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2014 GAF TV Show of the Year Voting Thread! Cast your votes!

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1. True Detective
2. Fargo
3. Game of Thrones
4. Orange is the New Black
5. Hannibal
6. The Flash
7. Bob's Burgers
8. Peaky Blinders
9. Gotham
10. Rick and Morty


1. Hannibal - I'm still amazed this show is on network TV. It's truly a transcended piece of work. The first season made a name for itself as a strong adaption in its own right, the second season has made it the definitive work for Hannibal's saga. The visuals are stunning, and the acting is impeccable.

2. True Detective - It's one of the rare shows that inspired much debate after each episode. Once an episode was finished, I'd rush back online to see what the discussions were like, and what little clues I missed. Not many shows can make talking about the program just as fun as watching them.

3. The Knick - This series was the biggest surprise of the year. I was initially put off by the obnoxious TV bumps on Cinemax, but after watching the free episode on Youtube, I made a point to watch every following episode right when it premiered. Clive Owen and the rest of the cast are amazing, and Soderbergh's direction is a master class. I'm not usually partial to medical dramas, but the setting and issues of race and gender in the work place, circa 1900, makes it something much more.

4. Fargo - I never thought it would live up to the film, but it did. Martin Freeman, Billy Bob Thorton, and Allison Tolman all did an incredible job of fleshing out the world of Fargo. I'm so ready for S2.

5. Halt and Catch Fire - Despite all the other shows this year, this one holds a special place on my list. While the first half of the season was rough and showed that it was all a work in progress, it began to come together and make something special by the later half of the season. Like the characters on the show, the series really found its grove and used its strengths to its advantage. It really resonated with me, and I was very glad to see AMC believed in it and gave it a second season.

6. Louie
7. House of Cards
8. Sherlock
9. Game of Thrones
10. Penny Dreadful


1. Game of Thrones
2. Person of Interest
3. True Detective
4. Arrow
5. Fargo
6. Flash
7. The Americans
8. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. copyright t.r.a.d.e.m.a.r.k.
9. Rick & Morty

Honorable mentions: 24, Community, Jane the Virgin, Homeland, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Leftovers, Selfie

Shows that i need to finish or start watching: The Knick, Penny Dreadful, Vikings, Hannibal, Good Wife


I'm going to say right up front that I don't think these are the most QUALITY shows, simply the ones I ENJOYED the most.

1. Person of Interest - The greatest superhero show because it isn't superheroes. Somehow it's also cyberpunk. Tense as hell and super enjoyable to watch.

2. The Flash - I appreciate its sunnier disposition and refinement of what made Arrow great. Grant Gustin is great at bringing Barry, a character I never much cared for in comics, to life.

3. Arrow - Docked for having a weak opening to this season. Still enjoyable.

4. The Leftovers - Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I liked it, whatever. I appreciated its overwhelming atmosphere. So, yeah. Fuck you.

5. Review - It's funny with all these other shows on the list that this is potentially the darkest one at times. Eating 30 pancakes, man...

6. True Detective - Well acted and very moody.

7. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - I very much appreciated the evolution of the Daily Show formula that allowed John to go DEEP into some less noticed topics.

8. Brooklyn 99 - It's just a damn funny show. Andre Braugher can do comedy, man.

9. The Goldbergs - The other best sitcom on the air right now.

10. Cutthroat Kitchen - Fuck you part 2. It's more entertaining that you'd think, and something my wife and I can watch at almost any time. There are some sick people coming up with those sabotages, I tell you.

Honorable mentions (aka shows that I fell behind and didn't catch up enough on to make the list, but probably would have made it if I had watched enough):

Hannibal, Penny Dreadful, Doctor Who
1. Person of Interest
2. True Detective
3. Hannibal
4. Fargo
5. Game of Thrones
6. Orange is the New Black
7. Flash
8. Arrow
9. Community
10. Sherlock

Honorable mentions: Utopia and 24.


1. Fargo - Probably the best first season of a show I've ever watched. It's clever, stupid and just plain entertaining all the time, and at the same time. The Malvo character had some of the best lines for a villain.

2. True Detective - Great opening season. McConaughey did an awesome job as Rust. I really loved the mystery and that constant sense of dread.

3. Game of Thrones - Not much to say. Very good overall. Dinklage is

4. The Knick - The show has a very moody feeling to it. Owen did a good job, but I fear that the next season will be less interesting.

5. Louie - As much as I love Louis CK as a comedian, I just didn't feel Season 4. I don't know what those S4 rave reviews were all about. I just felt that it tried too hard to be profound.

That's it for me this year.
I'm gonna admit I'm surprised more people don't have Vikings on their lists, or even thrown in the honorable mention space.

Is that because it was so early in the year it was forgotten, or is no one watching it or really doesn't think it's quality TV?

Maybe not the place to ask - don't mean to de-rail the voting.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm gonna admit I'm surprised more people don't have Vikings on their lists, or even thrown in the honorable mention space.

Is that because it was so early in the year it was forgotten, or is no one watching it or really doesn't think it's quality TV?

Maybe not the place to ask - don't mean to de-rail the voting.

I think most people just forgot about it since it was so early in the year and it isn't riding a massive hype wave like True Detective or Game of Thrones are.
Favorite Shows of the year, but gonna rank and explain these soon enough:

The Knick
Rick and Morty
Game of Thrones
Nathan For You
Parks and Recreation
Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Honorable mentions:
Community - Not on the list because Pierce and Troy were some of my favorite characters. Shame they aren't there anymore. =/

The Walking Dead - One of the better seasons so far, but considering its on midseason break I won't give them the benefit of the doubt.

South Park - One of the funniest seasons in awhile. Yah Yah Yah

Silicon Valley - Mean Jerk Time

True Detective - Powerhouse performances. Ending and final boss were lackluster to me.
To everyone mentioning Hannibal:



1. The Good Wife
2. Shameless
3. Fargo
4. The Knick
5. Halt and catches Fire
6. Louie
7. Last week tonight
8. True detective
9. South Park
10. Silicon Valley


1. Game of thrones
There's TV before GOT and then there's TV after GOT. It has raised the bar and expectations for what can be expected of a TV show.

2. True Detective
This might just prove to be a pivotal show in the history of television as far as impact. It has shown to movie actors that TV isn't beneath them. We are already seeing a flood of A-list movie talent sign up for 2015 shows.

3. Penny Dreadful
Mixing Victorian England with demons and Eva Green was just about the most brilliant idea ever.

4. Gotham
A really interesting show that already got me hooked. Never thought I'd be interested in comic book characters.

5. 2 Broke Girls
Funniest show on TV. Also looking forward to her next dig on hipsters.

6. New girl
Jess is adorkable and so is this show. Although they really should call it the Schmidty Show at this point.

7. Last Man Standing
Stumbled last season with too much focus on the grandson but has righted the ship this season.

8. Once upon a time
Got a little corny recently but still one of the most imaginative shows on TV. Lana Parilla has reinvented the villain.

9. Brooklyn 99
I hope this show lasts 10 seasons. I would watch Boyle do a cooking show as long as Gina was there to be the peanut gallery.

10. Archer
As long as Archer seems to find time to read literary classics in between being an international spy and a sex crazed party animal, I will find time to watch Archer.


Man I watched very few TV shows this year, have still to check out Transparent.

1. Rectify

2. Gomorrah

3. The Knick

4. Broad City

5. Louie

6. Mad Men

7. Fargo

8. Sherlock

9. True Detective

10. Game of Thrones

will edit comments later.


1. True Detective
2. Game of Thrones
3. Hannibal
4. Fargo
5. Leftovers
6. Getting On
7. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
8. Penny Dreadful
9. Gotham
10. The Good Wife
1. Fargo
2. True Detective
3. Game of Thrones
4. Silicon Valley
5. Hannibal
6. Orange is the New Black
7. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
8. Shameless
9. The Colbert Report
10. The Daily Show with John Stewart

I think those are literally all the shows I've watched that had seasons this year (just swapped out the last two from Enlisted and Suits, which I also watched this year). Also went through: Carnivale, Endgame (Hulu), Deadbeat (Hulu), Hello Ladies, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, Blue Mountain State, Twin Peaks (rewatch), and Full Metal Alchemist.

I might add descriptions/change rankings as I binge watch while on the holiday break. I'm thinking of watching Rectify and Wonderfalls.

Gray Matter

Ok, here's my list:

1-True Detective: I'll be honest, I was a bit skeptical about this show before it aired. It had such a serious vibe from them trailers and the previews, and I also didn't think the actors could pull off such serious roles, but i was proven wrong. The first episode was like a punch to the gut, it caught me off guard. Not only were the performance phenomenal, but the writing, the directing, the score, everything was great. Cannot wait until season 2.

2-Peaky Blinders: Man, this one was great. everything that I loved about true detective was the same with peaky blinders, and it also added one more thing that i love history. although it isn't completely accurate, it doesn't away from the enjoyment.

3-Game of Thrones: This is one that i started watching this year after many, many recommendations. i was hesitant to start watching because it was a lot to catch on and it's a very complicated world to get into with all the characters and locations involved, i still don't know all the characters names, but its a great show nonetheless.

That's it. I did watch a lot of TV this year, but it was older shows. there are some newer things i watched but i cannot remember, but it doesnt matter. these are my top 3.


1. olive kitteridge

"A middle-school math teacher Olive and her relationships with Henry which spans 25 years." (4 hour miniseries)

i feel a little insecure that the reason this show is my favourite of the year is deeply personal. it's irrational, no? any top list is inherently personal, reflecting my personal choices in what to watch, my personal interests, my personal taste in narrative, comedy, aesthetics, structure, probably even how good or bad my day was when i watched the show. yet saying that this show resonated with me feels like cheap sentimentality, instead of praising the fantastically good frances mcdormand performance which is never not gripping, the complexity of the characters, the warts and all depiction of marriage, the clever way it jumps through time and moments and shifts its focus without letting it feel like a slideshow of a life, a show that focuses on the distinct lives of the elderly instead of good looking young people. the more rational explanations. yet it's inescapable how much this show felt true to my own family. there's a little bit of my grandparents, a little bit of my parents, a little bit of me. the patterns of mental illness over generations haunting in the background and foreground, the way nearly all the family members are trapped in their own mental cage, so rarely able to escape it to make a connection. the final shot is of a hug between two characters, i wanted to give every character in this show a hug :(

2. transparent

"An LA family with serious boundary issues have their past and future unravel when a dramatic admission causes everyone's secrets to spill out."
(season 1, 10 x 30 mins)

so this show would be the opposite to my experience with my no.1 choice. i'm not trans, i don't personally know anyone who is trans, so this is about experiencing something new, something outside my life experience, spending time with a family drama entirely unlike my own. this show is grounded in the terrific performance of jeffrey tambor as maura, who after an entire life living as a man decides in retirement to transition into a woman. the show follows this process of transition, as well as flashing back to how maura realizes she identified as a woman and the process that led to this decision. tambor brings a deep sadness to the performance, one where you really feel the weight on of the character of living with this for the entire life and only truly feeling themselves so late in their life and with such social consequences, but also as a comedy actor a warmth to it that comes through. it's a joy to watch. the show also follows the ripples that this has on maura's three children, whose aimless, messy and disconnected lives is contrasted with maura's strong sense of purpose and self-understanding earned over years of life experience and self-reflection. seeing these two periods of life clash between one family makes for fascinating viewing.

3. over the garden wall

"Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home."
(mini-series, 10 x 11 mins)

a lovely bit of animated storytelling. feels like a marriage between some of the ironic sense of humour, quick bursts of naked emotional honesty and episodic structure of modern american cartoons like adventure time, with the dark, twisted fantasy tone of classic fairytales and a complete specific story instead of open ended aimlessness. yet the combination works. it's creepy, charming, beguiling, moving and surprising, visually delightfully animated, and the way it concludes its story is very clever, yet each episodic adventure is nicely constructed too. i really want to see more of this stuff, i don't think there's much of a market for this on the big screen anymore (maybe paranorman is similar in recent times, plus ghibli, but in general) but i like the length.

4. rectify, season 2

"Daniel Holden must put his life back together after serving 19 years on Georgia's Death Row before DNA evidence calls his conviction into question."
(10 x 45 mins)

this is an extraordinary show. a really complex, dark drama exploring the logical result of how we construct our legal system with a focus on a single family and community, with tons of style as it borrows from the malick to deliver something spellbinding and often beautiful. the second season continues in the same form, with a finale that's as emotionally draining as anything, yet it packs a weaker punch than the first season as you become more used to its world, spend less time turning over in your mind what it means to be in daniel's situation and feeling sick.

5. mad men, season 7 pt.1

"A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most mysterious but extremely talented ad executives, Donald Draper." (7 x 45 mins)

this is probably the best show currently airing looking at the complete series, but i feel like the last two seasons have stumbled a bit, at least within mad men's high standards of craft. spread too thin among ideas and characters, lacking focus. now it's finishing the story of these characters, this is a real return to form. a brilliant half season of television. don is suddenly an interesting character again, the episodes are densely packed, beautifully constructed, masterfully weaved into the period setting thematically and emotionally so strong.

honorable mentions: broad city, veep, so did the fat lady episode of louie, getting on, true detective

1. Orange is the new Black ; An even better season than the first, it was so interesting getting more backstory on what might be the greatest cast of characters on television. Yael Stone as Lorna was especially incredible. The season needed more Laverne Cox though.

2. The Flash ; I love this show, a TV adaptation of my favorite superhero could not have gone any better, it's fun and lighthearted which is a nice contrast to Arrow and the action is fantastic, with great CG for a TV show. The Arrow crossover is probably my favorite episode of anything all year.

3. Brooklyn Nine Nine ; Was a huge surprise last season, and now it's the funniest show running. Andre Braugher as Captain Holt has fucking amazing comedic timing.

4.The Legend of Korra ; Season 3 specifically, the final season was mostly disappointing, but the Red Lotus was a great group of antagonists, with justifiable motivations, and the finale with them going up against Korra's group had some sublime animations and some of the more creative and explosive uses of bending in the series.

5. Arrow ; What a finale! That fight went exactly the way it was supposed to.

6. 24; This was perfect, 12 episodes is exactly what 24 needs to be going forward, this season never let up. Thiey really knocked it out of the window.

7.Black-ish; It's great to have the Bernie Mac show back.

8. Game of Thrones ;

9. Mad Men;


I'll give it a try, I'll add comments as soon as I can, might change something before the end. It's been a weird year for me. Not much really grabbed me sadly.

1. True Detective ;
2. The Good Wife ;
3. House of Cards ;
4. Vikings ;
5. South Park ;
6. The Leftovers ;
7. Mad Men ;
8. Agents of SHIELD ;
9. Game of Thrones ;
10. Boardwalk Empire ;
Just finished the first season of Hannibal and I have every intention of completing the second within the next week, so there's a very good chance my Top 10 will change before the year is over.


Neo Member
1. True Detective
2. Fargo
3. Game of Thrones
4. Hannibal
5. Sherlock
6. House of Cards
7. Homeland
8. The Flash
9. Boardwalk Empire
10. Arrow
Just finished the first season of Hannibal and I have every intention of completing the second within the next week, so there's a very good chance my Top 10 will change before the year is over.

I wish I could watch Hannibal season two for the first time again. It's even better than the first season, so you'll have a total blast.

Oops, think I just spoiled what my number one is going to be once I get around to making my list.


1. Person of Interest: I have a strong dislike for collective end of the year awards, be it games, films, television shows, whatever. A collective opinion on what is great has always felt useless to me since it is literally a popularity contest and I never feel like I learn anything meaningful from it other than what is hot right now. But fuck it, S3 and S4 of Person of Interest are so good I am willing to toss aside that logic and throw out a shout for the show. It's quite literally the only show to ever engross me enough from week to week to watch it live instead of waiting for it to hit the broadcaster's website or netflix/hulu. Just sitting here typing this has me all excited for the next episode which feels so far away from us right now, I can barely wait.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wish I could watch Hannibal season two for the first time again. It's even better than the first season, so you'll have a total blast.

Oops, think I just spoiled what my number one is going to be once I get around to making my list.

A tie between Arrow and The Flash? But alas, no ties are allowed here! You have some hard decisions ahead, that's for sure!
1. Person of Interest
2. The Flash
3. Justified
4. Doctor Who
5. Agents of SHIELD
6. 24
7. Castle
8. Arrow
9. Fargo
10. Gotham

Pretty much the only shows I watch, outside of The Blacklist, which I only caught up on Netflix with.


1) Hannibal

Hannibal is the only show I love on TV right now so I don't have any other entries. I like classic television shows that aren't flashy "anthology" shows and don't have revolving casts. I love the hybrid Monster of the Week / Hannibal mythos format. It feels a bit retro in my eyes, and with Gillian Anderson in the cast it's pretty much a perfect storm for me.
I really need to check out Fargo and True Detective

1. Hannibal; Season 1 was great. But Season 2 was masterful. From the fantastic cold open to the jaw-dropping finale, every episode just oozed with style, symbolism, and blood. What a gripping, engrossing, and fucked-up show.

2. The Flash; Flash was top-notch from the pilot and never looked back. Surprising good effects, fun characters, and an engaging interestig story

3. The Walking Dead; I've been a fan of TWD since Season 1 and this season has been the best yet

4. The Strain; as a fan of the books, it was great to see the story come to life. There were flaws and some WTF moments, but I'm eagerly awaiting season 2

5. Marco Polo; show certainly had its flaws but as a history buff, I loved the era, the characters, the political intrigue. Benedict Wong was excellent as Kublai Khan, and the series was full of excellent cinematography and some awesome martial arts


1. Orange is the New Black
One my favorite shows of all time. It is in the GOAT tier, right below Twin Peaks but above Firefly.

2. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Absolutely blew me away. In its first year it is already way better than both The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.

3. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The quality really picked up this year, and as a fan of the Marvel Universe it is great to get to revisit that world regularly through the show.

4. The Flash
Lighthearted, goofy superhero fun. What is there not to love?

5. Arrow
I actually binged through the entire series this year and it was a pretty great ride. The crossover with Flash was great.

Also a big WTF to both Walking Dead and American Horror Story for being so poop this year. I feel like the only reason I have been watching both is out of habit, hopping they will return to their former glory.


1. Parenthood - It's sappy and corny but I love this show; probably because I'm a middle-aged parent. Really love the characters and family dynamic. Sad this is the last season.

2. Hannibal - Such style. Hugh and Mads are fantastic.

3. True Detective Amazing acting all around. I still think about that one long unbroken shot. Had me on the edge of my seat.

4. Louie - My wife doesn't like the fact that this show doesn't fall into a single category. It isn't a full on comedy. It isn't a drama. And that's probably my favorite thing about it. It's poignant, touching and, yes, funny.

5. You're the Worst - A unique take on a modern romance. Two people who don't seem to like much of anything find out that they like each other. I love that it does away with the romantic stereotypes. Plus, I'm hot for Lindsay.

6. Game of Thrones - Sometimes I think there's too much going on in this, but find it so damned entertaining. Great ride.

7. Orange is the New Black - Great variety of unique characters.


I just don't watch much tv hence the short list. But I'm voting anyway ;p

1. The Good Wife
2. The Flash
3. 24

For the record I also watched 2 episodes of Naked and Afraid out of sheer (wtf?!) curiosity. But I would not like it to receive any points so I will not include it at #4. :)


A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I watched the entirety of at least 15 shows this year and I would still like to get True Detective in before voting closes. I watch too much TV.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
1. True Detective
2. South Park
3. Fargo
4. Agents of Shield
5. The Flash
6. Arrow
7. Hannibal
8. 24
9. House of Cards
10. Game of Thrones


1) Wentworth - It's basically Orange is the New Black set in Australia. Has just as many unique and interesting characters but actually has a plot/narrative/depth that i feel "Orange" lacks.

2) How to get away with murder
  1. Game of Thrones - 9/10 - strong, interesting season with awesome character developments.
  2. Hannibal - 8/10 - Finally it reaches where the third season will be a completely different creature
  3. Penny Dreadful - 7/10 - Unexpectedly entertaining and well put together.


1. The Flash
2. Arrow
3. The Walking Dead
4. Hell on Wheels -
Ruth... :(
5. Scandal
6. blackish
7. Power
8. Sleepy Hollow
9. Homeland - Despite the
, it was a good season....
10. TURN - Honestly ties with The Last Ship, AoS, Black Sails and Legends but gets a slight nod for


1. The Knick ;
2. Hannibal ;
3. True Detective ;
4. House Of Cards ;
5. Kingdom ;
6. Game of Thrones ;
7. Scandal ;
8. How to get away with murder ;
9. Red Band Society ;

If The Knick is not on your list it means that you didn't watch the show at all, go do it, NOW

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