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25 Hottest Girls list at High School gets police involved.

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Article: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06116/685098-55.stm

Explicit ranking of high school girls sparks outrage in Mt. Lebanon
'Top 25' list details students' looks, bodies
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

By Mary Niederberger and Nikki Schwab, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Mt. Lebanon School District and Mt. Lebanon police are investigating the distribution of an anonymous document that features sexually explicit descriptions of 25 girls at the high school.

The document, titled "Top 25 in 2006," ranks the girls in order from one to 25. It includes their names, grade levels and photos.

Each girl is assigned a letter grade for her breasts, buttocks and face, followed by a brief description of each girl in crude and vulgar terms.

There are references to girls performing oral sex and comments about their height and weight.

One girl, an entry said, "seemed to be a very consistent candidate among the ballots of the males, her consistency allowed her to achieve top 10 status."

There is one instance where a description ridicules a girl's ethnic heritage. All of the girls in the "top 25" are sophomores, juniors and seniors.

"I think that it's outrageous, the equivalent of a written rape on our daughter," said the father of one girl, who didn't want his name published to protect his daughter's identity.

He and another parent said they are frustrated that the district hasn't disciplined the students who created the publication.

The second father said he has done some investigating and talked to students, including his children, who told him that ballots to choose the "Top 25" were circulated at high school basketball games and that students had been seen reading the list in the school cafeteria.

He said he embarked on his investigation after Mt. Lebanon High School Principal Zeb Jansante told him that the list was not a district matter because none of the activities involved with it took place on school grounds.

Contacted last night, however, Dr. Jansante denied that he told the parent it was not a district matter. He said the information he had at the time indicated that the document was not created on school grounds. Dr. Jansante said he turned over the information that the father gathered to the district's investigating committee.

Several parents learned of the list earlier this month after it circulated as an e-mail. It was brought to the attention of Mt. Lebanon Superintendent George Wilson on April 6 by a parent who provided him with a hard copy of the document the next day, said district spokeswoman Cissy Bowman.

Dr. Wilson could not be reached for comment because he is out of town. But Ms. Bowman said the superintendent immediately contacted the Mt. Lebanon police and asked for a criminal investigation.

The police conducted their investigation during the week of April 9, but reported back that they could find no basis for criminal charges, Ms. Bowman said. On April 17, Dr. Wilson initiated a district investigation into the publication. The investigation is being conducted by members of the school district administration.

Ms. Bowman said district officials interviewed several students on April 17, but would not elaborate. "The investigation is ongoing. We don't have a final report," she said.

Mt. Lebanon Police Chief Thomas A. Ogden Jr. said the "Top 25" list is "in very poor taste," but that his department could not substantiate that any crime had been committed. He said the only crime that his department or the district attorney's office could possibly connect to the list would be if it were mailed or e-mailed to the homes of the girls on the list.

"Then it might be harassment by communication and even then we would have to have a victim willing to testify," the chief said. As far as his investigation determined, the list was not sent to any of the girls.

The chief said he is still looking into the possibility of filing charges over the ethnic comments made about one of the girls.

Chief Ogden said his department's investigation is still open, but at a standstill unless new information is received. He also said it appears that this may not be the first year for the Top 25 list since there are references in some of the descriptions about the girls moving up or down on the list.

School Board President Joseph Rodella said he has heard from a number of parents about the publication but that he is trying to stay away from the details of the investigation because if disciplinary action is taken against students and it rises to the level of an expulsion, the school board sits as a jury to hear the case against the student.

As for the publication itself, he said: "This is reprehensible, deplorable. There is not a single typed phrase in there that does not disgust me. There is no way we could take this lightly and we don't."

School Director Mark Hart released a statement via e-mail yesterday calling for the board to vote on the termination of the district's superintendent, high school principal, director of human resources, director of communication and solicitor for their parts in the handling of the investigation.

Mr. Hart said he has heard from a number of parents of girls who are on the Top 25 list and that he believes the district should have taken swift action on the issue.

"The families in our community should expect protection and help when they're hurt. Instead, our administration and some board members ignore our problems and try to cover them up," he said.

None of the other school directors contacted by the Post-Gazette joined in Mr. Hart's call for terminations. School Director Carol Walton declined comment, echoing Mr. Rodella's stance that board members may have to sit in judgment over the students involved.

School Director Alan Silhol and Dan Remely heard about it last Thursday. Both said they wanted to get all of the facts before commenting further.

"Something is definitely going to be done," Mr. Silhol said.

Dr. Jansante said the district is examining to see whether the publication violates the district's sexual harassment policy. He also said the investigation could wrap up by the end of the week.

Anyone with information is asked to call the superintendent's office.

We welcome any information that anyone might have that is not hearsay," Dr. Jansante said. "They can call the superintendent's office and they will be directed to the appropriate people."

I got a kick out of the list although some of the people at the school clearly have questionable tastes.

White Man

Link to list has been removed. Do not repost it. These people are minors and they don't need this shit vectored over the internet any more.


goddamit, Griese!
The top 4 are ok...then 5-19 are hideous. 20-25 are ok.

They're just face pictures anyway. The funniest part was the write-ups about each girl. They try and make it sound so professional, and half-way pull it off.

All guys did something like this in high school, whether it was just an informal rank between you and your closest buds about your top three in the school or whatever. These guys that put the list together really went all out though.


goddamit, Griese!

If only she went to that school. She'd be #1.


white man gave me the ok to post the list sans names and photos. since I hate y'all, just the top half or so.

1. -723 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: A+

Ass Grade: A+

Face Grade: A+

Reason on Top 25: dominated the ballots in the 2006 and is likely to go back to back years in achieving first place. Her main competition next year will be younger sister , who can make some noise as a freshman. easily took 1st place by a point gap 73 points. She was a rising star in freshman and sophomore and many guys said she had the potential to be one of the greatest. In junior year, she has finally reached her full potential and turned into one fine piece of delicious ass. is also the only girl the guys can openly debate whether her shit does, or does not stink.

2. -645 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: C

Ass Grade: A+

Face Grade: A+

Reason on Top 25: Despite her egocentric views, beauty and her big round ass makes this quality easily forgettable. Now after 4 years of hard work, Emily has easily emerged to one of the most bangable, luscious girls in Mount Lebanon High School. Her true potential started blooming in sophomore year and has carried and even grew all the way to senior year. We all know we want to lather up that ass with some ketchup and dip our hot dog into it.

3. -634 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: A+

Ass Grade: B+

Face Grade: A+

Reason on Top 25: Although fitting all stereotypes of a cheerleader,large wonderful breasts and gorgeous face propelled her into the number 3 position. Always thought of as a girl to watch, she blossomed into what everyone hoped she some day would. She does a great job in using the brain cells she has to cordially select her outfits to illustrate her many positive aspects of her body. All the boys in the senior class are just counting the days when her and break up so they can move in for the kill on her luscious, fresh, and splendid vagina.

4. -614 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: C

Ass Grade: A+

Face Grade: A

Reason on Top 25: Regardless of her piss-poor personality, infamous plump and round ass is appreciated by all heterosexual men. Disappointing many through the middle school years in which she showed a striking resemblance to her brother in all physical features, has emerged and developed into legitimate top 5 inductee in the 2006 voting. Although she is a strong “freshman 15” candidate, we expect her to overcome this and experience greatness in future years.

5. -565 points

Grade: Sophomore

Titty Grade: C-

Ass Grade: A

Face Grade: A+

Reason on Top 25: While she is only a sophomore, there is still room for much improvement in this potential hall of famer. If she keeps this pace up, in her senior year we can see a new record in overall point totals. Her potential was evident in her early middle school years, and the upper class heterosexual males salivated at the thought of her arrival. In the future, we expect nothing short of greatness.

6. -487 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: B-

Ass Grade: B+

Face Grade: A

Reason on Top 25: Even though recent events have dropped her weight below the century mark, has shocked the world and achieved the number 6 spot. While some wonder if she walks around with a silver spoon up her ass, those who don’t have placed her among some of Lebo’s finest. Morgan could make a potential run at the top 5 next year after seeing the results in her junior year.

7. -414 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: D+

Ass Grade: A

Face Grade: B+

Reason on Top 25: Disregarding the fact has been contaminated by fellow Mount Lebanon Alumni , her birth canal still seems to be fresh and on everyone’s mind. showed her potential in the summer of sophomore year and the boners were rising among the males. seemed to be a very consistent candidate among the ballots of the males, her consistency allowed her to achieve top 10 status. Do not expect to drop in the rankings next year, for that there is only room for her to improve.

8. -374 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: B+

Ass Grade: B+

Face Grade: A-

Reason on Top 25: While there isn’t a drug will not try, it seems she still manages to keep her looks and figure. Although she lost some edge, still remains one of the most appetizing girls in Mount Lebanon High School. Inside information claims she gives one hell of a blowjob and she is nasty in the sheets. Many worry about future due to the fact there is not an inhalant or needle she did not enjoy but the males are pulling for her to keep up with her good looks.

9. -366 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: A+

Ass Grade: B

Face Grade: B

Reason on Top 25: Mt. McKinley is said to be the biggest mountain in the United States, while Mt. Everest is said to be the biggest mountain in the world. Although those two mountains have some respect across the world, they do not in Mount Lebanon High School. The only two mountains on the minds of the boys in this school are the two that rest on chest. The twins of give her a huge edge for next year, as well as the future.

10. -325 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: B+

Ass Grade: B-

Face Grade: B+

Reason on Top 25: While her favorite hook up spots are either at a golf course or in a hay maze, this did not bother the guys in voting her into the top 10. Some say it was her year round tan look, while others say that she has a nice set of lungs propped up on her chest, either way, serves as a decent candidate for the top 10. Discovered as a sleeping in freshman year, has obviously woken up and serves as some good eye candy during school.

11. -317 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: A+

Ass Grade: A-

Face Grade: B

Reason on Top 25: Although deep down she has the dirty Mexican spice in her blood, seems to overcome the diversity of a beaner and still remain a scrumptious slab of mutton. She uses her razor wisely to get rid of unwanted Mexican hair and uses a perfume to keep the taco smell off of her. She was always a favorite of the senior class, but dropped to the 11 spot due to the fact she is unknown. still remains high on the list and it could be said she successfully crossed the border.

12. -302 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: C-

Ass Grade: B-

Face Grade: B+

Reason on Top 25: Although some consider height a big turn off, some look at the bright side and say she is the perfect height to suck a dick. Even though falling behind younger sister , number 12 ranking is a big success due to the fact she had periods of her career where the guys were not her number one fans. The future remains up in the air for Jordan, if she stays skinny, she will still be a nice girl to look at, if she puts on weight, well short and fat is not the best combination for a girl.

13. -278 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: B

Ass Grade: C

Face Grade: A

Reason on Top 25: While some worry about developing her own gravitational pull, beautiful face and nicely sized cans put her into the number 13 spot. Despite the fact that many are alarmed at coming in this high, she does have some positive qualities to offer if you look beyond the expansion of her belt buckle. has one of the best faces many dudes have ever seen. Also, her titties seemed nicely formed and probably a B pushing on a C cup. If can slim down a little and let those titties pop out the top of a turtleneck, we are talking about top 10 possibilities.

14. -271 points

Grade: Junior

Titty Grade: D

Ass Grade: A+

Face Grade: B

Reason on the Top 25: When first glancing at from the front, one sees a cute girl that one would obviously let smoke it but wouldn’t think about pursuing her as a bitch to bring home as a trophy. When you pass her, you turn around a see a big bubble of gloriousness that is just waiting for a big fat weiner to be slammed inside. was a sleeper her freshman year and was brought into the poon tang game in her early sophomore year. If you throw a set of lungs on , we could easily see this girl sneak into the top 5.

15. -264 points

Grade: Sophomore

Titty Grade: D+

Ass Grade: A-

Face Grade: B+

Reason on Top 25: Despite having a smaller vocabulary then , managed to use her retarded ness as a turn on and slither into the number 15 spot. is a big fan of baseball but has only seemed to have gone to third base twice before with two guys. Hopefully in the future, improves her swing and manages to knock around some nut sacs and maybe put one over the left field fence for a homerun.


goddamit, Griese!
Ugliest girl on the list:

17. 225 points

Grade: Senior

Titty Grade: C-

Ass Grade: Used to be an A+, now a C+

Face Grade: B-

Reason on Top 25: While many, many people question her eating habits, Juli somehow managed to slip her skeleton like body under the door into the number 17 position. Pussy experts are questioning whether or not the ballots were fixed and some people are demanding for a recount. But this is unnecessary since this girl’s life has ended since she didn’t get into her number one choice school Penn (That’s a tough one to swallow) and we feel taking her off would be too harsh. Juli used to be a top 15 candidate when she weighed over 25 pounds, but now we question her future due to the fact she is on pace to use a cheerio as a hoo-la-hoop in 2 years.


The real kicker here is that the document containing the rankings and photos appears to be on a school sponsored server :lol
Bah, they are just high school girls. Some of them are quite hot but honestly I don't think any of them are amazing. I think college spoiled me, especially considering my school (Florida State) is almost always in Playboy's list of Top 10 Colleges with the hottest girls. :D

El Papa

When I first saw this topic title I though, "Hm, this must have happened somewhere in a super white, somewhat affluent area". Little did I know how right I was.
Diablos said:
The real kicker here is that the document containing the rankings and photos appears to be on a school sponsored server :lol
The website also says that the funding has been cut off.


lol dammit I wanted pictures... ughh i just scratched my finger with my teeth and I think i just tasted semen... Its not to bad.


I read through the list; it really is pathetic. The jokes and descriptions are lame. I hope a freshman or sophmore put that together, because it contains ridiculously immature and tactless writing throughout.


12343X10234324. xxx-0 points
Grade: Senior
Titty Grade: Z-
Ass Grade: Z-
Face Grade: Z-
Reason NOT on Top 25: With fish head and maggot filled pussy, and her sour milk filled lumps resting on her chest, xxx has achieved what no girl has ever achieved and has lost to everyone in Mount Lebanon High School. This cottage cheese filled disgusting thing has every single guy hiding in their lockers when she struts her greasy ass self down the hallway. All creation on this earth pray that no one will ever come close to the cruelty she exposes to men’s eyes.



I went to high school in Mt Lebanon, so I've been been hearing all sorts of crap about this for a while now...I still can't believe this resulted in a police investigation and people are demanding the principal's head...

The worst was when mom asked me whether or not anyone actually talked like that about girls when I was in high school, clearly expecting me to say "of course not, these are the only high school students to ever objectify women" or something like that.
DarienA said:
Damn no girls of color on this list... very disappointed.
That's because there aren't any in the town.

I think there was like one my year. I'd be surprised if that's changed at all.
"Reason on Top 25: While there isn’t a drug will not try, it seems she still manages to keep her looks and figure. Although she lost some edge, still remains one of the most appetizing girls in Mount Lebanon High School. Inside information claims she gives one hell of a blowjob and she is nasty in the sheets. Many worry about future due to the fact there is not an inhalant or needle she did not enjoy but the males are pulling for her to keep up with her good looks."

:lol I dont think her parents liked reading this one.


Gruco said:
The worst was when mom asked me whether or not anyone actually talked like that about girls when I was in high school, clearly expecting me to say "of course not, these are the only high school students to ever objectify women" or something like that.
Yeah, it's kind of shocking how in the dark some parents are about what really goes on out there. Lists like these are probably made all the time.
Diablos said:
Yeah, it's kind of shocking how in the dark some parents are about what really goes on out there. Lists like these are probably made all the time.
I don't know about full blown lists. Sure there was the occasional "who has the nicest rack" and stuff like that but we didn't go all out like these kids did. Funny as hell nonetheless.


lacks enthusiasm.
Jewbacca said:
lol dammit I wanted pictures... ughh i just scratched my finger with my teeth and I think i just tasted semen... Its not to bad.

I... uh..... Don't say stuff like that man.


Systems_id said:
I don't know about full blown lists. Sure there was the occasional "who has the nicest rack" and stuff like that but we didn't go all out like these kids did. Funny as hell nonetheless.
You can never know for sure.


Putting it up on the internet with each girl's name and picture is a bit too much though, so I can agree with the student's suspension. The huge backlash though is retarded as ever.


I'm following the drama over at SA. Someone mentioned in the document is talking all about it.

The spicier parts, for reference.

(the guy who made it, who apparently is the son of the principal's secretary)


This was written by one of the jock-faggot types at our school, and because I was a member of the stoner/druggy crew, the fact that I hooked up with this girl was taboo.

I was seethingly mad at him for writing that, but I got over it and it's now pretty funny. I just feel bad for Amber, she's a really nice girl and didn't deserve that kind of mockery.

She's also unbelievably smoking.

Fuck Mt. Lebanon, this place is ridiculously self-absorbed.


Yes, there was a voting system, ballots were passed out to the guys at varsity basketball games.

And whoever said that about angry boyfriends, most of these girls were single at the time, and the ones with boyfriends usually didn't get a terrible write up. How cowardly


I almost got kicked outta high school for making a hottest girls list on www.freevote.com
They threatened to sew me for miss using the school name.
All the guys thought i was a god among men yet i got slapped by every single girl i crossed that day.

J2 Cool

Too bad the principal hasn't read any diaries lately. The kid was just going for comedy, success or failure. It's a guy thing, not a threatening piece of material.

"I think that it's outrageous, the equivalent of a written rape on our daughter," said the father of one girl, who didn't want his name published to protect his daughter's identity.

Lamest bit of the article. You know this moron would be all over a Top 25 list at work.


Pretty stupid, but typical High School bs. I know people at my high school did something similar, except they made a password-protected site out of it (I was never granted the pass, either =/) Kind of silly that the police had to get involved, as well.


This is ridiculous in so many ways.

It also brings a story to mind. I'll try to keep it brief:

In the 8th grade I started a stupid email forward that was "YOU KNOW YOU'RE FROM MELVINDALE IF:" and it was funny and I shared it with my friends and they added shit and we all eventually forgot about it.

I got a hold of what it had become my junior year. For a time, people - not realizing it started with me, as I did not sign it - used it to bash on my friends and I (poorly, I might add), and then it turned to stupid petty crap about people I didn't care about. And I got a hold of it cos one of the younger students in my Drama Club had dropped it, and so I asked him about it:

Turns out he had gotten suspended for creating it XD
J2 Cool said:
Too bad the principal hasn't read any diaries lately. The kid was just going for comedy, success or failure. It's a guy thing, not a threatening piece of material.

I disagree. While I wouldn't call it "written rape", it's a pretty strong case for sexual harassment. Being that it was HS students, it'd be pretty irresponsible to just let it slide and allow that kind of behavior to continue.

Guys may "rate" women when they're talking to their buddies at the water cooler but when it becomes so vulgar and graphic and circulated in a text document, it's getting to the point where it needs to be stopped. It wouldn't fly in a work environment and it certainly shouldn't fly in HS in IMHO.
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