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11-yr-old Boy Bullied for Being A Brony Fighting for Life After Suicide Attempt

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No affiliation with any Bronies myself but I watched the documentary to get an idea (or some idea) of the whole phenomena. Lovely to see people find community with something they genuinely all love, no matter the subject matter.

Tragic story, and I sincerely hope the kid pulls through to be honored and attend the next Brony-Con.


I don't see a problem with people being Bronies. Its the rule 34 stuff that puts it at next level creepy but to be fair that applies to any subculture especially Anime.

The fact that you (or anyone for that matter) feel that they have enough of a right or some kind of entitlement to say "well I don't see I problem with people being Bronies" sums up a huge part of the issue right there.
That should already be a given.
There IS no problem with someone being a Bronie, or watching Twilight, or a sport or watching or reading or being a fan of whatever. Period.
But snide remarks, self righteous bullshit, people who for some reason get the fucked idea that their opinion is somehow more important than the person next to them and then those remarks get passed on in conversation in life or online, and they make their way to people's kids who look up to them.


The fact that you (or anyone for that matter) feel that they have enough of a right or some kind of entitlement to say "well I don't see I problem with people being Bronies" sums up a huge part of the issue right there.
That should already be a given.
There IS no problem with someone being a Bronie, or watching Twilight, or a sport or watching or reading or being a fan of whatever. Period.
But snide remarks, self righteous bullshit, people who for some reason get the fucked idea that their opinion is somehow more important than the person next to them and then those remarks get passed on in conversation in life or online, and they make their way to people's kids who look up to them.

When i was a child I used to get mocked for liking Video games by some kids and Adults. I was supposed to like sports instead or play music instead. Some people just don't understand unique hobbies.


I can't help but wonder how having an adult subculture form and create such an impact on this type of show effects it for kids this age. The whole 'brony' debate always seem created by and focused on primarily grown men/young adults; I wonder how that perception carries down to kids. I mean ultimately he's just an 11 year old watching a cartoon.

In any case, this situation seems like a whole mix of different issues piled on to each other. Strong religious beliefs, bullying, homosexuality (if the parents had already had that conversation with him then clearly the kid was wrestling with a lot of questions already)....all that on top of the usual chaos already going on for a 11 year old trying to figure him or her self out. I'm sure the uncle meant well and this was no way his 'fault', but there are some things/reactions that adults are just better equipped to handle that a confused 11 year old may not. Perhaps he is young himself.

Just a terribly sad story all the way around. I hope the poor kid somehow pulls through and his family gets to enjoy life with him again.


Heard about this via other circles. Tragic that someone so young could be driven this far, and worse still that we seem to be able to do so little about bullying as a whole.

Hope he fully recovers in time.

bronys are weird. they fear real life and social situations, so they find solace in a children's cartoon and the surrounding community. my problem with bronys isn't the material they obsess over, but rather their immaturity (in more than one way).

Don't take this as an insult, but you really don't know what you're talking about.


It makes me sad that there are people so intent on hurting others over their interest in a harmless fandom

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I used to think this too :/

I recently found out an old friend from high school is one of these "bronies" and he invited me to one of their pot lucks. For the most part they are good people and nice to be around. The age range at this thing was crazy to. It was people from like 15 to like 40.

Anyway it is a shame this kid couldn't find one of these meet-ups where he could be himself. Hopefully he gets better soon and his local bronie (brony?) club extends him an invite.

I still think it, it's the western version of that weird pillow with the picture of a preteen girl on it. But you can be horrified by a subculture and still be dismayed at this poor kids situation.

and worse still that we seem to be able to do so little about bullying as a whole.

I seriously think bullying can't be solved. It's a piece of human nature that would be basically impossible to repress. Depressing, but that phase of life is basically everyone freaking out trying to find their identity and for some that results in trying to climb to the top of the social pack via bullying. I don't think there is much you can do except stiff punishments for bullies, so other would be bullies can learn from others mistakes. But this doesn't help the victims of it much.


To the people attacking those kids, that same stuff pretty much happens on GAF and grown people do it.

It's not those kids fault we live in a society that encourages being judgmental.


Many on the internet will tell you that the fandom is full of pedophiles. Those people have always been dumb.

Well this was more homophobia than the usual conflation with pedophilia. It's fucked up and I hope people learn something from this.


11 and he hung himself. Now has possible brain damage


Seems like he had a supportive family too, they probably didn't fully comprehend how bad he was being bullied.


Poor boy :(

I used to be judgemental about bronies but after I watched the show with my 2 kids, I can see what the fandom is about even though it's still just a children's show in my eyes. The whole message about friendship and loyalty is really very heartwarming.


This is horrible, the kid has a passion and yet people judge as usual and cause real harm. I've even seen some gaffers insult people for liking the show and it's disgusting. Anything like this, no matter the person, is unacceptable.


Makes me scared to ever have kids if we're living in the kind of world that makes kids this young try to kill themselves.


Kid is 11, let him enjoy whatever the fuck he wants to enjoy. I say that as someone who think the stereotypical bronies are pretty creepy/annoying.
Truly awful to hear that someone so young could fall into such despair. I really hope that he pulls through and that any lasting damage is minimal.

Schools need to be better about stopping bullying. It's not kids being kids. It doesn't build character. It's not inevitable.
Millions of kids have gotten bullied. Probably all of us at some time. It can not be the sole reason behind his suicide. Obviously the kid had serious mental issues, and probably should have been getting professional help a long time ago. I'm sure the signs were there as well.

That said, bullying sucks and should be treated very seriously. Like even one complaint about it to a teacher should have serious consequences for the bullies. It should be considered an absolute no-no at schools to far more of a degree than it is. Too often it's allowed to carry on.

As for the the Brony thing, an 11-year-old boy being into it is a damn side more respectable than these fully grown guys who obsess over it. Those guys legitimately have serious issues.


This is horrible, the kid has a passion and yet people judge as usual and cause real harm. I've even seen some gaffers insult people for liking the show and it's disgusting. Anything like this, no matter the person, is unacceptable.

do you find it disgusting when gaffers make fun of Beliebers? Juggalos?
Wow, the idea of an 11 year old attempting suicide is so crazy to me.

I hope he pulls through.

This. I can't imagine what would drive someone so young to feel that ceasing to exist is their best option.

I should clairfy that I don't mean that in a negative way, but rather that I literally cannot imagine what he was going through.


I guess schools are still lax when it comes to prevention of bullying, huh? I seriously hope the kid pulls through.

Fuck, I really shouldn't read stuff like this before going to bed

Big One

Millions of kids have gotten bullied. Probably all of us at some time. It can not be the sole reason behind his suicide. Obviously the kid had serious mental issues, and probably should have been getting professional help a long time ago. I'm sure the signs were there as well.

That said, bullying sucks and should be treated very seriously. Like even one complaint about it to a teacher should have serious consequences for the bullies. It should be considered an absolute no-no at schools to far more of a degree than it is. Too often it's allowed to carry on.

As for the the Brony thing, an 11-year-old boy being into it is a damn side more respectable than these fully grown guys who obsess over it. Those guys legitimately have serious issues.
Lol so you're all about not bullying yet you're perfectly ok with degrading fully grown adults for liking something you don't see fit they should like? Who are you to decide what can be enjoyed, and what can't be enjoyed? Honestly if anyone enjoys MLP that's their business and really has no harmful effect on anything whatsoever to even warrant any critique.

A lot of people degrade people for playing video games too yet that's what this entire board is about, especially playing games and not worrying what demographic said games are going for. Hell you could literally use the MLP argument all across Gaming GAF if we're going by age, social acceptance, etc. yet it's so petty to do so cause you're basically insulting someone cause he doesn't dislike something you dislike...and again, why should we be the reigning judge on preferences in someone's hobby?


In my experience, bullies are enabled by hilariously inept school staff as much as anything. They turn a blind eye when kids are persecuted and descend like hawks to punish the ones who try to stand up for themselves. I'm not sure what can be done about that, but it shouldn't be that way.
Lol so you're all about not bullying yet you're perfectly ok with degrading fully grown adults for liking something you don't see fit they should like? Who are you to decide what can be enjoyed, and what can't be enjoyed? Honestly if anyone enjoys MLP that's their business and really has no harmful effect on anything whatsoever to even warrant any critique.

A lot of people degrade people for playing video games too yet that's what this entire board is about, especially playing games and not worrying what demographic said games are going for. Hell you could literally use the MLP argument all across Gaming GAF if we're going by age, social acceptance, etc. yet it's so petty to do so cause you're basically insulting someone cause he doesn't dislike something you dislike...and again, why should we be the reigning judge on preferences in someone's hobby?

I listened to a thing once where a lot of guys at Bronycon were interviewed. Most of them had no jobs, lived with their parents and had obvious issues with their socialisation. Many of them confessed to finding the ponys sexually attractive and beating off to them.

It's one thing to be an adult and find the show charming and watch it. It's entirely another thing to obsess over it while your life is going absolutely nowhere.
I listened to a thing once where a lot of guys at Bronycon were interviewed. Most of them had no jobs, lived with their parents and had obvious issues with their socialisation. Many of them confessed to finding the ponys sexually attractive and beating off to them.

It's one thing to be an adult and find the show charming and watch it. It's entirely another thing to obsess over it while your life is going absolutely nowhere.

Those guys are the exception rather than the rule. Not to mention, how many "Hardcore Gamers" are like that? How is being a Brony any different than being a Whovian, Trekkie, Twi-tard, Pot-head etc? Why must I only enjoy stuff that apparently has gone through a committee of "Cool Guys" who will determine what is cool and not cool to enjoy? I hope people remember stories like this next time when a pony image gets quoted and someone replies with, "Get that gay ass shit outta here!" or calls the poster a pedo.


Something is wrong with our society.

Even being depressed at 11 years old I can't imagine how suicidal thoughts would creep into my mind.

Bullies are nothing new, but the effects of bullying for the victims have become far more serious. It makes me wonder why. It's sad, but far more worrying.


I listened to a thing once where a lot of guys at Bronycon were interviewed. Most of them had no jobs, lived with their parents and had obvious issues with their socialisation. Many of them confessed to finding the ponys sexually attractive and beating off to them.
So you're saying that you based your views on bronies on an interview by Howard Stern. Good job.

Jedeye Sniv

I read a lot of nasty shit thrown against bronies on the internet, even on GAF. Never thought this would happen though

You know, I take the piss out of bronies and furries, but after seeing the Bronies doc at the weekend and reading this, my heart goes out to them. They're just weird kids who found something for them, everyone needs something they can call their own.

tbh, I wonder if the Brony hate is mainly because they're so visible (and tbh, skin crawlingly annoying and cloying). When I was a kid I was obsessed with all my nerdy shit but I kept it quiet and was still bullied. These brony kids have an obsession that is almost aggressively thumbing its nose at gender norms and the usual modes of teenage interaction. I can't help but shake the feeling that if they were a little more... closeted(?) life would be easier for them.

--I know that sounds really fucked up, but think of it this way - you're not going to be able to change twisted, homophobic and violent 13 year olds, at least not quickly enough to be any help to their tormented victims. But you can be a flamboyant or nerdy kid and just keep a bit of a lid on it until you're a bit older and more able to deal with being an outcast.

But really, as a solution that sucks.
Is there any way to send a letter to this kid? Pinkie pie also is one of my favorites. When my daughter and I go to the park or for walks we are decked out in MLP merch. Do not care at all what anyone else thinks.


The solution is so simple.

Don't let your child become a target. Yes, encourage him to be himself and all that shit, but don't send him off to school wearing pony bracelets. What did they think was going to happen? Just terrible.

This shit is part of the problem.

Why can't we accept people for being different? especially since it harms no-one.
So you're saying that you based your views on bronies on an interview by Howard Stern. Good job.

Listen, if you simply like and watch the show, then all power to you. I'm talking about those guys who are in a state of serious arrested development, or have bizarrely fetishized the ponies in the show.


Is there any way to send a letter to this kid? Pinkie pie also is one of my favorites. When my daughter and I go to the park or for walks we are decked out in MLP merch. Do not care at all what anyone else thinks.
Personalized comments for Michael via Facebook are being left via the donation site I linked earlier.
I would have to assume these are being forwarded directly to the family but you can always contact the campaign organizer if you're looking for direction on how to send cards and/or gifts.

Back at school we had a set of triplets in the year/grade below. Two of them hung themselves. They were 12.
I can't even fathom what it would be like to have two twin siblings only for them to kill themselves at the age of 12 and be the only one left.

Jedeye Sniv

This shit is part of the problem.

Why can't we accept people for being different? especially since it harms no-one.

Well, we can all try certainly. But it turns out that most 13 year olds didn't get that memo about being nice and accepting, and are judgmental little shits. We try to keep our prejudices in check, but to expect children to be enlightened and accepting is asking rather a lot imo.

Jedeye Sniv

How would you punish the bullies? How do we teach our children NOT to bully?

Bully them harder?

Man I really don't know. Personally, I think the whole thing comes down to a lack of empathy, obvs. But I think that young teens are perhaps the least empathetic creatures on the planet. Bullying is part of the whole social structure of being a teen, as terrible as it is. The whole thing is hierarchical and based on fear/respect. And as such, there will always be bullies and there will always be the bullied.

IMO, the key is more to instill our children with as much capacity for empathy as we can (often not a problem for the bullied), but also with coping strategies for dealing with bullies. And sometimes I think the best way to deal with it is to simply hide your light under a bushel for a bit. Be less of a target, as say as this is.

Most of us here were nerdy kids, we should remember what it was like and how we dealt with it.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I hope he recovers. Brain damage...so sorry for him ;_;

Eh, bulling / school responsibilities / parents responsibilities...it's a delicate matter.
However, unfortunately, there are still people out there not accepting differencies of any kind. Just days ago, we've seen all the protests on YouTube about he SuperBowl Cheerios ad, that should tell you how much there is still of this.

Maybe, mayyybe he should have left the MLP bracalet at home, but it could have still been bullied for his interests even without the bracalet.
bronys are weird. they fear real life and social situations, so they find solace in a children's cartoon and the surrounding community. my problem with bronys isn't the material they obsess over, but rather their immaturity (in more than one way).

Sorry for the bluntness, but you're an idiot if you honestly think this.

This doesn't just apply to bronies. This could apply to literally any fanbase anywhere and you just applying it to their fanbase is asinine and idiotic. You're a part of the problem I mentioned earlier.
The only thing different about the extreme brony fanbase compared to other extreme fanbases is that they make themselves way more visible.


Poor kid. To even contemplate suicide at 11, let alone try and go through with it, is pretty horrifying. The response from the brony community has been heartwarming though.
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