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11-yr-old Boy Bullied for Being A Brony Fighting for Life After Suicide Attempt

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Michael’s favorite character is Pinkie Pie, a hyper excitable pony. The little boy, who has ADHD and rarely sits still for a minute, feels a connection to bouncy Pinkie Pie. His Uncle Jimmy taught him to be proud of his interests, and the boy has frequently worn Brony dogtags and Brony bracelets to school.

A group of his peers at school have been taunting and bullying the boy about his fandom. His stepfather, Shannon Suttle, said, “Michael was upset because the kids were calling him gay for liking a girls’ TV show. His mom and I, well, we told him that it didn’t matter what other people think. It only matters what he thinks.”

Nobody stood up for Michael, but he seemed to be doing okay. “Michael is deeply religious, and he turned to his faith. He asked to start taking confirmation classes, and he carried a little Bible with him everywhere. He told us that he would sit at a table at lunchtime and recite Bible verses to himself, and it brought him great joy,” Suttle said.

In addition to his religion and his love of My Little Pony, Michael has other keen interests. After watching violinist Lindsey Stirling perform, he was so enraptured that he decided to take up violin lessons. He avidly follows Stirling’s music career and is now dedicated to practicing on his own violin. He also loves the music of Pentatonix, an a cappella group that has captured his heart. Outwardly, he appeared to be coping okay with the taunting and talked about it with his family.

“A few weeks ago, Michael told us he wanted to take the bus straight home after school, instead of going to the boys and girls club with the other kids,” Suttle explained, “and at the time, we thought it was because he wanted a chance to have the TV to himself for a couple hours before his brothers came home.“ Michael has a 13-year-old brother and a 5-year-old brother. The family only has one TV, so the boys tend to argue over what they watch.

“But now,” Suttle said quietly, “I wonder about why he wanted to come home instead of being with the other kids. He said to us that the other kids were telling him he was gay for loving Pinkie Pie and they were trying to make him feel ashamed for being gay. We said that we didn’t care if he was gay or straight; he was our son and we would love him.”

On Thursday, January 23, Michael had another rough day at school. That night, he attempted suicide by hanging himself.

Michael is in the pediatric intensive care unit in a North Carolina hospital. He has damage to his brain, his heart, and his lungs and has not yet fully awakened. There is healing potential, but the extent of that potential is unknown. His family is holding vigil, praying that the swelling in his brain will go down and the child will become coherent. A tracheotomy is scheduled for this week.

Poor kid.


contribute something
Well fuck. It seems like the parents thought their (straight?) son was coming out as gay, and that didn't help things.


I read a lot of nasty shit thrown against bronies on the internet, even on GAF. Never thought this would happen though


Wow, the idea of an 11 year old attempting suicide is so crazy to me.

I hope he pulls through.

Same. I was really depressed in my later teen years, but I don't think I would ever have contemplated suicide at that young of an age. Unfortunately it's becoming a lot more common.

I don't want to start a circle jerk, but when I see stories like this I just wish these kids had a site like GAF in their lives. The communities here are so accepting.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kids are such shits to each other. One of the best things about growing up outside of social media was avoiding the near limitless abuse it enables. I grew up in Europe in the seventies and eighties with corporal punishment - so bullying existed, but tended to be limited in scope.
People who bitch about bronies are 492937273 times more annoying than those that follow the show. I don't get why the cunts who do it constantly and harass people/kids like this don't realize that everyone else rolls their eyes more at them.


Kids are such shits to each other. One of the best things about growing up outside of social media was avoiding the near limitless abuse it enables. I grew up in Europe in the seventies and eighties with corporal punishment - so bullying existed, but tended to be limited in scope.

Kids? We have grown men here who make it their mission to bitch and moan in topics every time someone here mentions it in a topic or sometimes even when they have an avatar about it.

Acting like an idiot isn't exclusive to kids, unfortunately.


It is sad. Just a kid doing what he likes to do. Doesn't affect anyone else and yet the others apparently couldn't stop bullying him about it. I hope he ends up okay, but it doesn't sound like that will be the case. Poor family.


Same. I was really depressed in my later teen years, but I don't think I would ever have contemplated suicide at that young of an age. Unfortunately it's becoming a lot more common.

I don't want to start a circle jerk, but when I see stories like this I just wish these kids had a site like GAF in their lives. The communities here are so accepting.

I pretty much lived on the Internet from age 8 to 18 for similar reasons
It's sickening to think that bullying could make an eleven-year-old's life be so miserable that he feels like suicide is the only option.

I hope he makes a full recovery.


Kids are such shits to each other. One of the best things about growing up outside of social media was avoiding the near limitless abuse it enables. I grew up in Europe in the seventies and eighties with corporal punishment - so bullying existed, but tended to be limited in scope.

I was lucky in that I just missed the social media bubble that happened in the early-to-mid 00s when I was getting bullied.

Heartbreaking story. Hope he manages to recover.
Fucking Hell, I just don't understand how even children can be this cruel to another person. I wonder if their parents knew what little shits they were/are.

That being said I doubt this'll even make them change what they're like, they'll just think he was stupid or overreacting.

I can't wrap my head around 11 year old children bullying people for being 'gay' either, when I was that age in the UK (or a bit older) I guess 'gay' was thrown around but never against people you didn't know, it was just friends joking with friends.

Jesus, I hope there's some astounding healing here.
I read a lot of nasty shit thrown against bronies on the internet, even on GAF. Never thought this would happen though

Unfortunately, some parents will simply say, "Kids will be kids, right?" and chalk it up to that, not actually understanding fundamental shifts in society based on technology allowing for a lot of anonymous, hateful interaction. To be clear, I am not talking about GAF here, at all. People get banned for making statements of hate, and I respect the mod community here for the work they do in enforcing that.

But you look at comments sections, official game forums, even non-anonymous places like facebook and it is clear that a lot of parents a) don't have a clue what their kids are like/do online or b) don't care. In some cases, it could be both. Allowing that kind of behavior at that age to go unchecked just encourages it happen outside the digital world. I honestly think that things are going to get much, much worse in the near future in this regard. As a parent of two, it terrifies me, especially with one child having been diagnosed with Asperger's. I remember kids being mean and even racist, having grown up and gone to school in the middle of South Carolina, but I honestly never saw or even heard of some of the things that happen now.


I pretty much lived on the Internet from age 8 to 18 for similar reasons

I didn't get on to the internet till I was 19. That was back in 1997. IRC saved my life. Literally. Sometimes you just need to find those few people that are like you to make all the difference in the world.
Asking openly, what can a parent do to deter these bullies?
Finding out their names? Getting in touch with their parents? Talk with the school? What power does a parent have when school kids are pushing their child to suicide?
Poor kid. I hope he recovers and can connect with other children who have similar interests. It always helps to know you're not alone.
I missed the social media bubble and it wasn't a thing until I was an adult. I really don't know if that was a good or a bad thing. Kids today are years ahead where I was at their age it's freighting. I can't even imagine the thought of suicide at 11 and I was bullied here and there growing up. Lucky for me I had a close group of friends and we nerded out together.

Really makes you scared to send your kids to school.
This is so saddening and heartbreaking. I'd just love to be able to do something to make this poor boy's life happier. I really wish him the best of health and the best recovering possible. It's hurts me that he's been hurt and hurt himself so.

Homophobia and femmephobia is so sickening. It's a horrible disease infecting humanity. Boys and everyone should feel free and safe and loved to be as feminine as they want to.


FYI, for those of you who want to lend your support to Michael Morones and his family, there are a number of charity auctions currently being run on eBay featuring signed merchandise with the entirety of the proceeds going to support his recovery.

Both the Brony community and the voice acting talent base always step up in times like this. Hopefully he's able to have a full recovery.
Man, this poor kid.

Children at 11-13 are sociopaths. My buddies and I did some horrible, horrible bullying at that age - until we got caught and were dealt with pretty severely. It just doesn't enter into your head what you're doing is tremendously cruel and painful to the victim.


I don't understand how you can see an eleven year old spending their free time reciting bible versus to himself and not realize there is a problem
I feel so bad for the kid. It'd be nice if someone started one of those campaigns to raise some money and buy him something really nice from the show to make him happy.

Edit: Overlooked the GoFundMe link in the article.


Man those are supposed to be carefree happy years. An 11 year old even contemplating suicide is just terrible.
FYI, for those of you who want to lend your support to Michael Morones and his family, there are a number of charity auctions currently being run on eBay featuring signed merchandise with the entirety of the proceeds going to support his recovery.
Thanks. I'll be looking into that right away. I also hope more people see this and consider helping.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
I'll probably get shit for this but at what point do you shield a child from bullies until they become an adult and have to deal with worst shit than this head on?

Bullies will always exist on this earth. You can protect your child all you want but eventually they will see what it's really made of.

Why not spend some time investing on how to deal with Bullies as well as preventing them.
His uncle is a dumbass for letting him wear brony bracelets. How could that ever end well.

Uh... it's not the uncle's fault nor is it this innocent child's fault for wanting to express his damn interests.

If anything, the schools need to educate their young students on tolerance for other people's interests, and that it could differ from theirs, and that it is perfectly okay. Some parents are douches and raise their children with hate, and some parents don't really have access (time-wise) to their children to spread tolerance.
Are you a Brony when you're 11 or just a kid who likes a cartoon?

What a terrible story. I wish when I was a kid I was able to embrace the things I liked without worrying about what my peers think. I'm sure I missed a lot of great experiences, things like theatre and D&D. The best part about being an adult is not giving a shit about what other people think, and finding people with similar interests.


Thanks. I'll be looking into that right away. I also hope more people see this and consider helping.
In addition to those auctions (which, of course, being auctions you're not guaranteed to win), there's also a straight-up donations site set up.

Michael Morones Recovery Fund

Over $40,000 has already been raised.

Furthermore, here's a link to an interview conducted with Michael's stepfather, Shannon Suttle, which covers the entirety of the story from the family's perspective.


His uncle is a dumbass for letting him wear brony bracelets. How could that ever end well.

How dare a kid be allowed to like whatever the hell he wants to like without having to worry about some knuckle dragging fucksucking fleshwastes making his life hell for it?
Is that what you are trying to say?
Who exactly is the dumbass when you actually have the audacity to type something like that in a thread like this?


Michael’s favorite character is Pinkie Pie, a hyper excitable pony. The little boy, who has ADHD and rarely sits still for a minute, feels a connection to bouncy Pinkie Pie. His Uncle Jimmy taught him to be proud of his interests, and the boy has frequently worn Brony dogtags and Brony bracelets to school.
I bet his uncle is a good guy, but this kid's parents are going to feel resentment towards him from now on.


Uh... it's not the uncle's fault nor is it this innocent child's fault for wanting to express his damn interests.

If anything, the schools need to educate their young students on tolerance for other people's interests, and that it could differ from theirs, and that it is perfectly okay. Some parents are douches and raise their children with hate, and some parents don't really have access (time-wise) to their children to spread tolerance.

It's not his nor his uncles fault of course, but it was unwise. An uncle who has gone through school life should know better.


His uncle is a dumbass for letting him wear brony bracelets. How could that ever end well.

How dare a kid be allowed to like whatever the hell he wants to like without having to worry about some knuckle dragging fucksucking fleshwastes making his life hell for it?
Is that what you are trying to say?
Who exactly is the dumbass when you actually have the audacity to type something like you did in a thread like this?


I'll probably get shit for this but at what point do you shield a child from bullies until they become an adult and have to deal with worst shit than this head on?

Bullies will always exist on this earth. You can protect your child all you want but eventually they will see what it's really made of.

Why not spend some time investing on how to deal with Bullies as well as preventing them.

You can't really affect the behavior of someone else's kid. From my perspective the best thing you can do is make your child understand that you accept him and help find him communities and friends that share his interests.


How dare a kid be allowed to like whatever the hell he wants to like without having to worry about some knuckle dragging fucksucking fleshwastes making his life hell for it?
Is that what you are trying to say?
Who exactly is the dumbass when you actually have the audacity to type something like that in a thread like this?

Bronies are mocked and shamed on Gaf, a forum centered around a hardcore subculture. I'm not a dumbass for recognizing that some hobbies and tastes are safest when concealed, especially at school. Kids are vicious.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Bronies are mocked and shamed on Gaf, a forum centered around a hardcore subculture. I'm not a dumbass for recognizing that some hobbies and tastes are safest when concealed, especially at school. Kids are vicious.

In my experience the bullies will find a reason. MLP and being "gay" was the excuse


Bronies are mocked and shamed on Gaf, a forum centered around a hardcore subculture. I'm not a dumbass for recognizing that some hobbies and tastes are safest when concealed, especially at school. Kids are vicious.

Awful attitude to take.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So who's gonna organize the "Brony For A Day" pride campaign at school?
The solution is so simple.

Don't let your child become a target. Yes, encourage him to be himself and all that shit, but don't send him off to school wearing pony bracelets. What did they think was going to happen? Just terrible.
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