians.[1] The scarce historical background to Arthur is found scattered across various works including those of "Nennius" and Gildas and in the Annales Cambriae. The legendary Arthur was developed as a figure of international interest largely through the 12th century pseudo-history of Geoffrey of Monmouth, although Welsh and Breton stories and poems were circulating before he wrote.

NutJobJim said:
No U-571?

That was a fucking disgrace and disrespectful to the real soldiers that captured the enigma machine.

they weren't Americans

definitely. One of the worst examples of Hollywood americanizing historical events for the hell of it


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ManaByte said:
You realize that King Arthur isn't real...right?

None of the characters in 2001 are real. The main character in The Last Samurai wasn't real. The main character of Gladiator most likely wasn't real even though there could have been a man in his position. What exactly is your point?


First tragedy, then farce.
Grizzlyjin said:
No King Arthur (2004)?

Having something like 300 on there seems kinda unfair. I mean, this list would be better if they were listing movies that tried to be historically accurate (using historic figures) but twisted things too much. 300 is based on a comic book.

See, like their complaint with Gladiator is about Emperor Commodus being mis-characterized. But wouldn't Titanic then be considered extremely inaccurate? Cameron spent a great deal of time making even the smallest details accurate (plates, forks, etc used on the ship), but lots of the characters were totally made up. Does that suddenly make it inaccurate?


Whatever its just a list. I just don't get the logic on this one...

yeah, but Titanic makes people up for the fictionalizes parts. tjat is better than taking historical emporers and fucking with them. just make up emporers that dont exist and you are ok in my book.

also, Amadeus...
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